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all right everybody good morning and welcome  to the Little River Town of nong khiaw here   in Northern Lao we're actually about to head  out for a super cheap local breakfast we'll   take you along with us but before that I  thought I'd give you a hotel tour because   this place is really nice I mean I  actually wouldn't stay here again but   it is really nice so I'm going to show you around  I never get paid for any of this if I show you   a hotel it's just purely because I feel like it  now let's kick it off we've got this balcony area   really nice and you can't beat the views I'll show  you after when the clouds have like all lifted   I just thought I'd show you now because in  the morning it's really atmospheric like it   it's so quiet you can just see there's  local just heading across the river   puddling across in the little box everyone  goes over there and like tens there   Gardens and whatnot but it's so beautiful and  there's just crazy Mountain views when the Cloud's   clear I'll show you but yeah we've got this area  some nice places to sit nice table it's actually   really nice we've been eating out here a few  nights classic food sticky rice with meat yeah but yeah the balcony is like one of the  main reasons why we booked this place   and it has been worth it now  this place was like 12 pounds   which but wow especially it's quite a bit  it's very nice but it's quite expensive   we've got another boat going past you can just  constantly hear the motor boats going past but yeah the room is also as well really  nice we've got a huge really comfy bed fan which we don't need because it's so cold  there's no mosquitoes but yeah you can just   imagine when we wake up especially when you  can see the mountains these views honestly it's incredible we've got a nice  little lamp that's super nice and nice   other than that it's just the basic room it's  very special nice painting private bathroom one   of the classics where the shower is over  the toilet I don't really care about that foreigners always seem to moan but it  doesn't really matter whatsoever we've   got this strange pillow which is actually  really good you know you sit on it it's   like it's like a proper Lumbar support it's  really good and yeah just a basic room but it's nice now I'll take you downstairs because   we can actually head right  down to the river from here it's a chilly morning it's like 9am so it is   probably below 10 degrees right now  which is cold to South East Asia anyway oh [Applause] there's also rooms on the bottom obviously you  don't have as good a view there's a Terrace which is again a super nice area to just come and   chill out on eat some food  have some bit of Lao food and the views we booked this place  yeah purely for the views nothing else it gets better though it's going to be a bit muddy  down here but you can come for a swim in the river which is really cool we've  got this floating platform   there's kayaks and it's super cool down  here but I love it in the morning because   you can see like the Mist floating  down the river just above the water   and it's peaceful everyone's asleep so until  until the boat engines starts it's so nice so nice yeah 12 quid tonight this is what it gets  you here in nong khiaw now when we leave on the   way to breakfast I'll tell you why I wouldn't  stay here again because it is really nice but   I'd probably pick a different place yeah so the  hotel's beautiful and all that but I would just   pick somewhere else I feel like the owner the  owner doesn't really seem to care about me   not really even spoke to US unless you are doing  a tour and spending a lot of money on his tours   and there's just like little  things that has no hot water   no tea and coffee no drinking water and  everywhere else has given us that in laos   even at like a three pound hotel in Savannakhet  we had all that and they were really lovely and   welcoming hospitable hosts so I don't  know and one more thing so the owner... you gotta love it you got a  little bit terrible English   lao conversation anyway yeah when we got  there obviously we have loads of thai baht   so I just asked if we could if he could actually  exchange thai baht because most places just do it   for you at the best rate because you're staying  with them, we're already paying to stay there so I asked him what the rate was offered us the  absolute a ridiculous rate absurd right we're   gonna lose so much money I was like no way we'll  just go down the road and change it somewhere else   who's going to offer us the best  rate and then as I walked off the   rate went up a little bit I was like no it's still   nothing like the actual rate and then the next  day came back saying we'll do the full rate   just a bit dishonest I don't really like it we  are a guest don't try milk because we're already   paying to stay there and it's fairly expensive  room it is what it is I'm not gonna moan anymore but you can see just how rustic nong khiaw is that's it [ __ ] roosters that's  all you can hear Rooster's got   all the animals and I will head  around here to a little breakfast spot right we have come to the most local khao soi  spot in town she does it just right it's 15   000 kip for a bowl that's a big bowl of  Lao khao soi yeah what's interesting is   there's these thick rice noodles in here really  thick and then a lot of veg so she just like   essentially like steams all this veg is it  Pak choy I don't know but it's really good it's really delicious the broth's really good and fifteen thousand kip that's like the  cheapest price in town for sure really good actually that's like a proper flavor oh that puppy he's gone is he underneath  us he's underneath us here tiny little puppy yeah it's really good 15   000 okay yeah it's like a big portion  as well look at the color of the broth where's my little chili gone also  got the chili and the shrimp paste and it's so busy this spot just people in and out  just constantly full until she sells out every day I actually ate half food before I turn the camera   on so it was just so busy honestly it  was like shoulder to shoulder in here   but you can see just how much vegetables  which is unlike any we've had before there's like cabbage in there as well the noodles they're really thick go ahead it's completely unique um it's really good so the clouds lifting up over the mountains just the proper little local spot it's the most popular place in town [Music] have you found the puppy oh God there he is the puppy thank you yeah that is the best noodle shop in  town he's a butcher really ah the butcher it looks like mobile Butchery get your meat on  the go yeah it's like the busiest spot in town   in the morning right there and you can see in  the morning this town's like super atmospheric   with these clouds which are pretty much  right down in the valley at the minute   that is the probably the cheapest bowl of  noodles and we found it all loud 15 000 Kip   big ball you can see what everyone's in there  and it's actually a really good bowl of noodles   as well it's really filling I know chili paste  is really good as well I mean a lot of chilli   paste so it's a little bit different it's really  good though it's got like the crispy garlic in oh yeah it's last like the spot to be in  the morning in nong khiaw proper local spot   every time I go in there everyone's  like taking the piss out of us was   like the only foreigners in the shop somebody what is she doing what's it what are you doing you are cut you are making dips no no they're preparing for later this  is a street girl we come to over   there a really nice people looks like  they're preparing the food for later oh this is the butcher going past now on his  bike this is one of The Butchers somebody   it's sold out this is funny this is your  daily dose of Lao misspells fruit slad   love it they never fail to amuse me now  this is my very last morning I promise   maybe the um the people are hotel we ask is there  a bus to oudomxay they wouldn't tell us they were   like well they did they said yeah you can book one  through our tour agency we will go to Pak mong and   then to oudomxay which is pointless because we've  just gone to the bus there we bought a ticket   for super cheap local bus to oudomxay  it's like a direct bus oh the sun ,it's   like you ask someone for bus information here  they just send you on a bloody wild goose chase   but yeah if you just always go to the bus  station you're always going to be able to get   wherever you're going just go and ask them direct  don't there's no point even asking anyone else hello mate you all right the body there's like a fruit vendor  here just before the bridge as well   look at these mangoes the body tamarind all your fruit if you want to get your fruit I bet the mangoes are good in all honesty what is she making a good game all of this by hand  really is that what she's doing hello this is our favorite little spot this  lady's amazing we're coming over there   and we get like coffees or green  tea who's getting a green tea today   and a kid's so cute couple loves to  play one of the nicest kids in town what's this one Hello Kitty [Music] come here tonight that is so loud we're gonna be  able to hear that on the other side of town now I'm just going to talk about something  that nobody seems to really mention but it's   something that bothers me you can really tell  that nong khiaw has been hammered with tourism   as of recently you can definitely tell  because the whole vibe of a town when it   gets this touristy completely changes just  look all these chicks here hello everyone yeah it just completely changes the  town because half the people here   are lovely I'm not gonna lie really nice  laughing people but then half the people they are not nice whatsoever you can tell  they feel like resentment to you as a tourist   how you say hello really friendly and you'll just  get [ __ ] high or or just people wanting anything   to do here I can laugh at you and you just get  a really nasty vibe half the kids are really   nice like the ladies kid in that coffee shop super  friendly you know just just genuine good Lao kids   but then some just come and ask you for  money hold the hands out ask for a dollar   then it's not great definitely not  great it's not good I just don't like it   but this is what I this  Mass tourism does the places   and places like this are just gonna change  and then one that I don't know it just oh it's a tough one to talk about in it I  think all I'm trying to say is that tourism   can sometimes completely ruin a place and that's  a lot of the time why we go to places that don't   really get any tourists because there we have a  much more genuine experience like more genuine   interactions with the local people you know  nothing's about money though it's just about   just having a good time meeting people  and just just having a good time together   some places it's just all about money and I  don't like that this really throws the vibe   off like for example to get here to get to nong  khiaw we came from luang prabang and we just got   absolutely swindled if anyone speaks English  to your fluent English just avoid them like   the plague because they're just going to do you  usually so this guy we said yeah we take us to the   bus station I thought the bus station well he even  told us the bus station was 15 minutes out of town and then on the day we spoke to the day before  and arranged and then the next morning he says   all in all the price has gone up petrol's gone  up I'm like listen man I wasn't born yesterday   I'm not paying that and then magically the price  went back down again still ripping us off and then   I only brought us to a bus station that was just  five minutes down the road that I could have   walked to I said you said it was the other bus  station and yeah we just got light too done over   just ripped off and it's just it really  puts a negative spin on the place for me   I don't like it and it doesn't happen to us  anywhere because we go to places that aren't   touristy but then we come somewhere like this and  just this [ __ ] happens and it just pisses me off   and that's my run over you could tell this place  definitely has been battered by tourism I wish   more people would talk about it the sun's going  down it's the best time of the day we're heading   out into town can hear the tunes Blasting there's  loads of parties going on tonight past the party   boat it literally just sails down the river  blasting crazy Tunes we're heading into town   because I just want to show you how  I like pure and raw this town is   just how life in Northern lao is it's crazy it's  like we've just gone back 50 years it's ridiculous   oh this guy's bringing his guts on hopefully  we can see some really cool scenes really how are you guys the second is go upstairs this guy owns the grill our favourite Grill in  town he just grilled meat in like this classic   typical Lao food which you might actually grab  some off after we'll definitely get some good   Lyle food some like a snacky bits and yeah  I hope you can just see in the background   how beautiful the town is we'll just go for  a walk that's pretty much the plan [Laughter]   here he is bringing the guards back we come to eat at your your grill okay okay we come to eat but we go for a walk home home okay your goats have names they don't have names yeah  let's just head into town oh no there's a proper little [ __ ] fight  yeah that car guy is the biggest [ __ ] I've   ever seen they've got the full karaoke party  going on in here [Music] is that what that was   in this town I mean in Asia it's just a  karaoke Fest everywhere isn't it it's so funny   yeah just thought I could show  how beautiful this town is   because it is it's amazing to refer it's  absolutely stunning little setting for a town the people are 50 50 some people  are absolutely lovely and then some   just can't stand you being here which  is a bit bit of a downer but hello here we have some lovely  people so hello how are you some of the kids are absolutely lovely   that's one of the best things about Laos just the  kids they're like it's so full of energy and so   um it's so funny they're hilarious  because they're like how kids used   to be in the west probably like 50 years ago  you just do whatever they want it's classic   like I'm not being funny but just look at  the state of this town it's mental [Music]   bye [Music] kids honestly when you get  the nice kids it's just so heartwarming   it's like here the kids do what kids should be  doing that's all they do oh there's just animals   everywhere look at this little Geezer  get out the bin bags mate so bye dude   yeah the kids are doing what kids should be doing  they're just constantly playing out they're not   on the phone so any of that rubbish they're just  doing stuff proper life this some of the houses   were super beautiful because people have like  really nice wooden houses painted nice colors   there's a big Street party still going on it seems  it looks like it's died down everyone has these   big wooden houses out of the building I don't know  what they're for so if you know what let us know I'll look down there some of the houses  so nice some more chickens [Music]   is I need honey for all love yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what they're not wow it's a proper party  down here I think that's the spicy chili   woood they put in that Buffalo shoe  dish we had in luang prabang [Music]   looks like everyone's it looks like  the beer laos have been flowing [Music] hello [Music] now I've got to show you this seriously can  you see the Viewpoint at the very top of there   that's like the most popular one that everybody  climbs and then on this side I'll try and get   the sun off the camera that Peak you can see  all the way over there you probably can't even   see the Viewpoint it's that high up is where we  climb and now there is a reason no one does that   because it's flipping hard but that's the best  hike in town that's what you should be doing   forget the little one go for the proper on  the Big Daddy I mean i can't get over these   views to be honest especially at sunset  it's absolutely ridiculous this time for scenery wise you can see everyone's out on these sunset cruises   party boats down there and  we love the Lao party but yeah ridiculous honestly these mountains  jungle mountains are crazy stunning   it's actually not oh that's the one when we  were walking up there's one pretty much the   start of the Walk that's the forget that as well  get to the top get yourself to the top [Applause] to finish the day we just got a little bit  of food we've got some nice grilled pork   crispy grilled pork fatty pork a big mountain  of sticky rice we've got this dip which is like   it does look a bit suspicious doesn't it does  look a bit like a poo but it's like a vegetable   gel they said like smoked vegetable juice is  really good really rich and deep really good   we've got some more of these lime miscellaneous  loud lettuce and cabbage rolls which we still   don't know what's in them but we're really a  lot yeah that's a nice little tea with a view I've never got much better than that honestly this is really good it's really  earthy little super with a fatty pork oh and the quintessential blr

2023-02-09 23:35

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