How Expensive Is Thailand To Travel? (Realistic Budget Review)

How Expensive Is Thailand To Travel? (Realistic Budget Review)

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you're probably wondering how much  money am i gonna need when i come   to thailand well that's a good  question right so i thought today   i would take this a thousand thai baht or about  33 us dollars and just use this for 24 hours   i have to get my accommodation activities foods  drinks and maybe some souvenirs we'll just have a   whole day with this is a thousand baht a realistic  daily budget for thailand here in 2021 so let's go right then first things first accommodation  we are including accommodation because   that's obviously what happens right every single  day when you travel you need somewhere to stay and   i'm going to be staying at the new normal house  i just found this on big location   extremely cheap price so i'm going to go in  check in hopefully the room is not terrible   because it was extremely cheap so let's go in  let me see what the room's like and then i'll   tell you how much it costs because uh it was  ridiculously cheap right then room number two this is it private room not bad  is it well it's not the ritz   but it's not that bad i've definitely stayed  in worse for a lot more money so i mean look   whoops we've got a place to put your jacket you've  got uh a light and a table and a chair so we can   you know edit our videos and stuff like that  and then yeah look you've got a nice mattress   and it's on like a wooden pallet and  then there's a fan so there's no air con   but uh it is what is it it's january so it's  not super hot yet so i'll i'll let you know   in the morning if this is like boiling hot  or not don't know what that's for and then   there's outside you can see there's the old town  there's the moat can you see so we're super close   in fact there's like hostels all around here and  there's a really hairy cat can you see the cat   big hairy cat that's fine not bad 136  baht if you don't believe me here is the   screenshot of the booking page and that leaves us  with 800 and something so that's good right we've   got our room because when i see these like living  off 10 videos living off 20 videos they never   include the accommodation so i'm not faking this  i'm gonna stay here tonight even though i live   in chiang mai i wanted to keep this as realistic  as possible so this is where i'm staying tonight there's even a roof terrace up here so you can  you know get some cold beers actually cold beers   up here at sunset would be a really cheap little  hack get some 7-eleven beers come up here enjoy   the view of the smoky mountains and the temples  and uh actually sunset will be a nice little   spot to come up here with some music i realize  there's no bathroom so it's a shared bathroom and toilet seat mirror shower probably let me  see is it good that's not bad that's not bad and uh some complimentary leftover shampoo classic  okay well the lovely lady at the hostel here the   new normal house i asked if she could get  me a bicycle she said she didn't have any   so they went next door to the next hostel there's  a japanese lady there and she said she can she   said she would give me her bicycle for free when  she said he's no good quality no good quality and   i just cycled around the car park and it's rubbish  but it's gonna get me around the old town for free   okay so we have our bicycle and uh the seat's  broken and it's going right up my gooch so it   hurts a little bit oh hang on oh the hostel  location is amazing obviously it's right next   to the moat right next to the old city up here on  the north gate of town isn't it beautiful today what do you think of this bike this place does really good juices let's get  a juice and then we'll go get some proper food can i have uh e strawberry banana coconut  and passion fruit please okay oh my god yes you've really got to suck it on these big straws perfect blue noodle shop best noodles in the old town   hands down trust me on this you can  get a different type of noodles so   i kind of like these ones and then you want to get  this delicious pork spare ribs large size 50 bars a little bit of vegetables and bean sprouts carefully selecting the meat for me there's a  few nice big chunks in there let's grab a drink   sprite oh it's got some chili action going  on there oops so clumsy you cannot go wrong   with a big bowl of noodle soup even on the  hot day to be honest it's still really good look at the size of this piece of pork boy so soft lovely big massive dollop of noodles   i used to be like a big fat noodle kind of  guy but i like the thin ones weird right hmm i'm in my happy place 50 baht for the bowl maybe 10 baht  for the drink we're looking good   that smoothie this lunch all together 100 baht now because it's actually the  you know middle of the day   i thought to myself it's probably not a good  idea to just cycle around and sweat profusely so   actually right next to the blue noodle uh noodle  shop is my favorite and cheapest place to get a   massage thai massage one hour 140 baht 140 baht  per hour i normally get two hours but we're on a   budget today so we're just doing the one and  it's in this beautiful temple surroundings   and i love it because you can lie in there  in the shade watch the squirrels and birds   playing in this tree sometimes the monks are  here just brushing the leaves very peaceful i don't know why but they always do this now  they take your blood pressure and you have to   wear a mask obviously safety first i do love  a thai massage but just that one bit where the elbows go in it's character building perfect perfect like level of elbows and pressure  just yeah i always feel like i'm stoned after a   massage i'm feeling so relaxed actually that  i'm thinking about going to black hard uh park   which is here inside the old town it's like late  afternoon now it's like four o'clock i think if we   cycle down there feed the fish have an ice cream  just lie on the grass and enjoy some sun rays   i think that'd be the perfect way to end the  afternoon and then uh and then we'll go out in the   evening and try and find some beers and some sort  of nightlife if possible because everything's been   shut down at the minute but i think there's a few  things open i don't know we've got six hundred and   let me check i just written it down we're doing  really well on our budget we've got 619 mart left   so you know we're doing well i  haven't even spent half of our   money accommodation bikes lunch  drinks massage we're doing well oops hello i uh i might have just fallen asleep oh i was so relaxed i just came down to the park  and i was like okay i'll just wait a little bit   lie down this is music and i fell asleep beautiful  place this park let me show you around oh   i want some ice cream now as well if anyone knows  what type of thai bird that was i've never seen   one of them before look at this hello yeah we'll  feed you in a minute and one of the coolest games   you'll ever see in your life is right here look  at this oh off the back of the elbow it's like   messy they've gotta try and get it we've got to  try and get it in that hoop all the way up there look at this come on did you see that they're doing  it off the back of the arms   and then you've heard of volleyball but have you  heard of this one i don't know what it's called nice and bottle of water 10 baht if you're actually  looking for a workout and you don't want   to join a gym this park obviously you can  play with the thai people i'm sure they'll   invite you to play if you want but if you just  want to work out they've got all these machines   everywhere this thing you know chin ups and uh  you just use your human weight as the weight   like i'm not going to sit on that because  i've got any room my hands are full but   you can work out on this thing you can come here  this is completely free to get in look at this whole weights section with concrete dumbbells  and car break dumbbells and a whole cool shed   to work out in on a budget if you want to work  out don't go to the gym and pay the day pass   probably 200 baht just come here completely for  free and chill and pump some iron i realized that   coming here and falling asleep whoa okay  oh there's a big catfish coming here means   that i've failed on that rooftop beer sunset  vibes at the hostel or the place i'm staying at   but that's fine i mean the sunset here feeding  the fish with a bottle of water still nice can you see the catfish where's the big catfish there he is big catfish yes can i have one coconut um um this one yummy thank you oh lovely strawberry  uh yeah go on then why not a lot of people just living  their best life in this park i'll tell you a story in a second coconut ice cream is amazing but i don't  know why i wanted that stupid strawberry   bye-bye four people on a bike safety first when um the whole lockdown happened in march this  park was one of the last places to stay open   we were all locked in our homes everything  was shut but this park stayed open for ages   and it was like where you would come and you  wouldn't tell it you wouldn't tell anyone everyone   kind of kept it a secret because it was the only  place that people could see other people and uh   i remember coming here and then feeling bad all  day stuck in the home watching the world crumble   and then we'll come here and feel good again   and then right someone somewhere  found out about it and shut it down that was back in march behind me there is  where the saturday night market should be   and i thought it was on uh but it's not  we haven't had a case of uh you know what   for nearly two weeks and when we hit that  two week point this province goes to a   green color which means we just  go we can do whatever we want   but yeah we can't go to the night market which is  a shame but there is a beautiful food market here   so let's just uh get a bite to eat enjoy the  atmosphere while this you know it's beautiful   early start to the evening and uh yeah it's just  a shame that we can't walk around and look at   you know rubbish chinese-made hats and try  and buy some oh look at this guy oh what's up crispy fried pork fried chicken boiled chicken  delicious rice the way they cook this rice   is insane can you see the pieces of chicken  skin that they boil it with yeah this is me thank you chiang mai has some of the best food in the world  man just this food market like look how many   places there are around here and every single one  smells amazing there's vegetarian options there's   vegan options and yes i will show you um the vegan  food scene the vegetarian food scene in another   video just today i'm feeling particularly  in the need for some you know some meat actually that um sweet chili  sauce isn't that it's not spicy they're not spicy at all look at this this is oh  look at these jalapenos or jello jalap what do   we call them in england i've lived in thailand  so long and i've lived with americans for too   long but now i say jalapenos what is wrong with  me let's see if that makes the dish any better they're not spicy so i'm gonna  give this dish five out of ten it like you know there's nothing  wrong with it just it needs a bit kick tipping cap is 50 baht he's like yeah no no [ __ ] dude thank  you thank you thank you thank you yep definitely come here guys southgate  food market incredible selection no trip to the old city would be complete  without checking out at least one temple right   well check out this one this one is special so the monks are actually chanting right now   so i don't want to go in it's like the equivalent  of a service like they're in service right now   so i don't want to be that idiot with my  camera zooming in oh wow it's so amazing   and the reason why i don't immerse myself  with the religion of this country is because   i like it to be a mystery i love the feeling of  bewilderment when i come to these kind of places   i mean i come to temples all the time and every  time i'm like wow what's going on i love this   sometimes it's good to just go somewhere  and have absolutely no idea what's going on   master's right over there remember you  probably saw in the morning remember that big   thing yeah that's that's the yeah good good chat  paddy okay so i've just been back at the hostel   winding down a little bit just resting  been cycling around in the heat all day   i think it's time for a beer but there's a problem  we because of the night markets being closed   there's no live music allowed to be played in any  of the bars you can only get beers in restaurants   or bars if they serve food at the moment so  i don't know if there's going to be much of a   nightlife i mean we've still got 500 and something  bart left just over 500 baht so we haven't even   spent half of our money yet we've had a really  good day which is good but because this is a   realistic budget video realistically you go and  have a few beers don't you at the end of the day so just a stone's throw away from the hostel is  north gates this is the jazz bar that is normally   packing popping but uh it's not tonight normally  we'd all be drinking here on the street dancing   around to jazz music and we could have met a  lot of people but not tonight but that's okay   even though this is not open we can just keep  walking go down there and we'll get to zoe and   yellows massive place where loads of young thai  people and backpackers go drinking and partying   it's probably going to be closed but we'll  go check it out all the rock bars reggae bar zoe everything's closed man i've had so many  good memories in here drunk and debauchery it's all coming back to me  i don't come in that often i found a place that's open   and i met a few cool lads i think these two like  19 year old american guys who live in thailand and   go to university in chiang mai but they're from  america which i thought was really interesting   so we've been playing darts and call and uh  105 bar for a big leo i'm actually going to   have another one so that's 210 and then that  should then not be enough for me i'll go home   wind down with a movie on netflix at the hostel  and then tomorrow we'll use the last of the money   on uh breakfast and uh yeah  so i'm just gonna chill here these are interesting guys i wish you could  meet them but i don't want to put them on   camera because they're definitely  not 19 and they're drinking underage 100. i slept okay actually um i try to wake up and  do some editing of this video but the plug   of my macbook doesn't fit into these wall  plugs down there by the side of the bed   so i can't do that um the fan was fine had it  on one the whole night i was actually quite cozy   trashed the room so i'm gonna wake up we've  still got like i've been keeping score   of our budget and screenshotting it every time i  uh buy something so last night we had two big leos   210 baht all together so now we have 319 baht  which is plenty that's still over ten dollars   so we're going to use that for a nice breakfast  and go get coffee when watch the ufc and then   after that it will be lunch time and it will  be 24 hours since we started this challenge so   um i'm gonna get up and get ready and go to the  pub and that's exactly what i did i went to the   pub i got myself a full english breakfast for  159 baht it was delicious and it came with a   free coffee and some orange juice and then i  went across the street to the pub where all   my friends were and we watched the conor mcgregor  fight and he got battered which was brilliant and   i had some orange juice and lemonades and then i  yeah i succumbed to peer pressure and i ordered   a beer because that was pretty much the last  of my money and uh that was 1 000 baht gone   that beer in that shandy that was it so  we did it a thousand bar and 24 hours   and it was easy so yeah this is a realistic budget  yes and now i'm back home and this is the end of   the video but don't go yet because i've got some  important news if you enjoyed this video you need   to subscribe because very soon in fact two months  to this day i'm going to be quitting my job as a   teacher here in chiang mai leaving my beautiful  home and getting on this getting on my honda dream   and we're going to go to every single province in  thailand and i have no idea how long it's going   to take me and these kinds of videos um i'm just  practicing and trying to get my editing skills and   everything presenting wise uh tuned in so that  when the big series starts in two months it's   gonna be as good as possible so yes please  subscribe join us on this big adventure   we're going to go all around thailand and it's  going to be amazing and check the links in the   description because there's a bunch of ways that  you can contact me give me suggestions for my trip   and support the channel so thanks for watching  and as you can see a thousand bar it wasn't a   challenge it was just kind of like a review of  does this realistic daily budget actually stretch   because it used to easily when i was a backpacker  first time in thailand seven to ten years ago   and it's good to know that that budget  of a thousand bar still gets you so much   here in thailand so i hope you enjoyed  that video and see you in the next one bye

2021-01-29 07:25

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