How To Do The Florida Keys

How To Do The Florida Keys

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My. Name is Chad Crawford and I'm, pretty much crazy for all things. Along. With my dedicated, film crew we travel, the state in search of pure Florida, adventure. Along. The way we'll meet some of Florida's finest, as, they show us. Rock. The Sunshine, State and we'll. Pinch salt and squeeze lemons with our master, of Florida flavor chef, Justin beat Florida. Veggies, this. Is full throttle Florida, like you've never seen before. As, we show you how, to do floor. How. To do Florida, is brought to you in part by bells department, stores. Encouraging. You to live the Florida lifestyle, on. This episode of how, to do, Florida. We're, revisiting, our, favorite, Florida, Keys experiences. From, Key Largo all, the. Way to Key, West my, first fish. On. A fly rod then, chef, Justin, Tim inari brings, you his twist. On a Florida Keys, classic. Recipe, the iconic, Florida, pie made. With key limes the. Official state pie of Florida, and later witness. One of nature's, miracles. As, Chad, gets the rare opportunity. To see baby, loggerheads. Emerged. From, the same. You did a good job you, should be proud. This. Is gonna be, good. He's. All right it is time to. Do. Lord. Today. We start in Key Largo and make our way all the way down to Key West as we, share with you some of our greatest memories, of filming in the Florida Keys but, first up we go to Key Largo and take you on an undersea, petting zoo adventure, you're gonna love it something, we call the creature feature one. Of the best dives in the area is Captain, slates creature feature, he and his underwater pets have entertained divers for over 30 years, over. The years captain slate has made a name for himself by his extreme, and some would say bizarre method, of feeding these creatures after. A few safety rules let's get in there you guys go let's do it all right it was time to put the gear on and. Get wet. On. Our descent to the bottom I was amazed at how quickly the fish gathered, once they saw captain, slate was coming what, an experience, to be so close to these spectacular fish. The. Main event of the creature feature would be watching Captain slate feed psycho the Barracuda, I do want to stress not to try this on your own as Captain, slate has been feeding in this area for over 30 years and has developed a rapport with these creatures the. Dive lasts about 30 minutes at 40 feet down so. It's a great experience for beginning divers. Exploring. Marine life underwater definitely. One of the coolest ways to do Florida, hey. Next up its line management, and bat casting, with a little bit of stripping as we show you how to do fly fishing our. Day would start early with a 45-minute. Boat ride straight. Into the Everglades National Park. Watch. Your line keep it away from your feet okay goes one way you go the other with the rod just like a spinner there you go, yeah. Push it too hard take your time oh. Now. We're talking right, man, he just came up and just. Job. Man. Love, this, look, at that stuff. Awesome. My. First fish. On. A fly rod and. It's my favorite fish a snook, beautiful. Author, Isaac, Walton called, fly fishing a contemplative. Man's recreation. While, Isaac was right because. I spent most the day contemplating, what. The heck I was doing that's where you put your hand right here Larry I have never been so humbled by a sport, in all my life this was one of the most intense, and exciting fishing, experiences. I've ever had this, unplugged, version of, fishing will try your patience, push, your fishing skills and unpack. Your appreciation. For what it takes to catch a fish on the fly. Now. We head south to Isla Mirada to tickle some of the tastiest bugs on this planet, as, we show you how, to do lobstering. Lobstering. In the Florida Keys is a long-standing Florida. Tradition, every. Year it's if Spanish, gold is sprinkled, all throughout the keys and on August 6th the treasure hunt is on a la mirada is one of the premier, places, to hunt lobster it's fun safe. And with a little luck and a lot of persistence, you'll, be feasting on one of God's greatest gifts, to man the, Florida spiny lobster, the. Water is warm and beautiful and, more, importantly, accessible. To snorklers, to. Florida spiny lobster, you, can see where they're getting they get their name. They're. Full of spines and they're, slippery lobstering. Definitely, gets into your blood I try another spot looking, for lobster so I keep looking. By, myself getting excited. About bringing my family down here to, experience lobstering, in the Florida Keys which. Is truly a unique Florida, experience, I would. Encourage you to come down here and give it a try and now. We're taking the Overseas, Highway to its final stop that's right America's, southernmost, city Key, West as we show you how. To do wreck diving. Hidden. Beneath the turquoise, waters, of the Florida Keys why, is a nearly lost chapter, of Florida's maritime, history known as the shipwreck, heritage trail the remains of these once great seafaring, vessels, have merged with reefs providing a safe haven for, 55 varieties, of fragile coral, and nearly 500, species of fish the.

Latest Addition to the shipwreck trail the USS, Vandenberg, this, retired US Air Force missile tracking ship was intentionally, sunk off the coast of Key West in May of 2009. With. Her final mission complete, the USS, Vandenberg, is now the second, largest artificial. Reef in the world since, this ship is so massive the superstructure, is only 45, feet below the surface making, it an easy accessible, dive wreck. Diving doesn't compare to any other diving, experience I've ever had, descending. Into the depths seeing, the remains of a once great military, ship, resting, in peace was, both exciting, and mystical. The, life that arose from all around her was, inspiring. Mesmerizing. And unforgettable. The. Locals call the islands that make up the Florida Keys the conch republic, that's because even though the Florida Keys is technically, a part of Florida, it just looks and feels like a whole other place down here it's, an absolute, mecca for fishing, watersports. And a, cool laid-back, lifestyle. Like nowhere else in the Sunshine, State, experiencing. The Florida Keys is one, of my favorite, ways to do Florida, still. To come Chad, plays, Midwife. To, a nesting. Loggerhead. Turtle, did a good job you. Should be proud but first chef, Justin's, putting a spin on key, lime pie as you know it I've taken our key lime pie I've, cut it into squares we've, frozen it we put sticks in it now, it's time to fry it. You. This. Florida, cooking segment, is brought to you by fresh, from, Florida, remember, delicious. Has always served, fresh, from, Florida today. Chef Justin taking us the yummy towel with key lime pie that's, right the original, key lime pie from the state of Florida oh yeah. Chef. Is there anything more Florida, than the key lime pie that's, right the iconic. Florida, pie made. With key limes it's, the official state pie of Florida, absolutely. So what are we doing today well, we're gonna do a couple things today we're gonna build that iconic pie but, Chad since, you've been so good I got a special treat for you special. Treat where you gonna fry it yeah. You'll, just have to wait and see oh so. Let's get the base of our pie made, which is gonna be the, best thing one of my favorite parts of the Key Lime Pie the graham cracker crust, what. We have is our graham crackers have been crushed. And then, a little bit of butter so, I'm just gonna mix this together a little bit get. This all incorporated. All. Right so now that we've got those we've. Got our little pie tin I'm, gonna go ahead and put my crust in here and then, I'm just gonna kind of flatten it down I like. A nice thick crust I do too my. Favorite parts is the Graham crust now, this is gonna have to go in the oven for about five to seven minutes and, that's gonna help it set up and give it a little golden brown so if you'll slide that in okay now, that we've got our crust in the oven that needs to bake for just a few minutes let's, start with our filling I'm gonna have you mix while, I pour okay. We're. Gonna start with our sweetened condensed milk. It. Is good stuff for, eggs. Just. A little bit of sugar our key lime juice. So. Finally we're, gonna add our key lime zest, mmm. All right and while you're finishing that I'm gonna get our crust out of the oven. All. Right beautiful so our crust is out we're, gonna let it cool to a room temperature because we don't want to pour our filling into a hot crust so, once it's cooled we, can go ahead and pour it in our pie shell oh. Yeah. Is. Good. All, right so now this is gonna go back in the oven for about ten minutes and, it's gonna be done whoo-hoo my, first key lime pie. All. Right Chad we're looking good now this is baked for about 15, minutes so, now traditionally, you would find your key lime pie would, be topped with either whipped cream or a meringue, topping right but today we're, gonna do something a little bit different oh really. That's right what's that different today we are gonna top it with blueberries. All. Right I have these amazing floor to blueberries, here is this a surprise this, is not quite your surprise yet okay and then I'm gonna take my glaze, here which I have a little bit of apricot jam and a little bit of water. And.

I'm Gonna put this on top so, this the tartness of the sweetness of the blueberries is, gonna go great with this key lime pie so, there you have it the new Florida, style key lime pie topped. With fresh Florida blueberries, looks absolutely spectacular chef, but what. Surprise do you have in store for me all right Chad so I know you love to fry things so we are gonna deep fry some. Key lime pie. Deep. Fried key lime pies right, a key lime fry I don't think this has ever been done so. We're gonna do it okay, so first we're gonna dip these key lime pie squares and a little bit of cornstarch that's, the dry okay, and then into, the batter which, is the wet, you got these key, lime cubes. Super, frozen, right they've got free air frozen, solid and, in they go Wow, you. Want to hold this basket here Jen you want it okay, I'm gonna grab these. If. You ever start a restaurant, I want these on the menu tonight, okay. Now what I'm gonna do, is. I'm gonna hit him with our sauce oh. Man. That's gonna be good chef a little bit of powdered sugar going, on top of course more. Just. A little bit what. Else you got what else a little key lime zest, zest to, finish it off oh here. We go in. The sauce. Hmm. Wow. You, know what in. A strange way it, works, it's. Good oh my gosh that's good for. This crazy unique recipe, many, more go, to how to do Chef, hands we're onto something here I think so Ilan fried this Florida cooking segment, was brought to you by fresh, from Florida, remember, delicious. Is always, served fresh, from, Florida. Coming. Up next Chad's welcoming. Florida's, newest, little residents. To the world. When. How to do Florida, returns. Today. On the show we're, going to show you how to do turtle nesting. Let's. Go down together buddy. It's, a story that has unfolded across, millennia, the, serene circle, of life played out on beaches summer, after summer every. Year like clockwork. Sea, turtles by the thousands. Make their way to Florida's coastline with. One single purpose that's, right our state is home to one of the premier turtle, nesting site in the entire western, hemisphere the Archie, car National, Wildlife Refuge located. In South Brevard, County about an hour and a half drive from Orlando, scientists. Here study and tracked thousands. Of turtle nesting sites every, summer and lead guided, nighttime sea turtle walks in June and July and that's, what we're here for first, we meet up with Kristen Knievel you're the manager of Archie, car National, Wildlife Refuge. Okay. Do. They know that yes. Kristen, took me on the beach to show me firsthand turtle, nesting habits that gets us to step one turtle, nesting 101, as, a Floridian I mean we're very lucky to have these creatures right here in our backyard and. Nesting, and doing their thing right. Here on our beaches look, at this this, is actually a great sea turtle the dent, it makes in the sand is just incredible, I mean, it's just like a perfect path right up the beach here this is actually what we call a false crawl she, did a body pit here and it looks like she. Started, digging in the egg chamber which is now filled in a little bit but, for some reason she decided not to nest here then, decide to leave and come back another time they, do come back to their natal, beach so. The turtles that were laid here 25, to 30 years ago are, gonna come back to this very same beach to lay their eggs they, lay about, 100 to 120 eggs per clutch the. Reason for that unlike humans who may have a few offspring, they, have as many babies as possible in, hopes that one will actually make it to adulthood that's right because I had four kids the same a similar process I, had four kids so. Hopefully one will make it to adulthood I connected, with my expert, for the evening dr. Lou Earhart, who is one of the most experienced.

Turtle Experts in Florida. Know. Everything, there is to know about the turtles here but a, lot. Well if you need to know something just ask me okay I'll do that yeah the doc wastes no time putting us, on Anna Mae discovery, this is a loggerhead, hatchling. Emergence, dog is absolutely. Amazing, I mean this is what I was hoping to come here and see it I mean it's one thing to see him come up and lay eggs but to see them hatch and to see him go back into the sea it you're, really lucky you. Must be living right I see, why people are so in love with sea turtles now when you come out here and experience these, turtles. Hatching. And going back out to sea. Yeah. It does something to you they, can hear it here. Comes guys. Here's. Step 2 turtle, watch do's and don'ts, no, cameras, with flash devices, or flashlights are allowed basically. Anything with a light on it don't bring it make sure you bring bug spray, remember it's summer you'll need a lot of it and be prepared to walk along the beach for at least one mile the refuge recommends children should be at least seven, years of age to participate, if you ever encounter a sea turtle remember, be quiet move, slowly and keep your distance these, animals are protected and it's illegal to touch them that, leads us to step 3 find, a nesting turtle question. Is how, exactly do we do that how do you smell them you call them how do we get them from the ocean to the shore turns, out the Archie car refuge has student spotters all up and down the beach looking. For turtles ready to nest. We're. Approaching the point on the beach where the loggerhead is and there's, a scout right, hiding. Behind her shell right now watching, her in the darkness, who. Will know who, the instant she begins to lay what's. That down there that, to people making a noise at a turtle here's the loggerhead. That the scouts have found for us. He's, in the process of laying so she's, perfectly, all right with us being here. It. Is just a all inspiring. Visual. To be here it's, pretty cool now, that what you do this exactly, and there's nowhere better to do it than car refuge once she's done laying her eggs doc turned me over to the students and I got to assist in some real-deal tonal, research the first thing we do only come up to a nesting loggerhead is we'll check her for tags and we put them right here on the trailing, edge of the front flippers so there would be one in each side so, she doesn't have any tags so we're gonna go ahead and get some tags to put in there she's giving her a little bit of jewelry yep little bling a little bling. Right. Through the nail just like getting a piercing that. Pinky. Ring these tags actually, occasionally, they, just. Like a piercing carry out so, we go ahead and give them to so that way if they lose one hopefully I still have the other one what if you find a trail that already has been tagged, you just make documentation. Of that exactly. And that's useful information as well so she's growing. Saying with her front flippers so what is she like didn't take off here or what area. So. Now what we're gonna do she's all tagged up we're gonna go ahead and do the measurements next careful.

106. And a half and, then we're gonna go ahead and do the width. This. Is the standard sea turtle measurement right here so from the nuchal right, there on the neck the highest moogle to the longest pi go how, big is that it's. Ninety six point five so that's bigger, than average 92, is the average size for nesting loggerhead, 18.9. On the head. Done. She's, ready to go back in the ocean she's pivoting now it looks like she's gonna head back. It's. Easy to see why the scientist, at Carr refuge are so dedicated to, protecting these, creatures you, did a good job you, should be proud I have encountered sea turtles all my life living here in Florida, but nothing. Like this I have. To admit this, experience, has changed me, I may, not be ready to go turtle crazy anytime soon you're crazy, I'm the crazy crazy turtle girl right here but I did walk away with, a renewed appreciation for. These magnificent. Animals, and you will too, if. More fish on dude eternal walk to our website, at how to do Florida calm. Almost. Everybody. This. Segment, of how to do Florida, was sponsored, by Florida. Hospital healthy. 100, encouraging. You to live, an active life. To, 100. And beyond. You're. Watching how to do Florida we'll be right back. You. You. Know Florida has so much to offer but to truly experience it you've, got to get out and see it for yourself well. That's our show I hope you learned something but more importantly, I hope you feel encouraged to, get out and do, Florida, or more info on this episode go to how to do Florida calm, where you will find bonus, how-to videos, and all of chef Justin, geo me recipes, and be sure to check out our do Florida, page which is our giant list of events and activities all, over, the Sunshine, State yeah, you should check it out how to do Florida is brought to you in part by bells department, stores, encouraging. You to live the Florida lifestyle, how, to do Florida's, official, gear is provided, by gender, Mountain, wheedle live outdoors. Turtle. Right there turtle, right there 2 o'clock actually 2 and a half to 30 to. 45 that's. Gone came. Up and then it's now it's gone, it's a flash beaching, hey we're here. On. The. Bridge, why just, just, hi. I need something in the foreground. Accommodations. For how to do Florida, provided, by the Courtyard. By Marriott Lake. Mary for a change of pace change, the scenery you'll find everything you need at courtyard, by Marriot, Lake Mary for reservations, call 407. 444. 1000. Accommodations. For the cast and crew and Alamar on provided, by Chesapeake Beach Resort visit, us online at, Chesapeake resort. Comm or call eight hundred, three three eight three three nine five four reservations. You're. Crazy yeah remember, yeah right there ooh yeah, perfect, yes. You.

2018-05-16 18:24

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