Garmisch-Partenkirchen - a weekend trip in Germany (with subtitles)

Garmisch-Partenkirchen - a weekend trip in Germany (with subtitles)

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How are you all doing? I hope everybody is fine. Today we have a new video for you. You will have the chance today to travel with me. We are going to a new beautiful place. We stay in Erlangen but today we are going to Garmisch. It is a little far from our place.

First, we will take a train from Erlangen to Nuremberg. From Nuremberg, we will take another train to Munich. From Munich, another train to Weilheim. From Weilheim, we will take a bus to Eschenlohe, where we have our hotel.

Now I will pack all of these stuff and then catch a bus to Erlangen station, and resume our video. We are now here for a COVID test. We have gone through a test now. Our noses still feel weird. We have now arrived at Erlangen station.

We will now go to Nuremberg. The good news is, we have just got our Corona test results and they are negative. Now I can relax. We packed our bags already and came to the station. If the results were positive, we would turn back!! Those are farm fields.

We have arrived at Nuremberg. Now we will take another train For that, we have to go to platform 12. We have arrived at platform 12 We will now go to Munich. We will now go to Munich. The train is at 11:08 am.

We just have to wait some minutes here. If you are hungry, you can pay at these machines and get something to eat. Now we are going to Munich We will arrive there in 10 minutes. Ultimately, we want to go to Garmisch. It is a very popular place, specially for the people living in Bavaria. We live in Bavaria.

She recognizes it now. So we are going to Garmisch, We will get off 1 or 2 stops earlier as our hotel is located there in Eschenlohe. It is a few stops before Garmisch, and we will check into our hotel there.

We have arrived at Munich (small song :D ) We caught the train within 9 minutes. We reached Munich, but had only 9 minutes to catch the next train. We just got a seat. We have now reached Eschenlohe. Look over there, how beautiful it is. And nearby, we have an apple tree.

She has been behaving like a child today! Let me check the location first. Oh how beautiful Wait, let's check the location first You can check it over there. Wooden ice-cream! Parli, how does it feel? Feels very nice, the surroundings are so beautiful. And what is that in front of you? So beautiful! Red leaves! Red leaves, green leaves, all leaves & greenery! And what is that big thing in front of you? Its a big mountain. Wonder where our hotel is! We reached our hotel and freshened up a bit, but were so hungry and decided to come outside to eat. We saw this beautiful place with this amazing scenery, hills, trees, so beautiful and that gorge in the hills is so beautiful.

There is an apple tree over there. Wow, this girl is really crazy about apples! Can only think about snatching some from the trees! Today, we have come to a Greek restaurant. It's the first time for me. Parli has no clue about Greek food items, it took a while for us to decide. I did not understand what was written in the menu.

I only recognized rice and fanta, coca cola. That I understood. Others were unknown to me. Let's see what happens and if we can eat it. I will eat whatever comes, but not sure about her. Otherwise, I will eat pizza. Yeah right, like we will order again after this.

What, you expect me to remain hungry. Yeah, no other choice. No way will I stay hungry. Here comes our food. Dinner is here. I ordered rice and chicken.

Here we have different fish and some rice and something, maybe some rice within. We will now eat. First time for me. I am very hungry, will start eating.

How does it taste, tell us. Tastes good. This, that I thought was a bread, is actually a potato. Right now, its 7.30 pm, Still a lot of sunlight.

Here, the water is a little white. How beautifully the water is flowing. We ate at that Greek restaurant. Shoes!! Gardening in shoes.

Cool idea. They are really using anything and everything. Imagine if we have a garden like this. Where have we arrived? I will give here a 360 degree view.

There is beauty in every direction. We are the only two people on this road. We reached a kind of place that is likely seen in Top 10 Ghost videos on Youtube. I don't know how it appears on the video, but that is the feel that I get here, dark and foreboding. When it gets dark, it will get really dark here. There are no other people here, but some benches, which makes me think that people do occasionally come and sit here.

We can sing a song here. Ya, sing louder and attract the ghosts here. This is our destination for today. I had a lot of hope today with this place. This is just our first day. Now we have come out of the jungle.

It is our first day here, tomorrow we will go to a different place. We are siting here under the open sky for a while and then leave. It is almost 9 pm. It will soon be dark. It is day 2 and we are starting the day with a little breakfast.

It is the first German breakfast for Parli, but already she is getting used to it. She is already making tea. It is a little cold today, but we still decided to have our breakfast outside.

After all, what beats this view? Parli, where are we going today? We are going to Garmisch. Yes, we are going to Zugspitze from Garmisch. It is the highest peak in Germany and very famous. Whoever comes here definitely makes a trip there. We also want to go there today.

The temperature at the top is around 6 degrees. I wonder what will happen with her. She does have her jacket. More breakfast! Now we are going to the train station. The weather is cloudy.

Generally, it is nice but this kind of weather reduces visibility from the mountain peaks. Let's see what happens. The cows here are so big. Finally, we have reached our destination. The rain has stopped.

There are so many people here. We came on this train. We have now reached Garmisch. We got both our tickets. These tickets include everything - the ascent, descent, cable car everything.

Due to COVID, you have to book these tickets online in advance. The chance of getting them directly here is very less. I booked them 2 days before.

So now we just have to wait for the train. We have reached. We are going over there to that peak. What is it called? How will we reach there? First we will go to that station and from there, we will board the cable car or ropeway.

We will be in the cable car. There is already a cable car in the distance. We have reached and the weather has also cleared up. We will now enjoy here a bit before going ahead.

Before going to the peak, we will go to a different place. Relax. We will take it slow and enjoy. This place is called Eibsee. See means lake in German. There is a beautiful lake here. I thought we would first see this lake and then go to the top.

We have come here to relax today anyways. We have now reached the lake. It is full of greenery under the blue skies. Some people are on their boats, others are swimming.

We came from that place over to here. We will go even closer to the lake. It is so blue, matches with your blue t-shirt.

We are now in the lake itself, woohoo! The stones on the lake bed are so clearly visible through this water. There are also small fishes here. Yeah, catch some. My clothes will get wet. The Majuli girl is really dancing in the water, like a fish.

She will feel cold at the top now, after having already wet her feet and her pants. The fisherwoman is here. Can I wash my feet here, or will my pants get more wet? Only you would know! Is the water cold? Yes. Be careful, or you will slip. No, I won't.

Oh, somebody that didn't want to get into the water is now also in the water. We didn't bring any swimming clothes, and are therefore getting into the water in this way. We are now returning from the lake, and will now go the peak Zugspitze. We came to the lake first. We enjoyed a lot at the lake. We went in the water, both of us.

If we would have brought some clothes, we would have went in further. All others have brought their swimming clothes and are enjoying the water on the weekend. So we will also bring swimming clothes next time we are here. We just entered inside the cable car station to go up. We are now waiting for the cable car to Zugspitze.

We already have our tickets. Now we just have to wait for the next cable car. See how many people are here, with their cars. It's the peak season. It has started! I want to touch the snow. So foggy and misty here.

Its 6 degree Celsius here. We will now go there. I want to go there, but he won't take me.

It is risky, but let's see. This golden cross is the peak on the German side. See how they are climbing down from the peak there. Most of the hikers are latching onto that ladder there with their equipment to climb down. It is a little risky, since you have to climb up from there.

And you have to exit the safe section. You can see the signboard there, which says that you are responsible for your own safety. Then it's your own risk. A lot of people do it, there is no dearth of people at the peak there. Most of these seem to be experienced hikers.

The golden cross is the peak on the German side and you would see something else on the Austrian side. It feels amazing, as you might be guessing from seeing us! It is so windy! It feels really cold. The incredible thing here is that, this is Germany and on the other side there is Austria.

I will go to Austria! We will now enter Austria! Enjoy! So much ice/snow over there. Hold the phone firmly. And what we have at the top here is a restaurant. It would be nice to eat something here. We have now come here from the top to grab a quick bite.

Ya, french fries is okay. Do you need a Cappuccino? Or anything warm? No This is ours! We will now have lunch in this beautiful place. You did not get me a coffee but here you are having a cold drink. I am feeling cold and so am not having any of your drink, but here you are drinking alone How many times did I ask you inside, if you wanted a cappuccino or a hot drink? You did not even bring me a Cappuccino! I am so sad.

I asked you many times! See everyone, I brought her here to Germany so that she can work on this handpump. We descended from there to come to this glacier. It is all snow and ice.

Where are we going now? We will go now for a short hike up that hill, to that patch of snow. I will climb it today for sure. It seems really far, Parli. I will for sure go and will also take you all up with me, come on. She has run a lot today, like a small kid. We have now come from the glacier.

As you saw, we came to the top via the cable car, but will now go back via the train. This is the rail line. I enjoyed a lot. Please let us know how you liked it. I really enjoyed a lot, played a lot with the ice and snow.

She ran all over the glacier almost. We will now descend to the bottom of the mountain in this train. We have now come back from Zugspitze. We will now head towards Garmisch central and at the centre, do some shopping and other things.

We will eat and then return back to the hotel. I enjoyed a lot! Yesterday Greek food, and today, on the second day, Indian food. We always should go to an Indian restaurant on return right? Today we came to the Taj Mahal restaurant. Taj Mahal is the name. The most important thing is that it is Indian. Yesterday, we couldn't conclude our video.

Yesterday, we really enjoyed ourselves at the peak in Garmisch. I really played a lot with the snow. We thought of ending our video here.

Our train leaves in half an hour and we have to leave. Please like and share our videos, and definitely subscribe, if not done already. Specially for all you new viewers to my channel. Bye!

2021-08-01 09:03

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