Gravel Bike Vs MTB | Iceland Bikepacking Epic - Which Is The Ultimate All-Rounder?

Gravel Bike Vs MTB | Iceland Bikepacking Epic - Which Is The Ultimate All-Rounder?

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Gravel. Bikes are becoming, more and more popular as riders are increasingly, looking beyond, the road to, routes less traveled, and to meet this need rope bikes are effectively, evolving, to give more comfort, more control, and the, ability to ride over anything. What, like a mountain bike some, mountain bikes are invented for mountain. Bikers do well. That that, is a fair point Neil but is a man bike actually the best tool for the job what can a gravel bike do, better Can I grab a bike do anything better off-road, in fact I've, a feeling it probably can but, with, the help of these two hand-built. Titanium, bikes from, moot and 200. Kilometres of epic, Iceland, gravel we're, going to find out we. Will find out but it, could be quite a challenge Iceland. Is a remote, and inhospitable island. In the North Atlantic there. Is road riding here you could do a lap of the island in a week or so or perhaps explore, the northwest, fjords, but to really make the most of the very short summer season, we're heading for the highlands a land of glass, ears and volcanoes. Our. Route is split, over two days but with the weather hovering, at around about freezing, and the, fact that there is no guarantee that it will even stay as warm as that overnight we're, gonna aim for a remote Hut for, our nighttime stop, rather. Than sleeping, in a hedge. Sorry, but. Actually also don't really feel very qualified to, head off into the wilderness given, my still, very limited, experience. Hence the, support from Neil Donohue who you will no doubt recognize from, our system, and by channel at GMB n as well, as being an ace mountain, biker, Neil is also an experienced, Piper yes I triumph for you as Pat my bike is loads of bag oh I, thought you mean now, I get it not very done it once I went to Wales with Blake was great we stopped in pubs every half an hour Bell Road, 50 miles in two days right well. We've got a pretty good idea of what's in stores well I don't we we've consulted with the local experts we then plotted, and planned our, route on kamut where it's giving us the, breakdown, apparently. 40, percent of this route is on gravel. 60%. Is unsurfaced, and interestingly. 284. Meters, are, on, tarmac boom, now they've classed it as a mountain bike ride but, when you try and investigate a little bit more closely using. Google satellite imagery, well, frankly it just looks terrifying, but cold would be a problem for both bikes Jonny's both cyclists, what, I'm worried about is if it gets too rough and too, rocky then. I could well come unstuck on this gravel bike where's Neil he's gonna absolutely, fly on his fat bike fat, bike it's, our fat bike size a plus bi out sorry it's, gonna be great when they go and get some roughage all bomb, dynam, when, it comes to the gravel roads or should we say even volcanic, ash it's been compacted roads, I think, when I struggle a little bit be, a lot slower rolling, in than your tires and actually 200 K could feel like 400 K Oh 400. K that's. Quite that's a long way Neil good. Look at that and so. The, adventure starts. Conveniently. At, the highest point of our whole ride at nine hundred and twenty metres above sea level, if nothing, else you got to say mountain, bikers know the, value of gravity it. Does however mean that it's really, really, cold we're on the snow line and we can see our nice warm support, vehicle, disappearing. Off into the distance, shall we let's. Do it me you. Lead on fatty where, we go though it's possible. Well. That's. Cool Arty's and water back home. We. Can't go too far, into this video without, addressing the, burning, question just what a gravel, bike actually, is now, unfortunately there is no easy answer, but I think they, have to have drop handlebars they, have to have tires that are thinner than a mountain bike tires and the, geometry of the bike so, the combination, of angles, and dimensions, of the tubes has, to bear a resemblance to.

A, Road, bike, this. Moots looks, kind of like a robot doesn't it although when you look closer the. Change days are quite a bit longer and the front end is a little bit more relaxed and both of those combine, to, give a bike that, has a lot more control a lot more fun in fact when, you're riding fast, in loose, conditions. But yet it is a long way from, a mountain bike although. You've, got to say I see that there is a lot of tech here that comes straight for a mountain biking so the, wheels they, are tubeless, compatible, which means that we can run less pressure in our tires and we, still reduce the risk of punctures, and then, although those Reynolds carbon ATR rims have a similar, silhouette for, us roadies, I mean they're 40 millimeters deep the, fact that the internal, width of them is so broad to support that wider tire that's, tech that comes straight from the mountain bike world just, like the disc brakes straight, from mountain bikes even the rear derailleur borrows, technology, from, Shimano's, mountain, bike group says this, is the Ortega rx, and it has a clutch mechanism on, there which is designed to keep the chain on the control when, you're bouncing, around over. Bumpy, ground but. Yet despite all of that mountain, bike influence, like. I sell it beginning it is still very much like, a Roebuck it feels fast it feels agile it, feels, responsive, like, a road bike. It's. Just more capable, more. Like, this mountain bike this, is a moots Mountaineer. Yvb it's. Hard to help but not hard tell such a soft tale so no pivots on the back of this bike you've. Just got flex and this titanium frame that damper on the back just to smooth those things I a proper, adventure bike these. Reynolds, Black Label total, Plus, wheels on here actually, the. Inner width of these are 40, but the actual external. Width of this is 45. Millimeters. Famous sized hires so, I've got some 2.6, inch tires on air but. Actually renamed ball and surprisingly. Good really. Good taken, out the bumps on these gravel trails I was, it. Let's. Get one that's, pedal. I realize, he was sitting, on the front. Oh. Oh my, god. And so yeah go. Make yeah. We've. Been descending, for what feels like ages, on. A fairly. Rough, mix till either super, smooth tracks or, some pretty gnarly rocky stuff I think our. Turnings, just here they'll on the right this is our hiking trail link oh yeah it's on a stop and double check I've got yeah boot up on the phone yeah good plan, how. You finding it Neil and that we're pretty much halfway through, now yeah I think three honest I've sort of forgotten about my cuz really the breathtaking scenery, but I love. Bobby knows descents, those like double tracks and there guys. It's mazing and the grip and the comfort, struggling, slightly, compared to a bike on the clients but not massively no no, it's funny I see they don't really, feel like they're not evenly, matched inevitably, probably, cuz you're a bet down in any way but, you're bombing in a sense whereas, I'm running out gears but on the climb so I'm gapping you a bit there but actually given. How different, the bikes are yeah, it's quite easy to have quite a social riding it I can say hi everybody I reckon there's the Starbucks, alright, yeah. Heard that although, Neil we do know that there is not a single McDonald's, in the whole of Iceland I did, know right yeah missing sight. Would. You recommend so I've seen a variety of scenery, it's changes, thought the, trails I was on they really they have a new one it's been perfect, because I think we've, seen the, strengths of the gravel bike and strengths, of your mountain bike already like. This. One does get. Over, face when it's really rocky but I've. Been giving it a lot of thought because there's a seed disappearing, off into the distance I kind. Of think well like you're. Going faster, but I reckon you're probably having the same amount of fun true yeah just because this is slower it. Doesn't mean you. Know like I have to go slower, to pick my way through rocks and stuff but. Actually I'm on the limit still so it's kind of I'm still getting the same kind of the.

Same Vibes that you're getting maybe some, of these gravel, trails are in like the double tracks and ride have been surprisingly. Really, good fun ever though yeah. And. Some of that single track is why. It's not Sam does it it must be volcanic, dust but soft and I feel like I'm floating. Nicely. Over the top really, enjoying it away you must be digging in a little bit yeah it's. I'm. Getting there bitch cyclocross, yeah. Reminiscing. I've got some good shots for the rest of you go sideways, I was going over the past. The. Scenery, I can't. Be real sometimes, no, mistake, and had it. Cuts. It through finally, after winter. I, tell. You one night out it's like pretty, banging, puffs. Kids. Do that still want it. Oh, look. At this place. Right, day two coming. Up once again Iceland, has come up trumps on the weather, although looks, might be exciting to see think it's bitterly. Cold this morning well, having said that we, had an amazing night's, sleep in that, Hut's just, next to us there now, according to commute, today is, a little bit shorter, than yesterday, which given, all, the filming we did we finished properly late yesterday so that's a bit of a bonus just 63, kilometers. And also, this, is a little bit less technical, so probably gonna go, in the favorite the gravel bike as opposed to yesterday's, three star technical, difficulty, this is just one, star and, then otherwise we, are entirely. Offroad on gravel. Or, unpaved. Roads so potentially a little bit more of that lava field dust action, which we had yesterday so, I can't. Wait to get started. Right, now shall we push off. This. Is the last river we'll see today so I say two. Of these should do us right it yeah, it's weird isn't it like it's. So dry, like. The trails. Is dry like, the air is dry but yet like. It rains a lot here it's weird isn't it it's like so, anyway, we're, going through quite a bit of water even, though it's cold we're fortunate I think it's the two dry stays about in ages and we're here too right yeah.

Man. You know when you just feel like you destruct it's so lucky there's. Basically no point going back to Iceland it's never going to be this good again. It's. We. Can't come all the way to Iceland, ride, for a couple hundred kilometers and not talk about geology, so bear, with me for one minute behind. Me those rocks there they're probably younger, than, many of you watching at home that is magma, that cooled, in. 1970. And it erupted from. That. Mountain behind this which is actually Iceland's, most active, volcano, Heckler, and it erupts, like clockwork apparently. Every 10 years except. It last erupted 12. Years ago so. We won't hang around too, long. The. Road today has been pretty different - yes around there Neal we've had a lot more yeah. Big wide open gravel. Tracks and an awful, lot more wind and Scots. Thinking about two more really important points differences. Between the gravel in a mountain bike and the first one is, position. So this. Bike is allowed me to pretty much get my Road position, on it so. I've got quite a big drop between the saddle and the bars and. It's impossible, to replicate that position on a man bike isn't it yeah I definitely feel like I'm much more sat up and when you, have told me in that window, Scott see over your shoulder most the time that's. Good when, it comes to riding fast or, riding long distances, the, fact that you are so much less aerodynamic. Makes. Quite a significant, difference you are having to work an awful lot harder not just because you're fatter tyres but. Also because. Of that wind resistance, and people, think about aerodynamics and spin about you know pro racing and stuff but it's not just, riding a 10k an hour into a headwind yeah, makes, a difference and then the other thing is the weight of the bike a man, bike is always going to have a weight penalty, over gravel bike so, again you've. Got that penalty when climbing, as well and it's also just going to change the way the bike feels again. That. Missus. I. Saw. We're in an abandoned, pool that Magne all of you guys find us and it's 42, degrees I'm boiling, yeah. It's bit like swimming in a bath isn't it but before we get to with that I think we should address our, initial, question which is he's a man Pike the best point for riding off-road what. Kind of ground white do better can a gravel bike do, anything, better well, we wrote some really varied terrain first time I've ever ridden gravel roads all that was fair but I just loved that bike for me at home especially the. My invited more versatile to bike that I would choose it's, in seeing that you're, right technically the. More a bike can do the more versatile is because there's nothing stopping it riding on the road but. What. Can i gravel bite do better, gravel bikes can, do Road better which I know Tech is not off-road but they can also do simple, gravel trails better and actually I think they can make simple. Matter bike trails more fun too as well because there you have make things a little bit difficult and they reduce that, kind of the, speed that you can sustain but. Without doubt you know anytime they've got technical, or downhill. You were absolutely flying past what I love by that mountain as well as I could swap out the 29th wheel so I can imagine that bike at home my travels at NIH will actually, fly as well so it's great versatile bike yeah what, I think was super interesting name it was the fact that we did ride these vastly, different bikes yeah on this incredible. Ride that touched and loads of and terrain and actually, both of us were.

Super Happy with the bikes that we were on yeah there were times when you could drop me there are times when I could drop you but actually the inter day we both had a massive grin in our faces I loved it great experience, I've fallen in love with that biking out there I love it. Yeah. So no surprises then perhaps that the mountain bike is better, at riding off-road but where the gravel bike comes into its own I think is the variation so, the longer the rides are doing and the. More of an influence of tarmac, and faster. Smoother, gravel roads and the less you want to actually do, proper, mountain biking, the better that bike is your, mountain bike could, not feel like a road bike my gravel bike would, be super, fun with 28 mill tires and I'm sure yeah right, just, get a bit of a sweat on which is never out and haroon pool before. Do. Make sure that you head over to GMP, n because Neil's got another perspective on our ice and epic class and over to the tech channels, yeah there's more info on your mooks Mountaineer, there's more info on my boots, route 45. So. Basically you've, got an, evening, to fill with amazing, bike, ride and videos yeah farmers, often kill I watched us having a great time. It's. Gonna be the least dumb down video ever new.

2018-10-30 07:54

Show Video


This is an absolutely amazing video. Back in the 80s, I lived in Iceland for a year -- time to head back w/ my gravel bike. (okay, it's a CX bike, but it'll work.) :) Again, breathtaking footage.

Damn this is such an amazing video.

Upped your music game for this video. Me likes!

Dropbars? Jones bars says hello! They are amazing on gravel/road bikes

Looking at the terrain and the road conditions a bike like the Salsa Cutthroat looks like the ideal bike for this. It's a combination of both of those bikes.

Who's bearing the ring?

so basically any bike will do, just get out there! :D

Insane vid boys, goosebumps!

If this isn't an advertisement for tourism Finland i dont know what is! Wow

What a wonderrfull video. Thank you

Yes, cracking video. More content like this would be great.

Si and Neil in a pool topless most uncomfortable moment ever on GCN

As many have said, the cinematography and production value of this is absolutely breathtaking. Probably not what Si or Neil thought they'd be doing for work at this point, but holy shit what an experience

This was just amazing

One word... WOW!

3:42, Squeaky brakes?

I've ridden MTB trails on my gravel bike, and loved it except that I didn't have enough ground clearance for some of the rocky bits. Road cornering on a gravel bike feels much more controlled, so there is an overlap in capabilities, it is very much up to the route as to which is more suited. Re: video - amazing how much better the music sounds when you look at the picture!

4 of 5 Videos are ads you are so quickly becoming just an industry whore never objective because your are being paid to sell just a fancy youtube marketing company. I fear this is the outcome for any channel that becomes popular it becomes advertising and that is sad.

I'll opt for Lanzarote Thank you very much.

Awesome bikes, great views and an epic adventure. Keep it coming! More more more ride journey please.

Thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed that video. The cinematography and brilliant use of the drone footage was some of your best to date. Well done to all involved.

Hands down! My favourite video so far! I am just overwhelmed. My favourite country, channel and sport combined in the same video. Just... Thank you.

Sounds perfect for you Carlos!

Amazing scenery! Due to where I live and lack of time for travelling to do proper mtb riding, I mainly ride a 10yr old titanum on one inbred 29er with 100mm front suspension, old school XC narrow rims (Stans 355) and use 2.25" schwalbe xc tyres (tubeless of course) . I am still impressed how these roll quite effortlessly even on road (and I do have proper road bikes to compare). At 10.5kg my bike is closer to gravel bike weight also. I can't help thinking this sort of setup would be quite a bit closer to the more modern 'longer lower slacker' bigger forked mtb in this video on rough, tech and downhill, whilst being a lot closer to that gravel bike in the areas where that had advantages (blasting along smoother surfaces). Particularly with a slightly wider modern xc race rim say 25-26mm I think there is a halfway house between the two bikes in this video that would be a little better than both. I've not actually tried a gravel bike or newer school mtb recently though :)

Loved watching this. What a great adventure! Just wondering what is the app that was used to map the route?

Honestly, the gravel bike is simply a rigid MTB with drop handlebars. Which is great fun to ride, I'm sure :)



Epic video, the scenery is amazing.

Two words that are over used to describe landscapes are epic and awesome, so I'll just say that it looks very nice. The only niggle I have with this video is the background music was quite often sh**e but I'm not a spring chicken and I don't need music to enhance the beauty of nature and scenery. Really good video overall

Love this film. This is the best of cycling: passion, gentlemanly controversy, scenery and speed

Beautiful documentary gents. Well done.

Every episode of Bear Grylls says not to drink straight from the stream.... and Si drank straight from the stream. How did you know it was clean water?

Who would of won in a race across same route?

I am strictly road, but i thought this was the best show ever. Thanks!

When are you giving the bikes away?


I’ve been lucky to visit this stunning country twice now, this year we took a camper van and toured around the ring road over a week, it’s a truly stunning place. I saw plenty of riders whilst there and my next trip may well be aboard a bike! Superb video too

Wow, what a place

That was epic. I totally have to go to Iceland.

Really great video and scenery, but I can't help but thinking that you should have swapped your bikes to get better undestanding of pros and cons of each, plus the terrain does not seem to be really that bad to really require all the might of the XC bike. Should be more stones, battered roads and uneven grounds, like 50/50.

"Fat bike." I think Blake would take offense to that.

Those sand tracks remind me of riding along Cleethropes beach. Although Cleethropes is arguably more deadly. #Greatwork

i have raced road bikes competitively for 26 years but have just turned 40 ,purchased a fat bike and are loving the slower pace but the same effort and just enjoying my time on the bike!

unless you are competing aerodynamics is a lose, lose situation, you go quicker which shortens the time one the bike and this is the place i would like to be for longer and by going quicker means you get home quicker which means back to reality quicker (another loss). So in conclusion , be comfortable , take your time and prolong your time on the bike, so often i hear people try and go faster and are dissapointed if they cant, There is nothing as pleasurable as time on the bike so why try and get to your destination quicker!

Col collective quality

Wow. Fantastic video, stunning photography & what a place! Gravel bike for me thanks, short upright mtb's kill my back over distance.

The better bike would be my Mountain Cycle San Andreas wich has actually 150 mm f/r travel, 28 inch rims with 23 x622 tires.

There were some jarring handheld landscape shots like at like at 12:51, but other than that the camerawork was great.


Great video stunning views makes me want to go to Iceland But what would it have been like if it had been p'ing down with rain a lot of the time ?

Bucket list material right there. Sorry Si, I liked your bike, but how beautiful was that Mountainbike? Said it before, but I love the adventure bicycle video's - beautifully produced too!

hope Iceland tourism helped paying for this - looks amazing, and everyone will want to go there!

Thanks GCN & GMBN, that really was epic. I'm just going and dust off my gravel bike and book a trip to Iceland....

what's the app you're using?

The "winner" was of course the scenery, but Neil's posture, arm position and ability to cope with any conditions was in stark contrast to Si's. Neil was diplomatic enough not to tease Simon - on camera at least - but he must have known that he had the better bike for the conditions.

Great video - love the cycle packing stuff. For those who may not have seen it, the guys from North South did around a dozen or so videos on their road trip a few years back. The promo is Their channel

I called it 'pussy challenge'. 2 pro riders on super bikes under 70 km per day and 2 days only? Even weather was ideal.

Give Si the mtb and Neil the gravel bike then see if Si still gets dropped on the downhills and Neil on the ups

GCN Question - the black Assos jacket Si is wearing, what model is it? Great scenery, great content.

BTW can l put shocks on the cross bike??


love it, great vid

Amazing!!! Well done gentlemen.

Is it me or is GCN's video production getting really good?

what is the bike of the cameraman? i want that one.

I've thought it before and this video absolutely confirms it - the GCN presenters have the best jobs in the world. What an adventure!

Bikepacking/Touring, isn't really about speed. It's about the journey along the way, at your own pace.

Amazing views, I bet that was a blast to 'work'. Great job!

Great story. Natural and authentic performances from Simon and Neil. Fantastic cinematography and editing and music choices. One more example of why YouTube is the new TV for so many. Fantastic job guys!

Thank you for such video.

what a cinematography. super. long live GCN GMBN

Can you just fill up your bottles from a river?

One word WOW

Absolutely loved this video. Thanks! GCN could take a lesson from GMBN on getting their tan on.

Mountain bike better for mountain biking Gravel bike better for gravel Got it

Mountain bike, gravel bike, who cares? Iceland looks stunning! Great video. Pedalling through that landscape must be like a dream.

So a monstercross bike with a lauf fork or an xc 29er with off road dropbars or some short tribars fitted for when you need to get aero would be the ultimate setup compromise between your two bikes.

Makes you want to get a gravel/ cyclo-cross bike and go to Iceland !!! shame its 17,000 km away

Is a gravel bike the same thing as a touring bike (except for the tires)?

Are those two naked in there? Wait!!! I don’t want to know!

great show

I feel like watching Lord of Ring on two wheels when that music cues in 12:20.

OK, you teased this video for so long I was skeptical that it would live up to all the hype. I have to admit that the cinematography was so outstanding that I've already had to watch it twice. Something tells me that my viewing of this video will not stop at two. Great job!

Great video

Some of the best audio and video content to date that you guys at GCN have put together, but Iceland has stolen the show, loved it and appreciate the fine work.

Simon sounding like he's fully converting to road plus.

This is like watching Top Gear with bikes!

Wow guys, this is epic. Incredible shots. Super happy to see how much GCN has evolved. Wow. I still miss Matt though.

I'm at a loss for words so beautiful ,just brilliant

Was it Iceland that payed for the video? Because I want one.

What an astonishing place..

Completely inexplicable why you wouldn't trade bikes the second day. You're both about the same size.

I see that Si has dressed up as a ghost for Halloween.

Here are the Komoot routes:

just put skinny tyres on the mtb bike : PROBLEM SOLVED

Thanks for the great adventure and stunning footage of your trek in Iceland. This was a fantastic collab with GMBN. Si and Neil were a perfect team to have for this video!


Very inspiring video, doing something like this is on my bucket list. One thing you didn't touch upon (that much) is comfort. Which bike do you think is better suited for a more realistic bike packing situation? The gravel bike is lighter and that's a plus, but the MTB has a more comfortable riding position. What about parts on the bike that can break? Is the MTB with its extra mechanical complexity (i.e. suspension) less ideal in that case?

Gotta say guys, if there was a YouTube Oscar for best cycling video EVER, this one would win it - hands down! Superb!

Next time do something similar but you should swap bikes!

The music, the vista at 8:00. Just incredible. This is why we bike.

This was informative, thanks, Si and Neil. Now, could you please do it again on folding bikes in the middle of winter?

Si says Iceland is inhospitable. It's a country of 300 thousand people.

At 7:52 I heard a squeaky sound from one of the bikes, what could that be?

The arthouse cinematography and ominous music was so Black Mirror I was waiting for the moment when your Strava tried to kill you. And from now on every GCN video should end with two men in an outdoor pool discussing who is going to get the most thumbs up. "That looks like a pretty banging hut."

Great video. It makes me want to go to Iceland.

This looks gorgeous enough, but being an Icelander we are very well aware what it is they left left out from the video and that is the wind and the cold which is constant in Iceland.  Truth be told, most Icelanders would much rather do their cycling in France or Spain than here.

Wow iceland. I wish i can take my bike there and bask into its beauty... ride like the wind on iceland

I'm sure I'll meet some resistance on this but...why ARE there gravel bikes?? I think it was just somebody's idea to squeeze more money out of us. It just seems to me that if you want to venture off the pavement, a mountain bike can tackle about anything you want to take on. Including RIDING ON GRAVEL!! And it can handle the rougher, more technical terrain that a gravel bike can't. Personally, I would never spend the money on a gravel bike. If I'm going to drop the coin, it'll be to get a nicer mountain bike.

Great vid of what looked a great ride! Think alot of the MTB little disadvantiges could've been fixed with just putting other tires on it tho. Bit thiner and smoother nobbles to suite the terain. Then again, thicker ones on the cyclocross bike with a straight handle bar would've given more confidence on the bumpy downhills aswell i think. I'm not a seasoned rider at all, just my first thoughts on it. But again, great vid !

Terrific cinematography with the landscape scenery. Discussing the bikes and their riding abilities is good but there is another video to be made from this. Equipment. In the extreme freezing conditions clothing and other mechanical stuff suffers badly. Although supported it cannot be easy to ride on abrasive roads in zero degrees. And thats their summer?

Doesn't matter which bike, Iceland

1 minute into the video and basically you forget and dont really care about the bikes, absolutely outstanding adventure

What an epic adventure!!!!

Brilliant video guys!

You guys both need to get your hands on a Velo Orange Piolet, with your preferred handlebar setups.

This is not a race, it's not about the speed...It's a bike tour in incredible scenery, you want to be comfortably cruising, I'm sure the plush MTB ride plus more upright position, would be far nicer and enjoyable, The MTB would be far less sore at the end of the day than the gravel bike's hunched over position, and much harsher ride ;-)

personally, I think a 650b gravel bike with some pumpkin ridge compass tyres (or similar) would have been a much better tool for the job but i guess the distinction needed to be made between the 2 but I think it would have made a better comparison (just maybe) and the ride wouldn't have been so clear cut as to what can handle what

Interested to know your thoughts on butterfly bars. And this was great loved it. Thanks.

Slightly awkward end there with Si and Neil getting sweaty together in a bath. Awesome film though guys- I’m adding this to the bucket list, in fact, given how epic this looked, I’m going to need a bigger bucket.

Cool vid!

A great video and a cool choice of bikes, but the old saying horses for courses comes to mind.

I so want a ti bike but every time I go out on my old, rigid Lava Done I think again. Would I have any more fun? I doubt it. However to get into the spirit of things I put drops on my 90's rigid Cinder Cone and still had a blast. The moral of my what you bring. As much as I subscribe to n+1 (I have seven bikes!) you are still on two wheels so enjoy. PS at nearly sixty years of age steel is real for me.

Очень хочу это видео на Русском посмотреть!

Dudes great job with this. Had no real opinion on Iceland prior to this. And now I really want to go on a bike tour there. EPIC.

The best Bike for this Region is a light 29 Hardtail with Racing Geometry.

video is great. Thanks a lot. I always want to repeat your experience

Two guys, sitting in a big hot tub, two feet apart because they're... wait... Jokes aside, great video, guys. Nice collaboration, lots of informative insights and even more beautiful scenes.

where are the tents and cooking pots? i see only a small bag on your bike.. is that bikepacking? i tought you are suppossed to bring all of your survival equipment on your bike, specially on such a hostile climate/country .That would have been the real deal testing those bikes in a bikepacking mood. It would have changed the whole situation in themes of comfort/speed/bike behavior. i can understand that you had a car, a house and a whole crew behind, but still tho, it would have been very interesting to see those bikes fully packed. Thank you very much for those epic cinematics, but i find it lacks on the testing. my respects and best regards !

Great video! Loved everything about it. The scenery was fantastic and the music was good!

What's the song starting at 18:48?

i get stunned by these views! No such things like this in my country. Thanks! GCN

Beautiful video but must have been difficult to travel with the orchestra and choir.

Travel sized, luckily.

Great video and as mentioned the cinematography and editing is EPIC! As a Gravel /Cross minded rider. I think the better choose would have been the MTB. You would be able to keep you head up more to see the beauty of the place and not have to be looking at the ground dodging rocks.

Si, how did you like the feel of the titanium frame? I remember you saying in a prior video that you had never been on a titanium frame before. Amazing video as always. Iceland is on my bucket list for a mtb trip.


I dont't know what happened to GMBN all they do is jumps and shreds nowadays. Seeing their video thumbnail is just all the same shit.

Great video, exceptional soundtrack. A departure from your other videos.

Epic music choices. Spot on.

Simon. Whats the name of that navigation app please?. I think you called it commute... But I have not found it. Cheers.

Hey Matthew, it's Komoot -

Best video on GCN. Absolutely stunning landscape. Love you guys !!

I hav a ridley x-trail a20 gravel bike, i ride mostly on roads and i'm planning to purchase a mavic aksium disc wheelset that accomodates only up to 28c tires, would it be a good upgrade ? And won't it look ugly for a gravel bike frame having a smaller tire like 28c tires? Thanks #askgcn

Agree that's some amazing cinematography and editing. Reminds be of the great work done by Top Gear during their heyday. That team really deserves their own video - or at least a mention.

Lava fields...cycling on an active volcano


I am going to assume that riding the mountain bike with dual suspension that there will be more susustained energy and comfort while the Gravel bike lacking suspension, will lead a rider to a bit more riding discomfort and more energy consumed.

You all should do some rides like these with fans!! Either fans local to where you travel or take a fan on an adventure

You lucky such and such!!! Thanks for sharing the incredible scenery. Good on ya!

Been binge watching old Top Gear all watching this. Awesome. Hi from the US.

Bucket list!

This video showed a bunch of cinematography and very little about the comparison between the two. The bike industry likes to saturate the market with fat bikes, e bikes, gravel bikes ect. Road/fixed gear, MTB or BMX are the only options and consumer should consider. GCN failed in this wack video. You can clearly see the guy on the ugly MOOTS fly downhill faster. Unless you want to risk injury or you are pro, steer away from gravel bikes. Go MTB with lock on forks. You would imagine GCN would steer the consumer towards a nice bike, not gimmicks. Try going downhill on steep turns on a gravel bike vs a MTB. This is ridiculous, no comparison. Ugly MOOTS wins. GCN, the colors on the jersey are soo far off... who did you hire!? Johnny I can't make videos! Not to mention they literally don't speak of BMX with their cumpets and tea corny arses.

Gravel bike is for COMPETITION. MTB you are overall safer, more comfortable. I ride to work daily, 29er MTB for life. 27.5 you get faster take offs, 29er you ride faster more constantly when you catch speed and rolls over obstacles smoother. Saved you time.


the guy in the orange is so smart!

Damn that view

That. Was. Awesome. So well done and inspiring.

Epic, lord of the rings.

is the support car travelling the same path?

Try this build on for size. Trek carbon procaliber frame. Trek 1120 fork. Salsa wood chipper bars. Dropper post actuated by left hand shifter (1x drivetrain) schwalbe g one allround 29x2.25. I’ve had it for a couple weeks now and it’s super comfortable on gravel and on road I lose maybe 1-2 mph vs my old cross bike with 38s.

You guys should try something like this again but swap bikes half way to see what you both prefer and why - absolute banger of a video tho

I just wonder, how about a cyclocross bike with a suspension fork? Some weight penalty of course. Anyone had already experience that kind of set up? Thanks

Si, the model of bike you rode is actually pronounced "Rowt" or "Ra'out", named after Routt county where the Moots factory is located in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Not pronounced like a "route" on a map.

Wow iceland is so beautiful thanks for the amazing experience! Love my mtb btw.

Wow Just wow

Awesome cinematography. I'm adding Iceland on my to-do list.

Reminds me a bit of the old Top Gear challenges. Absolutely loved, it hope you do more like these

Si the Kamoot can be linked with Wahoo Element and Bolt... set your route on Kamoot save ride make it public, head into Wahoo Element app link with Kamoot, then head into Wahoo Element and Bolt, go to routes Sync and your routes will pop up , click on route where you can change direction to go clockwise or anti clockwise.. job done

The production value of this video is insane even by GCN standards.

Awesome, guys. Great location, great camera, good and suitable music.

Awesome video lads. JAF!

WoW, what a view !!

Please can your film crew follow me on my next touring holiday? kthx =P

Great adventure and some excellent filming. Brilliant, keep up the good work.

Most awkward gcn moment ever, Si and Neil in the bath together!

Should have swapped bikes for a while..?

I loved every second of this.

Wonderful promotion for Iceland and bike tourism. I too liked the overhead shots and long shots of the ride to put the ride in perspective. I was wondering what you chose to carry in the bike packs, given the conditions, remoteness, and the fact you slept in huts.

You guys get paid to do this - I am so jealous - I would give anything to do that ride. It is so beautiful it takes my breath away. Thank you

And the winner is............well, neither bike actualy, but that! Great production qualities too, more like this please

Ollis Everesting, Hanks Red Hook Crit, now this, GCN is on a different level now, keep it coming! oh and this is Buck List.

do you think they locked thoes bikes up?

some stunning camera work on this

I've been waiting impatiently for this video to drop! Totally awesome! Now for the long-term campaign to convince my wife that I need a Moots.

By far the most stunning video you've made, GCN. Your camera, production, soundtrack etc. skills have leaped forward immensely. Well, honestly Iceland played a major role in this video but if you could convince everybody with such a video to go cycling I wouldn't know what to do more to do so. Great job, thanks for bringing cycling into my living room, when there is no possibility to go cycling outside my living room.


You got it all wrong. You are not riding these terrains and want to be fast, you want to enjoy the ride with whatever bike you are riding.

Brilliant video! One of your best yet - epic scenery and a well reasoned “decision” on which is best, neither, cycling is the winner, however big your tyres and whatever shape your handlebars!

Superb filming and scenery and commentary

amazing place and video, good job guys

This video should have a NSFW tag. First the bike porn, then the scenery porn, and finally an awkward hot tub scene. I'm lucky my boss didn't walk by.

I do not own one myself but have always heard them called Cyclocross bikes in the US...

What an epic ride! Have been waiting for something like this from you guys

Does anyone know the brand of overshorts si has on, gcn branded of course but do we know manufacturer?

Hi Stewart, they're Assos.

#Torqueback #AskGcAnything 1.)if a gravel bike is slacker and with more clearance. Couldn't we just, repurpose all the old bikes from years ago? Ebay special from 70/80s? Angles are less aggressive, can fit wide tyres 27" to 700c especially. 2.) you said tyres smaller than MTB. So are monstercross bikes, too extreme to be gravel bikes? Personally I'd just put them further on the spectrum

Not a single tree to be seen.

That was rather epic. You went to Iceland and rode gravel bikes and tested gravel bike technology. But you somehow managed to miss talking to or testing Icelandic designed and made Lauf gravel bike and fork? Your editorial content here appears totally crowded out by the sponsorship of the video. Rather like if someone did a video on American cuisine and overlooked hamburgers because they're sponsored by a pizza company. Worse actually, because the Lauf actually would have shown that neither of your bikes was the right one for the terrain you found in Iceland. Good thing is that Lauf is sponsoring a race in that same area next summer, so you can do a reexamination.

+Global Cycling Network ty for the response. Great to hear that you're looking at Lauf. As for niche, well $7000+ bikes are not exactly in the choice domain for the typical cyclist either... And who better to inform the cycling masses about niche products than you!

As the comment underneath notes, we've got a video with Lauf coming up. And yes, a suspension fork would change the gravel bike, but it's still relatively niche and so it doesn't really represent the kind of choice that most of us face when buying this kind of bike.

In the GMBN version of this video, they mention that Si was going to talk to Lauf.

GCN takes it up a notch, superb....with exception to the end. Maybe stick to a beer in the cafe as apposed to a skinny flat white in the pool!

Music at 15:09?

handmade of titanium... on island.... you have toooo much money! ;)

Amazing Video. Places where a proper bike can take you.

A beautiful place...with a great bike.

What app are they using?

Any chance of making the GPX files available, please? Ideally the Morocco ones, too?

not jealous

Lush video! I'd be interested in seeing a making of video or the crew behind you guys how an epsisode/show goes from storyboard to live along with what equipment you use etc?

Awesome video! did you lock the bikes at the hut? :)

Day 1 is 70 km, Day 2 is 63 km... Maybe I need to brush up on my math but how is that a 200 km ride?

Epic scenery, loving this video format once in a while ! huge fan of yours !

I think they should have swapped bikes at some point, otherwise you are only getting 1 set of opinions on each bike. Of course they will pick the bike for their preferred discipline.

Switching bike would've been a good idea then you could seen the difference between them

Great filming and cinematography, actually camped near Hekla many years ago, bought back good memories, now tempted to head back out there with a bike after watching your film!

11:50 sounding like an apple fanboy.. "its worse but I convince myself its better because hype".

Love the video, you guys got some amazing shots! Saw the one on GMBN first (sorry guys mountain biker at heart) and had to watch yours to see if I missed anything cool! Glad I watched both! Keep up the beautiful work!

Wow, that's a fantastic video! Thanks.

What an awesome ride! And such amazing cinematography. Thank you guys for bringing us along for the ride.

so beautiful

wow, what a great filming location! Do it again anytime!

Yes more of this! Great video. Would like to have seen the mtb set up more like a gravel bike: smaller tires, longer stem and maybe even some bar ends???

amazing landscape!!! wow wow want to go here. great shots

Since watching this video I have planned a bike touring trip around Iceland for summer 2019 on my gravel bike!

A lot of that looks like you could be riding on the moon. That said, you guys get to ride the coolest places!

I want to know where that cabin is. Just spending a couple of nights there with some riding out and back in the day would be amazing.

First rate production GCN. Absolutely amazing. Despite my being a road bike fan, I think I'd choose that Mountain bike for the trip.. :)

Wow. Excellent production values. What a great ride clip.

Absolutely amazing footage guys. Woot woot!

Some very excellent cinematography! GCN post production really is peaking. I can say without reservation that you two gentlemen are certainly lucky for the experience.

Truly an outstanding production; well done guys. As to the merits of a gravel bike .... ok, sure. If you want to add another to your collection. On the other hand, if the Boss, space, budget limit you .... or practicality ... nope. As it says on the box; works for traveling on gravel, but very restricted elsewhere. And if the point is to get off the paved, well-beaten path, nothing touches the versatility of a half-decent mtb. And at higher presures, an mtb can roll pretty darn fast. Who could miss seeing the much bouncier ride on everything but smooth gravel? I have both a road and an mtb; just no way i see a case for adding a gravel. There! Another useless opinion lol

Iceland has been on my bucket list for years anyway, just added a bit of gravel riding to the itinerary

WOW!! Thank you for doing this..

Lovely bikes aside, this video has reminded me just how much I need to revisit Iceland. Such a stunning place ❤️

One of the best videos you guys have ever produced, nice work.

More of this please, GCN!


What prodigious scenery! New entry to my bucket list. Thanks gents for the wonderful video.

Did you guys have Hanz Zimmer write the music score for this video?

best GCN vid so far

Definitely shot on DJI Mavic2 zoom for aerial shots.


Stunning landscapes, top notch cinematography, clean audio makes it the best bike travel documentary ever.

Beautiful work, enjoyed very much.

complete track listing would be fine

This is truly gorgeous and awe inspiring. Nice one GNC.

So the gravel bike is the ultimate all-road bike if you do more road orientated off road, and the mountain bike is the ultimate all-road bike if you do more off road orientated off road? Yep, it is indeed very 'Top Gear quality content'. Not sure thats a good thing though.

That is the best video you have ever made!!

amazing shots and edit, anybody know the name of the song starting at 10:10?

I don't buy the whole flared drop bar ends giving more control thing. Cannot see many people hold bars there when they need control. Surely being more upright with access to brakes wins the 'control' debate? Its a style thing. At best an angled hoods thing. Ti is mainly a snob/nerd/style thing too. Carbon (like the fork and wheels) would be more than adequate.

Glad you had a great time.

Upload these better ones in 4K just for the bitrate bump.

Interesting stuff.. is your GMBN pal related to the Yates’s? What a place to visit.. Beeyoutiful! It just needed a bit of Sigur Ros in the soundtrack..

what song starts a 3:40?!!

Wonderful video, beautifully made. Good choice of GMBN presenter as well

Can we get the .gpx files tho

Damn, those "gravel roads" are smoother than the asphalt we got here :o

Gravel Bikes are a JOKE ! Its a Marketing GIMMICK.

8:40 music straight out of the lion king?

Who is filming this. Pease say it’s not pore jack

GCN's Top Gear moment... nice!

I would really like to try a bike with plus size wheel setup (could be 27,5x3.00, that's what I have on my new MTB and I really like it) AND the aero riding position (including the drop bars) of a gravel or CX bike. :)

Great video, not sure if Moots could have provided a second set of bikes to accommodate different frame size requirements? but it would have been interesting if you switched bikes on day two and gave your impressions. Again, great video

It's like Top Gear for cyclists. Great!

Iceland is just unique and epic. Thought I would get bored to this scenery by end of this video, I didn't.

Those drone shots are nicely done!

You may have Pleurisy.

I honestly don't even care about the outcome, that scenery is amazing

Who watched this and didn't want to ride their bike in Iceland? Thought so, no one!!! awesome adventure!

Would of been good for a tour of The hut you guys stayed in.

What is it with GCN/GMBN presenters and their complete lack of fear regarding giardia infection risk? Use a waterfilter, you absolute madmen!

Amazing "short film". Good guys (Si & Neil great together). Fun adventure, gorgeous rugged lanscape, informative, and inspiring. More like this


My God! This video quality is amazing! Great job GCN GMBN!

One does not simply walk into Mordor... one cycles.

sorry but gravel bike vs MTB.... starting at highest elevation.... that would be like lightweight vs aero bike.... all climbing.

So the Cannondale Slate is the one for this adventure then

glad Neil isn't wearing any lycra bollox

That gravel bike looks flimsy as fuck, another unnecessary product market, you need wide handlebars...

As an Icelander it gives me great pride to see foreigners make such fantastically scenic videos about and from Iceland, thanks guys

Great film and scenery... wonder why they didnt swap rides for day 2 and then compare...

Really enjoyed this video, absolutely amazing views, loved both bikes, well done guys

Thanks GCN and GMBN for this epic content ! Any chance you can share your routes with us ?

Simon gets to do all the fun stuff

What's the name of the track at 8:21?

So obviously that ride can be done on a gravel bike, but, do you want to do it on a gravel bike? I bet the mtb is way more comfortable. MTB wins.

What time of the year was it?

The sheep at 20:48 - challenging Dan for best hair?

This was absolutely breathtaking cinematography. Great video.

Just stunning...brought a tear to my eye.

Stupid comparison. Fatter tyres every time on surfaces such as this which means MTB or fat bike. Surly ECR 29+.

Were gravel bikes previously known as cyclo cross bikes?

Made me cry with envy. A reason to get fit.

that landscape is beautiful i am so jealous

Great video, scenery and music - especially Day 1. I did loads of what's now called bike-packing in the 80s and 90s in the Scottish highlands. On an old Ridgeback mtb - hardtail, rigid fork, with 1.9 tyres, 600mm flat handlebar and bar ends. 120mm low rise stem, so the geometry probably very similar to a modern gravel bike - could pull on the climbs, and avoid the worst of the headwinds. But it had the versatility of a mtb on the rough stuff. Basically a halfway house between Neil's soft-tail and the gravel bike. The bars on modern mtbs are too wide and the stems too short.

De loin le meilleur épisode jusqu'à maintenant. De très beaux paysages et j'ai aimé le format petit débat entre les deux vélos qui a fait ressortir les arguments.

GMBN vs GNC I prefer the first, mountain bike is like a religion. This is not a comparison of different bikes, a comparison of different religios.Sincerely.

That bit of film at 23:34, superb. This is one of the best cycle tour videos I have ever seen.

Amazing Video Guys! If i could only have one, i would go for the gravel Bike. I need to be effective on my comute, and everything else is just fun, and as you mentioned, you might be slower on the gravel bike but the fun stays the same.

You guys seem to have it made. You get paid on top of all expenses and probably going to Tazmania or Patagonia to ride to test if the new SramRed derailleur is better than the DuraAce. How about the rounding of Madagascar to compare steel and carbon disks?

On my bucket list!

12:27 nice ratcheting

Stunning footage! Anyways, you can still mount an aero bar on your mtb to get a more aero position.

0:25 so they're becoming mountain bikes?

This could have been a documentry. Mind blowing cinematography!

Brokeback mountain 2.0?

Some sections of this video remind me of the TV show with the greatest videography ever... Top Gear!

Just put it on the list of my all time favorite GCN videos. Thumbs up.

Went bikepacking for 25 days around the country on a road bike last summer and it was by far the most incredible but trying experience I’ve ever had, and seeing this brought back a lot of memories and feelings. Great job guys

Give me that Fox in the front every day of the week.

The scenery is awesome. I was carried away by the landscape. I could not focus on your conversations. Iceland. Lovely place.

Epic content, few minutes into the ride video and I completely forgot it was about MTB vs Gravel comparison. Would you guys hire me?

Also, 10:20 - jawdropping

Good thing you're not eligible for GCNinspiration because we could have done a pause on almost any shot and you would have win!

What app did you use at 14:57?

Watching that video I assume Neil is still a growing lad. Seeing him next to that bike reminded me of me and my first MTB when I was 13. I bought the next size up to grow into it which I wouldn't recommend. Personally I wouldn't ride anything technical such little room between my groin and the crossbar. I guess Neil has the skills to avoid anything too unfortunate. Great video once again though folks ! An Iceland off-road tour has been on my bucket list for years and sadly still is :/

Can anyone tell me what gloves they wear in the video?

I put the video on my very top3 GCN video, absolutely brilliant, cinematography is awesome

Mike Faxholm Thank you!

Komoot - navigation app

Definition of desolation.

When did you throw the ring of power into the volcano?

Guys well done, this video inspired me, not to mention the world class edit. I would pay to see this. It reminds me of a high quality movie . Speechless, regards Steve

Wow! Amazing video.. good to see you Neil on GCN! As for the gravel bike... still not convinced, I love my Hardtail and also my TCR, they are both great in what they do.

Well produced! Really nice, guys!

Surely this is ideal fatbike territory Neil......

Si and Neil should try do the Cape Epic one day

Actually, more like great advert for Iceland. If I lived there I'd have the mtb all day, if I were globetrotting on a bike with light luggage across vast continents, the gravel bike would be very interesting ..

Stunning! What month were you there? I wonder if replacing the MTB handlebar with something like a Jones Loop, would improve the aerodynamic positioning? Beautiful videography!

Thanks for the kind words Sandra; we visited during early September.

Great vid Si! Loved it!

You should have the "Bicycle Touring Pro" join you on one of your future bike touring or bikepacking trips.

Anyone know what's the song that starts at 10:08???

I can’t believe how far GCN has come. This is honestly Top Gear production quality. Amazing work

would of been good to see each rider spend a day on the other bike. Great cinematography.

Weight...I thought fatter tires were faster?!?!?!?! Wonderful video, thank you!

FINALLY!!!! You went to Iceland

Lucky bastards! That was some beautiful scenery you went through. Must've been a hell of a trip.

Just brilliant!! Kudos to all involved in making this video. This is beyond amazing guys...I can't help but to watch it on a big screen with a beer and a bowl of chips...need I say it's also therapeutic. From NZ, I'm raising my glass to you guys. Well done GCN!

GCN presenters sacrificing themselves for science again. The wrap up from the giant hot tub looked especially challenging.

Production, up. Content, down.

The quality of the cinematography on some of the recent vids, both here and gmbn, have been stunning. Its really good to see this level of ambition in the content. Really enjoying watching them, keep up the good work!

Cheers for the feedback Grant; always appreciate the time taken.

It was like watching lord of the rings on bikes...…..well sort of

Belter of a vid. Crackin work and decent prod values. Gold star GCN.

I ride a RM Pipeline. I've won technical XC races on it and it is faster than my 29er xc hard tail everywhere except on long climbs. The fact this plus bike kept up with a gravel bile proves the speed of them. Brilliant and super fast bikes. Great video by the way.

wow, how did you edit all the other tourists out?

Good to watch both this and the GMBN video. Looks like a great trip.

The winner was cycling in iceland. Want to do that so much!

Whats the name of the App that Si and Neil use to plot their route?


Great video!

I think a All Terrain Bicycle for touring is Really the Way to go?...My Surly Troll with Marathon plus touring tires 26in with a 1.75inch tyre is the perfect all-terrain tire...and bicycle.

Now swap bikes and let's have an opinion....


GCN surpasses themselves, yet again.

This is such a great video - can't stop watching it! Best crash-recovery entertainment for me! Thanks for taking the Moots Gravel for a test, I've been curious about it! Yeah!

Thks for the vid guys! Epic scenery!

Is there any where that y'all have the GPX data available?

Epic! Great video.

Lucky buggers

I was hoping to see a T-Rex along the way:)

this would be my dream adventure

Starting at highest point where support vehicle took them. Stopped watching immediately

Great video , tnx !!!!

What a great video, riding in Iceland must be a ton of fun and very memorable. It's a great pity its so far from us here in Australia. I got myself a gravel bike a while ago just to get out on fire trails and single track rides and my twin-sus MTB has gone to a new owner. I'd love to get my Toughroad into that landscape, and this video gives me just a taste of the possibilities.

If I were to do this trail, I would use a MTB without any doubt, far more comfortable. I would only use a Gravel for my every day bike.

such an amazing video. you guys really made something special well done!

lol I'd imagine plus tires would look pretty fat to a road cyclist.

This has to be one of the best videos that I've seen from GCN, truly a beautiful one! kudos!!!!!

wow. looks pretty daunting. how are their ears exposed? brrr

My SuperX conquers all here in Wanaka, one bike for all disciplines it is! (needs some 42s-43s for the rough gravel ski resort road ascents though ;-) ) . MUST RIDE ICELAND! WOW! Thank you GCN for another fantastic video

Stunning production worthy of inclusion in Banff Film Festival. On bike packing aerodynamics and comfort, I would highly recommend aero bars set high (60-80mm). These not only make life easier grovelling into high winds, but also reduce back, hand and butt pain by providing a comfortable alternative riding position. Great when you are riding 10-12 hrs a day for weeks. Would be good to see the guys experiment with this set up.

On roads like that I'd have to take the mountain bike especially one that nice

The bikes and commentaries are great, but totally eclipsed by the epic landscape and superb video editing, just wow!

Simply the best cycling montage I have eve seen. The landscapes are astounding! Thank you! GCN!

Well done!

Very well shot and edited video! But also some missed opportunities. At the end I couldn't help but think how nice it would have been if Si and Neil swapped bikes for a couple kilometers. This way we could've gotten an additional perspective on the topic of the video. Also I just wish you would include some of the other talent as well in these gran(d) tours ;) ;) Really can't help but reminisce about the good ol' Top Gear and their special episodes with challenges and whatnot, and dream about what something like that would look with all the talent you have across your numerous sister channels. I realize that bringing in more presenters also means additional camera crews with all the costs that entails, but I will keep on hoping :) With all that said, it doesn't change the fact that it was great to watch Si and Neil ride through such breathtaking locations. Cheers!

Like the long format and the epic shots, would be even more epic with more visible grading.


i don't care wich one's better, the video is just amazing

Amazing job GCN! Great production! Scenery, cinematics, sound, commentary, editing. This needs to be submitted for an award winning piece!

Love these types of videos you guys do

Really fun and breathtaking views! Yeah, people who don't do much cold weather riding think that you need more water only when it's hotter, but when it's cold the air is more dry so it becomes an issue again. Staying hydrated and topped off really does help keep your average body temperature up because it's more mass for your body heat to sink into and always produces less strain on the heart. Sometimes cold rear end or cold stomach can't be helped even with good gear. Can't stress enough the importance of wicking moisture away from the body in cold weather, though. One of the best ways to deal with harsh cold air is to wear a thin synthetic scarf/fabric loop that you can breathe through. Any little bit to moderate the air you take in helps. I've ridden in temps as cold as -13c. I don't recommend it. I'd much prefer to be just above freezing temps where precipitation still comes down in frozen form because getting soaked is magnitudes worse below 10c.

id take a travel bike. mountain biking is more fun to me when im blasting jumps and bombing hills but i hate commuting on them

mtb is awesome and looks good and comfortble in back

gravel bike is ugly

The landscapes were superbly beautiful.

Another great vid. Thanks to inspire cycling further.

Anyone know what endura trousers the don is wearing?

Mesmerising video, great !

gravel or mtb whatever if it's Moots i'm in !

I’ve got an adventure bike (Sonder Camino) and a full suss mtb (Scott Genius 700) I can without doubt say that the adventure bike is more fun for bridalways and general day to day riding. On this ride these guys did I’d 100% take my adventure bike. All the suspension and increased tyre size can tame many of the local trails I ride and make them less fun, so I always take my adventure bike out round where I live (Yorkshire Pennines) You’ll fly past people on super capable mountain bikes and feel awesome. Did the megavalanche this year, took the Scott for that one but I’ve not ridden it since then :O Also I think Neil’s bike looks a bit small for him?

Shame you didn't promote British bikes instead

What is that app on your phone your are using looks good ? such a good video btw

Guys can i request? Can you make review of phoenix swift road bike

GREAT VIDEO.After watching it,only a dead person has not a wish to start to ride bike.

Agree with the comments, The Gavel the fast one (ideal to hit a week tour) for long distance rides the MTB will pull ahead cos the comfort keeps you away from pain.

Looks like hell

Stunning view! I felt like im part of the ride. Thanks GCN

Epic! Well done!

I did not see any wildlife

Whats the epic music starting at 8:21?

Can’t believe I’m commenting on a gcn channel video... but this video was that good! Back off to Gmbn again now.

Is Si wearing a white vest in that pool, or has his body just never seen sunlight before?

My dream

MTB jezdec v pohodě, gravel jezdec vytřepaný jak osika

I have done it on a mountain bike. It was the most challenging and beautiful experience of my life! But i would never do it with a gravel. If you dont have a team and on a short budget - like me - you have to carry your tent, sleeping bag, food, water, gas, clothes, spare parts ... So much extra weight to carry, you would sink in the volcanic ash. Also, this ash eats up your disc brake pads, gets into the bearing, chain... If you have decided to cycle the highlands, plan your trip carefully!

Like much video gais good Baikes Biutiful lan from Santiago of chile

A friend and his wife did a tour of Iceland about 30 years ago. They basically did the coastal circuit so not the more extreme terrain done here. He actually built the bikes they took including the frames (he's a clever chap). He chose relaxed angles and straight bars - sort of part mountain bikes. Because of the anticipated volcanic dust and its abrasive qualities he opted for hub gears rather than exposed dérailleurs. They were cycle camping, too, which meant a bit more stuff than our 2 heroes here and it was 3 weeks IIRC. When quizzed after they came back Dave admitted it was more of an 'experience' than a holiday :) They got very wet several times. This is a stunning video with excellent filming. There must have been a secret companion with a quad (drone) for some of the shots. Really good. Thanks very much. I just wish there'd been gravel bikes available when my wife and I were cycle camping in the Alps and Pyrenees when we were a lot younger. We made do with our Mercian sports touring bikes (drop bars but low gears) which still got us over a lot of the classic cols.

What a beautiful film, well done GCN

you guys have a great job! :)) epic adventure, beautiful bikes and video, love it!

Anyone know the gearing used on the gravel bike for this ride?

Now I want to travel to Iceland.

Absolutely stunning scenery!

Man, I'm hunting for a bike and these videos aren't making it any easier. XC or gravel, seems pretty much the only distinctions are the drop bars, which I've heard are better for filtering in traffic (currently only own an ancient suspended mountain bike)


How was dinner and breakfast at the hut? What did you guys eat?

What App were you using to map and plan your ride? :)

Epic scenery like straight out of Lord of The Rings! :) But why is it called Iceland when there is no ice? (And why is Greenland full of ice and not green at all? Mystery...)

Wow! How lucky are you guys! Who cares about the bikes - Iceland is mind-bogglingly beautiful! WOW!

Epic video, but what would've been even more interesting is to have the two swap bikes

Awesome video. Favourite gmbn or gcn vid in ages (not dissing the rest of your content though, obvs!).

Right before that McDonalds comment a MacDonalds ad played.

This is why cycling is the best sport in the world....

Stunning landscape. Glad you avoided the rain... & also happy to learn Iceland passed on McDonald's

Great cinematography and music. Feels like watching a movie at some scenes

What app are they using in the video for route planning?

shame they edited out the roadie going to the handlebars on multiple times - that gravel bike is a death trap. and keeps the riders head down - MTB had a more upright position- much safer - this has killed any gravel bike curiostiy I had

Jaw dropping scenery. Whoever did the music should get an award as well, excellently paired with the backgrounds.

What an epic! please do more Top gear style adventures. Loved the scenery, Great bikes, great banter, great viewing

Having this crazy wide bars on XC mtb is super unergonomic and it doesn't make sense.

Not too many mosquitoes?

Best backdrop of any bike comparo I've seen !

Awesome! Any idea how the track starting at 10:10 is called? Cheers!

Great video. Great music.

Great video!  I loved the experiment.  Epic ride over epic terrain on bikes from a Colorado bike company.  Kudos to all of you at GCN and GMBN.  I loved the great shots and views from the drone.  Can you do a behind the scenes video?  Who else was with you and how did you film those epic shots?

that opening scene looks like a green screen, so amazing.

You’ve upped your game a bit there people. Well done

Great film guys. Keep it up! What's the Routing App Si is using in the video ? EDIT: found it - Komoot

This is the best cycling video that GCN had done yet. What is that music in the 8th minute? Shazam can't identify it properly. You guys have come a long way in the quality of your videos since you started. This is worthy or National Geographic or Discovery Channel!

I can't believe you guys just left your bikes UNLOCKED that first night! JK. Bahahaha! What I want to know is; what was your photographer riding and how much gear did he/she have to carry? Respect! Great freak'n video and adventure guys. I thoroughly enjoyed this top notch, dare I say, short film.

Such a beautiful country. The panorama at 13:16 is amazing.

Imho it's a matter of body position. I don't like leaning so much and I'd choose a mountain/trail bike.

Great video and journey...the LOTR-like music at 8:00 was way over the top unless you’re bikepacking with a sword ! Alright, Si, “Routt”. It’s not like “moo” from a cow. It’s “bout” like in “I’m about to shame you for your pronunciation!” It’s the county name in which Moot bikes calls home. Haven’t your been to Steamboat?! Thanks, all.

I want to live in a yurt out there and make bike trailers

Not a single McBastard's in the whole of Iceland ..for that alone they rock. Why I hate that food chain? Where to start, offences against food and health.

Track IDs for the songs????

Great video. Love the presentation, editing, production, music. Not to mention Iceland... You guys just missed one thing: you should have switched bikes and commented that experience!

Now that you have proved that peaceful co-existence between mountain bikers and roadies is possible, I expect nothing less than having your sights fixed on world peace! I'll help out as soon as I finish booking my trip to Iceland...

Aw man. I wish I was into biking when I lived in Iceland :(

I swam in that abandoned pool!!!

Epic and inspiring! More of these kinds of videos

Really great content. You guys should have grand tours whereby you camp out and visit cool places, and cultures all over the globe. Then turn it all into a mini series.

Great video guys and spectacular geography to compare the bikes. I would love both bikes in my quiver. My personal preference is to always opt for a plus size tire for bikepacking unless I was racing in which case I would want the gravel bike. My current setup is all rigid with 29+.  This ride is now on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing.

Go on fatty +BIKE! XD

i bet you guys won't forget that trip in a wile wicked video

This has to be the most EPIC GCN film ever! Kudos to the whole team! What would have been a great bonus is showing us in detail what you wore for those conditions. Zero degrees and lower but you guys didn't looked bulked out by layers - what's the secret? Anyway, bloody cool film!

I did Cannock chase red routes on my Cannondale CAADX CX bike, I beat all my times previously set on Trek Fuel EX dual suspension MTB. It was harder work on CX, but so much fun

Info on camera gear pls, great shots!

Just the horizons shown gives emphasis to why icelanders are so proud of their country. Iceland is so unique, so other worldly that I love returning. Albeit the winds and rains can make bike riding less than fun at times. We passed one fellow peddling near west man island riding against a wind pushing horizontal rain in his front...not fun for him. Great job filming and the ride looked exciting and grand. Love the commentary to bike differences...

Fantastic! Neil and Si in one video, breathtaking Iceland backdrop. Absolutely stunning.

200km :(

After a day of riding that no suspension gravel bike, you'd have to feel like you got beat up by a heavyweight fighter throwing only body shots. End of the day, the gravel bike is the wrong choice on this particular ride. I think the MTB guy hit on it, whether it's a 26er fatbike or a 29er or 27.5, the gravel bike just isn't going to be the right choice on anything but the asphalt at the end of the video. I have a vintage 1997 atb with 47-559 Conti Tour Ride tires on it and converted it into a straight bar gravel bike. I also have a 27.5 suspension fork hardtail. I wouldn't think of putting the old atb even with the 26x2.10 knobbies on it thru the same trails in Florida with the 27.5er. That said, getting to the trails on the asphalt the MTB simply won't keep up. With the atb, I went from a 14-28T 7 spd to a 12-18T 7 spd, the triple 48/38/28T is so much faster and that's not even with aero position drop bar. Surprisingly, both bikes I have wind up with the same GI around 102/103 in the hardest gear, they weigh about the same, but the old ATB is faster on asphalt with a rigid fork and it's frame geometry. The suspension fork and the 27.5 runs the trails safer and faster.

Frankly, I don't see the difference between a " Gravel " Bike and a Mountain Bike as seen above, except for tire width., are your bikes hardtails?

You can have my fresh experience. I race on the road and until today I used road/gravel bike. But today was a big day for me as I got myself my first real MTB bike. After shredding local "gravel" trails with hardtail I have to admit, it just more fun on MTB. Wide bars, wide tires, suspension. Gravel is great if you want to have more traction in the corners or ride older but not bumby roads. I am using my gravel since I had serious crash last year, because the feeling of 2.1 mtb tires is different than 28" tires, especially in the corners and descents. So for me gravel for alt types of roads and mtb for trails it is :)

loved this film.

Aside from the bike nerds arguing over who's bike is better this is a great video.

There is still time!

Awesome! Great video and great country!

Awesome vid, that scenery was amazing.

It was really fun to watch, nice cinematography! Landscape, editing etc.


3:39 nice plus size model joke you snuck in their Neil.

Great video. I've been mountain biking over 20 years now. Got myself a gravel bike (GT Grade) last year and I love it. I've been amazed how good it is off road. I can get out and explore much further afield than on my mtb. They are not for everyone but for me it's just something different. I hope to have a crack at bikepacking next year. Would love to visit Iceland one day too. Looks stunning


funny I use a Ti hardtail for my dirt road/gravel road rides.... but I would think Plus/Boost is a bit of overkill... the traditional 90s setup of a hardtail with 2.2s is still the right choice for double track (for me).... a rigid fork may be better for lighter younger riders than myself... but I will go with the well built light suspension forks that are out on the market now (with a remote lockout)...

Any chance you can share the route maps?

The best cycling video on youtube!! Iceland is definetly on my bucket list!!

Enjoyed watching but was the washed out look an artistic choice or something technical? There are times where colors pop like 12:45 which looked like golden hour but I find the rest of the video lacking for this reason. Kudos for all other aspects though. Great idea for the video!

Another brilliant video from gcn very well shot and put together. Cheers guys

What a beautiful and insightful episode!

Wow Epic!!! Hope the dept of Icelandic tourism tipped in a bit for your trip - loved it! Hope there's opportunity for more of these types of videos in future.

Great production and editing guys

Amazing cinematography, amazing commentary , very helpful comparison. Y not u guys visit india ??? U can create awareness here .... Cycling is fun n eco friendly . U guys can convince this aspect as well

Cycling heaven. Wish I could retire and just ride in places like this.

This video was especially great not just for the amazing cinematography, but the candid banter between the two was endearing and genuine, this is a great video.

So much epic scenery...MUST GO TO ICELAND!

Could have used some fenders at 7:30

My radius bones are a bit twisted and those flat bars just don't steer properly. I need to hang onto brake hoods or an upright bar with a good back sweep.

MTB is so much more suitable

Si's floppy bags, lol :)

MOOTS! Built at about 6500-7000ft in the Colorado Rockies. The pride of Steamboat Springs!

Just got to the end It's Routt 45 and named after the county in Colorado. Pronounced Rowt like in Router.

The scenery...OMG...places like this really exist on this planet?? Great video GCN! The best by far!

Amazing. Beautiful music and stunning scenery! Nice job

This was fantastic! What an epic shoot.

3:41 Ouch that sound... Hate discs because of this.

You guys should check out some survival programs.. Drinking water straight from an open stream like that, no boiling, no filtering..

Probably my favorite video from this channel so far

Amazing ride. Hope to do one like that some day. Great video.

Gravel bikes are a complete waste of money. If you want to enjoy both paved and off road riding, a hardtail mountain bike is you're best bet.

Fantastic video! Thanks.

Awesome Video. @GCN can you share your route as GPS data?

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback!

Epic adventure and GCN had the much better soundtrack edits than GMBN

I love the GCN/GMBN mashup's. Please do more of these.

This is one of your best videos! Thank you for this GCN!

Thanks for the feedback.

This is like old Top Gear for bicycles OMG I wish there is more!

"On his fat bike" "...fat bike? It's a plus bike..." loool

Brilliant video. Stunning scenery and two of the best presenters!

Simon, you do understand this episode was only disliked because you said ''This is going to be the least thumb down video ever.''... If you had't, it would have been.

Hello. The views are amazing. Is it possible to get the gps track/or google maps track from your travel?

Guys great video, did I miss it somewhere or is there any detail on the saddle, bar and frame bags you are using?

here? a fast mtb, with good xc tubeless tires. for more mixed asphalt + light terrain = gravel bike with slick tire.

Great video. Thanks!

Awesome video! BTW what's the planning app you are having?

The Gravel Bike looks a bit more hard to stear and it does look alot more shaky.. I prefere the riding position on the MTB and the shock absorbation to make the ride more comfortable. But oh man, I LOVE the nature.. awesome ! ( I kinda forgot to look at the bikes when ever there was a clip with nature !

Unreal . I've been to iceland as a foot tourist. Now I want to go as a lycra tourist

EPIC... great film. Love it. Have been saving this one to watch, as I loved the bikepacking Morocco film so much. Amazing camera work and music. Awesome bikes and never bored watching the banter and commentary. Top f#$king job! Living out the cyclists dream!

top quality video...good job

Amazing place! Fantastic video!

It's Komoot

Going to find interesting. Like having a sports car and the 4wd in the garage for the weekend fun. Mtb 4wd is more comfortable than the SUV. cross bike.

What's the song that starts at 16:50?

High Quality content

Gravel bikes are silly. Stop.

What a brilliant place to build a casino that is.

You make me wish I had the money to support a bike that can do this trip.

So basically gravel bikes are a scam.

What an adventure!

I rode the Glacier 360 ( a three day mtb stage race around the 2nd largest glacier in Iceland) a couple years back. The scenery is spectacular, and extremely remote. Much of it was what you see in this video. Iceland is an amazing place to visit, and ride

I am imagining our next trip is on a long family bike

Gravel bike is a midway between road bike and mountain bike

One question where is all the trees?

That was epic, mad respect.

Really awesome. Nice work and thanks. What time of year were you there?

Really nice video with stunning video production at a stunning location. It just doesn't get better than that! Well done guys.

3:45-3:46-3:47 Gravel bike down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


this camera work and soundtrack is incredible together

Cheers Jack!

One word: wow

The most attractive and exciting cycling video I have ever seen. Thanks a lot!

I normally don't comment, but the cinematography and sountrack are on Hollywood level. Check out the scenery and soundtrack starting at 7:40 and 12:20. That is as good as the Lord Of The Rings!

High praise indeed! Cheers Rosen

I see two tit-tanium mtn bikes. Clutch derailers are fucking annoying.

That seat bag is huge

That YBB though, pure bike porn.


Glad you think so!


They should be going way faster for a real race

Neil V Simon = Clash of the Titans

The Gravel Bike is awesome....until you find out it costs over 7k (in Dollars).

21:28 There's ice floating on the wat... oh wait, that's Si's chest

Nice! What model disc brake is the moots cx rocking?

Shimmy icetech

3:42 The problem with disc brakes, bet they heard you in Reykjavik

Looks epic. Just proves that the bike your riding is secondary to the journey.

καλα χρηστουγεννα τα καλητερασας

paralane! lol

Wow!!! The best GCN/GMBN vid ever........a massive shout out to the production team too as some of those shots were just incredible

u guys deserve a drone

How did you film this?

Nice advert for the sponsors.

I'm amazed at how good are you at unclipping the shoes

Great video! What is the app that Simon is using to plan the trip? Looks useful.

Komoot. It's really handy!

M Webster Bedding-in the brakes by braking several times strong enough to skid will reduce or stop the squeaking, for a while.

very nice!!

This excellent video is about Iceland bike travel. Would be amazing the same, even if you wouldn’t use this “vs” cliche.

Nice dude, great Landscape

Fantastic film. Iceland is on my biking bucket list for sure. So many factors going into the "which is better" equation. Both looked like tons of fun. For me, I'm vastly more comfortable on a drop bar bike with the hand/wrist positions available, over the more static mtb hand position. I'd take the gravel/drop bar over the mtb just because of that, unless of course things got really techy where suspension was truly required. Anyhow, thanks for the amazing film!

Nice cinematography and great video!

Thank you guys so much for this. You have finally got my husband interested in cycling again. I ride MTBs, but he fancies a Gravel Bike... THANK YOU!! I have been so lonely on my bike!!!! :D

Best GCN film ever. Seems like they hired a new filming and production crew. It looks so different compare to what they did before. Sound tracks are super cool.

bellissimo! Still I have Iceland in my heart (I lived there for many months). Congratulations for the beautiful movie... and about MTB vs Gravel... it's evident :-)

This is like top gear for bikes

These scenes are so powerful and overwhelming, I want this.

Mountain bike seems more stable and comfortable with wide handle and strong grip, also much wide tire.

You guys really are the Top Gear of cycling!

Excellent video can you post the full playlist please,There one incredible Drum and Bass Track at 15:40,

No McDonald's? America will invade Iceland soon since America has has only invaded countries which don't have a McDonald's

Yes, brilliant video, really well done. The actual surfaces looked mostly dry, a bit rocky but not horrendous, so it was no real test for the MTB. Even the gravel bike took it all easily and I think (someone please correct me if wrong?) had a much better gear ratio at the fast end. MTB for comfort, dealing with mud and sand, and ability to look up, rather than at the road all the time. But annoying to have to spin your legs so fast, so for that particular route in Iceland, gravel bike seemed fine.

Absolutely terrific filming, great trails and amazing nature, but I'm not sure I got any wiser watching it. Can the gravel bike do sand? Mud? Seriously rocky terrain? How does it feel to do rocks/gravel without suspension over time? These are all vital questions for me, as I'm considering buying a gravel bike for my commute, which is 7km of trails (with some sand in the summer and corresponding amount of mud in the winter) followed by 20km of tarmac: I currently do it with my mountain bike, but suspect I can speed things up considerably with a gravel bike - provided I do not settle in the sand/mud eating up all the advantage I gained on tarmac.

I know, let's all go off-road into the "wilderness" in all black clothing! Makes perfect sense. ;-)

Inner bar ends give you the possibility to be much more aerodynamic on a MTB - not like with a drop bar but quite close.

Gravel bikes are for retards who like just roadbikes. Specialy made for them to get their money. Thats it. Imagine that MTB is transformed in to the racing bike. COMPLETE BOLLOKS!

Excellent video, one of GCN's best, and am jealous.

I have bikepacked down the Rockies and rode the Tour Aotearoa both on a 29er MTB and I would never use a gravel bike for such a trip. I have a gravel bike and they are fine on a fire trail, but if I am honest a 29er with 2.2 / 2.4 tyres will be a much comfier ride.

That’s it I’m going to Iceland....

An MTB would be the best tool for the job if it wasn't for the fact that they (the industry) have crippled the gearing on them.

So, gravel bikes can make trails more fun because they make them more difficult? (21:47) Maybe you can get a children's coaster bike and have a blast! Stop being so political and just come out and say: MTB for off road, gravel bike for gravel road. It's that simple

One of the best bike comparos I have ever seen. Epic - thanks so much !!

What's the song that starts about 8:20 ???

Can't understand a word out of the mt biker, Mate.

Great shots as always!! but Simon.. you have a loose sac haha

How about the significant difference in gearing between the two? Were you able to clean the steeper climbs on the gravel bike? And it had to be much faster on flat stretches?

Epic shots epic music.. what a production

Last time I was on a mt bike the biggest tires were 24" lol

Broken twice by the same ad that appears at the start = pushing viewer tolerance. Good as this video is, there's not enough payback to suffer the advertising.

Fantastic. Way to go guys.

Iceland is one of the World's best cycling experiences, captured perfectly here.

One doesn't simply walk into Modor... One gets chased by a fat wheel Icelandic 4x4 while being hounded by drones. So that they can stay under a roof. Pretty? Sure. Inspiring? Nah. But maybe that wasn't their focus. (Not that I'll stop enjoying GCN's productions)

Great video, but wouldn't it be a 200 km ride? Where are the remaining 67 Km?

Great video, with stunning scenery. The debate about gravel bikes is a rather odd one, since it really boils down to where you live and what you want to do: I live in Canada, and it stands to reason that gravel bikes are an important addition to anyone's bike collection. Indeed, should I need to choose only one bike out of my 10 (yes, I am fortunate: I have a cooperative partner), it would be a gravel bike. Why? because we have endless gravel roads here, and a rather limited choice of decent (and not too busy) tarmaced ones. So, as a roadie but not a racer (more of an audax and GranFondo type...), being able to extend my range and choice of routes exponentially is a god-send (and I can always put on 28mm tires if I wish to). Why not just a cyclo-cross bike? Well, gravel bikes allow for wider tires, more relaxed position, plenty of options for water, mudguards, etc.... Why not a MTB? I ride centuries on gravel roads, which a MTB would not be suited for. Now, were I to live in Provence with miles of tarmaced lanes and stony single tracks, I may well be wondering what a gravel bike is for....

Respect for first disc brake symphony at 3:41 :D

how long does it take to pedal the shoes to dry ?

Rocks aren't younger than me ;-)

Love your channel! Superb!!

This makes a change from my usual SJW fail videos :-)

Grate trail. First time i dont like the mtb because rear triangle single tube on the top, by the way i m mtb fan even for the asfalt roads too :-)

Does anybody know the name of the music which starts at 7:55 ?

OK pour le velo gregoire, le paysage fait bien plus rever !


Awesome trip :)

crumbs, it's best bike video, especially parts with music and all this scenery. Like LOTR in bikeworld

NIce going you guys. Not to be a Hekla, but Si, your legs are almost the color of the snow.

These episode always remind me of the gorgeous cinematography of Top Gear. You guys really nailed the formula, a few good mate, some gorgeous rides, and amazing locations.

For fuck sake just say it: MOUNTAIN BIKES ARE BETTER ALL-ROUND ADVENTURE BIKES!!!! Want to make it even better: Go hardtail. Better? Go carbon rigid fork. The one thing not to do is choose 1x11 gearset. Not enough teeth for speed. Gravel bikes are nothing but a trend.

Yep... That video gets a super nice!

Why does that guy keep calling the CX bike a gravel bike?

Great Video, Great idea. Just a question: what did you pack in your bags?

My wife and I cycled some parts of your trip on our fully loaded road tandem a few years ago. God, it was windy. Thanks for a great reportage from Iceland.

Great cinema shots of a lovely country. Nice to see you Simon getting back to doing more of what you clearly enjoy so much!

WOW, Amazing view.

Awesome trip! Thanks GCN!

Definitely GCN’s best video

It kept sounding like you were saying man bike for mountain bike. It would have been interesting if you switched bikes occasionally to get a different take.

Can Neil get some tires with less rolling resistance? I was grimacing at the thought of using the mountain kings in that terrain. Give him some Ikons, Ralphs, etc. in 29. Incredible video!

What app do you use to plan the routes? Thanks!

What is the name of the song playing at 10:00? Shazam didnt help me... Thanks!

The Hut & Lake at 10:03 is called Aftavatn, you will pass by, when you hike the world famous "Laugarvegur" Trail. I was staying in this hut for a few days in late Winter 2014, when I was Solo Snowshoeing from Skogar to Sigalda ( passing by Landmannalaugar as well)........ it was awesome........a shitload of Snow in the whole Area ( sometimes 10 ft. or more ).......I had the huts all for my own and it was dead silence when no was one of my best Trip so far.

sick palce sick ride guys :D

This video is too good!!!! I love it! I wish I could ride there with my friends someday.

We use Komoot

new of this stuff pls

Beautifully shot. Not quite up there with Planet Earth 2 but wow....!

Wow!!!! you have the best job in the world!!!

What an amazing video! Holy crap!

Fantastic video!

I really appreciate the effort you put into that video to get such a beautiful result , really good video and epic views

meanwhile camera guy on a mtb

The most epic GCN video ever. But isn't it dangerous in this landscape, all alone and unarmed? I mean, it looks like there might be a lot of Orcs living there. How far away was your route from Mordor? :)

Ждал музыку Sigur Ros)

May have been an idea for the guys to swap bikes for the second day, then compare....

if you ride off roads it means you can not go super fast and aero may not be as needed when on smooth is there really a need for a drop bar of that gravel bike?

Thank-you for this was definitely worth it for the view provided...really enjoyed seeing it...I would have to say that the Moots mountain bike that Neil was riding seemed to have the edge in this scenario...if for no other reason, Neil never seemed to have to leave the seat when going up hill...thanks again for a most pleasant "sight-see" of the "moon-like"'c

No, they don't need drop handlebars

Just got a mountain bike but was debating getting a gravel bike, but in the end a mountain bike for me is just more versatile. I plan to do very similar rides, maybe not as scenic but very similar and plan to take my 29 wheels and put 700c 47mm tires on them for just a more versatile urban setup with good rolling resistance and speed. If I really want to bomb down trails I can always change my tires back, but the beefier frame with front suspensions will help going over ground imperfections and bombing it down hills. Great video though. I still think gravel bikes are still too niche IMO

I can just put a gravel-like handlebar on my MTB, what will be the difference THEN?? This video lacked the answer, IMO.

How much does Simon have to pay to work at GCN?

Tire selection is the most important thing for different conditions. I have a bike with 20 in by 4 inch tires and can go anywhere. That includes deep sand which either one of the bikes you are ridding would be stuck. So, useless as you are on hard dirt roads. Go to the desert with those and try that. They both would be useless. Those roads would be freeways where I ride. Matter of fact have never seen these types of bikes out where I ride. Where, my secret.

I prefer 29er full rigid steel mountain bike

Firstly absolutely stunning scenery, but bit biased towards the gravel bike as the terrain was erm gravel, that said good comparrisons with versatility, however off road a mtb will always trump and anything that reselmes a road the gravel bike will be the rocky balboa. My choice mtb

What application I phone do you have?

Spectacular production.

Just get a Hybrid?

I’m sure I’m not the only person who immediately looked up flights to Iceland.

Very nice video! I was wondering which wheels + tires are on the gravel. 650 or 700 with wtb 36mm? Also, what is the name of the mobile app used at the beginning of the video? Thx

I watch for the landscapes

Incredible video......stunning sceanary and amazing photography....simply brilliant!!!

Well done Gentlemen...Next time sway bikes for test

Этому mtb убрать пружину под седлом, поставить дабл переднюю систему, руль и колеса поуже. После такого апгрейда гревел плакакал бы.

Am I watching top gear or a youtube biking channel? Production quality is insane

Now I want to go to Iceland !

Cold and windy with a briefly impressive yet bleak and repetitive landscape... not my idea of a fun bikepacking trip!

I wanna see a drop bar 29er. I can imagine the Moots Baxter would be awesome on this route

I would absolutely prefer the mountain bike on this trail. On a trek like this, being able to clear my mind and just take in the environment beats going a tiny bit faster uphill (and then having my eyes fixed in the dirt on the downhills and constantly adjusting to keep balance).

Probaly the best filming I've seen in a while. Absolutely amazing.

One word. EPIC

Just get a hardtail mountain bike and an extra set of wheels and tires. Then throw some narrow bars with bar-ends or dirt drop bars and you have both bikes. Gravel bike manufacturers are already starting to introduce front suspension.

it beats me why you two guys didnt swap bikes. give a better insight. also, stupid test. only difference in the bikes is the tyres and handlebars. everything else is adjustable. why not just buy a mountain bike and put drops on it? or why not just put fatter tyres on the gravel bike? you get what i mean?

Great video with very good music, fall in love with it.. I saw that people are searching for the music, i found a little bit, here are the links... (Fall by Copse) (Some kind of Magic 1) I'm still searching for all orchestral pieces... Maybe they're from this ( or from this ( album....

Playlist please =)

GCN, here is an Idea/request for a Video: What are u guys wearing? Maybe a Tutorial for what to wear in what weather, possibly with a good sponsor and concrete product examples. Would be SOOOO great! Please?

We've got a few of those, including what to wear in the mountains - have you seen that one?

thank you, didn't see that. Exactly what I was looking for. you guys have so many videos! @+Global Cycling Network

Human machines adopt to everything, amazing high value documentary!

Amazing video.

I love Si's orange jacket. Where can I get it?


Incredible. What app is that you guys are using at the cabin before setting out?

Lucky people looks amazing

Does anyone know if Neil’s bike has rear suspension, I’m looking and I see the tiniest cut out so I’m wondering if suspension is there

Melhor e mais belo circuito que eu já vi na vida!!!

The videos are fantastic!

OMG I just gave to go to Iceland. STUNNING❤️

dang, never thought I'd wanna go to Iceland.

Absolutely breathtaking! thanks for sharing this for people who can't make it to Iceland. We got Himalayas here in India though.

As many have said, The production of this vid is awesome...a great mix of high-polish and casual real-people. My only complaint is that there were a few sentences that I couldn't understand at all...I wish you guys would learn English (jus kiddin' y'all ). The basic question is one that has perplexed me too. I am lucky enough to have a mountain bike (my preferred sport), and more-recently a gravel bike too (which I bought as a road bike and currently run road tires). I chose the "gravel" as my road bike for a couple of reasons, including disc brakes and rack mounts (so I could tour with it some day, as I don't need a touring bike too). It's still damn light and racy compared to my FSR off-road toy of choice (and my off-road conditioned brain). So the questions I have is: how much are tire choice and air pressure variables that could be used to even the playing field of the comparison? If you had a mtn bike and knew there was a long stretch of you air up? If you knew the whole ride was "road-ish" could/would you run skinnier, less-knobby tiers on your mtn bike? I turned my old rigid-frame mtn bike from the 80's into a skinny-tired beer-runner, and it felt pretty fast on the road (until I bought the carbon Specialized Diverge). So, I understand the weight, aerodynamics, geometry, gearing differences. But I'd guess that tires are the main difference over terrain, and a mtn bike can be made less-mountainy, if so desired, with tire choice. We're starting to compare streamlined mountain bikes to burlied-up road bikes. Somewhere is the middle is a Jack-of-all-trades/Master-of-none.

Hey Benjamin, great question. Like you say, it'll depend a lot on terrain and your own preferences, plus weather conditions will play a role in what tyre pressures you choose to run. A lot of the time it can be trial and error, adjusting a little until you find your preferred level of grip vs rolling resistance. There is also a wide range of tyre volumes which make a big difference to your comfort level on the bike, especially where 650B wheels are involved. Essentially, you can use different tyres to completely transform a bike - and if you're lucky enough to own multiple wheelsets, can easily switch these over dependant on what trails you're hitting that day.

Team Gravel bike!!!!

Lov Day 1 choice of music; it matches the epic landscape really well. That's not to say the music in other parts of the video is not good.


The main differences between the two, are the landscape and the sound track :)

Has anyone found a better app for route planning (giving lots of alternate routes) app than komoot?

Parece outro planeta.

I've just realised that GCN is Top Gear, but for bikes

No really - Komoot is not perfect, a bit slow at times and it doesn’t naturally help you plan where your overnight stops / chop longer itineraries up into days. But there’s nothing else I’ve found with as much richness of information - and it is getting better.

I'm imagining one day in the future when the first man cycling on mars....alien world, stunning scenery, and no one else but you....

+Charlie Drummond Right, right. Cheers! I do a lot of tour cycling, but am forever frustrated at not being able to click an end point (or half way) and see multiple routes. The nearest thing seems to be to select different travel options with google maps.

What an amazing place to ride! It looks like you never passed another soul the whole way.

Arg what's the song at 17:00?

This video is inspiring. Stunning place, and your production values in this easily best anything you've done thus far. I've found my next vacation.

emarcust forgot to mention - do take a look at Gaia gps - it’s expensive and maybe not as easy to use, but pretty useful for backcountry tours

this looks fucking epic I can only wish

You can always put a solid fork and narrow smooth tires on the mountain bike. You can't put a suspension fork (of any quality) and big heavily treaded tires on the Gravel (AKA, when growing up in the country - we simply called them, bicycles) bike.

I would be a bit challenging riding in spacesuit :D

Simply the best bike channel worldwide! Congrats, GCN, wonderful videos!

Such a great view. I really need to do some bikepacking over there.

Who is shooting the video by the way ?

Is it possible to find on strava or anywhere else these gpx? Thanks in advance!

Wich app do you use when you show the track???

So road bike not sure if it wants to be a full time mtb?


That gravel bike has no business being anywhere near that terrain lol

the most inter-commentator friction I've seen in any GCN video

i came for the bike and stayed for iceland

Buddy is cycling this time, any experiments?

They mentioned it a few times, it's also in the description. The app is Komoot ( )

great video!!!

so that's why Moots frame cost $4500, advertisement are not gonna pay for itself

Hot ending

This is easily one of the most enjoyable videos i have ever sat through, keep up the great work guys.

The gearing (lack of gears) is the problem here, and easily rectifiable (what a great word). No doubt the MTB is better, and more comfortable and upright, providing better sight-seeing while pedaling. Just change those stupid, worthless, absurd single chain ring front. . . dumbest thing to become the "norm" in MOUNTAIN BIKING.

Gla see 'er?? WTF. great vid if they can work on their pronunciation.

you two just reminded me of my mate- we are used to such unruffled, passionate rides through some tough good terrains and would just talk Relentlessly all out! dream of us making it to the far corners of the globe has been lit up once more, so many thanks to you two! Gotta ride the week through Iceland you just showed someday, and yes i'm gonna rather be atop my MTB!

Love this video=) well done=)

It's only magma while it's in the earth, once it reaches the surface it's lava. So what has cooled there in the background was lava. If you just say volcanic rock you can't go wrong. Sorry, but i'm a geologist and i had to :D

Iceland is absolutely stunning. Regardless of what you bring along for the ride.

Iceland..... Just.... Wow.

I'd have protected my head instead of wearing a useless helmet...

Is Titanium more suitable for terrain like this? I know its more expensive I know ”it all depends on x y z...” If one could have the gravel in equal quality (as a thought experiment) for, let’s say, alu/chromoly/carbon/ti?

Such a great video! The scenery is amazing! I have watched this video multiple times, gives me goosebumps watching amazing biking along with such beautiful country. I would absolutely love to do this ride. Great job GCN!

Steel gentlemen, steel.

Fantastic video, blue planet eat your heart out. Great stuff! Although I lost all interest in the actual purpose of the bike comparison

Awesome, beautiful scenery!! Good job guys!!

It has the potential. Bring is some challenges on trips like this, and this will be a super hit i think. Always loved the challenge, but i'll admit it's way better than what it was before

If the Iceland tourist board didn't contribute to this video yet, they owe you a few grand.

huh, there's probably not a lot of places besides bathroom where you can reeeally show the world just how waterproof your watch is

mtb wins purely because I'm never wearing lycra tights in public.

I have never seen so much sun on island..the home state of rain and wind like Chicago x 1000

Download alltrails mate

Gravel Bike is better on gravel

Stunning video! I went on a trip to Iceland with work a couple of years ago. We went up into the same area as you, but in massive 4x4 vehicles. Is was really fun, but I want to go back with my bike and experience the scenery on two wheels :)

Incredible cinematography: beautifully filmed and some great audio/music to match. Brilliant short film!

Нифига не понятно...

Does anyone know the artist and song name at 7:55?


Make a gravel mtb.

glass ears

I sold my road bike and my mountain bike and got a gravel bike........I absolutely love it. Watching this video, I MUST go and ride Iceland.

used to be more like top gear back in the time when Matt was a presenter.

this vid doesn't prove me anything. if it were a race between a mtb and a gravel bike.. ok, i can see the point.

Holy crap this looks like an awe inspiring, life-changing adventure. I for one am putting a cycling trip in Iceland on my bucket list.

Thoroughly recommended Matt! One to do for sure.

Maybe the most relaxing video that i have watched on GCN!

what is the name of the song starting from min 7:38? u didn't mentioned the song name...

except the presenters are good on GCN

5:21 the guy in the background

yeah me too, and I regret nothing :) it's so much fun

Does anyone know the music that starts at 10:08? Shazam and Soundhound are no help.

It bugs me that you used a hardtail mountain bike for this test. It would be a more realistic test if you used a full-suspension XC bike. The only MTBers who buy hardtails anymore are people who can't afford full suspension (which is a legitimate problem and I am _not_ making fun of those people), and converted roadies who still enjoy having the seatpost jammed up their ass every time they hit a bump.

It's not that riders are increasingly looking beyond the road. It's that 99.9% of Earth's dry land is unpaved, but road bikes are increasingly built to ONLY work well on that 0.1% that _is_ paved, and riders are getting sick of it. "Gravel bikes" is just the latest marketing term for "all-purpose bikes that work acceptably well in most conditions and most people would enjoy riding one." Which is to say, the concept of "gravel bikes" only exists because "road bikes" have been replaced by racing bikes that only wattage-obsessed nancy boys with waxed legs can enjoy.

Why am I finding this video now?? its too good

Track Name 10:10 please

@1:00 Does anybody know what kind of software you have to use to create these map scenes? :-)

3:41 i thought they wanted to add some medieval music there but ok

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