House Hunters International - Closer to the Equator

House Hunters International - Closer to the Equator

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Patti-anne. Rule hightailing. It out of IC. Ontario we're, gonna miss not be able to watch hockey and, feel, the pool now. Their decades-long, dream, of beach living might actually come, true wow, this. Is like being, on a cruise ship if. They, can find the right spot it seems like a lot, of house to maintain, here well I wanted, a full ocean view that was our dream do, you think we could afford to live there no. Okay. We gotta get going okay. Our, life has been pretty hectic, just. Go Coco I had. A career, correctional. Services for. 37, years and I. Work for, gas, utility, company you. Spent. Very structured, life both in our work and in. Our own life yeah. We've, worked really hard. We're. In the snow belt and it. Can, get so cold and we can get dumped on with so much snow that we just looked at each other while we were shoveling snow and, said, why. Do we have to do this anymore. We've. Been to Oaxaca four times and from the very first time we went there we. Fell in love with the people and, the, lifestyle, yeah, of course we have a 42, acre, piece of lakefront, property. Here in Canada, that, we could sell so, we can start to look in. Mexico. For our next adventure so. We just said let's do it yeah we said it's time for us to take a break and just enjoy, our time together yeah. And it's good down friends of the big boat. Their. Friend Brent hails from Saskatchewan. And he knows a thing or two about what brings northerners, to the area. Describing. Oaxaca is very easy it takes one word it's paradise. Well suku is the resort town it's actually made up of nine, bays and 36, beautiful, beaches there's, a laid-back vibe, with, excellent, infrastructure, and amazing. Picture, postcard. Views because of the sierra madre del sur mountains hitting, the blue waters of the pacific and then these sandy, bays this. Is my favorite thing to do with get out on the water it, definitely takes the stress away this is our dream we're. Looking for two bedrooms two, baths, open-concept. Living. And, number. One priority, is unobstructed, views, of the ocean this. Beach were coming up on is called Xiao Wei, it's our environmentally, friendly. Absolutely. Gorgeous, white sand beach up, here there's some amazing private homes that's. What we're looking for I, like. Privacy so. I would like a standalone home or I could landscape, and do the things I did back, home yeah, but I've had to maintain a, large house for most of our lives so, I would prefer a condo, that's easy to maintain and, that's. Close to town because, I don't, want to have to drive anymore. Look at that do you think we could afford to live there no. Our. Budgets. $300,000. But we can go over that if it has everything we're, looking for, okay. Generally, let's not go, over, the budget okay, okay. I'm. Recognizing, there's gonna be a big challenge with Patty and Roli they're very far apart on what they want but they both want w-what. We'll go maybe the jewel of the Oaxaca coast and where, Patti wants to be but, to get them everything, on their wish list for a bargain price Brent is steering them away from it toward the spectacular. Ocean view they both crave we, are one hour west, of what's hukou at the center, of the Oaxaca Coast an, hour. I don't, mind it try but is this a condo, this, is a condo and I'll tell you something it doesn't get more dramatic. Of an ocean view than this there's two bedroom two baths and it's actually under budget it's, only 239, us Wow nice let's, check it out all right. It's. Way far from town and that, really bothers.

Me Knowing. That but it's a condo. All. Right here we are this is all brand-new, construction. High. Ceilings. Very. Nice flooring, that's, all marble floor with stone inlay Wow. Very, nice oh my. God look, at this view. This, is like being, on a cruise ship is, it ever look, at the rocks out there in the pool Oh awesome, ocean. Ocean. View a little Hakka Coast. Roley. Doesn't want a condo, but maybe those ocean, views could, lure. Him over to my side because you cannot argue with those views. The. Kitchen looks a little small though and I, really don't like the black, well. What we can do is open this kitchen up the great thing is the price of labor is very inexpensive so perhaps we can make some alterations for you okay, I know. Patty wants to space to be perfect, if we have to change things that's something I don't mind but, for Patty that might be a deal-breaker. Check. Out the master bathroom. That's. A pretty small bathroom, it, is a little small, I agree, but let me show you the view from your bed, now. That's what I'm talking, about that is a great view, this, is what it's all about this, is very nice, this, view might, just be a selling point but look at the neighbors they're so close beside us Brett well, it is a condo, so neighbors, are a bit closer but we can definitely put, up a privacy, screen for you there maybe. Okay. I'm. A little surprised, that he's worried, about neighbors. Peeking, in at us and the privacy, aspect I, think life would be great living here. Wow. Take. A look at this pool you got water on all sides Youth it's, beautiful, it is a nice large pool but, it's, not my own private, pool I love, this but the problem is it's just too far from Motoko you, know it's gonna be a lot of back and forth to go shopping, that's a very good point you know we can make that work but I gotta get my head around living with other people in a condominium. Roli. I got, you your house I like that this is a private, home private. Pool and Patty were very close to town we're only five minutes away that, sounds, good it's. A nice house but, that's gonna mean a lot of work for me but it's a house and that's what I've been asking brand for, bring. A vacation, home let, a souvenir inspire. Your decor from, colors to materials, evoke, the feel of the destination. Brad, to you by Valero fueled, by Valero. Providing the fuel to, take you there no, matter where there, is. Top-tier. Quality, fuels from Valero keep your engine running cleaner better, and longer at. Farmer's we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything, even close claws we, took your shortcuts. And. We, covered it talked to farmers we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. Behr. Marquee presents. It's got potential. Margo. And Sam had a vision brought. To life in one coat. Whatever. Your home may hand you bare through it in one coat Behr marquee number-one-rated. Interior, paint guaranteed in a thousand plus colors. Right. Now get, incredible, savings on bear paints and stains exclusively. At the Home Depot, introducing. Michelob ultra pure. Gold a beer. Inspired, by nature, made. With organic grains, for. A pure, refreshing, taste. You. Pay in time you. Pay in grit you. Pay in dedication. So. We lowered, and locked in our tuition, because. You pay enough already. Dole. Is introducing, tasty, combinations, of fruit in revitalizing. Coconut, water. New. Fruit balls and slightly, sweetened, coconut water. From. Dole. It's. A clash of titans hillary, david's she's, the designer he's. The agent, in. A battle for home supremacy. So. Can. I just hold it up like this when. The dust settles. Only one will close the deal. Not my first rodeo with you all's fair in love and real estate. That are listed next, Monday night at 9:00 only on HGTV. Oh this. Is beautiful. Yeah, what, a beautiful mangrove, you. Ever seen a crocodile in the world No. Patty, and Rowley are leaving frigate London Ontario for. The peace and serenity, mexico's, Oaxaca coast we, enjoy tropical. Places we've been to many islands, in the Caribbean, South America. Mexico. And. We love the. Warmer weather that allows us to be active year-round. I think. This is pretty cool, it feels like we're back 100, years ago 200. Years ago it's, so pristine I. Have. Always looked forward to flowing. Down but. It was never the right time because, we were so busy working and, looking. After kids oh look. There's, one over there we're right. There oh wow. I can see me looks like a big log now. I'm looking for a kind of life and a. Kind of home we, can enjoy together, it's.

Pretty Cool we'd never see that in Canada see. World's not bad it's, a good thing there's a lot of things we can do on the country yeah, just. Keep your hands in. Oh. This. Is like being, on a cruise ship is, it ever the. Two seem to differ except. Where ocean views are concerned I think life would be great living here but. I gotta, get my head around living, with other people in a condominium, I, want. A private house with my own pool my, own private space where, I can garden, that's what I would like what, I want to see is close, to town. Where, would I go to get my hair done oh we. Have a great stylist, right in town here he's actually a fellow Canadian on a Winnipeg uh-huh. I really, don't like all this driving you know I've done too much of it my whole life, well this next place is a single-family, home it's, got lots of outdoor space a private. Pool and patio for a standalone home it doesn't get any closer. Roli. I got, you your house this is a 3-bedroom. 2bath, private. Home private. Pool and patti were very close to town we're only five minutes away wow that's good and it's way under budget only, two hundred sixty, thousand, US dollars that's, 40k under budget Wow Brent I like that I don't know it seems like a lot of house to maintain, here, it's. A nice house but, that's gonna mean a lot of work for me it's. A house and that's what I've been asking brand for. All. Right here we are so we have a sunken living room over to our right, you. Know from the outside I thought it was gonna be a lot bigger but, you know we're not sharing, our walls with her neighbors that's. True, let's. Go take a look at the kitchen okay, okay. I don't. Know this is pretty small but. Look at the view of the kitchen window or the pool, yeah. It looks nice you, know what I do like is the appliances. Look pretty new yeah. Everything was recently updated I love the color of the countertops, but. I'm. Surprised, how small this kitchen is. So. Up here we have two guest rooms and a full bath okay. Wow. That is a big shower. I love, the tile, it's. Fine. And. Here's the master. It. Has a nice big bed we don't have to buy it and I love the height through the ceiling. Yeah. That's, nice, I think. The rooms are small and there. Is absolutely no view but. Beggars, can't be choosers oh. And. I love that landscaping. I could, spend hours out here taking care of this and check, out this palapa, this is really, cool I'm, glad you like it but. You know there's, no ocean view I'm not ready to give up on that yet I understand. You guys are looking for an ocean view but, this house really is a compromise, it's a private house and for you Patti it's close to town this, is what you're gonna get with this big of a backyard and your, budget, yeah. Gotta love that pool it, is a beautiful. Backyard and, I just love that kelapa but you're willing to give up on that ocean view so easily just, to have a private pool yeah. It doesn't have that full, ocean view but, I think we couldn't learn to love it hide. On our. Friends. Keeping them in town but, location. Isn't, everything it's, another condo, Roley, it's a condo, but it's got your ocean view and we're right close to town for you Patti that works for me all right let's do, 2.0. It's. A powerful, grass, trimmer a, precision. Edger and, even. A handy, mini mower all in one lightweight, maneuverable cordless. Machine the WORX gt2 is powered by a lithium battery with, almost twice the capacity, of previous models, dual. Position wheels, support, and guide the machine and it's fully adjustable get. Your own grass trimmer and blower combo, kit in store today. Shield. Annuities, from Bright House Financial allow. You to take advantage of growth opportunities, with the level of protection and, down markets, so, you can be less concerned about your retirement savings talk, with your advisor about shield annuities from Bright House Financial established. By MetLife. These, are dreams that is what this is all about.

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Their. Desires are still pretty far apart so, brent tries to unite them by bringing back the view while keeping them in the center of what dual ko, but that comes, at a price so brent, where are we we're, five minutes from town this, is a two-bedroom, two-bath Roley, it's got your ocean view and Patti it's got all the conveniences you're looking for oh it's another condo. Roley it's a condo, but I think you guys are really gonna like it and what's the price it's, a little bit over budget at, 310,000. US dollars but it's well worth it it is a little over budget Brent, well let's take a look okay. Roley's. Energy you, know it just tells me he's really against, living in a condo but this really fits Patti's, needs and I thought with that beach being, so close he, might really take, a bite into this condo. All. Right check it out guys there's a big wide-open space, here Wow look. At the size of this room, I like, these high ceilings, yeah. It does make it feel like it's, a bigger room true, yeah, I really. Like the rattan furniture. Well. I'm, not big on that but, we could switch it off by something yeah yeah, that could, get into some money though. When. You first walk in you're hit by the big, room and the open floor plan, it's. Very modern I really. Like this granite, it. Is a nice color. Thanks. This kitchen is big enough for the two of us like, you said it's just the two of us most of the time, that's. True. This. Is a really. Great property, it's a very desired, development. And, I feel like the reaction to the condo wasn't, quite the way you expect, for this type of property I. Really. Like the style of that sink but. It's only one sink and for the price we have to pay I don't think we should have to share. It's. A condo firstly, and it's, a condo secondly, thirdly, and fourthly, I don't think I want a condo. Here. We are guys check out that view Wow. Look at the size, of this Terrace. This is great, the ocean, is right there it. Is nice but look the. Kondal is right on top of us, well. But this is the city but, I wanted. A full ocean view that's why that was her dream. As. Much. As I love that it's close to town it's. Way overpriced and it's, a little small but, the biggest thing it didn't have that full ocean view that both of us want. While. This property, is a compromise, we have you here and we got you right in the center of the city so this, is something you guys are gonna have to talk about all, right okay. Now. That Cliff condo, Brent, really, delivered, on those oceans, you did, me I mean we asked for ocean views and he hit, it but, I want, my own private, home something, with a lot of space we've always had that I know. Tarek. And Christina must keep their high-risk. Flipping. Business on track, we, have to get along truth on, an all-new flip or flop Thursday, night at 9:00 only, on HGTV. Also available streaming, on the HGTV, app and Hulu so. You'll be here to help if I need you I got, you what about here. Go. With the one that's here to help life go right State Farm. Behr. Presents, ordinary. Vs. overachiever. A lot. Of paints say they can do the job but just one can bear through it all. Behr. Premium plus, a top-rated, interior, paint at a great price, family-friendly. Disaster. Proof right, now get incredible, savings on bear paints and stains exclusively. At the Home Depot not. Everybody. Bring. Home Disney's, Peter Pan now with over two hours of bonus features. Add. It to your Disney collection and watch it tomorrow on digital, a Hilton. Getaway means you get more because, you, get another day in paradise get, a sunset, on a Sunday, get, more stories, to share, get more from your summer getaway with exclusive, Hilton offers book yours only at Hilton comm, juggling. All the things we do is in charge hey it's a fun challenge and our tempur-pedic helps, us make it all work, it gives us the best night's sleep ever I recommend.

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2018-06-01 18:53

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