How Is A Private Yacht CHEAPER Than A Hotel?

How Is A Private Yacht CHEAPER Than A Hotel?

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this week I pretend to drive a boat make friends with the local wildlife and find out if it's really cheaper to rent a private yachts than staying in a hotel oh hello from Fort Lauderdale Airport in Florida and I'm here because I'm off to somewhere super super cold today but to get there we've got to go and get on a plane let's go and get on board [Music] all right then welcome to Marsh Harbor in the Bahamas or the bananas as our children have started calling them but it's beautiful here isn't it look at that gorgeous sunset over there and um you may know is that I'm not on an Airport runway today because look we've done planes loads we've done trains loads we've we've even done a cruise which didn't turn out to be that great admittedly but today we're off on a bit of a different sort of cruise because today we're going to be living the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous as we take a ride on a luxury yacht our ride for the next few days was the adventurer one of a fleet of Yachts you can Charter from a company called navigare yachting who have bases all around the Caribbean welcome aboard the lagona 50 which is a sort of luxury yacht type thing and this is going to be our home for the next few days as we explore the beautiful Abaco Islands here in the Bahamas let's go and have a look around and see what this thing is like on board hello Susy Baka it's freezing cold all right so welcome on board the Lagoon 50 which is a six bedroomed private yard this thing is just absolutely amazing isn't it this is the bit where the driver sits up here the captain the skipper boat driver whatever we we're calling him that that's where he sits up there we've got this area down here which is like for sitting and chilling outside there's an out outdoor bar area there and everything we sit there and have our dinner at night and as we come along the front here we've got the front of the boat this is a catamaran so we've got two sort of areas here where like bow call them bows like the pointy bits anyway they they're they're here so we've got this area here then you've got the middle bit here you can sit in sunbath there and then you got the area down the other side as well all very cool as we come around the other side of the ship we basically got the same thing again and then coming up here this is obviously where the driver sits and the driver is currently out getting shopping so we've come up have a look here and you got like a bed area here you can sit and chill up on the top of the deck sit here pretend to drive their boat anyway um so that that's that anyway it's all very cool isn't it look there's a big screen there showing where we are on the map and everything and there's the engine throttle things there and buttons that you can press very cool very cool get back downstairs let's going to have a look inside have a look around the inside of this boat so we come in here so this is the inside then of the boat we've got like a seating area here in a table which is all pretty cool and there is like a little chart station thing over there we've got a kitchen over here where the chef is doing his work and getting everything cooked and cooking got some lovely meals and then if we go downstairs here we go down to the bedrooms so this is our bedroom here then at the front of the boat it's really spacious you've got a view right out there over the ocean there's a skylight up there as well this is really really nice and the bedrooms have on sweet bathrooms as well which is quite nice our is in here and then we've got that lovely shower quite spacious game toilets sink and everything's all in there this thing is just incredible it's amazing what they can do with such a tiny space when you think that we're actually in the nose of the boat here at the front there's six bedrooms on this particular boat there's four that are this size so there's two in each front and two in each back at the other end and then there's another two bedrooms in the middle as well where we've got the kids sleeping at the minute all right it is day two and we're here in the Bahamas we just had breakfast we are about to go on the little launch thing across to an island somewhere and go to a little remote island here so um let's go and jump on the boat and head across Hall of navigar boats have a launch that you can use to take you to shore something that we made a lot of use of on our trip all right and we've come to the first stop of the day and it's a little island just a little desert Island where there isn't much just a bit of sand bit of sea and a swing that the kids can go and play on it's pretty nice actually out here it's lovely very secluded and quiet the Sea's quite temperate too which is quite nice so yeah we're here for a little bit have a little look around there's not much granted on here but it's still quite nice and relaxing anyway if you want tropical beaches this is the place to call it's beautiful here after a while it was time to head back to the yacht and say goodbye to The Sandbar as we headed out to sea to explore our next stop on our Tour all right now I'm saying goodbye to that first spot that beautiful Tahiti Beach we're stopping off somewhere to pick up some supplies for the rest of the charter that we've got this boat for and then from there I think we're going to be heading off somewhere else this afternoon as well which is pretty nice this is the front of the boat you've got this area here you can sort of lay down and there like beds and stuff and these areas here like the Nets you can sort of sit on them as well I've not d to sit on the next yet because they sort of they're a bit bouncy but Anna's been sitting on there anyway looking all the fishes underneath so we're just pulling into I think we're going back towards Marsh Harbor a little bit um to go and get something some supplies apparently we need some bits and pieces we've got a chef and a captain on board the remat as well which is quite nice so we don't have to worry about any of the driving the boat stuff cuz obviously like I don't know how to drive a boat I can barely drive a car and and um we've got a chef who's taking care of all of the cooking and all the bits and pieces on the boat as well which is really nice so it's imedi relaxing sitting out here on the front it's nice is it the cool thing about this chip is that you can get this Skipper and the chef included in the charter so you really don't have to worry about a thing apart from just sitting back and [Music] relaxing all right so we're heading across to the third place that we going today this is just so cool because you know what we could just pretty much ask them to take us anywhere in this part of the honders that we want we've actually had them come up with a bit of a rout for us because we don't really know this part of the world at all apparently there just loads of like unique things on each different Island so they're sort of just trying to head from one place to another we're off to gu K I think at the minute to spend the night over there where there Tiki Bar and things apparently that should be quite nice so we're just sort of chilling out now just heading across this this was lovely isn't it it wasn't too long though before we were dropping anchor once again in Guan Kay all right so we've come to a place called Guana K which is quite pretty there's like a little beach over there and a bar and everything not sure we're going to be going over there tonight cuz dinner is almost served I've got the beer here sounds it's like a Bahamian local beer it's pretty decent isn't it so sit and have a beer and then we're going to have some dinner soon because the chef is cooking up another delicious meal I think we've stopped here for the night in Guana K in the Bahamas I have actually been here before this is a lovely little place there's a little beach over there with the Tikki bar that you can go to in the evening have a drink we're just staying on the boat it's quite nice here the sun is just setting out over the Atlantic Ocean is it the Atlantic do we still call it that here in the Bahamas but here on the um boat and um yeah absolutely loving it so far I have to say you know what for the price you pay for this thing as well it's just incredible literally it's it's cheaper than staying in a hotel I'll let you know at the end of the video just how much it's cost but um yeah just love it let going to get head inside have some dinner in a few minutes and um yeah enjoy our second night here on the adventurer in the Bahamas [Music] the next day we woke up to an incredible Sunrise just as breakfast was being prepared oh good morning from Guan K in the Bahamas we are had a we've had a lovely night here docked in the marina and we are now heading off to see some swimming pigs for the kids that to be quite nice W it it's a gorgeous day here hey Anna how you doing good being sussy and we're off to see some swimming pigs I think today it's gorgeous look how calm the water is here it's just beautiful we lifted the anchor we're going to pretty soon be heading off to see these paks you know the thing is with this being a catamaran it's actually surprisingly stable you can see if the boats that aren't catamarans there's a little yacht over there and it's following us at the minute or we're following it and it's not a catamaran you can see it really swaying from side to side and it's surprisingly smooth actually this we have a few bumps from time to time but we are out at sea at the minute and we can walk quite happily around the outside of the boat it's quite nice really not much motion at all and you you don't get seasick really on here I suppose because we're all kind of within the islands of the Bahamas so it's all like it's prob being on a big lake really it's quite nice after about an hour or so we were pulling onto the dockon island with a rather confusing name right we have arrived where are we Sam I I don't know it's no name k which is so called because it has no name apart from yeah but if if his name's k then how does he have no name because it's no name K I don't know I don't come up with these things Sam anyway there are pigs in the water who just saw there there there's one over there look in the water we're going to go and see these swimming pigs soall swimming pigs anyway let's go have a look want is string the piggies look are you enjoying the piggies it's a very sussy Pig very very sussy Pig you see the baby there's a baby one look no you can't pick them up after a while we got back on the boat and headed back out to sea towards the next stop on our nautical adventure oh my goodness isn't this just absolutely Heavenly this is Cocoa Bay here in green turtle k just absolutely stunning it's called green turtle k because there are turtles swimming around the boat here absolutely wonderful we've got gorgeous Beach over there beautiful AO colored Seas this is just phenomenal wouldn't get to see this if you were staying in a resort hotel would you you wouldn't get to come and stay somewhere Serene as Serene as this right now just beautiful look at that it's just incredible isn't it wow you know in never in a million years did I ever expect that one day I'd be standing somewhere as beautiful as this just you see it in pictures don't you you see it in broches and things like that and you don't think that it's ever possible to come and actually see this and experience places as tranquil as this just amazing this video is brought to to you by the holen sternum wrist watch I don't know about you but when it comes to watches I've really never been much of a watch expert I've had my smart watches which are brilliant because they tell you what time of day it is and they pop up with your notifications but you know sometimes you just want something a little bit more special and that's where this week's sponsor comes in holen because they've sent me this this is the holzkern sternum watch and it's so cool it's made of actual zebra W mixed in with me and look at the detail that this thing has this feels like a really Exquisite time piece that I'm wearing here and as I mentioned before I'm not one really for wearing Exquisite time pieces but you know when you want to wear something a little bit special well you you can't really beat this it's a fully automatic watch which means you wind it up and you have all of the intricate Machinery inside it's just incredible how they make these things to keep the time just by winding them no batteries involved or anything in this one it's such a nice thing to wear on your wrist honestly I have to say that by wearing this watch it may be a little bit dangerous for me because now I've actually caught the bug of wearing a really nice time piece on my wrist and it's just incredible to see all of the detail and everything that's gone into making this and it's just a fantastic thing to wear H have such a range of really beautiful watches as well that you can see on their website made out of wood and metal and stone and all sorts of materials that you wouldn't even think would go into a watch but they do it so brilliantly as well have over 1,000 watches to choose from all made from natural materials just like this one and you can check them out on the link on the screen now and down in the description using my code and if you order by June 11th you'll get delivery in time for Father's Day what better gift to give your dad than a really nice piece of time wear like this right anyway looks like it's time to get back on the boot so how are you enjoying the boot ride so far Miss AJ good yeah what me your best be monkey monkey that is such a sussy monkey it's your favorite monkey isn't it actually I'm your favorite monkey you're an egg thanks and you're very sussy I know there we go hide to him it's me you enjoying the boat yes you're getting impatient to go and jump in the water again aren't you now I know he's a sus monkey is what he say he's a sus monkey you're just like you you're a sus monkey you're very sus you're very sus there the food is so good I never want to this boat again you don't want to leave the boat no stay on here for the rest of your life yeah with SS monkey obviously OB and the rest of my toys and teddies I then there would be any room for you it just be a boat full of Squish Mallows yeah I'll just kick you guys off thanks all right we're heading into Shore want to see some turtles as S I guess you guess you're not really up for this no you will be we're going to go and play subnautica again gu yeah sub again whoa in the water hold it there hold it still look watch it there we go there you go how was that feel so cool after feeding the turtles it was time to feed ourselves and we got back to the boat to find a lovely steak dinner had been made for his by the chef right then we've come to our stop for the night here at njac K in the Bas I mean come on would you look at that you cannot beat this as a place to stay for the night can you you've got the beach over there there's Lush Forest just there there's sharks and Stingrays and everything over there there's an AJ just there how are you doing AJ I'm good um anyway so yes how are you enjoying your web yach Adventure at anabo Miss Anna you're enjoying it it's sussy she says anyway right well it's evening time so we're going to retire inside I think sit and watch this gorgeous beautiful sunset here over njac K in the Bahamas baby the next morning it was another beautiful day in the Bahamas well good morning from this beautiful part of the Bahamas here just look at this city behind me it's so calm this morning it's like glass this water and you can see look down there you can see strange it's unbelievable isn't it we are starting the day today with a trip over to that beach over there I think in the little dingy because we're going to go and see the Stingrays and the Sharks over there which should be pretty nice so we're going to hop in the boat and head head on over to that beautiful little tropical beach that you can see right there [Music] all right well this is the beach where we can come and swim with stingrays and sharks good morning you seeing you here well on a beautiful beach in a Cove on a beautiful beach yeah this is where we found Rachel you's been here all the time haven't you oh you've been enjoying it so far we're not seen much of you on this trip but it's nice though is it I always love coming down here this is beautiful beaches you make it sound like we all the time we always love coming down here we don't really live on a luxury yach in the Bahamas all the time you know no but it is so affordable to do it is it is I'll go talk about that later on in in the video but you're giving a good teaser for good yes we'll um we we'll cover that a little bit later on tonight but yeah it's just amazing that you come and do this isn't it really I mean it's just phenomenal Beach and is loving it Sam bless him has been sunburnt hasn't he on this trip so he's not really been out much but Anna has been just well you've seen she's she she's my little water baby she's a little water baby she's currently feeding the sh so yeah [Music] [Laughter] brilliant I have to say this was one of the absolute highlights of the trip for me I've been a little bit nervous about getting in the water with animals that's are literally designed to kill you but actually the stingrays and sharks here are only really interested in whatever food you got for them they're so friendly and once you get used to them being a bit pushy it's an incredible [Music] experience back on the boat it was soon time to head back out to sea all right so we've said goodbye to the sting raiser and the Sharks we're heading back south again now towards Marsh Harbor this is the last full day that we've got here it's tomorrow morning sadly it's time to say goodbye to this beautiful yacht so I guess the important thing really is how much does this end up costing to get a yacht like this for this period of time and you know what when somebody first suggested that I took a trip with the family on a yacht I'm thinking I'm not a millionaire there's no way that I can afford the yacht like this it's the sort of thing that normal people don't do people don't just rent a yacht for for a holiday do this is what your music stars and your film stars all do when they want to go on vacation or on holiday but you know what actually I've had package holidays that have cost more money than this per person this trip in total works out at $500 per person and that includes the skipper and the chef as well that's to me that's just incredible value for money I've literally paid more money per person to have a holiday in y before and for the same price you get to come and ride on this private yacht go wherever you like enjoy this beautiful beautiful place in the Bahamas and just honestly it's probably the most relaxing holiday that I've ever had you don't have to do anything you have to lift a finger you just sit down chill get served drinks get served meals through the day it's just phenomenal honestly I would highly highly recommended it and you can book it as well using nav's website I'll pop a link on the screen and down in the description as well to where you can get a trip with navigare on the yachs it is just amazing come and do it it's a fantastic experience we parked up back in gu K again where this time we got off the boat and headed out for a walk along the beach you're right then dude yeah I'm good you're good how you enjoying the yacht trip so far mate it's pretty good I mean I did get sunburn but then again I get I burn really easily so you do you like me you turn into a lobster yeah when the sun comes out don't a boiled egg a boiled egg thank you that's why I've got my hat on so I'm not boiling my egg anymore than I was already but yeah what do you reckon to the Bahamas it's good it's good isn't it hot though a bit hot it will be yeah you're in the Caribbean Sam I mean look at that view there mate yeah there's are which one's our boat is that one sort of out there somewhere yeah every boat's out there somewhere yeah you're right you're right but anyway well they're going off back to the boat now better go otherwise we're going to be stuck on this B bamian Island forever aren't with Sam yeah we're going to be um what's the word stranded no there's another word left behind I don't know yeah something like that we don't want to be stranded on this island do we really I mean it's got a bar on it it's got a bar that is very true Sam but you can't drink cuz you're not 18 that's true and he's 18 here in drink right anyway let's go get on back on boat shall we dude yeah let's go get back on that [Music] boat on the way back to Marsh Harbour we were joined by some friends who swam alongside us for a bit just putting the icing on the cake to what had been an absolutely amazing few [Music] days we charted our yacht from navigare yting through their website at navigating. comom I'll pop a link in the description so you can check it out all right then welcome back to Marsh Harbor we've had an absolutely amazing ride on this boat so so cool to be able to just cruise around the Bahamas on this beautiful yacht in this beautiful part of the world let me know what you thought to it down in the comments below would you do this over taking a resort holiday somewhere or you let let me know down in the comments we've had an absolutely fantastic time personally and we will definitely be hoping to come back and do it at some point thanks again to H for sponsoring the video check those watches out down below my new amazing piece of time wear and um yeah in the meantime thanks for watching take care and I'll see you on the next one bye for now

2024-06-04 12:41

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