Heidelberg Castle, Gernmany

Heidelberg Castle, Gernmany

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The number, one destination, for every, visitor, to Heidelberg. Is the castle there's, something, magical, about castles. Especially. A romantic. Ruin, that, sits majestically, upon, a hill, looking. Out over the, old town. You. Could easily spend several, hours, at, this amazing, destination. First, built in the 13th, century and, then gradually, expanded. To house the local royalty, over the next three centuries finally. Destroyed, by an, invading French army in the 1690s, and, later, struck by lightning, that burned, most, of the rest of it down but. It has been renovated and, restored back. To its former, glory with. An extreme mix of destruction. And beauty that conjures, up the turbulent, past of this strategic, fortification. Its, crumbling, walls and towers stand, next to a complete, palace, with, a restored, interior. Making, this must-see. Attraction, in your visit to Heidelberg. From. The top you will get a fantastic. View, looking down on the old town more, than just beautiful this is one, of the great vistas, of Europe the, castle, is way up on the hill which might, present. A challenge of getting up there but fortunately. You don't have to walk up because. You can right up in a funicular, it's. Easy, to, reach the funicular from. Town level by, walking. Out the back street of Karl's Platz to the lift station it's. Found in a modern building just across the street don't. Bother trying, to walk up the hill, take the five-minute ride on this very, efficient. Inclined. Railcar, they first. Opened in 1890. Making. This one of the oldest funiculars. In Germany it's, recently, been rebuilt. So. Now it's really a state of the art machine that. Glides, you up. Smooth. Quiet. Comfort. The, ticket you'll purchase, for the funicular also. Gets you into the castle and if, you were to walk up the, hill instead, of writing the funicular you'd. Still have to buy that same ticket, at the same price at the top just to get into the castle so the. Ride on the funicular is, no, extra price that.

Funicular, Our ticket, is also a roundtrip, so you can ride down on the, same, ticket for. Now you get off at the lost, castle station, and. You walk through the arched gateway, and. Start. Out by walking left on the terrace, for, this grand Vista, looking down on the town below, and. There you get the classic view looking down on, the old town, you, can spot some landmarks, you see the Holy Ghost Church. Then. Of course the bridge, and. The, neckar river down below. It's. Really like a storybook. Postcard, come to life. Unfortunately. For some bus tours this is the only view they ever get to see of Heidelberg a quick look at the castle and from, the castle a peak down into the old town but, in today's program, we'll, show you why it's really worth spending a couple of days in Heidelberg, itself, with time, to properly, explore. This beautiful castle you, can see how the castle, is built on steep, cliffs, to, prevent, invasion from the front and with, high walls and a dry moat protecting, the rear the. Crumbling, round tower on the corner is a, testament. To this new age of destruction that came with. Those French invaders, the. Terrace, offers a stunning, view of the town down, below and also some, interesting, angles. On the side of the castle, the walls that towers, the turrets, and it's. A very pleasant park as well with an easy walkway, but. It's curious. That, many, visitors to the castle missed, this Terrace altogether, because. They're in such a rush and they, come, off the funicular, and, they just want to go right into the castle so they bypass, it there's no real sign saying, hey come out here to look at the view. From this angular you'll get a better perspective, on, the defensive. Fortifications. The steep walls leading, down into that dry moat and you'll, also gain, some views of the residential, hillside, behind the castle with some of the big mansions, that are up there now when, you visit the castle be, sure to make time for this, Terrace view another. Good reason why it's worth spending two, nights in Heidelberg on your visit it's a city with many, interesting, sight as we, are showing you in our extensive, series of movies, about this fascinating place, it's. Very easy to reach this Terrace, view just, simply walk through, that triumphal. Arch way you can't, miss that. You'll. See on this map of the castle the route that we've taken so far coming. Out of the funicular are walking, over to that panorama, terrace for the splendid view looking down at the town then. We continue, back through the terrace and around to the gatehouse entrance, of the castle into, the courtyard we'll, have a look around there'll, be some more views interior. Visits, and then. We'll come out again, and walk, over into the castle gardens will. Show you how to get the most out of your visit. You. Enter the castle through, a dramatic, sequence of, fortified. Gatehouse, bridge. And gate, tower as, you. Pass through look up into the arch to see the massive portcullis. It's, a pointed. Gate that would drop down to seal the entrance. To. Draw bridges and, four, more gates completed, the original barriers. That kept, invaders, out. But these are no longer there to stop you once, inside the castle you'll be delighted to see the beautiful, state of preservation of the main buildings, first. Thing you see is the huge. Central, courtyard as, you. Stand here in the courtyard surrounded. By the castle your eyes will be drawn first. Of all to the impressive, Renaissance, facade, of the, Friedrich Building dripping. With sculptural. And decorative. Architectural. Details, it. Was built from, 1601. To. 1607. As the. Living quarters for the Duke of Bavaria, it's embellished. With 16 elegant, statues, depicting Emperor's. And kings of the vittles back dynasty, that was the main royal family, who lived in Heidelberg, over the centuries, the, statues, are clad in a stone, armor, and have weapons befitting.

Their Noble, warrior, status you. Can find pictures of this facade in many our history, books and on every, postcard, rack in town. Here. In the ruins of the heidelberg castle you. Really get a feeling, for the Middle. Ages and, the early Renaissance, the. Heyday of this building started, about the Year 1400. And, continued. Right, up through the conquests. By louis, xiv, in the late 1600s, and then. Even into the 1700s. There. Were noble, princes, and residents, here some. Damage was created, in the Wars of succession that, were led by louis, xiv, who. Blasted, it with cannons, and, there. Was further damage, in a huge lightning, storm in. 1764. Were, bolts, of lightning, blasted. Into the walls of this castle and destroyed several of the towers but. Today we still have the, original remains. This is standing. Inside the ruins of Ludwig's. Room and, this was one of the great, rulers, who, resided, here at the heidelberg castle and, he, was largely responsible for, much of the architecture of the building that we see today the. Various stages of castle, construction Stan. And all around the courtyard, some. Wings are well-preserved, while others, are extremely, damaged, tear, right is the auto, Himes building, the one that's all in ruins with empty. Space, behind the walls and that's considered. The finest. Example, of German, Renaissance architecture. In, this area the. Mid 16th century that was built it's, still pretty to look at with dozens, of impressive, statues, depicting. Heroes. Of the Bible and, mythology. Frame. By elaborate, neoclassical. Pilasters. Cornices. Moldings. And scrolls but. It's just a free-standing shell, with no building, behind it the. Earliest, buildings, here, were from about 1400. It's behind you this, is a Rupert's. Building. The. Prince elector Rupert. He, was one of, the guys who really founded, this castle, and. That was his main residence at that time. You. Can also pay to go inside the castle and tour some of the rooms, the. Oldest building here in the courtyard is the. Old library, you, can still see the Gothic, windows, this. Dates back to the 14th. And 15th centuries. There's. The well house you have to have a well to, provide. Water when. You're in a castle in, case you're besieged the. Well is located, in a picturesque, loggia. With columns, and pointed, arches there's. Also a wine bar here at the castle you. Could have a snack or a meal at, that Terrace restaurant, but there's a far, more interesting wine. Experience, waiting. For you in the castles, basement, be, sure to visit the cellar, this is really, one of the highlights of the castle because it contains, the world's, largest wine, barrel, it was made from a hundred and twenty, large oak trees, and it, had a capacity, of two, hundred and seventy-five thousand. Bottles of wine how big is it it's, so big there's a wooden staircase, you can climb to reach a viewing platform on, the top. Little area that was constructed to, have dance parties, man. You keep walking alongside the, barrel and you'll come to a very steep. Spiral. Wooden staircase, hang, on to that wooden railing because it's a narrow, curved, flight. Of steps back down to floor level they. Say there was a network of pipes running from here throughout the castle to deliver the wine and a, fantastic, system that. Kept, the party going non-stop. It. Was built in, 1751. But. After, a few decades actually. It began to crack and so. They emptied, it out of all the wine and they kept it instead, as a showpiece. Her. Ko was the castle jester. Who loved to drink wine this. Legendary. Dwarf, was a castle, entertainer. Also, in charge of the wine where he reputedly, drank, five, to, eight gallons, of wine a day when. Asked, if he wants, another glass of wine he'd, always say pick a No or, why, not giving. Rise to his nickname, percale. According. To legend he lived, happily into, his 80s, having, never drunk anything in his life except for wine but. When, he took ill as an old man the town doctor had him drink water he. Died the next day, while. You're down here in the cellar you'll find some other interesting, activities, including, a wine bar and another. Big, barrel, in, fact that's the first barrel that you're going to see when you come in the entrance but don't, be fooled, this is not nearly as large. As the, big one that we've just been visiting so. Be sure to get to the real thing while you're down here in. Addition to these huge barrels, there was three times as much wine stored, elsewhere in the castle, for, a grand total of 1 million bottles, that. Fueled a steady stream of guzzling, which reportedly, averaged, 2,000. Liters every day appropriately. There is a nice, wine tasting, bar available, down here in the cellar for you to sample various, German, red and white varieties, at a reasonable, price this, country, is Fame for beer but modern, Germans are more likely to drink wine when.

You Finish with the cellar walk up the ramp and take a turn to go out on to another viewing Terrace, there's. No real sign that points the way out to this Terrace it's just the passageway. That you go through to get out here this. Gives you yet, another perspective, looking down on the town and the, river and the bridge down below it's really up, grand. Vista, and you can look back up at the wall of the castle itself, you. Might even see some wedding. Photography, going on up here it's a very picturesque, spot. You'll. Be snapping, lots of pictures out here on the terrace it, does give you a slightly, different, view than the first terrorists that you were looking out from so, it's a nice vantage, you want to get yourself in the picture prop. Your camera, up on your elbow so you get a good steady shot of the distant landscapes, there, is a very impressive, residential. Neighbourhood on the other side of the neck of river with some huge, houses. Probably. Many of them have been divided, up into smaller, apartments, by now looking. Down into the old town you'll see the high league dice Church right on the Market Square, take. Proper, time here to soak it all in it's, quite, a grand view and then, moving along to the next Castle highlight, your. Basic ticket. To the castle, includes, a visit to the German pharmacy. Museum which. Has several basement. Galleries, covering, the history of medicine, and pharmaceuticals. Now. This is a lot more interesting, than it sounds, first. Of all you're entering into, the. Basement, of a beautiful structure so. Just the architecture of the rooms themselves is, worthwhile, and then, the contents, is really a bonus also, called, the apothecary. Museum it gives you a fine, idea of how medicine, was practiced back, in the 1700s, you. See all of these different potions. And the instruments, that were used to create them and the, stock shelves for selling and storing, them you'll, be surprised, how large. And captivating. The exhibit, is with, 20,000. Representing. The history, of pharmacy the, floorplan shows the many galleries each, with their own theme, they. Say it's, the largest and finest, such collection, in existence, spanning, two thousand, years of pharmacy, history, the. Ancient chemist. Was able to boil. And evaporate the. Essential, elements, of a compound, using, a still and then, condense, them into, a concentrated. And effective, medicine this. Process, is still used today in manufacturing, our own pharmaceuticals. We have slightly more modern, factory style equipment of course be, sure to walk down that staircase to, the lower level, to enjoy, this large collection of skills. After. Completing, your visit to the castle grounds you, want to have, a look at the castle, gardens, but, before leaving the castle why. Not take a little time to look, around once again at these magnificent. Buildings and just consider their history. Castles. Like this were powerful, sanctuaries. In the Middle Ages back. Then they did not have unified, governments.

Or A country, that protected, each town, it, was the feudal system where, each town was on its own, almost, functioning, as a city-state and so. These castles, were critically, important, to safety, security. And protection. Of the ruling class but. Then later when they were attacked by the large cannonballs, introduced. In the 16th and 17th century, the, mighty walls could be blasted. To dust the. Heidelberg, castle was, occupied, by various, members of the local royalty. For three centuries, until. Its destruction by. French invaders, and lightning, strikes in the late 17th, century when. It was abandoned, by, the early 19th, century it, was a total, ruin and in danger of being completely, pulled down but. Preservationist. Got busy and began. Reconstruction. Which, continued, right on up through the 20th century, producing. This grand structure, which is one of the finest, examples of, a castle anywhere, in Europe, ranks right up there with other great castles, such as Salzburg. Edinburgh. Prague, Segovia. Or Windsor, but. This one has the best location. Perched, magnificently. Over, the old town. And. When you're done with your visit to the castle itself you exit, back out through the watchtower, across. The bridge over the moat and into the gardens you don't. Want to leave the castle without taking. Good stroll through these, vast green terraces, which. Have quite a history of their own and there's. No charge for the garden so if you're pinching pennies you. Could enjoy much of this experience, for free it's. A level promenade, and offers, some additional views, of the castle this, large tower was, used to store, barrels, of gunpowder and, unfortunately. It blew, up in, 1669. When, the French attacked, it Mark. Twain was impressed, by it during his visit and described, it saying this, old tower is split down the middle and one, half has tumbled aside, in a picturesque, attitude. The, standing, half exposes. Its arched and cavernous, rooms like, open. Toothless mouths. Misfortune. Has done for this old tower what. It has done for the human character sometimes, improved. It, the. Castle garden, was originally, a rocky gully, that provided, a natural barrier defending. The castles, flank, until. King Frederick v decided, to, fill in the chasm, and create, an elaborate, garden complete with statues, fountains. Flowerbeds. Fish ponds, and other sensual, delights, it developed, a miraculous. Reputation. As the eighth wonder of, the world but, ironically, invading. Armies later, use the level gardens as a convenient, Avenue, to attack the castle there. Are several lovely fountains, scattered, through the gardens especially. At the back edge where a voluptuous River, God lounges. In a grotto you'll. Want to walk, to the far end of the castle garden to get some excellent. Views of the town and, the river and the castle, from different angles, than you have seen previously you'll, get a lovely perspective. On the old bridge, and the, nikah river down below later, you could take that one our River cruise you. Might be surprised to see there are some vineyards up on the hill yeah they make their own wine, if. You are out in the garden for these views, you can then take a shortcut, back into town by simply, walking down, a lovely, footpath you could instead, take the five-minute funicular, ride back down like nearly all visitors, it's included in the price of your ticket but you'll find it's faster, and more fun to walk down the. Entrance to the path has no sign but you'll see it notice. How it would be the same distance to walk down compared. To walking, back over to the funicular it's. Only about 400. Meters either, way then. If you go to the funicular you've, got to wait for the ride sometimes. There's a line and that takes time the, stroll down is not only faster, it gives you a pleasant, scenic.

Alternative. Experience, the. Footpath takes a very gentle, slope so it's, easy to walk it especially. If you can get into one of those downhill. Rhythms, where you sort of float along, you'll. Have a lush, garden, view on one side of the path and the, castle, looming overhead. On the other side the. Walk down takes just ten minutes and that completes. Your visit to the castle on. The other hand if you're feeling more adventurous and, have some time you, could ride, the funicular to, the very top of this mountain at, 1600. Feet way. Above the castle where, there is a small amusement park, snack, bar for lunch and an. Observation tower that offers, a view, over the surrounding countryside, and then, you can ride back, down on the funicular back. To town, but, maybe leave that trip up to kunuk stool for another, visit. We've. Got many more movies about Heidelberg, you can find in our collection, and. If. You enjoyed the movie how about a thumbs, up and we always welcome comments, down below we. Upload, a new movie every, week so, please, subscribe, to our Channel and be sure to click that little alarm bell then, you'll be notified.

2019-02-11 07:14

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tack dennis dina videos är som gamla vänner man tröttnar inte the wiking

I enjoyed your Heidelberg videos. Brings back many memories and you didn’t leave out any details. Another great vid.

Beautiful. Why didn’t I go when I was in Germany. A trip back one day.


Take it easy.just a Spelling mistake

What a great tour and fun to see you on camera to personalize the voice. We love Germany but haven't been to Heidleberg yet. We'll have to add it to our list. Thanks -Henry

great video... such a lovely trip!

whopps, thenks, fixxed itt.

Dennis your videos are priceless in trip planning. I have relied upon them in so many ways. Our last trip to Paris and Provence was certainly enhanced after reviewing your Arles, Avignon, Nimes, Aix and related videos. Going to Belguim and Austria in May and am enjoying your Bruges, Vienna and Salzburg videos. Please keep up the excellent work.

+denniscallan ok

@denniscallan ok

Excellent overview!

I was there in 1970 when restoration was just started. It's wonderful to see if now in this video.

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