Home Tour Vlog 02 I พาทัวร์บ้าน มีมี่ ที่ Provence เขาใหญ่ สวยมากกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกก!

Home Tour Vlog 02 I พาทัวร์บ้าน มีมี่ ที่ Provence เขาใหญ่ สวยมากกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกกก!

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Hello guys! Today we are in Khao Yai and we are visiting my best friend’s housing project I was so lucky I got a chance to stay over at this place when I was in high school and I think I can say that, out of all my friends’ places, this house is the most beautiful house I’ve ever stayed at in my life so today I want to bring you guys here. The project is called ‘Provence Khao Yai’ which is basically inspired by the charms of tradition Provence style farmhouse we drove here from Bangkok and it took around 2 hours The project is located in Pakchong, Nakorn Ratchasima When we arrived, it’s like we’re not even in Thailand anymore Very beautiful with all the greenery and mountain views. The total land size of this project is 32 Rai comprising of 23 houses and the house we are visiting today is a 600 square meter show house. And as I told you, this is my best friend’s house and I know her family very well so today we’re going to ask them for a little tour inside now, let’s start the tour! Ok, now we’re standing at the entrance of the house There are chickens walking around here so you might hear chicken sound in the background [lol] I feel like I’m in Provence right now! Let’s see inside the house — Mimi [my friend] is waiting for us inside. Mimi! Mimi: Hello June: Hello, Khun Mimi Mayah Nakorntap June: Where can I leave my shoes Mimi: Here is fine Mimi: I should take off my hat June: Yeh, if Mimi keeps wearing that hat we probably don’t get to see anything in the house June: I notice this doorknob from outside of the house, it reminds me of front doors in Europe Mimi: Wait, I can just talk to the camera right here? June: YES! Mimi: Let’s start over then Mimi: Now I forgot all my script! June: Why did you have to smile at the camera, just act natural! June: So, we were talking about the metal fittings the house Mimi: Yeh, the metal fittings here from the door handle, to balcony railing — we have this French guy, Jean Normally, when my family visit France, we have a friend there who shows us around. At first, we are looking for a gardener [so we asked him] and he suggested a friend of his, working at Versailles June: That’s cool Mimi: But turned out, when we met him he’s not a gardener! He is a knight, like he was given the title June: Because? Mimi: Because he restored Versailles, Mimi: like conducting the whole restoration for Versailles.

June: So he has a team working together for the restoration Mimi: Yes, he has a team but he was the works foreman. Which is a big job so he got the title. June: How on earth do your parents get to know a person who knows a person who rebuilt Versailles!? Mimi: Right? But he’s his childhood friend. So he introduced us and we started discussing the project. And Jean isn’t a professional in gardening so he introduced us to another guy, and Jean himself helped us with all the metal works in the house June: So both the garden here and metal fittings here are conducted by a French team Mimi: Shit, I forgot to suck in my stomach… June: Ok, let’s see the living area first So from the entrance, you turn right and you will see this beautiful living area June: Soooo beautiful Should we talk about the ceiling beams? Mimi: So we use reclaimed wood for the ceiling beams.

Mimi: I have to mention that the concept of this house is, we want to build a new house but make it old. But at the same time, we still want the practicality of the new house and the condition that can last for generations. But the heart of Provence-style farmhouse is the aged look.

June: Yeah, because when we think about Provence farmhouse, it must feel a little rustic Mimi: Exactly, it feels a little rustic and aged so we put a lot of effort to make everything look that way June: To match the concept Yes, so the ceiling beams are made of reclaimed wood — and almost everything looks aged and rustic June: But at the same time, when you want to stay true to the concept — some people might concern about the practicality for people who live in the house Mimi: Right, people might be afraid that ‘is it going to break down soon?’ Mimi: So yeah, we put in a lot of hard work to balance the aged look with the new condition for the residents June: So the house can also last for generations, for their grandchildren June: The bookcase here is also worth mentioning because you told me that the detail is very Provence Mimi: Right, Provence style house is all about ‘Imperfection’ when you touch the wall here, you can feel that it’s handcrafted, not smooth, not sharp June: I can see the marks, like a brushstroke June: And it looks very thick, if you look it from here, it’s a very thick wall and you can dig into it to create built-in shelves Not placing the whole bookcase in front of the wall. Mimi: Yes, we made the built-in shelves just like in the bathrooms, we have the same detail. June: And it looks exactly like the original Provence style houses. Love it! June: Moving on to here, the fireplace there— is it made from real stone? Mimi: Yes, it is.

June: I love this kind of stone! It becomes very trendy, the material like Travertine — Wait, Mimi’s trying to get in the frame June: So the material is the same one as the floor. Mimi: Yes, it is the same stone as the floor June: And really durable as well Mimi: All residents can choose whether they want to have a fireplace here or not, most of them decided to keep it though because the fireplace completes the house, design-wise. June: And follows the concept. Mimi: Right, but in Thailand, we don’t really have to use the fireplace so most people sealed off the fireplace opening so the animals or bugs can’t get in the chimney June: I'd keep it the way it is. I LOVE the furniture here.

Mimi: They match right? June: Yes, I look how rustic it looks. It shows the material like linen and it feels so homey. June: Let’s talk about the floor here. We already told you guys it’s travertine but Mimi actually prepared the whole script for this. Mimi: So, normally when designing a house, an interior designer would recommend local materials for the flooring.

Our interior designer suggested that we buy the stone, Travertine, from Saraburi and he chose the color of the stone from the stone mill. The stone we use here in particular needed to be chiseled around the edge to make it look naturally distressed. Like they have been used and look more unique. June: Right, so the more we use it, the more we get this effect on the stone. Mimi: Yes, it will show more marks like water stains June: Normally we would see the floor with perfect grid. Mimi: Yeh, but this one the edges are uneven. June: I like how it looks and when you walk on it, you can get the feeling of natural stone Mimi: We did have some struggles at first though, we tried to replicate the original Provence-style flooring but failed. So we consulted with the French team we work with because they are like our construction consultants.

For them, it is basically the art of making new things old. So they helped us find the way and that’s how we got it. June: So the travertine here is locally sourced, but you just added some techniques to finish the look.

June: Moving on to the dining area. I love this. Mimi: In September, there is an exhibition called Maison&Object in France — just like the fair ‘Baan Lae Suan’ in Thai. It’s a big exhibition where they gather products from every country. June: Every country? Mimi: Yeh, they have many types of products from fashion to home furniture June: Do they have products from Asia? Mimi: Of course! Even Thai brands are there lately. I have seen a few. June: so you’ve been there? Mimi: I have to, every year, because we have to source objects from this exhibition Some brands are not very well-known, but they exhibit their products here for wholesalers and we bought their products for this house.

June: So the decorations we see here are from France. Mimi: So about the framed photos in the house, this one is like what we did when we were young — pressed flower. June: Right, using a book and weighing it down. Mimi: These are wildflowers from Provence June: Oh there’s a note here Mimi: Yes, it shows the name of the flower and stuff. Mimi: Also, other framed photos in the house are artworks from artists who were once based in Provence. Like Chagall, Matisse, and Miro Mimi: One of the first few years that we got to visit Provence, we stayed at the hotel, ‘La COLOMBE d’OR’ During World War 2, many artists from Paris like Picasso sought refuge in Provence and this hotel is the hotspot.

And they don’t have enough money to pay for the room so they offer their paintings in return. They were not famous at that time. And now everyone knows them, so they hang all artworks from these artists around the hotel. June: So they can now use all the artworks from famous artists! Mimi: Right, for decoration.

June: Instantly increased the value. Mimi: Yes because the artworks are all authentic. June: How much is it per night? Mimi: Not that expensive When we were there, we got to visit Chagall tombstone and we brought some of his works here because we feel like he’s somewhat related to the spirit of Provence June: So there are many artworks around here. June: Next, we have the kitchen-my favorite room I visited this house for the first time when I was in 10th grade and I knew the house is beautiful but when I walked around and saw the kitchen for the first time… It’s so beautiful! Like I was actually in France Mimi: Tada! June: Told you! It’s so pretty! Mimi: June loves the oven! June: Look! I do and I don’t even cook.

I’m going to pretend like I’m cooking something here. Mimi: When the mood of the house is a bit antique, you can’t just get a newly-looking, modern kitchen set. June: It won’t match. Mimi: The first time we visited Provence, we were visiting a house of my mother’s friend and that house became the inspiration of this project. That house also has the same kind of kitchen appliances but they are mostly old because the house has been built for a very long time.

Yeh, so the kitchen got old with the house. and we don’t want to miss out this detail in our project. So we keep the look of old kitchen appliances. The oven right here is actually new, with a vintage design. But you can use it just like any other oven these days.

June: Oh, they have a tiny screen right here. Mimi: Yes, it just looks vintage! June: The countertop is the same stone as the floor? Mimi: Yes. June: Travertine. So you’re trying to limit the variation of materials in this house and balance them everywhere so the whole house look cohesive. Mimi: Right, right.

June: Instead of using cabinet doors, you use curtains! Mimi: Yes, and the rail is imported from France June: Oh, the rail here? Mimi: Yes! All from France June: Hi Dad!!! Mimi: Hey Dad! Mimi: I was so excited! June: It’s been ages since I’ve seen you! How are you? Dad: Great! How are you? June: I’m so excited! (like I’m meeting a celebrity) Mimi: Dad, I have a question. Come back here! Is the shelf here built-in or floating? Dad: It’s built-in. Mimi: What? June: Is it molded into the wall? Dad: Yes, exactly. June: Cool, so it’s like the same piece with the wall. This kind of wall is called plastered…?

Dad: Yes, plastered brick wall. June: Ah, I see. Mimi: I’m not needed anymore! Dad: The wall has insulating feature so it keeps the cold out and the warmth in. Mimi: Right, we haven’t mentioned this detail June: The detail we are talking about is inspired by the traditional Provence Farmhouse which the walls are very thick. Dad: And the high ceiling June: Ah, and the floor-to-ceiling height Dad: So it assists natural ventilation. Mimi: How thick is the wall? 45? June: Mom told me it’s 45.

Mimi: The reason we have to build thick walls is because we have to insulate the temperature in the house so the thickness of wall and ceiling height are related Mimi: Dad, you know the camera is rolling right? June: He knows Dad: The hard part is to make the new house look aged June: Right. Dad: Yes, aged and also beautiful June: And you also have to make it look authentic Dad: Right, and it’s an art form and very very hard to master Like the stonemason we had, for French stonemason — they place the stone randomly, but not Thai stonemason It's the way we've been taught. Dad: Have you ever seen the craftsmen plastering a wall? They will try to smooth it as much as possible June: That’s how we were taught Dad: Exactly, but when Mom told them to give the wall a coarse texture, they didn’t quite get it. Mimi: They were like ‘rough wall’? June: Yeh, like how rough should it be because they probably didn’t know the references Dad: Right — so when I knew that, I asked people about the history of Provence style house and turns out it started in Roman invasion period, like in The Ayutthaya period in our country.

so they don’t have time to finesse or decorate much like in Sukhothai or Lopburi era because they have to be ready to leave their houses and flee June: Ah, that's why the house looks like this. Dad: So you can see that the house plan is like a lego, you can add on another room if needed so it’s convenient for them. adding rooms for kids and grandchildren.

June: That’s why when I see the exterior of the house, the shape looks irregular. Dad: Exactly, exactly. June: Ah! The more you know. Dad: As time passed, there were some damaged and spots, the texture of the wall got naturally coarse and that’s how I found out the way Dad: I asked the craftsmen ‘How long does it take to plaster this wall?’ They said ‘2 hours’ So I said ‘I give you 45 minutes.’ Dad: And they were plastering the wall like crazy June: And that’s how you get Provence style wall Mimi: Yeah, that’s how you get the imperfection.

Dad: So they were rush to finish, smear, stroke, and done June: That’s the secret For anyone who wants to build a Provence-style house, try this method. June: It all makes sense when you think about it, they have stories behind the design Dad: Right, it's 'form follows function.' June: They have reasons WHY the house looks the way it is. June: Thank you, Dad! could you please mic up Dad instead? Mimi: I’m not important anymore! Mimi: Oh, Mom is here.

June: Hello, mom! Mom: No, I don’t want to be on camera! June: Come on, I saw you on other shows—you have to be in mine as well Mom: I’m not dressed up yet! June: You look pretty! So Provence-ish! June: Let’s go see Mimi’s bedroom Mimi: Yes, let’s go Mimi: Can we open the closet, mom? You can see it’s a shelf board sat on an edge. Mom: Yes, this is a Provence-style closet, they have an edge like this and you place a wooden board on it. This wall here is molded concrete. June: The windows and doors are all imported to fit the wall Dad: Correct, and the door has 3 bolts, It's quite complicated, residents can’t get in their own houses Mimi: Even you, dad! You can’t even shut the door properly.

Mom: In France, when we close the door, the room instantly gets quiet, no noise, not even wind can get through Because sometimes it can get windy and cold there. And I like that, I think we should import these details like roofing, doors, and windows for the houses here. And we think no one can replicate that here Mimi: And now we have to set up a modem in every room because nothing can get through. June: Oh, because the wall is also thick! Mimi: Yup Mom: There’s also a tiny vent up here. Dad: We also have to arrange big bricks for the wall to get it done faster. Mom: Are they filming? Mimi: They are filming right now.

Mom: What? I forgot to suck in my stomach! June: Like mother, like daughter! Mimi: I just said that! I was like shit, I forgot to suck in my stomach… I asked them to reshoot but they want to keep it real. June: Mom and Mimi said EXACTLY the same thing "I forgot to suck in my stomach" June: I want to show the viewers this… Mimi: See the curtain rod there... and there’s a model standing here as well.

Mom: The door here is very detailed June: Right, because Pridi mentioned this — is it double-glazed? Mimi: It's removable. June: What? Damnnnn Dad: So it’s easy to clean! Mom: Our local craftsmen couldn't replicate this. June: This is real wood but won’t it get warped? Dad: The wood is seasoned June: Right, it needs to be dried to remove as much moisture content as possible.

Dad: Imported woods are mostly crypress and pine and they choose the part that can be used. The door frame here looks small, but it was made from a big, mature log that almost stops growing. So it has a consistent texture and high resistance to shrinkage and bending. Dad: If you select younger branches, it will eventually get warped June: Exactly, because the main reason we try to avoid using real woods is this problem and we were suggested to use steel or other materials instead, which wouldn’t bring out the same mood and tone of real wood.

Mom: June, for real, if the products from France come with CE marking, the quality is really there. Before this, I have to repaint the door shutters so often because of the black spots from mold but when I use the doors that are made in France — no problem at all. Mimi: Very thoughtful, right? Mom: They have been manufacturing for hundreds of years, so they keep on improving Dad: Some residents wanted to change the lockset, but they couldn’t because there’s no lockset here that fits the size. June: It was perfectly designed as it is.

Dad: Right. Mom: It’s perfect as it is. June: All the details are super thoughtful! This is why we wanted to talk to the project owners! When we get to talk to the house owner, we see the hard work and effort they put into the house. June: Look! Even the tiny hinge here is well designed, all painted in white. June: Now we are moving on to the other wing of the house.

Mimi: This is a powder room with this lovely sink. Mimi: It's cute, right? June: Oh, a powder room. Mimi: This is another bedroom, with a single bed June: The window in this room is like, intentionally framed the view outside. You can see the pool and the garden. So beautiful.

Mimi: Caption ‘Woke up to this’ June: True. So Instagrammable. Love it. All furniture really pulls a room together. Mimi: Cohesive. June: This is the ‘See-through Bedroom’ you were talking about Mimi: Right, the ‘See-through Bedroom’ June: Because we have an open plan bedroom-bathroom right here.

Mimi: Sexy, sexy. June: And you have your own private patio here. Mom: All rooms [on the ground floor] can access the patio.

June: so you don’t have to walk past the living room. June: Ah, convenient and private. Mimi: Oh and this built-in shelf here, there’s also a space for hanging clothes.

June: That’s super cute Mimi: So we dig into the wall and create all these spaces for bathroom stuff. June: And the sanitary wares here are all imported from France. Mimi: Yes, let me show you this so you know it's all imported. The faucet handles have the letters ‘F’ and ‘C’ - so it’s not Hot and Cold but it’s Froid and Chaud which is Hot and Cold in French Mimi: A lot of people thought the ‘C’ here stands for cold but it’s from the word ‘Hot’ in French. June: Now I remember I’m one of the people who misunderstood when I stayed here. Mimi: You got it wrong too, huh? June: Yeh, I did.

June: The toilet is also pretty and even the trash can looks cohesive. Mimi: Exactly. Except for that thing there. June: How many bedrooms are there on the 2nd floor? Mimi: There are 2 bedrooms and a living area right here… it’s like... June: A landing.

Mimi: Yes. June: So when you get up here, you have another space to hang around. Mimi: For working, or just reading a book. June: Hanging out. Mimi: Right, and here’s the balcony. June: OH, and we can see the roofing detail from the balcony as well.

Mimi: Yes, the roof! June: What’s about the roof? Mimi: The roof tiles are also imported from France, with 100-year warranty. June: 100-year warranty! Mimi: Exactly, and we have to import these exact tiles because they are made from high-density clay, higher than the ones in Thailand. We tried to find a substitution, even from our neighboring countries, but we couldn’t find anything like this.

June: So it’s a terra cotta clay? Very heavy. Mimi: Yes, because in France, the roofs can be covered in snow so the roof tiles must be strong enough to hold the weight of the snow. Mimi: And here’s a fun fact about the roof tiles here. Historically, nuns are the ones who make roof tiles for houses in Provence and they were made by forming clay around a curved surface, often the maker's [the nun’s] thigh So that’s why it’s called Monk and Nun tiles. June: So it’s curved like this.

June: I’m sure I’ve seen this kind of roofing before but I just knew this fact today. Mimi: Very detailed. June: When we get to the 2nd floor, I feel like the ceiling is higher and sloped, following the roofline. Mimi: Yeh, it’s not a conventional flat ceiling.

June: Makes the room look bigger. June: I love this wardrobe! Mimi: Cute, right? And we keep it open like this all the time June: And we show the pretty stuff inside. Mimi: There’s Matisse artwork here. Mimi: The towel hanger also matches the concept.

Mimi: The lamp here is also really cute. Residents love it, everybody loves it. June: Really? Mimi: Yeah, and they are basically a stack of old books. June: Hey, I like this detail here. When a cable is visible, you can use cover, a linen cover to hide it. Very thoughtful.

Mimi: Yes, so the room doesn’t look cluttered. Mimi: Cute. June: Really cute. Mimi: A bookcase here, old books — all prop, maybe some real books there as well.

June: This baby right hereeee Mimi: Look at this one! June: Awwwww…how far you’ve come Mimi: I’ve changed a lottttt and here’s a candle snuffer. Mimi: This bedroom used to be mine. But I didn’t like it. I like living downstairs because it opens to the patio so I moved to that room. June: But this room probably has a beautiful mountain view? Mimi: Yes, this room has a view.

June: It feels like we’re not in Thailand anymore. We can see other houses in the project. Mimi: When we started, we visited a house in Provence and we loved that place so Mom wanted to build her own here. We came here [Khao Yai] to find a land for this house and planned to buy 1 Rai lot for the house. While we were at a cafe around here, someone suggested this land so we drove here to take a look. Mom loves the place, everything is perfect, but the owner wanted to sell the whole 35 Rai lot, not just 1 Rai.

So mom was like ‘Well, then let’s build a whole housing project’ June: Mom was like ‘Fine, Imma buy it all’ Mimi: Exactly, so we got all 35 Rais. And in Provence, they have little villages just like this. So it’s a perfect opportunity for us to build this village for people who share the same interest, and love for traditional Provence-style farmhouse. June: And experiencing all this. And it’s actually really good, because you can control the environments around the house completely.

Mimi: Right, other houses around you are built in the same Provence style. June: Perfect for when you want to imagine that you’re on vacation somewhere else. June: The bedsheet is pretty Mimi: All bedding sets also match the aesthetic.

June: I cannot imagine sleeping on this bed. Mimi: Why? June: It’s too pretty, and so many pillows. Mimi: True. It’s French style, lot of pillows and bedsheets. Mimi: There’s nothing much to talk about in this bathroom.

There’s a photo here, a shelf there. June: Oh, the cupid. He’s probably saying ‘Go shower now’ June: How many bedrooms are there, though? 5? Mimi: Yes, 5 bedrooms. June: Plenty of rooms for everyone. And each type has a different layout, right? Mimi: Right, you can choose the type you like. June: And if there are too many bedrooms, you can still convert it into a multipurpose room.

Mimi: Yeh, and some residents changed the layout, removed a room for more parking space and it’s all possible. June: Let’s see the outside of the house! We have a beautiful pool outside, Mimi? Mimi : Yes, a pool June: also a garden, and a beautiful patio. Oh, this rail is made by Monsieur Jean right, as you said all metal works here are made by Monsieur Jean. Mimi: Yes, it is. But the front gate is made by a guy named Christian,

whom Jean introduced us to. He’s also the one who design the landscape for the whole project. Mimi: Actually, we flew in about 4-5 craftsmen from France to set up and share the techniques with our team here. June: So, now we’re in the outdoor area of this house. And we need to mention the garden—which is as beautiful and detailed as the interior. Mimi: Right, so the guy who designed the landscape for this house is Xavier, one of the guys we flew in from France — At first, June: There’s a chicken there.

Mimi: Haha. And he’s looking at the camera! Mimi: Well, at first, the whole space is still empty. And Xavier came and sat there under the tree. June: So at the time, picture an empty space, not even a single house was built. Mimi: Correct, the soil was all red. And we hired him to design a landscape, at an hourly rate. And he spent the whole 7 days — doing nothing, just sitting there under the tree June: Didn’t do anything at all for 7 days? Mimi: Right! Like he’s just observing the surroundings.

June: He’s probably visualizing the landscape elements in his head. Mimi: Right, and my family was so nervous because it’s been 7 days and he did absolutely nothing. And we pay him by hour! Like a lot! So he’s sitting there, until 7 days passed. He came back with a finished plan. June: So he drew the plan. Mimi: Yes, all landscape elements and plants around the house. June: Including the shrubs around the house? Mimi: Yes, yes.

Mimi: And that big tree over there is Samed Dang (Syzygium antisepticum). Because in Provence, there are olive trees with organic, gnarled form June: Right, the trunk is often thick, gnarled, and irregular. Mimi: Exactly, insert a photo here. And at the time, we couldn’t find olive trees in Thailand like we have now. June: Yeah, it’s a trend now.

Mimi: Right, but at that time we have to find an alternative option. So we took Xavier around the country from Chiang Mai, Lampang, to the south just to find the perfect tree that has the same look as an olive tree. And you know, to match the picture he has in mind. We eventually found this one in Rang Sit, but still, we’re looking for a very old tree because in Provence, the big olive trees are normally very old, like a hundred years old. But here, the old trees are usually very tall. And that’s not what Xavier wanted. He said that if a tree is too tall, it’s useless. If a person has to look up to see a tree, then it’s pointless.

June: So the height of the tree should be at eye level. Mimi: Right, so we can see how beautiful it is effortlessly. Mimi: And that’s how we got this Samed Dang tree. But Samed Dang is not a very well-known tree and mom didn’t like the way it looks.

The gnarled, irregular shape of it. But Xavier insisted we buy this exact tree, like stomping his feet. June: But it works! Mimi: Right! Now it looks beautiful here. June: It did exactly the work Xavier wanted it. Just like an Olive tree. Mimi: Yes, and at eye level.

But at that time he was like ‘Why didn’t you guys believe me’ It looks weird. But he insisted and kept telling us to buy. When we said no to him, he sulked! He ignored us! You know, creative people tend to be impulsive. June: And now we’re gossiping about Xavier! Mimi: He kept telling us to buy this tree so eventually we bought it. And now we think it’s perfect for the house. June: Right, it’s beautiful. June: The pool! It’s not that deep, huh? Mimi: No, it’s not June: I swam here once! Mimi: Right, you swam here with a frog.

June: What type of stone is this? Mimi: I don’t know… June: Ask your mom. Mimi: DAD! What type of stone is this? Mimi: It’s slate stone from Kanchanaburi. June: Looks perfect for the style of the house. June: So Xavier selected these flowers himself? Mimi: Yes, but we have to pick the ones that can also take the heat. That one is called ‘Plumbagos’ which is very tolerant once established. But it’s now rainy so the flowers might look a bit droopy.

Oh and there’s a lemon tree there! June: Where? This one? Come here, let’s get this up close. I love lemon trees. Mimi: I heard you tried to grow it? June: I should have brought my basket. Mimi: Yeah, lemon picking. Mimi : This one is still very young. June: How long does it take to produce a lemon? We tried growing a lemon tree by using the seeds at home.

Mimi: Then it would take a very long time. June: Did you grow this one here or bought it like this. Mimi: Yeah, I think we bought it. June: The weather here in Khao Yai is good for gardening. Mimi: Yes, they are all blooming and producing fruits. There’s another lemon tree over there with bigger lemons.

And you see the trees were trimmed into spheres. June: Mimi knows a lot about flowers, huh? Why is that, Mimi? Mimi: Well, yes I own a flower shop called ‘@mimosaposy’ June: So you can order a bespoke bouquet. Mimi: Yes, so we have a made-to-order service but the florist will pick the flowers for you, but you can choose the colors you like — and sometimes if I’m here in Khao Yai, I will pick the flowers from here back to Bangkok. June: So you know it’s fresh from the garden! Mimi: Exactly! June: Because you grow it yourself, and pick it yourself! Mimi: Right, order now! June: I actually just ordered a bouquet from Mimi, and I told her what I want — sent her photos. Mimi: Yes, but I have to mention that, some customers would expect the bouquet to be exactly the same as they saw on my Instagram feed but sometimes it’s not possible because the flowers are seasonal.

June: Right, right. Mimi: It’s like an Omakase, it’s up to the chef and seasons. June: Exactly, and the best thing is it’s unique and customized just for you. Mimi: Yes. June: Do you have gardeners provided? Mimi: Yes. June: So the gardeners take care of the whole project? Mimi: Not really, but the residents here usually hire a gardener that they prefer like Khun @wit_littletree or some other famous gardeners to do it. Mimi: Here it is! Look how beautiful.

June: The Samed Dang. Mimi: Right, it’s a bit curly — I mean, gnarled June: It does look a bit scary when you look up close. Mimi: Right? That’s why we didn’t want to buy it at first. But it serves the purpose. June: Right, right. Oh, those are all Samed Dang?

Mimi: Yes, but it’s the one right here that Xavier wanted. If you see the shapes of the other Samed Dangs, this one is the most beautiful, the most gnarled. The shape is right. June: And the spot right here is clearly visible from the house.

Mimi: Correct. He planned it so you can see this tree right here from the house. June: So that’s it for today guys! Thank you so much, Mimi, also Mom and Dad for the tour. But I have one last question, we got to see the house and how beautiful it is, perfect for when we want to escape the city life. But as a resident, a person who actually lives here. What’s the best part of this Provence Khao Yai house? Mimi: The best part is I don’t feel like this is a vacation house at all. It’s not like we’re escaping from Bangkok or anything.

But every time we’re here, it’s like we are home. Our second home. It’s like we’ve been living here since forever. Like we’re growing with it because we’ve been with this house since it’s just empty land. So when we’re here, it’s not temporary, we feel like we’re home June: The feeling of ‘welcome home’ each time you’re here. Mimi: Exactly. June: I totally get it because now I want to stay here for the night.

Mimi: June is actually one of a few friends who got to stay over at this house. June: TWICE! Mimi: Normally mom doesn’t let anybody stay over. But you were here twice. June: Well, I love the experience and I love the house. Thank you again for a warm welcome! Mimi: Thank you! June: Go follow Mimi on her Instagram and also her flower shop as well! June: If you like this video, don’t forget to like, comment, subscribe, and hit a notification bell! See you all next time. Bye!

2021-11-20 17:37

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