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hello everybody and get my nando and welcome to  grindelwald actually i'm standing here on the in   the train station of grindelwald and yeah this  is where you most probably you will be arriving   here when you're coming to grindelwald this is the  train from from interlaken and this is uh the the   train will take down to go in order to go to the  klein shy deck you know most probably you'll be   arriving here and then you know the center train  the wagon a walk towards the old town or the old   village of grindelwald you're passing the old  derby hotel and a little train station all right   here's a little kiosk you can buy  some chocolates some cigarettes   or whatever you like it will be the same place  when you leave that's where you get your train   tickets and then you get the hell out of here  anyway so welcome to the village of grindelwald some say it's the prettiest village in switzerland  but i wouldn't agree i mean it's nice here but   it's not like the prettiest anyway here's the  post office and here the hotel kites on post   which is also a long lasting has been here  before i have ever first been here anyway   so yeah this is the entrance there's a snack  bar there's the swiss chocolate chalet which   is still closed or they're about to open which is  a strange thing i mean it's almost almost midday   and it's high season but most people are not here  at the village you see it's not so many people   here the bus station and by the way of course  here is the iger the famous mountain where the   north wall is on the other side there where lots  of people died and also lots of people climbed it the hotel volta also long lasting and  yeah there have been some changes in   this village you know this you can see right  away which is the new stock they built a new   supermarket here and a new parking house and  it used to be a lot different but you know   what you're gonna do that's that's what time does  to us across the street here show you a little bit   over here yeah this is all new this platform here  there's another platform up there it used to be   a lot prettier i tell you i've been coming here  for a long time i'm whenever i'm in switzerland   we visit the old grindelwald as i  might have mentioned in another video   and that's the old ski dude which i don't even  know if it's old you know because since the whole   platform thingy is quite new i mean a few  years old i'm not even sure how old he can   ride his scooter his skateboards around this  is yeah it's one of the good things around of   you know of the new the new platform right if  you're into that here also here you can take   the post buses to go uh to you know different  different directions different places to go on   hikes or go to go to rides you know so you'll  be you'll be passing by here quite a few times   so we're lucky with the weather today it was  raining yesterday and yeah so we have a few   clouds but the sun is back the blue sky is back  so here we've got the mettenberg and over there   the veteran and it's all beautiful here  is the sports center there's also there's   a nice skating ring there is a public swimming  pool in there and also that's where you can you   know organize all kinds of tours there's a tourist  information center it's all right here all right all right it's nice i must say i mean it is nice  it is particularly now there are not many people   i tell you in the afternoon a lot more people of  course people come here on a holiday either winter   or summer it's about like the 11 12 o'clock it's  the best time to take a take a walk because most   people are still on a tour because they leave  in the morning either they go hiking or they   go skiing depending on if it's winter or summer  but yeah so then it's not so full but yesterday   in the afternoon it was a very very full it's a  new playground actually which also is actually   quite nice anyway i'll say let's go on the  other platform real quick just to show you see i mean it's not so bad yeah there are  hundreds of people here last night or in the   afternoon late afternoon and they all come back  from hikes and then before they go their dinner   uh it is nice yeah can't deny it it's a nice  platform as well it's another dude plenty   harmonica and here there's like an elk is it  an elk we don't have alex in switzerland dewey   this is a deer i don't know what this is actually  i don't know and here is bambi see hello bambi   eating i'm sure you didn't know that bambi's  is swiss but she is here they remind you to   keep social distancing you know because of the old  coronavirus anyway yeah yeah and down here there's   a yeah there's one of the biggest supermarkets  that's the co-op which is one of the big chains   in switzerland are never a big a big one down  here which is surprising you know in the village   you still have the tr you still have the  choice of two two of the big supermarkets   which is good you know so you don't have  to go to the expensive shops only all right   of course we wouldn't be in a swiss village  if there wasn't a swatch so uh watch shop uh   swatch watch shop and the victorinox of course you  can buy watches here swiss army knives of course   see in all variations a swiss wouldn't buy it  here of course you can buy the old cowbells yeah and all kinds of things that switzerland  is famous for here's another shop for just   knickknacks souvenirs for tourists of course  selling all kinds of stuff that us swiss would   not wear you know like oh would not we would never  buy these little bears no i don't know anyway ski school the grand bazaar some clothing shop  yeah also selling lots of lots of souvenirs   basically and here you can you can uh rent uh  holiday apartments which is probably not a bad bit   but whatever you're gonna do and where we're  gonna stay here if it's a hotel if it's   from these guys from airbnb  it's not gonna be cheap   that is for sure especially you come  you know come during the high season   we'll see lots of knickknacks everywhere  switzerland switzerland switzerland and you   can buy some souvenir to kiosk some cold beer  some champagne see that's one of the buses that   goes up to the upper glacier and the  lower glacier and to all kinds of places   really this is a butcher shop um might be  still still closed yeah because it's noon see there's a bakery here now of course yeah  yeah definitely if you're in switzerland bakeries   that's a good good place to go um whenever  i'm traveling and wherever i'm traveling   it's the swiss bread i miss most because it's  the best bread in the world that's for sure all right see here all right it's nice here i must  say it's not a restaurant and there's a pharmacy   a swiss pharmacy across here see some army dude  to the back there and the swiss cow and of course   we've got the the french fries the schnitzel the  hamburger spaghetti you know all kinds of tourist   fare which most of the restaurants are selling you  know i don't know international foods here as well it's not it's not only about specialities  here it's about what people like to eat see nice old house here of course this  so this this is still like the centers   like the old grindelwald some of the houses are  old some of them are new but yeah it's nice here   i like it and this is that one bar that is open  at night so when you go out here you might end   up coming to that place here the espresso bar  but they don't only sell espresso believe me   here also here it is you can have your lock lit  you can have your fondue flame cooking which will   flame cool it's actually not a swiss specialty  it's actually a speciality from across across the   border to france and from alsace but people  still believe it's a swiss speciality right is a hotel and in the restaurant and  downstairs there's a club like a disco club   this is the other supermarket the negro which is  a bit more pricey because this is like a negro   partner yeah never mind they're both about the  same there's a miniature golf place in case you you get the craving you know  for the old tiger woods thingy this is all empty now you will not believe  these streets are totally empty not totally   see these are school kids they're not tourists  there are a couple of tours playing miniature golf this is awesome this is a quite a popular popular  restaurant and today is tuesday it says ruehetag   which means it's a day off that i've noticed  that here lots of these restaurants although   it being high season have one or two days off  you know that means they can afford it you know   now there's another bar here they serve  beer colder than your ex-girlfriend and another shop for nate knox   and the cow has to be everywhere yeah i  can't believe how empty these streets are yeah in a couple hours it will look very different   so i'm glad i i came now i thought it'd be a bit  late i thought first of all let's go do the walk   at 10 o'clock but no all good  it would have been totally empty   see oswald you can buy your swiss army knives  all kinds of things is another restaurant bar i mean these restaurants you  know i i never we never go   that's a bit expensive and it's not really  what we want you know what we would eat   it's tourist fair i must say i mean you can  get some some authentic food of course but   for us i mean i'm not speaking for every  swiss but for me it'd be very weird to   go to a restaurant and eat a fondue that's  something you eat at home with your friends see another post bus we call it a post auto but it's a bus clearly not an order not a car   another one of these long-term  long time standing hotels you can buy some meats and cheeses and then the  hotel park sure neck is also that's an old one in action it's the hotel at the post this is a  good place to eat actually i've eaten there before   that was really good so i could recommend  that definitely anyways we're almost at   the end of our little walking tour  through the main area of grindelwald   and up there that's the first first ride the cable  car up to first the top made a video check it out   that's a cool cool place yeah basically it's all  restaurants and hotels right what would you expect   you know if you if you take a walk around you  know away from the center and you see like local   people maybe i should do a little walking tour  in the outskirts not sure but i could do that   gustaf steinbach they refurbished  it see there's a steinbach   this whatever that is i don't even know steinbeck  in english let's say steinbeck doesn't matter   the grindelwald shop on here that's uh oh the jab  truck the vaccination truck is here today oh yeah oh yeah i said i read that yesterday  said this is the parking spot will be   will be closed and you can get your free  free shot here against the good old covid 19.   i can't because i don't live here i'm not  i'm not health insurance in switzerland   yeah the imf truck that means the the  vaccination trunk all right that's cool didn't i i wasn't expecting a big truck like this okay yeah you cannot this is i think yeah she was distracted  so i think this this is mostly for   for the second jab people who get a shot today  is a second job so they don't give out first ones   interesting huh yeah i'm not gonna i'm not i'm not about to get a shot yet i  tried to wait with that shot but you know you   i'm not saying it's bad to get a vaccine that get  vaccinated at you but that's just i i will wait   for a little bit longer salsa restaurant here i  can't believe how many how many restaurants and   hotels we've passed you know i when i walk that  walk around here i don't notice things really see there's some bears here some wooden  bears i mentioned in the other video that   carving is a big thing in the  area see this is pretty cool eh some more bears all right let's go back here i see over there  that's the the lower glacier the upper glacier is   over there between these two it's just decreasing  you can still see there's a some glacier left but   it used to come down to the valley and that's  over because all the glaciers are decreasing due to climate change of course it is nice sometimes you have to  stop for a while and look around you beautiful that's a it's a real privilege  you know us being able to use that cabin   whenever we're in switzerland so basically  whenever switzerland we we arrive and we can go   to the stereotypical places you know all right guys there's another ride i think it's  called pink stick and there's a toboggan uh area   up there and i might actually go up there and  make another video but i'm not sure maybe i'll   walk it hike it i used to hike up there that's  a pretty that's like a three four hour hike   not too too much but fair enough still a hike  you know anyway so we've basically covered it   that was grindelwald of course that was  just the main the main artery of the village   there's a lot more to see around  grindelwald but yeah i wanted to show you   like the main very part of the world  yeah all right so here's the church far farsi this is i don't  know what this is fashion part of the church anyway but of course well this is old this is kind of  newish or refurbished it's nice here so that's the church of grindelwald  i've shown this in another video the video for the upper glacier yeah that's the bus stop in the church  in both directions the museum at museum all right the glacier garden also hotels here i mean tourism is back now although  it's still the corona pandemic right but still now it doesn't look so so full of people  but in a couple hours it will nice nicer like that   you know with the flowers and these are real  flowers you know it's real pretty huh old hotel there's an old bakery as well i've  been buying bread there for years   i've been coming here for the first time  i think 15 years ago it's a while ago pretty with the flowers huh anyway guys let's i could go on and on but but the village basically  is over here the prettiest village of switzerland   yeah i don't know if i can agree oh it's pretty  i like it definitely ah this is newsie but they   should they should just just build houses in the  making of the old styles it's a bit different   i think my humble opinion opinion so you can go  up four hikes as well here you know basically   if you're here and grindelwald the good thing  is you can just walk off off these roads you   know and then you'll have a you have a have a  nice a nice day you know you can do tours of   course you can do the old uh cable cars gondolas  whatever and you'll have a great time to go high   up but even if you just want to go for walks  you know just just leave the trails just leave   leave the main roads now that's the bakery oh you  cannot smell this oh fresh fresh tarts and breads yeah actually i maybe i'm like good breakfast  video or something huh what do you say anyway yeah   go go buy some stuff for the bakery and  make you watch me eat it i don't like that   anyway so i'm gonna go down to our house and then call it a day call the  video all right guys gonna do that   all right all right guys thanks  for watching and you know   subscribe like comment i'll be all cool all  right take good care bye bye from grindelwald

2021-09-07 21:25

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