How To Do Florida Dry Caving

How To Do Florida Dry Caving

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My. Name is Chad Crawford, and I'm, pretty much crazy for all things. Along. With my dedicated, film crew we travel, the state in search of pure, Florida, adventure. Along. The way we'll meet some of Florida's finest, as, they show us, how. To rock the Sunshine, State and. We'll pinch salt on squeezed lemons with our master, of Florida flavor chef Justin beat Florida, veggies this. Is full throttle Florida, like you've never seen before so. Hold off as, we show you how, to do floor. How. To do Florida's, brought to you in part by bells, department. Stores, encouraging. You to live, the Florida, lifestyle. On, this, episode of how to do Florida, we're exploring, the Sunshine, State where, the Sun don't, shine I need a few minutes just to think about this we're, dropping. Down into Florida's, fascinating. Interior, how this chat goes, right. Baby I. Chef. Justin's, bringing, you a classic, Latino. Favorito. Refreshing. Sangria. Alright cheers here's to Florida tropical, fruit sangria, and. Then. We're getting some face time with one of Florida's most beloved marine. Mammals, the manatees are so that you could walk across them well, not quite but put it in close Chad is showing you how to swim. With, marvelous. Manatees. Not. So get ready as we, show you how. To do. Further. Hate. Today on the show we're, gonna show you how to do dry caving right here bet good, gun. I'm. About to enter a Florida, much different, from the one I'm used to a world, of eerie darkness and unnerving, quiet, the canyon zipline and canopy tours it's, Florida like you've never seen it before this. 94, acre limestone. Quarry is full of deep caverns, rocky cliffs, that have remained virtually untouched. Since, the miners walked away from here over 80 years ago it's been over a century, since large deposits. Of phosphates, were discovered, around Ocala, swelling. A sleepy, little town of three hundred to a mining, town of almost 5,000. By the 1930s. The mining operations, had run their course leaving. This part of Florida littered, with quarries, caves, and hollowed out deposits, just waiting to be explored, Ocala, is located about an hour and a half north west of Orlando my. Guide for the subterranean, adventure, is clay, pardon clay. Yes sir how you doing sir alright you Chad yeah nice to meet you see your Mike caving. Expert today I'm your cave guide and we'll take you through and show you what we got underground. Florida, so we're going through a little hole there's. A couple little squeezes, you're gonna go through are you gonna I'll be down and how does that how does that work you're gonna breathe out okay. We're gonna butter you up we're, gonna butter me take you through so, there's butter involved let's do this before I change my mind alright let's go believe, it or not when clay is not exploring, caves or, launching, people on extreme zipline, adventures, this, Florida native is a sought-after, male.

Fashion, Matter by agencies, around the world so, this is clay. So there's South Beach clay and there's, there's. Many different clays step one of dry capes learn, the do's and don'ts. This. Is the part of the fun right here right there having this thing around as, we head out into the Central Florida wilderness, the, first lesson I would learn watch. Your step, mother, pearl, clay, uses our first stop to lay down some ground rules or rather hole in the ground rules oh. That. Is cool so, clay what are some other dangers with just caving, like this there's a couple rules when, you're caving you need to follow number one is you want to have at least three people with you when you go in a cave another, thing that could happen is you can get down in there and you can notice that the air quality was getting bad you'll start getting kind of giddy your lips will get numb and what's. Happening inside is your body's not getting enough oxygen so. You guys have a high-tech device for this right a lighter, what you should see is if the air quality is bad there will be a gap between the lighter and the flame but it looks like a magic trick that means you need to get the only, exit, this is not the hole we're gonna go in today no not this one I wanted to bring you here just to show you the, dangers, and risks that. Come along with something like this on your property, I just saw a little man walk by a little. Elf it was like that big they're making, cookies, this, brings us a step to gearing. Up clay. So what kind of gear do we need for dry caving, alright first thing you want is a helmet, all right you want to protect your head you don't want things falling on it on your helmet you'll have a light so your hands will get free you're gonna want some knee pads and some elbow pads let's say clays got these worn in okay. Here's the biggie step three it's time to get your nerve up and head underground. You. Know I'll be honest with you the realities, of what we're. About to do is starting to set in we're. Going in that hole right we're going in you feeling alright, man. I thought I was ready for this I. Need. A few minutes just to take about this, maybe. I'm not what, else is in there besides me and you cricket, how can I deal with crickets, what else couple roaches done that what else we found a snake. Okay. Let's. Do it let's do. Okay. I made it inside but, this was just the beginning, we're, gonna be moving through here this, is the, touching. I told you about back, and chest you want to just keep your cool I. Didn't. Biggie size that value, minute. So. If you look right here you can see the crystals on the rock that was made from water, flowing by this area a lot so, water used to flow where, we are right now right that's what made, this passage, through here you're one of. 15. People in the history of Earth that's, ever been here it's a lot bigger in here.

Dude. This totally reminds me, of. Digging. Forts as a kid yeah you know in the sand oh yeah. This. Is a piece of a sea urchin right we're 60 feet underground and we're finding seashells, and bits of sea urchin that's. Pretty cool as I began to realize what an amazing, world I had entered some, of my initial anxieties, begin to fade away just watch your step try. Not to hit your head above. You but, that wasn't the case for Tom postal, our production coordinator tom. Was already, a little nervous about this segment and at about 50 feet in he, had had all he could take. Feeling. Considerably. Out of breath. Little. On the shaky side almost, queasy. Basically. He don't feel comfortable being here at quality I can't blame him and so. Tyler. One of our guides is gonna. Take him back out you're gonna knock him out how you gonna get him out of here see. You guys just think happy thoughts Tom all attempts, at levity aside caving. Is an exercise for the mind as much as it is for the body learning, to slow your breathing down calm, your fears and appreciate. The incredible, feeling of being, deep underground so. What is it inside of you that makes you want to just keep going and keep going exploring, I'd, rather be stuck in a cave and stuck in an office you know so, I choose this as a profession it, may not you. Know make me rich and famous one day. It you, know I love what I do it, really is a, unique experience to be down in Florida, like this what, a day, I got to conquer my fears of small dark places scream. Down an insane, zipline and sharpen. My catwalking skills with a certified, supermom, snap. Just. Another day in paradise. Hmm. So. Grab your helmet, kneepads flashlight, and spirit of adventure. And. Explore a side of Florida if you are willing to see its clean washed out of these clothes right yeah. Okay. Right, you're. Gonna turn your lights off what, yeah you can turn your lights off right, now right now. For. More, information on dry caving go to our website how to do Florida calm wait, a minute let you me clay is that you this. Segment, of how to do Florida, was sponsored, by Florida. Hospital healthy. 100, encouraging. You to live an active life, to, 100. And beyond. Still. To come we're getting up close and personal. With the lovable, Florida. Manatee. But. First chef, Justin's, got just, what you need to, quench the summer heat this is a great, drink, when, you have a gathering want. Something nice cool and refreshing, Florida. Style sangria. You're watching how to do Florida, and. Hopefully we'll be right back. You. This. Florida, cooking segment, is brought to you by fresh, from, Florida. Remember, delicious. Has always served, fresh, from, Florida, on, today's, show or to tropical, fruit sangria, Oh, DJ. By. Year good. Wine. Chef doing sangria, yeah you know Chad this is a great, drink, when, you have a gathering few, people around want, something nice cool and refreshing, this, is gonna be perfect, you want to go ahead and get our wine into our Bowl here I've got a punch, bowl that we'll be using we're, gonna serve multiple people, we have strawberries. Blueberries. I, have some pineapple mango. Some fresh citrus, and maybe a little bit of mint and then we'll finish it off with a little bit of ginger ale it's time to start adding fruit, what do I cut okay, you, take the tops off the strawberries, and maybe cut them in half and get, them in there you don't want to peel it yeah I, mean I need skinless, blueberries. For, the recipe. Quarter. Them that means make one, into four yes take. Out the little center here, there's, a line right here there is do. Not cross okay, pineapple, in okay. I'm gonna cut some citrus, for you to squeeze in there this, has got to be just some great television right here so.

Chop Athan now I'm gonna start working on this mango, there's a couple different ways to skin a mango, what. I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a slice down either side just, like. This and. Then using, my knife, I'm. Gonna make some crosshatch. Pattern, in. Here, without. Cutting myself and, then turn this bad boy inside. Out ah and, now that it's inside out I could just kind of run my knife that's. Awesome around through here and. Get as much of this off. Just. Like so without getting that skin on there that's one way to do it are, you squeezing you squeeze the rest of those in there I'm squeezing, I was quartering. Oh I'm quartering everything, can. We squeeze these, yes. Like I asked you to do squeeze them. That's. All right no problem okay. Yeah. Let's get some blueberries in there you peeled those already all peeled ready to go skinless. Blueberries, oh one more thing that we're putting there underneath, this amazing. Sea grape tree right. There chef, Dustin sea grapes in there sea grapes, in, the. Sangria, come on okay we're gonna try this at home with any berries. Off trees and be good all, right we're looking good it's time to this over, ice are, you ready I am actually I'm ready, I'm. Gonna serve it up just like this. Mmm. There's one for you sir, I'm. Actually gonna, have to go ahead garnish. This beautiful a little bit of fresh mint on top and. This is a great just hot summer trophy. For the summertime yes mmm. You got a secret I see the sea grape in there you want trade yeah let's trade. Thank. You all. Right cheers here's to Florida, tropical fruit sangria, oh. Yeah. This. Stuff already feeling a little tipsy yeah good, hey for this recipe and many many more go to how, to do Florida calm, me. This. Florida, cooking segment, was brought to, you by fresh, from Florida remember, delicious. Is always, served fresh, from, Florida. Coming. Up next we're diving, into the pristine, waters, of Crystal. River for the weather gets cold here in Florida this. Area attracts one large mammal, to spend a little one-on-one, time, with Florida's. Much-loved. Manatees. And, how, to do Florida, returns. Today. On the show we're gonna show you how to experience, the Florida manatee. It's, hard to find a more iconic wildlife symbol. In our state than the manatee, revered. A native folklore, mistaken. For mermaids by sailors, of old and once, hunted to near-extinction. The West Indian manatee today, enjoys a unique and often, controversial, place and Florida's, culture. The. City of Crystal River is situated, on the magnificent, Kings Bay which, is surrounded, by natural, springs and, that keeps the bay at a beautiful, 72, degree temperature, year-round, that's, when the weather gets cold here in Florida this. Area attracts one large mammal, I'm taking my nine-year-old son, chase with me today for, a truly unique Florida, experience, this is, a lot of manatees, as, we travel to Citrus County located. On the west coast of Florida just north of Tampa and about an hour and a half drive north, west of Orlando. Chase. And I will be staying at the plantation. On Crystal River a. Beautiful. Resort that puts you as close as you can get to the best manatee, experience, in the world once. In Crystal River you'll, notice a consistent. Theme then seeing them on shirts on coasters, back scratchers, at City Hall yeah they're definitely an amenities here. Everything. Is manatee. Step. One book, a manatee, charter it's. Early, 30 is chasing, I head to the plantation. Dive shop to meet our manatee guide Paul, cross. Most. Of all the guide services, include a full wetsuit, mass snorkeling, waits for no man, go. Out the front door to the right let's go ahead and get you dressed come on chase me and.

Now Step to manatee. Manners the movie every. Diver must first watch an eight-minute, video on, how to properly interact, with the manatees the main takeaway is to stay calm and quiet in the water and let the manatees, come to you Jason. I give manatee, manners I give it a thumbs up what do you give it. Thumbs. Up. Okay, Paul it's, 6:30 if you really need to get up this early to humanities absolutely. We got to get there before the main' of these have their morning coffee or they start shuffling around get feeding or before I have my morning coffee yeah, Paul. Is a Crystal, River native, and has been taking visitors out to experience, these manatees, for over 14, years, it's mid-february. But according to Paul this is the best time of day and year, to experience, these manatees, the winter months we have roughly 10% of the entire population five, to six hundred manatees, come, in the summertime we have 50 to 60 manatees so the manatees come to the spring to thermoregulate. So they have to come to the spring it's survival. For them manatee, 101, it's, not long before chase and I start spotting, manatees. There's. Manatees, all new, place, it's. Time for step 3 jump in and meet the manatees, even. With a full wetsuit, chase, still needed a little coaxing, to get in that 72, degree water let's go boy. Once, Chase got in he quickly forgot about the water temperature, first. Chase and I saw several adult manatees, resting. In the protective, zone this, zone allows, manatees, to control, how, much interaction they have with divers, Paul, found a baby manatee, and called us over to check it out the, little guy seemed, to enjoy checking, out its reflection, in my mask for, being so big these creatures move of such grace as. Much as Chase love being with the manatees I could tell that cold water was getting to him what, are you doing okay. Are. You peeing. Feel. Better. It's, amazing, how curious, they are you know yep I too high for they want to see why we're here you know you're very curious by nature I'm a natural, predator so they're not afraid of us you know you live in Florida you need to have this experience even. Though chase and I had an incredible interaction. On this trip it's important, to remember that interaction, is always dictated, by the animal, not the diver we want to promote passive, interaction, so it's not about touching, it's about experience. And the creature, itself, if you have what you had earlier. Or have that face-to-face interaction with. A Mandy which was amazing, you are definitely gonna be in traffic and I'm Mandy especially, like the younger generation, well I know one member of the younger generation, who's now a big advocate, for the protection, of the manatee and that's good because manatees, are actually, one of Florida's more controversial, animals, I caught. Up with Ivan, Vicente, are the Florida Fish and Wildlife Service, to talk about that delicate, balance well, I noticed take my son out there today I know that for, him his, perspective, on manatees. Is changed, forever, by allowing people to actually enter the, manatees Reaume particularly. Children we're. Defined in the future because, our, future, boaters, waterfront. Property owners developers. Even government officials yeah, are the children if, we can actually have future, adults on the manatee side things are gonna be done a little bit differently in the future so, every winter like clockwork, mother, nature's chill brings together these remarkable, Florida, mammals but I have to be honest here as a fisherman, my perspective, of the manatee has been jaded by the manatee zones that pepper Florida's, waterways, but. I must say seeing. These creatures up close has, given me a new understanding of, the importance, the manatee serves to the Florida ecosystem and, not to mention its economic. Impact on this community nowhere. In the world can you encounter, manatees, like this and Florida's, Crystal, River Wildlife, Refuge so. If you haven't already I encourage, you to get out and get to know these Florida, iconic, and gentle giants. For. More information on mentees good our website how to do Florida calm okay I love you, you see me you coming up in you have an order get school. You're. Watching how to do Florida we'll be right back. Well. That's our show I hope, you learn something but, more importantly, I hope you feel encouraged to, get out and, do Florida, whoa. For. More info on this episode go to how to do Florida Tom, where you'll find bonus, how-to videos, and all of chef Justin, goe recipes, and be sure to check out our do Florida, page which is our giant, list of events and activities all, over the Sunshine, State yeah, you should check it out how to do Florida, was brought to you in part by bells.

Department. Stores encouraging. You to live, the Florida, lifestyle. Welcome, to the show and. This. Is a cooking. God. You're in my way chef yeah oh sorry alright what's wrong with his face. There's, two kind of divers divers, who pee in their wetsuit and those who lie about it it's clay your cave name or that's your doubt that is my name I need a cave name. How. Do you tell if there's a girl manatee. In a hole, that's. A great question. I'll, address that with you later I said you're from China then, from Botswana, from, Sanford. How. To do Florida's, official, gear is provided, by gender, mountain. Wheedled, live outdoors. Accommodations. For how to do Florida, provided, by the Courtyard. By Marriott Lake. Mary for a change of pace change, the scenery you'll find everything you need at Courtyard by Marriott, Lake Mary for reservations, call 407. 444. 1000. Accommodations. For how to do Florida, buy plantation. On Crystal, River a hidden. Gem on Florida's, nature coast visit. Plantation. On Crystal, River calm. Snap. Oh remember Yeah right there oh yeah, perfect, yes. You. You.

2018-05-07 17:42

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