Home Movies 1989 - Tape 6

Home Movies 1989 - Tape 6

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Ah. Yes. Wow. Uh. Oh. Would you like to see a dragon. Disappear. Okay one. Two. Three. Oh. Tired. Uh. Oh. Wow. Do you have anything like. This. Your attention. Please. Number. Four. Your attention, please put following. Announcements. Flight 704. Local service to endure, will. Now. Oh. Has been a disruption. In the labor output, of joy, sector, 2. All work is to resume, immediately. Or power disconnect, will be, initiated. I see they're loading our navigator, r2d2. And then we'll be on our way, so sit back relax, and enjoy the flight, star tours 45. Elevator platform, has been activated. Event's final pre-launch, sequence, roger control. All status, go. St45. Or clear for. Takeoff. Um. Boys. Behind the white rabbit esquire. Over the center of the canal is london's heart this is where peter pan at tinker bell taught windy john michael barley how to fly. Straight ahead of us is tote hall from the story wind in the willows. Down by the waters that's. Right. Ah. Highway. Thank you that is. All. Uh. Yes. Uh. See. Uh. Oh. Let me. Go. Sadly, i don't know. Exactly. Well. Well. Now for another, exciting. Adventure. At, universal. Studios. You can see, the san fernando, valley this is where, most of the movie. Henry thomas. Andy wallace stone, now just across you can also see the bourbon, studios, this new chicago, from the blues brothers, you get a chance to see a part of farewell, from the movie psycho. And even, rome, from the movie, spartacus. Now down on our back line we also have hill valley from back to the future. Currently on our backlog we're filming back to the futures, parts 2. And parts. Back to the future part two was scheduled to come out in 1987. But the director robert zemeckis, was working on who framed roger rabbit. And then michael j fox is working on bright lights big city, and christopher moyer just. Recently. Wait a minute i know what this is this is a movie set left over from one of our other productions, so stanley maybe you just take it back. Well maybe it's not. Okay. Battleship, of. Something. Excuse. Me. Home. I demand the release of the. Humanship. Activated. Front, now the scorch marks around the window. Are really black spring, paint. Now the flames, are real they're being produced by gas, jets behind each window. Perfect, is made of a non-flammable. Material, so it will never burn down. We use facades for exterior, filming. If we ever want to go inside. Short cereal, the universal. Now as you can see over here it's fueled by ordinary fourth of july sparklers, but this 1936. Special effect, through the nation of saturday matinee goers, as you can see over here that's the way it looked like in our sound stage where we were filming if you take a look up there that's how it came out of the silver screen, that wasn't exactly star wars but remember, they had 50 years to go and they were headed in the right direction.

Oh That chair aren't you, yeah well, um can you tell me what kind of a card game are you playing up. Here. Anybody ever tell you you're not playing with a full deck. I'm sure they have i should take a look up there on the screen it looks like i'm defying the law of gravity, now do you remember those rocky movies with sylvester stallone, um remember those one arm push-ups used to do. Well folks, this is how we do it. It's special. Too. Yeah. It's true. Let's hear it for greg for helping us out. Today. Since you weren't that comfortable up there we're gonna make this supper and stay up there for another five shows so just sit tight, each part of the model in tiny little increments. Shooting one frame of film at a time. Then he projected the film at normal speed weeks and thousands of frames later. And the results. Well they were pretty amazing. The greatest, effect, came when a japanese, submarine, blasted, at the ferris wheel. It is often too expensive, technique, that allows movie makers, to put people and objects, into moving, scenes, in a very realistic, way. Several different types of kodak, film were used to create this traveling math sequence. Kodak is the only company to supply the motion picture industry, with such a wide range of dependable, products. Kodak has won numerous, oscars, and emmys, for their achievements, in the science of film. Now let's get away from the science of filmmaking, and go into the magic. Right now we're going to recreate some of that magic from that all-time hit motion picture. E.t, the extraterrestrial. As you can see we have our volunteer anthony up here how are you doing anthony. Could you tell me how old are, you. 11. Married. Where are you from anthony, scotland. Scotland you're on vacation. Yeah, yeah, um now you've probably seen a lot of movies. You got a lot of emotional pictures, there you go how about no hands look mom no hands. Don't smile too big up there you get bugs in your teeth being that high. Was that fun anthony did you have a good time. Good it's over get off the bike. Now come on down here we're not done with you yet come down here in the. Spotlight now anthony could you tell me what does every good actor do after he's done doing a great performance, do you know. He goes back to waiting tables in hollywood. No he doesn't do that he takes a bow take a bottle see how crazy all these people go let's. Hear. Now what i'm going to do is i'm going to play foley artist. I'm going to rewind that clip, and when don johnson kicks open the door i'll kick open this door the other actors walk on the floor i'm going to take their steps down here when the other actor goes flying through the glass. Well we'll just watch that part, okay, let's see here rewind the clip put it all together. And. There's the door, john johnson's, so cool let's doesn't even check to see if the door's locked. Say enter. Hey sonny i'm pretty hungry i haven't eaten anything all day. Is that food i smell in there oh yeah hey look it's a salad bar with head cheese. Phil hits the floor, the director backs up it's the wall dog johnson backs up. Dog get out of that kitty litter.

There Comes the other aircraft against the lawn. Through the glass. Now. There was a sound effect that was missing from that scene does anybody know what that sound effect was. The gunshots, right let's see how our fully artists insert the gunshots, into the movie footage. Now the scene is complete. Let's play it back with music. Foley. Gunshots. And dialogue. All in the right places. Please. Be my guest. I'm sure we'd all like to hear the inside story we'll just talk about himself, thank you robert. Ladies and gentlemen. I am now. 9 000. thanks help you may have seen me in the motion, picture. In 2001. We did help, in the more recent. 2010. Hell excuse me. Is my performance, satisfactory. Yeah, it's great but you're talking about yourself again you're supposed to be talking about a process called motion control. Demonstration. And progress, thanks. Motion control, photography. Is a process. In which we create the illusion, of spaceships. Flying, through the universe. And motion, control. The line, never moves. The camera, does, as you can see. A computerized. Camera. Is now moving the length of the ship against, a black, background. By adding a field of stars. We now create, the illusion. Of the ship, flying, through space. Demonstration. Complete, thanks hal, now one of 2010's. Most spectacular. Effects. Involve live actors in a space walk, now in order for us to do that we will be losing, our last two volunteers. Chris, and chris. Isn't that cute they both have the same name, now up in the front our mail chris has been playing our russian astronaut. Now this is pretty much his everyday, job he's pretty much used to this taking walks in space so he's pretty brave and strong, let's do brave and strong chris. Yeah, brave and strong. All right now chrissy in our back over there she's playing our american, astronaut. Now she's pretty scared she has never ever done this but somehow she got elected to do it so she's scared oh, i'm scared. Okay now here's the setup, of the scene that you are about to see. Our astronauts, have established, orbit, around the planet jupiter. Where some strange. Things are happening. Now their mission, is to reach the other ship, and find out why its systems are shut down nine years ago by old hal here. Now in order to do that they will perform. A simple space walk, now if we're ready back there chris and chris let's have some lights. Cameras. Action, established, orbit. Please. I. Don't think i want to go through with. This. Can you hear. Me. Oh god. Do not worry. And most of all do not look down. There's a moving object and it's coming your way. There. Meet your get club, hurry. Hurry. It's more like it let me try and pull myself, together. There we go. Now like the man said my name is. Um victor could you please show us exactly what you do. Sure. We digital, types don't need fancy, models like the ones you've just seen. Here let me show you. Nearly, then they'll bring it to the filming set. After the filming is finished they'll bring the props back to the warehouse. We have over five million individual, props, in our warehouse. And the warehouse covers one acre of our 420. Acre lot. Against the merryweather. We're going to be passing by some interesting studio departments, the plastering, department the plumbing department, the machine shop, and it's also a storage area for production, artwork. Inside, of rbc mystery movie and peter falk will be starring with burt reynolds, as bl striker. Jack looking a much lighter material, such as foam rubber, styrofoam. And chicken wire. So we've just entered new york street, actually, this area can be dressed up to be any metropolitan. City that we need it to be, if you look on my side of the jam, you can see an archway, with green stones around in greenstone, building, that was used in the filming of kojak, starring telly savalas.

This Area was los angeles in earthquake, san francisco, and iowa side, san francisco, and dirty harry, old chicago, and the blues brothers, old chicago, in the sting. And seattle. And harry and the hendersons, just to name a few of the cities that it's been. If you look around on the driver's side you can see an alleyway. For example if we need to make a movie, depict a movie as if it's being done in the 1950s. All we have to do is put up the title of a movie that was done in the 1950s. Up there. On my side of the tram is a small drugstore, on the very corner, that drugstore, was used in the 1973. Movie the sting starring robert redford and paul newman. That's where doyle loneigan received his. Importance. Is. It's. Perfect. And we went through new york for that and we went over one of their very famous real years of universal, studios, around 1915. When the studio was first developed. I. The fridge is rather old folks you better get a picture of it now because i have to be here tomorrow. Okay, luciano, can we just take the world behind the. Bridge. Oh no, oh no folks, luciano, said, that we have to go over, the bridge. All right let's remain calm. We'll go over it very quickly and. Hopefully we're going to be just fine, luciano, is a wonderful, driver. And i'm sure that he'll get ants during lee majors. And also. Well if you look around the bridge you'll see, that there's a lot of greenery. And that greenery, aids in the effect that, the bridge has been there for many years, it helped me to play my little joke on everyone. Well sometimes, we don't have that greenery, where we need it, and that's when we enlist the aid of our greenery, or so we could put sprinklers, up there to create. Rain. Starring, george picard, and mr, t. We also have some props here from the television, series land of the giants. And also from the, from the movie the incredible, shrinking woman, that's what those huge. That's what that big california, palm is. Also on my side of the tram you can see some of the cannons, that were used, in the 1929. Movie all quiet on the western. Front. Until, and we had to create movie snow, we did that by using a material called polyethylene. That's much like your dry cleaning bags. And what we did was take the dry cleaning bags cut them up pound them and then it turned white we turned then spread it all over this area. Of course maximum, my side of the tram. It's perfectly, nice and dry. I guess that's what he meant by a 50 50 chance of rain. But when it rains in this area it pours, and when it pours sometimes we have flash, floods.

You Don't think that would happen to us today do you. Oh no, oh no i think i hear the flash flood coming straight towards our tramp. Watch out. Everybody. Well this effect, is like the effect used in the movie the rivers starting milkington, and sissy space deck, we've released 10, 000 gallons of water from the storage tanks on the top of the hill, the water runs down here it makes this flash flood, but don't worry folks we won't waste it we're going to send it back, that starts gerald crady and james, parker, and it's supposed to take place in san diego. So all they have to do is hop over the border, and they are in old, mexico. This area also is used for the television, mini series masada, starring peter strauss and peter o'toole. On my side of the travis deliveries, table, this delivery table was used for the 1940. Movie. My little chickadee, it starts up uc fields at may west. Wcv. Also is about to be hung by the town's people by a real. Saved his life. We've just entered, six points texas. We call this area six points texas because we have six western, streets, all converging, at one central point. In the early years of the studio, we would film a western, on each one of our six streets all at one time, that's because they were silent movies then so the sounds wouldn't interfere with each other, each one of our streets has its own hotel, saloon, and, sheriff's, office, panel on the side, we have a pane of glass underneath, it we then put the camera up to the pane of glass, and the camera crew stays nice and dry on the outside. Even though the actors get all wet on the inside, you might remember. Tom hanks and janet. Battling a giant snake inside of that tank. Also in this area we have our box 747. Sound stage, where we have the interior, of an airplane, we do many airplane, interior, scenes inside of there. Just recently we're filming an episode of 2020, in there. Also on my side of the tram is a rather large riverboat. This riverboat, was built in 1953. For the movie mississippi, gambler, starring tyrone, power. It was used also in the movie shenandoah, starring jimmy stewart. The rare boat is a facade. It's just a false front we're saying the back of it now as we drive around the front you'll be able to say a good old, pt-73. Legend now said that the crew of pt73. Left some underwater, mines in this area, so we'll have to be careful as we drive, by. We should be pretty, safe. Well on the other side of the. Lake. Oh. If you look on the driver's side of the tram you can see the house that was used in the john hughes film, weird science, sorry kid, that was in 1923. In a silent, tarzan, movies, you might notice some palm trees on wooden stands. That's how we can easily move them around and create a different part of the jungle, for old tarzan, to swing through at any time. We call this new park because filmed at any different camera angle it appears to be a new park every time. This is where there will be spartacus. Douglas. Here look on the stairs, on the driver's side the second set of stairs, that's where that movie was done that's where it's used, as a government building or an embassy, all you have to do is put a different country for going over cobblestones.

Now, But actually this is just concrete, that was pressed into this mold while it was still wet. This area has been used for many movies such as, madame x during lana turner it was germany for that movie. It was france in the movie rich man court a new movie titled war of the roses was recently.

2020-05-16 17:50

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