House Hunters International - Escape to Quito

House Hunters International - Escape to Quito

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Get. Your first pair for $10, only at This is the, car for you what do you think I'm, not ready JustFab, knows you have commitment, issues it converts to a variable, mortgage rate for the remaining 25 years. I'm. Not ready, tying. My shoe oh not. Ready that's okay committing, to JustFab is easy, members say 30%, off every day and you don't have to buy until you're ready get, your first pair for $10, only I just. Come. On ginger I'm, not the normal accountant, I cannot. Be in a cubicle I need to fly. Mike, wants to break free in Quito, Ecuador. Dungeon. Yeah. Whoa. But. The trick will be keeping him grounded, I'm looking for something historic, with character, but inside modern, appliances with. Nico so, I want, that yeah, I don't, know if Mike knows what he wants I kind, of looks like I'm living in grandma's. House but, I will support him 100% now, why does that look so natural to me. Come. On lovebirds Richard. We're just friends, yeah I don't hear. Michael. Miguel checking, in welcome, sir thank you how are you muy bien gracias my profession. Is very boring I'm an accountant, but, I choose to make my life exciting, that's. Yes what you'll stop, living. In Fullerton California I, feel part, of the big corporate bubble so. Last year I came to Ecuador, as a rainforest, volunteer. And I, knew this, is totally, different, so I thought I cannot, be in a cubicle I'm a peacock I got a flight. Ecuador. Is an adventure, country, it has the rainforest I could go to the beach I could go to the Andes the, Galapagos, Island it's amazing, and Ketones, basically, it's a capital it's a hub so, once I figured how to do my business remotely, I figured, hey I could do right from there so. Moving to Ecuador, just me and my dog ginger a lot, of people would even dream about that. Moving. To a different country on my own it's a big step I'm terrified, but, I'm doing it Hey. Oh. My, god. Last, year when I was in Quito I met raylene which, coincidentally she. Was an accountant, living in Quito already so, as soon as I figured out she was doing it I really. Pushed myself to, live my dream that she was already living did. You know this was gingers first flight already, let me tell you that was an adventure just makes full of energy, he likes to take risks and, I think him moving to Ecuador is really important for him this is a move that he needs to make but. I think a lot of expats come to Ecuador and expect everything to be really cheap and some, things are but. It's a different way of living properties. Are different here so I think he's in for a reality check, the. Weather changes every half an hour in Quito that's, what I know this is hot man, it's cold then. It's hot again. Iquitos, a very upbeat city a lot, of young people like to come here because of that and so the rental market has, increased, making. It difficult to find what you want in the city. Huh. Well what, exactly are you looking for in a rental here in Quito I'm, looking for a 3-bedroom, 2bath, mm-hmm, I have a large, the Labrador, so I need something pet friendly and, I, want to be close to like, the city center so where the, nightlife is happening all righty what, else I also. Would like to view that would be really nice Kito's, known so you have beautiful, views so. I want a view Oh any. Modern amenities because, I recently, started. Cooking, so, but. I don't want something American, I want something, historic. More Ecuadorian. Colonial. Style correct, colonial, something, historic, with character, inside, modern, appliances with. A nice view so, I want, that, yeah. That's. Gonna be really, difficult to find right. Well. There are colonial, apartments. Out there but. It comes at a price, well my, budget is a thousand, dollars so the budget is not problem for me well. I gotta tell you it's it's. Tough I think. Raylene it pretty much knows the, cost. Of things both, inside and outside the city so, with rallying involved, michael has know much better chances of deciding, what's most important, to him maybe it the two or three most important, things to him because. He's really asking for a lot and, he, won't get it all.

We're. At right now is a two-bedroom, two-bath lovely. Apartment, and, it's $800, per month all right well, two bedrooms, and it's kind of out of the. Center, of town but, it's $200, lesson price that's a lot of money all. Right this is check it out okay, come on. Wow. We're, gonna have you. This. Is the view I was expecting, good good I like, to hear that I like. This in that nice I like. How it's open nice, and spacious yeah it's like a cook entertain. Make. Drinks, and look there's a full-size fridge and, freezer what, that means I'm gonna be cooking a lot and you're gonna be coming over all the time to now absolutely. It. Is good space it, has a nice view but. I feel, like it's not South, America, it's too modern. This, is the master bedroom. Well. It's good size well. It's really bright mm-hmm. It's modern, not. Colonial, that I'm looking for yeah, it's very wait there's not much character but, you, could decorate it that's. True the, bed's big like that mm-hmm, I don't. Like that the neighbors are directly. I could see them directly hmm. Well, it comes with blackout, shades and curtains okay but that's the problem about living in a big city yeah. That's true. Let's. See the guest, bedroom, remember it is the guest bedroom this is. Really small I don't, know if I would be happy to have my guests over here it's really small the bed is tiny that's for a child and, what about my office well. We'd have to get a small desk and put it over in the corner or something like that mm-hmm. It's gonna feel like I'm back in a cubicle, I'm trying to escape Corporate America you're putting me back in the box yeah well. What. Do you think about the place I do, like, the. Layout how, it's open and I, do love the view don't get me wrong that view that's. A million-dollar view right there but I don't like how it's so modern remember, I'm looking for Maloney oh I, feel like I'm in Fullerton over here booming, for $800. For something like this this is a great deal but. I could get this in Fullerton not for that price I'd. Give you that but. I don't know Richard so. You really, want the full colonial. Home I want the full experience. Okay. I think. This is a really good space especially. For properties in quito and I think Mike needs to learn that, he's, not gonna be able to have everything. Whoa. Pretty. Nice huh this, is really nice Richard, luxury. Awaits but. It's out of the way well, depends, on traffic it could be an hour to, an hour and a half from town ooh I, don't know about that but I like this type of property I feel like I'm almost living in a mansion. Our. Leggings, are made to move and for a limited time get two pairs for $24.

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It May have felt a little too, familiar I don't, like how it's so modern remember, I'm looking at it alone yeah this. Is something I could get him Fullerton okay. Raylene. And Richard both know that Mike's massive, wish list will be hard to fulfill, so. Richard decides to trade modern features and downtown access, for, the classic Ecuadorian. Style Mike's been craving but. It's way out of town, whoa. Pretty. Nice huh this is really, nice Richard we're in Bali dildos chills which is outside, of town little ways but I think it's worth it it's, a very nice very well-appointed. Three-bedroom, and its, 1,100. Per month it's. Over your budget it, is over budget but look at the size how. Far is it from town well. Depends, on traffic it could be an hour to, an hour and a half from town ooh that means they'd have to get a car or, a taxi. Or, taxi, yeah I don't know about that but still the size I like, it let's check it out all, right. Wow. Ignis nice, it's. Really, Orange. It's very orange it makes me feel like I'm gonna get a 10 well. You know that really is one, of the predominant colors, here especially in, rentals, because it doesn't show the dirt it is bright, really. Very. Spacious I like that the. Furniture looks kind of dated though it kind of looks like I'm Olivia named grandma's. House. Yes. Pretty typical Ecuadorean. Actually, it's. Easy to tobin Raeleen doesn't like something I just forget her face she, does not have a poker face but. I kind of like this type of property I feel like I'm almost, living in a mansion. The. Master bedroom, it's. Different I feel, like I'm in an aquarium actually, well, it's it's, really blue it's blue you, know it's not blue, it's blue. Richard. Probably should make this place because, it's huge a spacious, is really, well manicured, but. I think it's not the lifestyle, man he was looking for. Of. Course your kitchen mm-hmm. This. Is huge in it it. Has a five-burner. Stove a nice. Corian sink. And faucet this. Is the modern kitchen that, you asked for I, wouldn't. Say modern, it reminds me of country, Bear Jamboree. You. Know it's all real, natural, wood it, has a dishwasher. 95%. Of the homes here you will not see a dishwasher this, is a high-end kitchen trust. Me if you're cooking and you're having friends over the party is always in the kitchen I. Really. Do want to start cooking, for myself and, I, could really see myself with, all this space having large parties, and, it's. Super fancy I guess, I don't know if this is the spot for me, what.

Do You think raylene I think, you'd be lonely here it's, really, far from town it's a really, big space, it's. Not a bachelor, pad yeah, what are the girls gonna think yeah this your grandma's house. Is. She in the back, well. You're right I mean I showed you a nice big spacious home at, some point you've got to make your own mind on the certain items that you want the most. This. Is what I'm looking for, this is bro Ecuador this is the colonial section of the city you really like this to. Get the access, Mike needs and the style he wants, Richard, will have to get creative. This. Is different. Dungeon. Yeah. The. Latest fabletics leggings, are here right now your first two pairs of fabletics, are just $24. Our high performance fabrics. Are designed to keep you cool dry, and comfortable, during workouts, while compression, knit technology will do up in all the right places easy, to reach pockets, keep your belongings and, and out of the way while ultra free double mesh provides added ventilation and style these, aren't just leggings, they're, fabletics, and right now your first two pairs are just $24. Only at fabletics calm. When. Your work takes you away what. You bring with you matters, the. Way makes luggage that works for you that. Keeps you moving keeps. You powered, and is. Yours to keep her. Life. So, you can focus on the big picture. And. The little moments that get you there. Find. Your travel uniformat away travel calm. NerdWallet. Calm, knows that it can be hard to know. Sometimes. Options, seem similar. And. You don't want to wing. But. When it comes to credit cards you. Can breathe easy nerd, wallet has all the info you need in one place to, help you find the lowest rate most, cash back or, sweetest, perks, nothing. Beats knowing, find your next card today at nerd wallet calm. You. Are a traveler, sometimes. A jetsetter other, times a tourist, but, always always. Moving, away. Makes luggage that can keep up with an ejectable, battery for, spinner wheels, and. A lifetime guarantee. This. Is luggage made for the way you actually, travel. Find. Your travel uniform, that away travel calm, home. Shop offers more menu choices than ever before, which. Means more real excitement than ever before. And with, over 60 recipes a month. Including. New 5-minute, lunches, home. Chef has even more ways to blow you away a, home. Chef meals, anyone, can cook and everyone, will love visit. Home chef comm for $30 off your first order. So. You ready to go I'm ready, you. Know. With. His friend rayleen's help mike is taking a big step outside of his comfortable, corporate, shell and starting. Fresh in Quito, Ecuador. From. California, to Quito it's quite a distance so. The biggest risk is, leaving. That comfort zone that's, the big thing for me I. Feel. Like a roller coaster. Ray. Means an accountant, just like me but, she's not the normal accountant, she's, an adventure, seeker she. Was, a rough NIC an oil, rig before. But. After every poll there's a little bump I don't like that all right she's, more grounded and she's more realistic, BAM, the dreamer and. Even if I'm terrified, no. One gonna be trying to knock me down from the clouds so. If you look over, there. Or, you should be able to see Cayambe, which is one of the volcanoes, around Quito and I think we're gonna get to the talk will be able to see cotopaxi, oh cool. I love. Living here I love Ecuador, but there's a huge difference between being, on, vacation and actually moving somewhere and for. Mike who, wants it all those. Differences are becoming, clear. Wow. Look, at that view, so. Far the hunts been a contest, between contemporary, and classical. I don't, like how it's so modern I feel like I'm in Fullerton over here so, you really, want the full colonial. Home I want the full experience. Whoa. Pretty. Nice huh I feel, like I'm in a mansion, the. Furniture looks kind of dated though kind, of looks like I'm living in grandma's, house, and I think you'd be lonely here it's really, far from town it's a really, big space, it's. Not a bachelor, pad I think. After this mike is really starting to think, differently. About what he wants what he can afford where. He has to go to get it I think it's really getting confused, so I have to concentrate on getting colonial. Styling, and. At least a two-bedroom home, but, back in town. This. Is what I'm looking for this, is real Ecuador this is the colonial section of the city you really like this you're, about eight blocks off of City Center the, apartments, two bedrooms, two baths and it's, 950, of Montano's s down it's, under budget but, the street is really busy and there's a lot of hills yes, but its colonial, and.

I Love the location. This. Is different, mm-hmm. Dungeon. Yeah. It. Is spacious but, it looks really cold, and really damp, this. Was built in 1890. And it's, about 127. Years old is it haunted I don't. Know I don't know I guess you'll have to stay here and find out it's, a thin budget it, is a budget it, has character. And you, know I'm a character. Here's. Your kitchen. I. Could. Get used to this you got the microwave you, got the oven you, got the refrigerator, this. Is a beer fridge, well. I didn't say it was a big fridge I'm. Trying, to learn how to cook but, I don't really see myself becoming a master chef in this kitchen I'll be a master, chef for ramen noodles and a, beer, connoisseur. Connoisseur. Here's. The master bedroom, I like. The style and this is like real Ecuador. I'm. Not convinced, I think, it's old there's, no closet space that. Bed doesn't look very comfy. No. Now. Why, does that look so natural to me. Come. On lovebirds let's go check out the other bedroom, Richard, were just friends, yeah I don't here. This. Is a guest bedroom and. It's actually it looks really cool if I had a guest over here and they were getting the whole Ecuadorian, experience, there's. No windows in here no, windows s that's correct but. The guests have their own restroom. That's, a plus that's a huge plus yeah I don't. Know if Mike knows what he wants if he, absolutely loves this place I will support him 100% I, just, might not visit him I like. It as texture, it has character, I feel, like I'm in a different country and that's what I'm looking for something different, I think it's definitely different but to me it's cold it's, damp. I don't, feel warm, and happy in here you don't like the cold damp feeling yeah I. Like it Richard I think this is like the ultimate man, cave yeah, there you go see I'm, waiting to see the ghost I. Think. Because there's so much that he wants Michael, in the end is, gonna have to compromise on, some of his issues so he needs to really sit down with, raylene and talk about what's, most important, to him and what he's really looking for. Can't. You imagine having parties, in the penthouse with a view of the city I don't think you can beat that in. My opinion it's either living in a basement or living on top of the world. Are. The credit cards in your wallet actually. The best ones for you at, nerve wallet we, sort through hundreds of credit cards to, find the top cards for balance transfer traveling. Burning rewards and, other perks, using. Your unique in boat to narrow the search nerd. Wallet makes it easy to find credit card to work harder than. The ones you have now. Stop. Missing out, visit. NerdWallet calm, to find the cards that are made for you. We. Can tell you we're number one in customer satisfaction. We. Have lots of dishes you'll love. And. That they're super easy to cook. But. Our customers say it best home. Chef the, mail kit delivery service rated number one in customer satisfaction try. It for yourself visit, home chefs comm for $30, off your first order ooh I. Like this one top. Hat er is an app with auctions at last 90 seconds, he. Gets intense you gotta act fast so you don't miss something special the, options start at just $1 so you can find some ridiculous, deals for. Free Paoli the wind. It's like eBay but everything, sells in 90 seconds, hey. This. Still look okay to you. Yeah. It. Doesn't look too baggy. No. No no no it's not baggy let's. Just. Perfect. You. Look great right. Bling. It's. Good. Suits. That actually fit for you and your crew rent, from the black tux calm. Beautiful. Ladies loving that beautiful. Family, jealous, bride, is the best day of your life there's, that smile too keeper let's get the lucky men in here huh. We. Got it. Okay. Some. Days are just too important, for a trashy suit red from the black tux calm. So. Do you want to go for some ecuadorian high tea mmm. High tea what, is that I'll. Show you come on all right Mike. Wasn't buying the dull corporate, life he was living in California so. He's decided to give it all up for Quito, Ecuador, moving. To Ecuador just me and my dog ginger doing. It my way a lot of people would even dream about that, his. Friend raylene has lived here for over a year and, is trying to keep him on a sensible, path to a happy home but, even she still, has a few things to learn, that's. Really good I really. Know. Well. I still like your opinion about houses hmm. So. The moderate apartment has everything in it and had a brand-new kitchen and, the view is amazing, yeah, but it wasn't colonia and it wasn't in central historical that's, what I wanted that's true let's.

Talk About the suburban house it was very spacious had. A big kitchen, however. It's $100 over budget and it's really really far from town yeah, that's true I was in my style, what. About the colonial, home it's, close to the center of town it has the whole colonial, feel and it's, under budget but. The kitchen was tiny it was basically two hot plates in a beer fridge yeah that's true and, it was in the basement it start I was expecting, to see a ghost walk out of the guest bedroom. I. Think. The suburban house should, be off the list I totally, agree with that you know the first thing of real estate is location and, that. Place is just way too far, - a hundred dollars of our budget I agree. With that is definitely, a no-go. So. It's between the modern apartment, and the, dungeon and, ha you mean the optimum man cave yeah. What. About it that place was awesome it's in central historical that's, where I want to be and when you walk in it was just a cool, feeling it's so different, it is different it's the difference between living in a dungeon or living in the clouds Wow, okay, so why are you such a big fan of the modern apartment I really. Like that one I think the kitchen was modern, the, master bedroom was huge in the view was incredible but. Look at the guest bedroom that's a tiny room reading, on Colonial, lab guest room had a big bed it was very authentic so, when my guests come they're, actually getting the whole Ecuadorian, feel that's. True but, if I was your guest and I stayed in the room with no windows I would feel like I'm in solitary confinement, not. On holiday, ooh, okay. Well um can't. You imagine having parties, in the penthouse with, a view of the city I don't think you can beat that in. My opinion inside they're living in a dungeon or living on top of the world you. Know, what really Nia I think. You're right I think, you're right modern, apartment, it is thanks. For Dean good, choice. Wow. This is amazing every, time I come up here I forget how beautiful it is it's a gorgeous view I love it if, I could describe my life now in one word my, life is awesome this. Is just such an awesome country, you, know what like for slower I enjoyed, my work and overall. I'm Way. Happier. That's. Way too high, I know. I gave up my, ultimate, man cave but. I'm saving more money being here because I have a kitchen and, I'm. Becoming a good cook and I food comes out good and, with. That extra money ginger, and I were traveling we're checking out Ecuador. It's. Amazing, I love it brilliant, was right about everything really I were. Becoming better and better friends. You. Got a challenge yourself you got to get out I did it it, was a hard decision it, was not easy to do but have no regrets I made, the best decision in, my life I'm really glad I did this.

2018-09-23 21:35

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