Hungary's Most Touristy Place - Tihany 2023

Hungary's Most Touristy Place - Tihany 2023

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hey there I'm on my way to Hungary's most touristy  place well at least outside the Castle District   of Budapest but this is different I'm in the  countryside and the place where I'm going is   right over there behind these hills so this is the  peninsula of Tihany the peninsula in Lake Balaton and where I'm going to is the town the main town  of this peninsula which is also named Tihany   an interesting thing is that the name Tihany  comes from a Slavic word meaning quiet and   there are definitely some quiet places around  here especially if you go walking up these hills   there are lots of hiking trails but  the place where I'm going is more   like the absolute opposite of quiet so let's go just left my bike near the main parking  lot where most people of course park   their cars and what I'm going to do now  is just a tour of the main tourist trail   in this town so I would say  if you have already been here   this video will probably be not so interesting  for you so in that case better stop watching [Music] and here we already got the first lavender  shop so there is some some tradition of   growing lavender in this region which has  started I think in the early 20th century   and during communist time it became  less popular because you know lavender   is not one of the things you absolutely  absolutely need for your living but during the past I would  say 10 to 20 years it became   more popular again but more for touristy reasons  so well not that much traffic here but you have   to know that it's a really hot day one of  the hottest this year got about 35 degrees nice restaurant here at least it looks nice not so sure  about the actual quality of food leather stuff which is normally actually still   quite cheap and Hungary even  in touristy places like this foreign Okay so this will go on like this I would say for   another 300 400 meters I'm not sure if it  will be interesting to film all the time but anyway no matter how touristy this  place is it is really a nice location and we're getting closer to the  main attraction of this town really not too many tourists here today but you know look at this iiew  look at this view over the North Eastern part of Lake Balaton there's lots of sailing boats all over the place well this is really outstanding I think and on  the top of this hill this is the Benedictine Abbey   of Tihany so this is actually  the center of it all so to say so   you have to admit that these Benedictine  monks really had a taste for great locations so Tihany is one of the few places in  Hungary outside Budapest where you can see   a significant number of tourists from outside  Europe and they typically are on a city tour   staying a few nights in Budapest so that's the  abbey and one of the most popular day trips   is the one to Tihany to Lake Balaton which  is about 120 kilometers so you can go here   by bus in about two hours stay for a few  hours have lunch and then go back to Budapest   so that's the abbey and I think I didn't  mention that Tihany is also part of the 2023   European Culture Capital event so  it's not only Veszprem it's also   basically the whole Northern shore of  Lake Balaton and all of this has been   a construction site for about I would say two  years but now it's at least almost finished let's go to the top of this hill which is actually really nice park okay part of it seems to be a graveyard what is this maybe you have to view it from the other  side okay so it's oh I think this is just maybe to get water for for the plants  growing on the graves I don't know so this is quite interesting so it's a kitchen  off Golgotha obviously but what I find special   are these crosses you know they  they seem to be made of complete   tree trunks normally you see the crosses  made of rectangular bars but these are   real not real but they look like tree trunks  so this is something I have never seen before I don't think you can see this very well but  here you have a look a view on the so-called   Belsö Tó the Inner Lake which is a small lake  inside the peninsula and in the background I don't   think you can see this there is the other the  other side of the Malachi well Southwestern side so really few tourists here   so I'm planning to to tell you some more  things about tourism at Lake volaton in general at least that's what I'm planning so when you come here for the first time  I recommend to go inside this church   and there is also a museum attached to it I'm  not gonna do that because I have been here   at least two times before and the entrance fee is  well for Hungarian circumstances it is quite high   it's about 7.50 Euro so these are prices  which well a few years ago I would have expected   that maybe maybe in Italy not even in Germany and  anyway in Germany it's normally it's normally free   to go inside to churches so it's very uncommon  to have to pay an entrance fee for the churches   but still I would highly highly recommend  going there if you haven't been there before already on the way back down to the main street [Music] so yeah they're really really  plenty of those lavender shops   that actually haven't existed five years ago seems to be quite a good business concept over there with another quite  touristy place it's the paprika house see all this dried paprika or  chili around the entrance so   paprika is definitely typical for Hungary  but actually not so much for this region so here at Lake Balaton there is not so much paprika being grown okay I would say that's it that was the main tourist Trail can have another view at the Abbey over there together with the paprika house so that's the point where most people  actually decide to go back to the parking lot   Maybe have some food first and then  drive back to the river they came from but as I said there is there is much more to this  to this peninsula than just the main town and   I think um first go take my bike and  then have a little tour to Belsö Tó   at least which is also not so touristy as  here but still quite a touristy place and there I will also try to explain some more  things about tourism in this region in general I decided to take a different route  back to show you this part as well looks like there is a probably very expensive  piece of Real Estate still available thank you [Music]   Visszahang means echo the Hungarian word for Echo  and there was one place I don't know   exactly where it is but somewhere around  here where you can hear quite a good Echo   if you make some loud noise let's try to find it  I think you have to go up there a little bit more   here is the echo restaurant that  still didn't find out where the   exact places where you can you can hear this  echo which is a little bit embarrassing because   I'm supposed to know this place  quite well I've been here many times but to be honest not so much on the most touristy routs so maybe it's up here you can see that quite a religious place that's  another Golghata depiction and a I think it's   called a calvaria these Hills where you can  walk up and have 14 stations seven on both sides not sure what these chats  I'm not supposed to be for okay unfortunately at least cases like this are  often used as a toilet but that's the way it is   when you have many people many  tourists in one place so I don't think   that's really the echo place but  here you can see okay so this 300 meters five minutes this way so looks like this is directly  where this restaurant is okay so that's the restaurant and   I just heard that the place where you can  hear the echo is actually down there let's see okay that seems to be it still I cannot   really imagine where the sound should be reflected  here to create an echo that seems to be the place   I'm not in the mood for screaming  around here so I will not try it out yeah that's the famous foreign there are lots of restaurants here and as you can  see you have not restricted to a Hungarian cuisine   you have International Food like Kebab here as well if you really want to so slowly getting towards the quieter places of  Tian you can still fee the town and the Abe over   there this is Belsö Tó a little Lake. Belsö means inner, the Inner Lake because it's inside   the peninsula which is inside the large lake,  like Balaton and over there awesome gray cattle   so let me tell you a little bit generally about  the history of tourism in this region in the   Balaton region during the past I don't know 30  40 years so the first time I came here was about   maybe 30 years ago I'm not sure about that so to  summarize it the lake Balaton has changed from a   simple and cheap place into a fancy and expensive  place so at least it got much more expensive   so let's look at which tourists used to come  here and which kinds of tourists come here now   there is one group of tourists who  didn't change a lot during the past   I would say 40 or even 50 years and that's middle  class Hungarian people from the surrounding towns   and Villages some also came from from  the largest larger towns like Budapest   Györ, Sopron so these have always been here and  they still come here and yeah middle class in   Hungary of course means that's not really people  with too much money on their hands so they liked   this for being a nice place but also for being  a cheap place then I would say in the in the 70s   another group of tourists appeared that came  from farther away they were Germans from Eastern   Germany the so-called German Democratic  Republic so why did they come here simple   because they didn't have a chance to go anywhere  else so they were not allowed to travel freely   and Hungary was one of the very few places  where they could go without too many problems   so many people from Eastern Germany from  the German Democratic Republic came here   and the interesting thing is um it was  also much easier for Western Germans   to come here than to visit their friends and  maybe families in Eastern Germany so often they   want from Eastern Germany and the one from Western  Germany met here in Hungary to get together so that period took until of  course 1990 and after that   the people from Eastern Germany were of course  allowed to travel anywhere and that's actually   what they did so they checked out other places and  didn't come here at least not that often anymore so you can see the not sure if you can  see it but I know that the water level   is relatively low but it still is  higher than during the last year   because last year we had very few rain very  little rain this time it was a little bit better   so I hope the lake is filling up again so normally  everything which is gray where you have this muddy   sand here will fill up okay so I was actually  talking about the different topic after 1990   the main reason why people came here was  that it's not only a nice place but also   it has been very very cheap so I remember the  first time I came here I think it was in 1993   you could have a meal, lunch or dinner, for about  one Euro and it was okay so um that was the 90s   then in the late 90s a different group  of tourists appeared those were people   mostly from Germany and Austria wealthier  people who bought real estate in Hungary   many of them were older people who were no longer  working and wanted to spend the rest of their life   in this place saving a lot of money and  still having a good time so they were not   or mostly not the super rich people but they  were wealthier because they were able to buy   real estate so they also had from there are  some expectations so they wanted to go to   fancier restaurants and wanted to go shopping  some specific maybe luxurious things so that   led to a much higher quality of everything here  in Lake Balaton at least to a certain extent of course it also meant that the prices were  rising but it wasn't that bad at that time   then a little bit later I would say in the  early 2000s another group appeared those   were also well still are also wealthier  people but not from different countries   instead they were wealthier people from Hungary  mostly from Budapest where of course most of   the rich people Rich hungarians live so  they came here bought houses, apartments   some of them also bought yachts and they came here  still came here still come here of course with   their fancy cars SUVs now uh electric cars are  quite popular um so of course these people they   wanted to show off they like to show what they  have so I have to say like in in most countries   outside Germany people really like to show what  they have so there is not much understatement here   which is I find it's okay but as a German you have  to get used to it so these people of course also   cost an increase of quality there were even more  fancy restaurants they were even fancier shops   and again things got a little bit more expensive  so I would say that was the period maybe from 2005   to 2019 and yeah you know then came the pandemic  then came the war in Ukraine and this caused some   serious inflation so I would  say most of of the prices   have kind of doubled during the past three years  so that means they are approximately on the same   level as in Germany which is still acceptable for  a person like me who earns this money in Germany   but here in Hungary you're still have I think  on average something like half of the salary   as in Germany and other Western European  countries so that's a real issue   and also the people who really also the people  from from Germany Austria France Netherlands that   really don't have a lot of money but really need  to save money I'm not sure if they will come back   in the future because they could go to Italy  to Spain for approximately the same prices   so that's inflation during the past three years  and I'm not sure how it will develop so of course   when the prices rise of course it's bad for  tourism it's bad for the tourists but on the   other hand at least some of uh the money some of  the additional money will make the salaries of the   people who work here higher and that is actually  a positive aspect of this but on the other hand   we of course also have to have to live with  with inflation so it's it's definitely an issue   what has happened during the past three years  and I'm really wondering how it will continue so anything else to say about being a tourist in Hungary well at least one thing  so I still absolutely recommend coming here you   know Hungary has a really bad marketing but yeah  marketing is not necessarily the right term so   many people don't consider it in a place where  they want to go and that's also for political   reasons so the media or at least most media in  Germany are presenting a really negative image   of this country and that's because yeah of course  the the leader the Prime Minister Victor Orban is   also somebody I do not like at all is uh  well I'm not you I'm not going to use any   any derogatory words but he's definitely not my  favorite prime minister but then from my point   of view this is absolute no reason not to visit  this country because well some people support him   but actually most of them don't. You don't really  notice a lot of the effects of his politics here

at least not directly so from my point of view you shouldn't really   consider politics too much when you  travel to a country and this is definitely   one of the most underrated and most  interesting countries in Europe so I think that's it for today have a nice  time hope to see you in my next video bye bye

2023-09-07 05:58

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