Hari 6 Touring KM 0 Aceh w/ RE Himalayan | | Meulaboh - Banda Aceh | Kami cinta Aceh.

Hari 6 Touring KM 0 Aceh w/ RE Himalayan |  | Meulaboh - Banda Aceh | Kami cinta Aceh.

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullah barakatuh. Good morning. Today, Thursday. And this is our sixth day on our way to Aceh.

Now our position is in Meulaboh, last night until quite late, it was less than 11 o'clock. Have enough rest. Today's journey is quite short actually, 200 km. Hopefully like yesterday. Good weather, good roads. But...

Today it seems... It's been drizzling. I was just loading stuff onto the motorbike. So today the plan is to arrive in Banda Aceh, we will immediately cross to Pulau Weh, to stay there... in Sabang. The plan is to go to Kilometer 0 (Zero) Since we have already been to Pulau Weh, we are going to Kilometer 0 (Zero).

Now I want breakfast. For then, we start the sixth day of the road. So far… so much fun! The trip was so much fun! Alhamdulillah far from big problems. At least 2 days ago, a friend when it rained on the mountain and wanted to turn around, he fell. The term fell stupid.

Thank God it didn't slide around the corner. So… it's been quite a safe journey so far. Hopefully the house will also be given smoothness.

Today, in Meulaboh. Meulaboh is a small town. We think, there is no hotel that is quite representative. But it turns out there is a fairly new hotel here. The hotel is named Eva Sky.

The hotel is new, less than a year. I really like this picture. Pop art style. The place to eat is here.

Good morning. Let's eat first. Bye! At 07:25 we will have breakfast at the hotel. At Eva Sky Hotel Meulaboh. I like the breakfast. I think the hotel's food is delicious.

Because I like to eat, so… I eat quite a lot of breakfast to make sure that I have enough energy for us to do the last push to Banda Aceh. At 9 we leave our hotel in Meulaboh City. So today, on the sixth day we will drive about 200 km.

Actually, when compared to our other days, this is the shortest route from Meulaboh to Banda Aceh. After arriving in Banda Aceh this afternoon, we will continue to cross to Pulau Weh, and from Pulau Weh we will go to the Kilometer 0 Monument (Zero), as the westernmost asphalt boundary in Indonesia. And after we visit... the monument, the Kilometer 0 Monument (Zero), We will stay overnight in Sabang, then the next day we return to Banda Aceh. At half past ten, we started to leave Meulaboh City to go to Banda Aceh.

On today's trip, from Meulaboh City to Banda Aceh, we will mostly walk along the beach on our left. So if you look on the map, on Google Maps. If we choose the trip from Meulaboh to Banda Aceh, it's mostly on our left is the beach.

This is on our left even though we can't see it, in fact we are walking along 200 km of beaches, from Meulaboh to Banda Aceh. In the middle, we will later go up a little bit, into the hills. Later, friends will see. But for the most part, apart from the hills, we actually walked along the coast from Meulaboh to Banda Aceh.

And... for me this is a journey that... A dream come true! Because… I really wanted to explore Sumatra. And I am very curious to explore Sumatra from its left bank, which borders the sea.

Because in Sumatra there are many roads, there is a middle route, there is an east route, and a west route. On this trip, my friends and I decided to take the western route. from Krui to Meulaboh, to Banda Aceh. In the final stage or this last stage. 200 km mostly, we will be walking along the beach on our left. A little out of Meulaboh City, we still find many small villages on our right and left.

And later, the closer to Banda Aceh we will see fewer houses. We will meet with many beaches and hills. Along the way from Meulaboh to Banda Aceh, we are presented with many wide roads like this. And long straight.

So indeed, as we can see on the map, the road on the beach is relatively straight… so there are many straight roads like this, friends. If we look, the village has begun to sparse. And to our left, that's actually the whole coastline. So we are now from Meulaboh to Calang. The next city is Calang.

We walk along the coast in long, straight walks, like this. Unfortunately, from Meulaboh, we find several roads that are being repaired, like this one. But actually there are not many, there are at least 2, 3 roads. The beach side road is being repaired.

I imagine that if the road was very smooth, my friends, Uncle Martinus and Oom Ivan, would have been very fast ahead. Because the road is not so good, so I can still catch up with them, on this straight road. At ten o'clock in the morning, my friends and I walked along a flyover, which in my opinion… this bridge is fairly new, maybe not even a year since it was inaugurated.

"The flyover is about 2 years old." (Info by @Hendra Thomas) Thank you. But actually I don't know, which city is this position in? Looks like this hasn't entered Calang City yet, because we've only been riding for an hour. If we get to Calang, it may take 1.5 to 2 hours. So, friends, if anyone knows where the flyover border is? You can comment below (In the comments column). "Teunom Bridge, Aceh Jaya district" (Info by @Muhammad Taufik) Thank you.

At 10:15 we are still heading to Banda Aceh. Still on the Trans Sumatra road. If I'm not mistaken, the name of the street is Jalan Meulaboh, Banda Aceh.

And we've only been driving an hour and a half. So it's still fresh in the morning. And if we look at the weather, it's dim, not too hot. If I see the sun is not too visible, so it's a bit cloudy this morning we ride it. We started regrouping the three of us again, after Oom Martinus was a little behind. My friend on the left, he wants to show that… in Multistrada there is Cruise Control.

So if he lets go of his right hand, there are actually 2 options, you can use Cruise Control. But in this case, he was like telling me that he gasped with his left hand. There was a button he could press. Not bad too, an expensive motorbike with its flagship features including Cruise Control, in my opinion extraordinary.

I never imagined that there would be Cruise Control on a motorcycle. This road is quite wide and it is very straight, if you look at it. My other 2 friends with their Ducatis, do n't know where they are ... They are way ahead. I'm behind at 80-100 km per hour.

If they had maybe 140-150 km per hour. If you see, this is one of the advantages of the route from Meulaboh to Banda Aceh, there are many wide roads like this, very straight, long, and the best thing is, not too many vehicles. So for friends who bring Moge (Motor Gede), this is the place where you can speed. Actually, I don't recommend speeding up on public roads. But… If you want to put your Throttle to the max, this is the place! We've started going up towards the hills. So if we look at our friends, the scenery has started to change.

We see more big trees, the road is also winding, because we have gone up the hill. "Gunung Malem" (Info by @miswa.kamil akbar) Thank you. As you can see, the road is very smooth. Extraordinary! The road is smooth, the scenery is good, the sun also happens to be not hot, but the road is still dry, and… the road is still quiet. Just like we left Meulaboh earlier. And...

my friends are already far ahead, and I'm trying to catch up, so as not to fall too far behind. Hello. It's half past 11 in the afternoon. And we are still on our route to Banda Aceh. We stopped for a while, because we were passing by the beach.

The beach is white sand, and… the waves are really big. We'll see, it's behind us. This is the name of the area Lhok Geulumpang.

Around Lhok Geulumpang. Let's see the beach . Closer. This is interesting because when we look at it from the side of the road, the sand is white. And it seems that rarely people come here. We'll see from the other end.

The beach is actually quite long. So we stop there, That's my friends above. That's the side of the road, right there. And then, that's my bike! Down a little to the beach. That's the end there.

This is the beach. White sand. White yes. There is an island.

The waves are big. Wow! On this beach at half past 11, no one can be seen swimming. It seems quite dangerous to swim here. Also no one surfs.

Somehow... Maybe not a surf area. There are islands and some corals.

Excellent! Happy, early in the morning have seen the beach. Kayaking in Bali? Kayaking in Bali. After this we want to continue to Banda Aceh.

Maybe another 138 km. Suddenly! The water! Startled! We continued the journey, Let's go! At 11:15 we start down the hill and out of the hill. And in front of it seen from a distance, there is a beach. Ahead there, there is the sea visible. Maybe, we will meet the sea in about 5-10 minutes. The position is half past 12.

And… it's amazing, the path we're on. With hills to our right, to our left, and quiet, smooth roads. It's the perfect time for riding. Just now, behind us, I got a little drizzle. So, from half past 11 until half past 12, it wasn't raining but just drizzling. So, I'm quite careful.

Not too fast. For safety. Because I'm afraid, because of these raindrops the road will also be slippery. So I'm steady at 70-90 km per hour on a road like this.

If you look at it, the roads are extraordinarily straight and long. So naturally, with a large CC, it will definitely speed up. This is my friend, Uncle Martinus. Look, he's going to be faster soon. After 3 hours less drive from Meulaboh. We are still presented with an extraordinary view.

On our left, if you see, there are many tall trees. On the left there, that's the beach. And this is a street that, according to people, is quite famous.

This is the road that was said to have been built by the US (United States) after the Tsunami hit Aceh in 2004. The road is incredibly straight, and incredibly long, friends. This is also one of the moments that I will never forget. After we walked a lot along the beach, suddenly we went up a little.

And… Immediately the scenery changed, in front of us many high hills. It's not a mountain. I don't know if it's a hill or a mountain. So the scenery immediately turned green the weather remains a bit dim this afternoon.

And drizzle a little. So, this is really cool. After seeing the beach, we entered the hill, went up the mountain a bit and everything immediately turned green.

I don't know if this includes Gunung Leuser National Park. Does not seem. But, if you have info, please comment below (In the comments column). If we look, the road is a bit up the mountain. Very exciting! "Gunung Geurute, Aceh Jaya Regency" (Info by @Ebby Delfian, @miswa.kamil akbar, @Trian Ahmadi) Thank you.

We're still up the hill, guys. The road is also a bit winding and the road is relatively good. And not many vehicles pass here. So… it's like… like riding in the middle of a National Park.

Is this really a National Park? If this is a National Park, please comment below (In the comments column). Because I don't know, to be honest. I love riding in places like this. See… what is it? Like walking through the forest.

We can see the sea is down there. And… We'll stop at the front to see the view from above. Even though we just stopped at Indomaret. Uncle Martinus, stop again in front of him. Looks like he really needs a vacation.

Can be seen. We stop here, at the top of the hill. And the view below.

The view is very pretty. We'll see the view. Underneath it's like… - Say hello! - Hello! Coconuts.

- Life's good, no? - Life's good. - Life's good. - Indeed.

Below that is like a valley. The best… the one on the right. It's like there's a bay. And there the sea is open.

Haven't seen what area on this map yet. But this is about... 70, 80 km to Banda Aceh.

So that's the place. Ok. We ordered coconut, drank first and we continued to Banda Aceh. See you! After resting on the hill, we immediately went back to Banda Aceh.

This position is around 1:30 pm. And the weather is still the same. The weather is still dim.

And the view, amazing. To our left, a very long beach… and to our right, green hills like this. Extraordinary! For friends who have a big CC motorbike, this is the place. For good riding, making a little speed is also good. Everything can be here.

If friends pay attention, on the left we are still passing the beaches. And if I look at… earlier at half past 11 we stopped at the beach, the same beach here is very similar. The waves are quite big if we see. Indeed, this west coast if from Krui, Bengkulu, I noticed that the waves were quite big, my friends, even after ... after the Calang area. The direction of Banda Aceh is the same, the waves are still quite large.

I want to tell you that along from Meulaboh to Banda aceh, we can find many cows. This is one of them, in fact he is cool alone, walking in the middle of the road not with his group. In the future, we will also find many groups of cows, some of which even sleep in the middle of the road.

So we have to be careful! It's on our right, we see a lot of cows… to the middle of the road. Many friends say that… be careful! Because these cows sometimes at night, they sleep in the middle of the road. Local people say, "Indeed, it is warm in the middle of the road, so the cows like to lie down in the middle of the road at night."

So, you have to be careful especially for friends who drive at night. At 1 pm, we enter the hilly area, the road is a bit uphill and winding, friends. Very green.

And our position is closer to Lhoknga. Lhoknga about 20-30 minutes ahead. So we are actually getting closer to our destination, in Banda Aceh, before we cross to Pulau Weh. Maybe we'll have lunch in Banda Aceh first, because… we ate at half past eight this morning, but we still haven't had lunch, friends. So maybe the plan is, when we arrive in Banda Aceh, we will have lunch first.

After 1 o'clock, as I recall, it was getting closer to Lhoknga. Maybe Lhoknga is about 10-15 minutes away from here. The road is magnificent, wide, straight, long and smooth. So it's a really cool place to ride with friends. Thank God at 01:40 we have… passed Lhoknga and we have entered the city of Banda Aceh, friends.

So the plan is, we first have time to have lunch in Banda Aceh. For us to catch the last ferry... or the second ferry from Banda Aceh to Pulau Weh in the afternoon around half past 4.

We are already in Banda Aceh City. And... because in Banda Aceh we are looking for special food, we are looking for a typical Banda Aceh food called...

Kameng. If I'm not mistaken, goat curry. So we got a recommendation from our friend, Oom Rezki, to go to a place to eat.

We have arrived. Alhamdulillah, we have arrived in Banda Aceh City, safely. For me, that's enough...

very, very happy to have arrived in Banda Aceh City. If Kilometer 0 (Zero)… My riding buddy… to Banda Aceh! - You don't think so? - That's a big achievement, man! - Okay! I said earlier that… I arrived in Banda Aceh already, like… Ok, this is like… that! - Ok, we just cross to Kilometer 0 (Zero). - Just cross to Kilometer 0 (Zero), soon. - But, let's stop now, eat. I invited Oom Martinus, when he went to Banda Aceh he said he had to eat Sie Kameng or Goat Curry.

- I don't know, but just give up. - I believe the reference is Oom Affan. - Yes, we always look for food when we travel.

This is the food we want. We have arrived at the place, the name is RIDHA ILAHI RIDHA ILAHI's Goat Curry Restaurant. The place is opposite the Banda Aceh Social Service. Opposite. So, let's eat! This menu already exists.

And it's actually very, very simple, as soon as it comes to the table, it's immediately… given rice. This is… Sie goat (Goat curry). And drink it… of course if you're in Banda Aceh, you have to drink this, cucumber juice. Let's try the gravy first.

Wow! The sugar is very strong. The spice is very strong. We continue eating.

Incredibly, I am very satisfied with the recommendations given to this restaurant. Excellent, the food is delicious. I added and my friends also added. So this afternoon, we each eat 2 portions of goat curry and 2 portions of rice. Extraordinary! For people who eat more than enough breakfast, it turns out that they also have a lot of lunch.

After lunch, we continue to walk around the city of Banda Aceh. Actually, I just requested a photo in front of the Baiturrahman Mosque. So here we are heading to the Baiturrahman Mosque, for photos. And then from there we went straight to… Harbor, to cross to Pulau Weh.

Let's see, the Adipura Monument in Banda Aceh City. And that's in front of us we see the Baiturrahman Mosque, we will take pictures for a while. For then we continue to the port, friends.

After taking a few photos at the Baiturrahman Mosque, we pass briefly, the Aceh Tsunami Museum, which is famous. And we go straight to the port for us to buy tickets and cross. Hello.

- Bro, still have the battery! It was less than 3 o'clock, earlier we went around Banda Aceh City for a while. Actually, it's just photos, at the Baiturrahman Mosque. - If you want to use (Battery). - Yes, thank you.

- Thank you, bro. So, earlier we took pictures, now we want to cross to Pulau We. The plan is if it's not too late to get there... We're going to take the half 4 boat, already got the tickets. So...

we will get there, if time permits, we will go to Kilometer 0 (Zero) first. After that, we just went to the place to stay. If you don't hurry, go straight to Sabang to find a place to stay.

The port is like this. That's where the ticket sales are. Then, the ship was there. Looks like you can come in.

So, off we go! - Guy's, excited? - Very excited! - Ivan? - How to exaggerate excited? - Very-very! - Very very very!!! It's less than 3 o'clock, we're already on the ship. And it was quite surprising for me, because it turned out that many people had already entered the ship. Actually this is still a bit, because later when we go home, it turns out that far more people want to cross to Banda Aceh. It's a quarter to six o'clock, it's already sunset, friends.

We're off the ship. And… in a few seconds, we will set our feet on the westernmost Island, in Indonesia. Weh Island.

which is part of the Aceh Province. The first time I set foot here, I immediately saw that the Port Infrastructure was extraordinary, in my opinion quite good. The terminal is pretty good and quite busy this afternoon. And we go straight to Kilometer 0 (Zero). Most likely Kilometer 0 (Zero) is already closed. Hopefully it's still bright enough for us to take pictures.

Because when it's dark, it means that tomorrow morning we have to return to Kilometer 0 (Zero) for photos. For me personally, I'm happy, I can ride from Jakarta to Banda Aceh. I think that's been amazing. A very memorable experience for me. This is a small bonus to have arrived in Banda Aceh. Why not? we cross a bit to get to Kilometer 0 (Zero), at the westernmost point, in Indonesia.

We are on the way out of the port, guided by our friend, the brother of my friend, Oom Martinus. His name is Uncle Rezki. He is a resident of Banda Aceh, who will guide us to Kilometer 0 (Zero).

At 06:20 we enter the Kilometer 0 (Zero) Monument area, which is located on Pulau Weh. The atmosphere is quiet, but… for me it's quite unique, because it's 06:20 but the atmosphere is still bright enough, so I can still take pictures. We pass the mosque. Actually… friends, this is not to be imitated! Actually, it's closed. But because I came all the way from Jakarta, I'm sorry, let's ride through… just to take some photos.

There are still many shops open. And, to our right is… the monument. Alhamdulillahi Robbil 'Alamin (Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.) After a long journey, finally… Allah allowed us to visit Kilometer 0 (Zero). The monument. Alhamdulillahi Robbil 'Alamin (Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.)

Hello. Finally… We have arrived at Pulau Weh. And it's 6pm. Earlier, we departed from Banda Aceh, from Ulee Lheue Harbor at 04:30. Now we have arrived at Kilometer 0 (Zero). Well actually, personally, on this trip, my target is only to reach Banda Aceh.

It's just… because we've arrived here, OK, our bonus will automatically go to Kilometer 0 (Zero). So… in 6 days of travel, this is where we will end our journey. Thank you very much, friends for watching. See you again on our next trip. Hopefully more fun, better.

Stay strong , stay healthy wherever you are. Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings. (May Allah bestow His salvation, mercy, and blessings) Until we meet again.

Bye bye! Assalamualaikum good morning. Today, Friday. We are at Balohan Harbor, in Sabang. and will cross to Banda Aceh.

This is a very large crowd. Look, there's a lot of queues for motorbikes. And in front, we see, we stand in line, we are still waiting for tickets. Meanwhile… trucks and Colt cars have already entered, 4 - wheeled vehicles.

Hopefully we can get tickets. So we can cross. It's a 07:30 crossing. I hope we get the tickets.

Ok. Let's go!

2021-08-08 19:32

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