Hotel hunt gone wrong

Hotel hunt gone wrong

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y'all we're here i don't know if we're in haifang or catback i'm with chris over here we are headed to the island cat bath to explore and hopefully find a hotel to check in and start our island journey let's go all right i'm how much you need i don't have any how much do we need for a ticket stuff yeah i got and then when we get the cowbell yeah chris has no money it's okay i have we just go chris yep take my wallet i'm out of money so i gotta borrow max take my wallet thank you give her money [Music] easy i think that was like 12 for people 20 for the bike or something like that so cheap oh and they just keep trying to get you it's really hard to get to the ferry there's so many people selling everything first you get there with all the tours and food stalls and then you get the ladies walking around with bun maize and corn and then you come here where you have every snack gum or thing imaginable hello um [Music] really not thirsty and i can't understand their northern accent yeah max over here engaging with the locals they engage with me they're engaging with you they try to give me a drink of beer i'm like oh it's like one o'clock i'm okay i should help him out i should drink a good old beer awesome okay you don't just stand there we got 15 minutes let's drink something oh i really do want to be here but we're just starting our adventures like now i wish i could just ride on back to chris's bike if you drink a beer and not worry about it everything downfall okay [Music] okay they know you they know you dude he knows you no nobody knows me okay he's like i know you i know max oh wow hear your name too yeah what did they say yeah they think no i think they mean them gum oh you got more gum do they have so much stuff here what do they have they have pastries these pastries are pretty good if you touch you have to buy if you touch everybody oh man they have oreos they have sunflower seeds pumpkin seeds everything i don't know i think the island has oreos the island probably has oreos okay i don't know i don't know what islands have and don't have i mean i don't know i've never been on a vietnamese island this is my first time oh it is too it is for me too i don't know it's like catboy like football though where it's like really touristy i don't know i mean i've heard it's really touristy but let's try the team i already have yeah i'm like halfway done how is it bitter okay things up let's get it [Music] ah chris we missed it i missed it we missed it already chris sorry oh i was talking can we go or did we really miss it did we really miss it did we really miss it no i don't think they didn't let anyone out yeah they let people out already oh man let's just try let's talk to him hey i thought we missed it oh you missed it i was like no done man and chris almost forgot his bag man dude yo man traveling chris for getting everything oh keep going i don't know i think we can't really get through want to go through here we're on board correctly like luffy on one piece we're on our ship we're on our way for the bikes they just like how you get on the bus and like whoa we're moving yeah they make you get on it chris ain't a lot of money be made when you pay 45 for a bike in yourself yeah seriously can't complain you're only paying two dollars right hello oh hello how's the bathroom it's pretty smelly where's it go i think it goes straight down there anyways let's explore more stuff to buy sell for you stay away from there and i don't know if you can see this with this camera or not but if you don't want to take a ferry but if you don't have a bike or anything you can actually take the like skyline thing over here it looks like all the fun but then you're on the other side with no bike or anything so it probably costs a lot of money oh look she's got crabs hey look at her she's brought so many crabs did she catch them while go away did she catch him in the field though oh and then she's taking her bath so on the way here there are many fields she caught him in her field now she's taking him out of cell i guess oh while we're still going across the water everybody's up here diane he's a man on the boat captain oh look at this it's like his own little home like he's literally got utensils and he's trying out his uh his dish towels and everything he's got bowls he's got two brushes i mean he literally i mean i think though they probably spend how many hours on this boat he's decorated he's got his own plant is it a pack tree no it's not a tack tree oh it is a tack tree good man good choice in trees i like his his choice pack tree it's one of the best trees look at this that was actually my thumbnail pose so i hope it worked oh and here you can see what i was talking about take this go chris go chris i'm about to get hit by car onward i'm not gonna lie i think chris was like a little nervous about this he didn't think it was gonna be so easy as a chris can you imagine human history like literally selling to different countries and not knowing what's there i don't know i think about like way back in history that stuff is wild i mean chris and i were a little nervous we're like man how's this ferry ride gonna be be weak and maybe if i was born 400 years ago i wouldn't survive maybe all right i think we've made it to cat by city that city town meeting town if you don't tell the difference between a town and a city a town is smaller than a city that's fine okay we made it to the get back down now we gotta find a hotel hotel hot when in doubt go right i don't know if this is right i don't know chris we'll see oh i feel like i just came into this like mountainous jungle down here this is beautiful i love this town and as you'll see right here while we're having trouble finding a hotel this is why they're full tour bus tour bus tour bus tour business you it's a hotel service everybody loves chris's vietnamese even me because it makes easy getting around easy see this is the place i already i told him so max i already told him we already booked the place so if we don't why don't we just say like we already booked a place that's the trick you gotta tell me everybody so sneaky [Music] [Music] [Music] okay from uh that's a no for me like i don't need much but i can't take smells [Music] okay what do you think oh just don't smell moldy to me but i do that's why yo my name is food um foreign and one at bottom i think bottom is high down i don't know how much this is but look we can find nicer just pay more for a twin bedroom i hate the smell in there it's so quiet searching chris what's up what'd you think of the rooms oh they're actually they weren't he normally like rents them out per month and it was only three million per month it's actually like price-wise they're quite cheap but for a few days they're a little like uh moldy so we'll go go to our other hotel and check first right yeah we already booked it and paid right it's happily we'll go great man [Music] i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure he's just like hey what i think just like hit maybe he's a little too friendly a little too friendly so golden land is right here it's like two uh oh it's literally right here oh chris was like we already got a hotel booked it's like two away but he's gone already so now we can go i know i thought about it this is golden man should we go somewhere else should we stay here i think we should probably find a different place this is the place i found i'm sorry so the place i found online is right here but it's two away from that guy where chris already said oh we got somewhere booked already we're just lost what do you think i mean this doesn't look much better i don't look too bad though it doesn't look moldy at least yeah i mean at least it looks like fresh yeah i just care about freshness yeah fresh but mostly it's just maybe we just drive let's keep it's a hotel hunt let's keep going okay let's keep going oh man come on found this place online it looked cheap now let's see if they have a room oh i am filming i thought it wasn't filming i feel like every time i say that everybody needs to take a drink that watches this video oh i'm getting the phone call now she's calling just calling find out [Music] yeah i'm a seasoned veteran from china yeah man no they're trying to take as far away that's what we want don't want because we want a room right here close and so they got a couple hotels that's why they were calling okay i'm always i'm a seasoned veteran i always know that's what they do dude china trying to like maybe so skeptical of people all right onward such a great learning experience for everybody oh we literally passed this one we already passed it was this the one we stopped like did you see that one look yeah yeah this is the one we were like did you see that one so it's parking down here [Music] [Music] [Music] i just want to show you what's supposed to look like not getting rooms this we're like scatterbrained dude still got our helmets on well this is the trick you keep your helmet on so you can leave very quickly okay oh what a i did not know this is gonna do this all right let's get out um 103. that'd be so funny oh right here the window is big he said the windows but i love the way people word stuff like the windows big but look at this view look at this view oh what a pink window guys air conditioners look at this window like that's how he sold to chris he said it's got a big window big window well that's that was all that was on my mind you know the first time what was the other place you found my work well it was like 400 like across the street so i guess we could look at it i mean 400 i surprised this isn't 600 big deal was there a better view or anything i don't know let's look don't check out mine they're gonna come upstairs gonna be like are you ready to take it are you ready to take it it's funny when we came in they were already like can we have your passport and stuff let us see the room first yeah let's go talk to him just say like we want to look around if this is cheaper let's get it okay we think we got a cheaper option four times the charm sorry you gotta find an excuse in hf right it's anywhere i just want to keep looking keep looking bad excuse max i'm not gonna excuse this sorry we want a view next to the ocean okay yeah that's good he's good dang he's really good at that maybe he's just lied about our maybe he's light about our friendship this whole time too if you ever want a reason not to learn vietnamese it's that right there i don't have to deal with any of the excuse stuff i just leave it the sucks about speaking a cruise you always have to be the one i just walk out all right onward i didn't see it i'll let you go [Music] oh it's on the mountain okay yeah so we got to go further i guess i got some catching up to do for y'all hold on right so let's catch up so chris and i we were i just felt like we were fighting on the inside trying to find somewhere and we were just pushing too much so we're kind of type of people too you know there's we couldn't go block without somebody like hotel hotel hotel hotel hotel so we just you know somebody pushes that hard for us we kind of go the other way i know they're being friendly and you just never know it's part of traveling you get defensive we decided we're like ellen we want to relax so we came three kilometers outside the city and found this stunning place so you know sometimes it tastes good to get outside the city and uh have a friend that speaks vietnamese i'm sorry my battery died we're getting that room at the top let's go oh dude not moldy no it's not moldy it's pretty nice and clean in here [Music] um [Music] oh so yeah i hope to accomplish that here we'll just show you what a place is like show you many different hotels anyways we're only going to be here for a couple nights i you know just show you the place to me that's why it's daily max you're coming along with me and today chris don't you feel you feel a lot better than that like the people feel a lot like nicer than that well they're nice but it's like not that pushy we're like where's your passport where's your this where's that yeah exactly up there they were like you know come with me come look at this they got like johnny groom said let me give a call to my friend and see if he has it and this view right dude we got here perfect time look at this let's take a break and look we're not even up there it's literally on the mountain i know it gets better i don't know why i look there it's going to get better as we go up he stopped you stopped i don't know maybe a thumbnail maybe not about fail drone shot through your thumbnail this room's not quite ready you have to come back at later time not quite ready for check-in well i usually say go right but rolls are meant to be broken go left that goes nowhere hike to your room free exercise program with the room dude my legs are on fire right now but the only inspiration keeps me going i want to see its room and the view keeps getting better literally you know when you go to temple you go to buda temples i feel like this is the same the location is prime time but you have to just hike so far to get there look at this yes thumbnail but who knows because i don't literally the same when you go to buddha temple man can i is it open what if we forgot the key which one's ours i don't want to go in the wrong one oh we're still going oh man wild it's so beautiful here golly oh there's a lot up here oh oh it's mountain view village up here hello i did not expect this to all the people i don't see it coming christmas goodbye oh dude i mean this is nice nice look at that view yeah yeah this is worth coming out the city i mean wow oh this is cool y'all we are gonna take this one is a million so the one inside the city was 600 so 400 extra about a little under 20 dollars i think it's worth it just for the peace and quiet the the unique experience that's only 10 per person right because we're going to show it's a two bed so this is all worth it i'm taking it this video has been long long long maybe do a hotel review here but it won't be this video see in the next video i think that on that note this is the one time i know this video done just how professional says uh not over i want to show you this that is worth the extra ten dollars no joke

2021-05-17 03:53

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