Guided VR-tour inside Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant | Eyemmersive | Ukraine | Nuclear Disaster

Guided VR-tour inside Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant | Eyemmersive | Ukraine | Nuclear Disaster

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Welcome to Chernobyl exclusion zone. Some  people believe that the barbed wire fence   of Chernobyl zone protects them from the dead  and deserted radioactive land. In fact this is   the place where you can see unique technological  sites next to the wild nature and folk culture Actually the zone is a huge laboratory where   lots of things have been done for the  first time in the history of mankind the zone covers a territory of more than  2 600 square kilometres where 96 evacuated   villages towns and cities are situated. In terms  of radiation safety they distinguish three zones   external or buffer 30 kilometre area,  internal more polluted 10 kilometre area   and a liveable area where the Chernobyl  personnel lives. Despite of the stereotype   the zone is not a circle, but it is of irregular  shape basically due to changes of wind direction   which was spreading the radioactive fallout in  1986 and which is pretty much expanded westward the Chernobyl nuclear power plant  was the first one in Ukraine   in 1967 after scrutinizing 16 different  options they made a decision to place   the plant on the banks of the Pripyat river  12 kilometres away from the Chernobyl town.  

It was this ancient town that gave  its name to the nuclear power plant.   Each block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant  was based on the uranium graphite reactor rbkm1000   this is a single contour reactor which means that  the water circulating in the active reactors zone   evaporates and turns the turbo generator's  rotors. In 1986 four blocks were in operation   and by that time they have already generated  in total over 150 billion kilowatt power   another two blocks were still under construction Accident of 1986. on April 26 1986 the biggest  accident in the mankind's history had happened at   block 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It  happened during an experiment which was intended   to test a possible cooling method in an emergency  situation a heat explosion which destroyed the   reactor and most part of the power module had  resulted in huge fire and significant emission of   radioactive particles into atmosphere. After  enormous efforts were spent on decontamination  

and repair, the power plant resumed its operation.  the first block was recommissioned in October 1986   the second in November the same year and  the third block only in December 1987   after it was disconnected from the  systems connected to reactor number four   this block was in operation until 2000  and it was the last decommissioned block In this video we will see the tour  inside the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.   After all security check-ups had finished the  tour starts from going into underground bunker.  

A government representative from Chernobyl  nuclear power plant will act as a tour guide   inside the plant. External tour agency  guides are not allowed inside the plant.   This is the generator room  with two full tanks of fuel,   one is on the top right corner of the  room and the other is in the underground. In case of any emergencies breakout or  fire this bunker will be used which has   all necessary equipment and facilities for  up to 750 people to survive for two days These are additional special doors  to protect the people from radiation People when they come, they have to check  themselves using this radiation monitoring   equipment. During our visit you will see and  you will be monitored also with this monitoring   equipment, if something if there are some  contamination is detected, people should go to   the restroom wash their hands or take even showers  but washing /showering with cold water. just with   cold water. Yes, because hot water will open your  pores, and radiation can get inside. yes. this is  

for better particles for skin for clothes  you could see uh the threshold so the limit maximum length 100 contamination okay  also we have measuring devices for alpha   additional for alpha particles here you can see  the current radiation rules here zero point two   zero this is the first aid room  for any medical emergencies this is the room for  technical people and engineers this is the ventilation chamber  which uses carbon filters to provide   clean air inside the bunker for two to three days  in case of air outside is contaminated. there are   two emergency exit doors in the further end of  this room which leads to a staircase to go outside the tiles on the floor are laid during the  initial construction they are still intact these beds are provided for 750 people to  sit down during the time in here even though   it seems like there are lots  of beds here there will not be   enough place for 750 people to  lie down and sleep on the beds this room is for storing technical water which  will be used only for toilet or cleaning but   not for drinking purposes drinkable water is  stored in separate containers in another room we are now entering into the boardroom  where the top management and officials meet   and take decisions during crucial time there  is a room here with technical facilities which   connects directly to Moscow city and Kiev  city here you are seeing different kinds   of dosimeters which were used during  1986 to measure the level of radiation now it's time for tourists to  get their specialist clothing   and personal protective equipment provided  by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant   tourists will be given separate lockers  to leave their own bags clods and shoes we are now going on the golden corridor which is  the beginning of our route to the nuclear plant   staff currently working now in the planter using  this corridor to get to their working places   on the left side of the corridor are  control rooms of the units and turbine hall   on the right side of the corridor there  are reactors the walls of this corridors   were contaminated very much after the accident  so the old layers were taken down and replaced   with new concrete and cladding and on top of  it the golden aluminium sheets were fitted   to stop spreading the contamination and to  reducing the exposure to ionizing radiation   we are now walking nine  meters above the ground level closing the three units of the Chernobyl nuclear  power plant not damaged in the 1986 accident and   still operating afterwards was an urgent priority  for the international community in the 1990s   once the decision to close the units had been  taken their decommissioning became an important   element of the international support efforts for  Ukraine as with most nuclear plants in the former   soviet union there were serious shortcomings in  the technical and financial provisions for the   decommissioning process and an urgent need  for investment in the site's infrastructure   assistance initially focused on urgent  safety and security upgrades of unit 3   which was the last operating reactor  and shut down only in 2000 later the   main task became the safe decommissioning  of all three reactor units at Chernobyl this is the control room of unit number one this unit's construction work started in  1971 and started its operation in 1977 it took six years to finish  the construction of this unit here are no employees working in unit 1 now are there still some people working?   No, we are not producing electricity anymore since  2000. we are now at the decommissioning process   and the commission closes according  to our national program will end 2064. and if some contamination will be wrapped  up right will be on and of course some   decontamination activities should be made for  example to change clothes or to wash hands the limits here 700 better particles okay  centimeter cubic centimeter per minute okay we have now reached central control room  in here employees of electrical department   and main operations are working  on 12-hour shift 24 hours a day is working behind you you may notice designated smoking  sign in this room only for operating personnel thank you bye oh please don't do this we were not allowed to take  photos or videos in certain areas inside the plant foreign reactor number two was permanently shut  down shortly after October 1991 when a fire   broke out due to a faulty switch in a turbine  on the 11th of October 1991 a fire broke out   in the turbine hall of reactor number two the fire  began in reactor number two's fourth turbine while   the turbine was being idled for repairs a faulty  switch caused a surge of current to the generator   igniting insulating material on some electrical  wiring this subsequently led to hydrogen used as a   coolant in the synchronous generator being leaked  into the turbine hall which apparently created the   conditions for fire to start in the roof and for  one of the trusses supporting the roof to collapse   the adjacent reactor hall and reactor  were unaffected but due to the political   climate it was decided to shut down this  reactor permanently after this incident   a lot of money had to be spent yeah  and as the lifetime of the unit number   two was coming to an end government at the  time decided not to spend a lot of money while some decommissioning  infrastructure projects have been   funded through bilateral aid two key Chernobyl  facilities are being financed by the EBRD   European bank for reconstruction and  development managed nuclear safety account NSA the interim spent fuel storage facility 2 is f2  currently in the final phase of commissioning   will process dry and cut more than 21 000 fuel  assemblies from the Chernobyl units one to three   which will then be placed in double walled  canisters and stored in concrete modules on site the spent fuel will be stored safely and  securely for a minimum period of 100 years   once all fuel has been transferred to the new isf2   facility the existing fuel storage  facilities can be decommissioned this will represent a major step forward in  increasing nuclear safety at the site the liquid   radioactive waste treatment plant lrtp retrieves  highly active liquids from their current storage   tanks processes them into a solid state and  moves them into containers for long-term storage   the plant is complete and fully operational to  date the NSA has committed 280 million euros   provided by 18 donors to decommissioning  and safety projects in Chernobyl   in addition the EBRD has provided 230 million  euros to support the construction of the ISF-2 next we will see the unique  soviet analog computer SCALA a unique electronic computing machine  which appeared in 1973 at the Leningrad   nuclear power plant and was named SCALA reactor  monitoring system of Leningrad nuclear power plant   this is this computer system SCALA in  Russian scholar abbreviations we translate   into English it means control system for  leading grad nuclear power plant reactor   subsequently it was also installed  at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant   it was the central information link which united  most of the control systems of the power unit   into a single automated monitoring system for  technological process of nuclear power plant we are now at the control room of unit 3. Opening  in 1981 and was shut down in December 2000   and it was broadcast broadcasted different  international and broadcasting companies   so the the process was just to switch  on switch off the other five key previously it was button red button are there  five after the accident it was replaced for you might try the third reactor was shut down  after operating briefly since   march 1999 following five months of repairs and  the plant as a whole ceased producing electricity that room all equipment was removed all   dirty and so on so you can just imagine  that the the same identical rooms   working place yeah another one third and they're  both chief unit shift provider okay so during   the experimentation number four there were 11  people because some extent there were experiments   some contracting supervisors where and so on  totally illegal but a nominal operation that's control the reactor yep we are now going to unit 4's control room the control room which was highly damaged from  the explosion was where the reactor was operated   from and where many of the decisions the day the  reactor exploded were made it sits under the new   containment arch but outside of the original  sarcophagus that contained the radiation of   the reactor itself we are not allowed to stay  here more than five minutes due to the nature   of radiation originally it was said to be 40 000  times higher radiation here than the normal levels   but when we were there our dosimeters were  reading around 25 micro Sieverts per hour   which was a lot less than some places  in Pripyat ghost town we visited earlier the accident occurred during a safety test on  the steam turbine of an rbmk type nuclear reactor   during a planned decrease of reactor power  in preparation for the test the power output   unexpectedly dropped to near zero the operators  in this control room were unable to restore   the power level specified by the test program  which put the reactor in an unstable condition   this risk was not made evident in the operating  instructions so the operators proceeded with the   test upon test completion the operators triggered  a reactor shutdown but a combination of operator   negligence and critical design flaws had made  the reactor prime to explode instead of shutting   down an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction  began releasing enormous amounts of energy why is source the models you will take yes also the time  how much load you will be near the source yes   and the first barrier for example here  we have additional there also some walls   music confirming additional mirror winds  or some atmospheric conditions could not   penetrate inside already so we just  protect ourselves and environment the original wall is here ah this original wall  of course after the accident a part of unit 4 was   reconstructed some corridors were made for example  like this one it became corridor this is the   monument for Valery Ilyich Khodemchuk who was the  first person to die in this nuclear disaster as it   is thought he was killed instantly when the number  four reactor exploded his body was never found   and it is presumed that he is entombed under the  remains of the circulation pumps so this monument   was built into the side of sarcophagus interior  dividing wall to the east of the pump hall this is the unit threes main circulation pumps  mcp used for water supplied to the reactor core   electrical motor electrical motor yes water  water was down okay so 16 meters height. we are now at the reactor hall of unit 3.  

this is the kind of reactor hall which was  exploded during the accident in unit 4. the Chernobyl plant was a  high-powered channel type reactor   RBMK that used water to both cool the  core and generate steam for its reactions crucially most of Chernobyl's control rods  were made of boron tipped with graphite the control rods slipped into  the reactor to slow reactivity the boron slowed the reactions  down but the graphite tips   initially increased the rate of fission it is commonly believed  that this was a design flaw   was one of the main factors  that caused the explosion at the press of the emergency button in the  control room the graphite tipped control rods   plunged into the coolant water though the boron  in the rods was meant to slow the reaction down   the graphite tips briefly  increased fission in the core the initial reaction was so powerful that  it cracked the control rods jamming them a   third of the way into their journey burying the  reactive graphite tips into the coolant water the reactor created more steam than it could  vent the fission reactions turned on and the   pressure from the steam exploded rupturing fuel  lines and exploding out the roof of the reactor seconds later a second explosion  spewed hunks of graphite into the   surrounding area and began to spread radiation Chernobyl was on fire was prepared in time uh and but this fuel  containing masses stopped themselves so this   foundation was never in use it is still there but  never used yeah this is main circulation pumps   yeah we saw them today three per side yeah four  four percent yeah four four three operations three   operations drum separators which separated steam  from water steam went to the turbine involved   this is a refuelling machine a particular machine   400 460 tons just piece of this machine stuck  in the wall and this one is a new wall no this   is not wall this is director stack director stick  directors such devices which remove bubbles from   the water we have now reached the end of our  tour at Chernobyl nuclear power plant.Thanks   for watching

2022-01-18 04:31

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