Fried Lobster Jacuzzi JAMAICAN FOOD Beach Party at Hellshire Beach, Jamaica!

Fried Lobster Jacuzzi  JAMAICAN FOOD  Beach Party at Hellshire Beach, Jamaica!

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Good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens were in Jamaica in Port Antonio Jamaica. In Portland, parish the, plan for today is we are driving from Port Antonio to, Kingston, and we're gonna drive all the way through, the Blue Mountains, which, is one of the most spectacular ly. Beautiful, places in Jamaica we're gonna definitely. Stop for some coffees, but then our next, goal is once we reach a sit we're gonna meet up with Matt the, Jamaican food bus and also Matt from. Ross kitchen and we are gonna go to hell sure Beach which is famous for seafood, and we're, gonna cook we're, gonna eat, we're gonna have a huge. Seafood. Meal in healthcare. And. So we're leaving we're, leaving Port Antonio in, the morning at like 7:30 so there's not a lot of action happening here it's very quiet but, the breeze is cool it's very cool in the morning which is really nice we, are in. Port. And to, neo here what, we're gonna do is we're gonna drive up to buff Bay we're gonna cross the Blue Mountains right, here. That's. Like the heart of the Blue Mountains and then. On to on, to Kingston. We've. Arrived to buff. Bay all, passing, by G&B. Jerk Center we ate there a few days ago but. Buff, Bay it's, a beautiful, place actually right along the coast it's so quiet, peaceful, and, from, buff 8 this is when we come from the coast and we go straight into. The Blue Mountains I'm very excited, Blue, Mountains it's just spectacularly. Gorgeous and we're gonna we're literally going right through the heart of the Blue Mountains yeah, and some spectacular Blue Mountain coffee. So. The, road is getting really narrow it's basically just one lane and, very. Tight winding, around we're following the river but, you kind of got to keep one hand on the steering wheel one hand on the horn, because, you got a every, time you come around a corner you got a hunk so that you like to, let anybody. Else coming no. Because, the road is so tight it's just one lane one. Lane road going up here so it does not get much traffic I'm sure I. Think, on, the other side a lot of people would do this route just coming from Kingston, and back but we'll see it should be a bigger. Road there. We're. Starting to we're, starting to climb now it's just spectacularly. Beautiful, you can see the Blue Mountain in the distance. We're. Starting to see lots of coffee now moving, Mountain coffee we're, there's. Just jungle, fines there's, streams, of water just flowing down and they're. Still like there's still villages there's still communities and coffee, estates, going up the up, the side of a mountain but the beauty, is. This. Is the coffee estate I hope they're open. Looks. Like this is parking. Yes. Welcome. Officially. Properly. To the Blue Mountains of Jamaica that was. A spectacular. Drive. Lush. You can actually smell, the, tropical, greenery, and feel it in your lungs the, views, of the mountains the, vegetation. And oh. Man. This is a gorgeous place and we have just pulled up to the old tavern coffee, Estate, where I hope I'm not totally sure if they're open yet unfortunately, it's just completely, quiet here nobody's, here this. Is definitely the coffee estate, I don't know if they have a different coffee shop somewhere else maybe hopefully up the road but.

It's Just completely quiet here but it is, incredibly. Peaceful, incredibly. Beautiful, so we're just gonna get. A look maybe just do our own little tour. Of the coffee and see. Some of the coffee berries and then we'll continue onwards. Here. We go here it is famous. Blue. Mountain coffee of Jamaica, he's never smelled so fresh, in my life. And. We'll, try to find another coffee shop to have a quick. Cup of coffee before we get to Kingston. So. Now we're coming down now we're gonna start downhill from here downhill, towards Kingston, and, I got a few glimpses of Kingston, the city all, the way down the mountain it's a very clear day luckily, but. Hopefully we'll stop somewhere. Soon. You get a full, view of Kingston as well. We. Had to park on the side of the road there's a lot of other people who worked on the side of the road too because this is a very famous coffee shop called cafe blue known for their blue juh Blue, Mountain Jamaican coffee there's. A lot of people here. This. Is, perfect. What, a gorgeous, but, overlooking. The valley the lush greenery again of the Blue Mountains, I ordered. Blue. Mountain, coffee Blue, Mountain brew I think. This might be my first time to really have a Blue Mountain coffee thank. You very much. Thank. You. The. Aroma, and. They. Really, market, Blue Mountain Coffee has a very specialty, very high quality very. Expensive. Coffee. Blue. Mountain mug beers in. The Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Okay. That's. Cool. Yeah. That, is good it's. Fruity. Acidic. Its acidic on the acidic side. Tastes. Like chocolaty, and it's sitting at the same time a little. Bit nutty I taste some almond. Almondy. The, soil of the Blue Mountains. Coming. Down on this side of the Blue Mountains didn't take that long and we're now, entering, Kingston. Jamaica my first time to Kingston, welcome, to Kingston. We're. Dropping off the car. We're. Gonna meet up with Matt Jamaican, food boss reunite. Because we were hanging without with him in Montego Bay but. He's gonna come here he's gonna meet us and then we're gonna drive out to hell, sure for just, a an, out-of-control. Jamaican. Seafood meal on the beach, Matt good. You. Guys are awesome. Okay. If we taste it in the car. Awesome. To be reunited, with Matt, and Amanda Jamaica. Food tourists of Jamaican food bus and that, is what you call Jamaica, food tours on the seat ready, because of plate of a key I gave. In dream of better. Than this. Ackee, and saltfish. This. Is the greatest of all Jamaican, foods. Just. Have, to start with that plate, of that a key do you guys want some. While, the cream units the, amount of onions and tomatoes, and. Salt. Fish in there you. Can eat active every, day every, meal when you're in Jamaica I never get tired of it it's so good okay I have to be honest out of all the amazing, food we've had in Jamaica. All. The food we've had in Jamaica for me it's a key. Off, the rim bike rental, bite until secret. Welcome. To hell sure Beach and, rolling. In here this this Sartre or this part this side of the island you can see it's a lot drier with almost. Like acacia trees and cactus, and we're, right along the beach here rolling and it's like a beach, village. Community. Packed, full of restaurants, and seafood restaurants seafood, spots. Wow. Welcome. To hell share Beach Jamaica. Straight. Up a beach, party. Beach. Hangout. Spot. Near, to Kingston, what, an environment. I know there's like a lot of like dancehall, reggae. Parties. And look how beautiful, the water is it's so clear turquoise water it's like a fishing. Village part. Just like beach party, hangout. Reggae. Party. There's. Fishing boats clear, water sand. Delicious. Seafood this. Place I think is everything, you could possibly want, in one single, location in. Jamaica, so, screw Chee who is the owner of screw, cheese he just went to go get some more fish and he'll be back then we're gonna start cooking then we're gonna start. Eating. Matt. Matt. Double, Matt. Thank. You, awesome. Hello. Hello, Oh we're, coming back to the kitchen. Courtyard yard. Area this is where they're preparing the ingredients chopping, up the onions, there's a whole bucket. Full of Scotch bonnets that, is beautiful. The, peppers it's got plenty of everything but. Right now they have lobsters. They have some fish. That. Might be one of my favorite aromas, in the entire world, freshly. Sliced Scotch, bonnets, smells. Like you're a fruit store they're so fruity, oh. And. That's a beautiful. Quantity, of Scotch bonnets as well. Thanks lobster head he's our last night lobster Penza can see everyone. Say you've got good, on him with the cut ones just.

Opened Up those are fresh lobsters he said from yesterday, that just flash-frozen. He. Pulled. Out a tray. Of huge. Local, Jamaican, lobsters that's gonna be the main thing that we focus, on mat Jamaican. Food bus said complete, always. Has lobster when he comes here but we're also gonna be having fish but lobster is the main event for today. So. We're in, the kitchen now this is almost like a little market, they have here at screw cheese with the whole pan, full of time. Scallions. There's tomatoes, there's onions the Scotch bonnets are outside being sliced and now, just preparing. Those lobsters. Okay. So after after. Slicing, the lobster in half then he seasoned it with it looks like there's some black pepper in there the seasoning, mixture and those are gonna deep-fry go, directly, into the hot oil, bubbling. And deep-fry Oh a. Jamaica. In a frying pan right, there. Representing. Jamaica and having been dragged enough forward right. In a pot. Giant. Cast iron hand, just filled with oil filled, with lobsters, just bubbling. Away like a an, oil Lobster jacuzzi, if you ever you come here lobsters, the movie, right then you love system a fish, is good what it love says and then you saw that yeah, no that's awesome amazing eyewitness yeah I'm. The scotch bonnet. Over. On the other side of the kitchen I think it's safe to call this a Jacuzzi. Tray of deep. Frying fish, and festival, festival is like dough, kind. Of like dumplings, fried, but made from dough flour oh they, are sugar dude they're a little bit sweet yeah oh yeah they're slightly sweet so kind of like sugar dumplings deep-fried. It's. Even, like a starch to, go with different foods but slightly on the sweeter side and, then who's frying some fish in the tray that jacuzzi tray as well as other some plantains, I believe. And. This is their version of fish tea which looks incredible, like a fish soup and, see the pimento berries you smell, them you see them floating around in there there's big chunks that fit there scallion there's carrot and potato it looks like a chowder almost, that's what it looks like. Okay you know this mixture of vegetables, that he's sauteing, stir-frying, here includes onions peppers, green, peppers I think there's some pumpkin and carrots in there and a bunch of thyme and this is going to be for the steamed fish.

Steamed. Fish in Jamaica is more like a a mishmash. Of vegetables. And sauce, with. Fish like, just coating, over the fish so, he's like stop paying that out over a huge flame five you really smell the thyme in it. So. We've had steamed fish a couple times to make an steamed fish but, this is the first time going to have and watch, them as they make it yeah and Jamaican, steamed fish again is just totally, different it's not like the steaming actually it's boiling them in a. Sauce. Everything. Does a boatload of fish. Oil, flavor you. Got a refresh, them out. Catch. Them again you got it yeah there's so much sauce in there you have to recap, them. So. In Jamaica, the, guy will you go to college it's a softball, starts. Bar small, that. Is this our pots. Yeah. We never seen everywhere, a bag. Of crackers. That's. Common. Okay. So he just added in to the steamed fish you're making water crackers it is the most Jamaican, thing you'll ever see what. Sacrifice. Nobody. Else has done and, this is good yeah this is my first time we've, had steamed fish a couple times but I haven't had the steam cracks the the water crackers now we're gonna walk the crackers are dry, but, when you see -. You. See like little cracker. Patties, they'll, take on the free book Oh awesome. Okay and he's getting ready to add the garlic sauce, scotch. Bonnet sauce pepper sauce under those lobsters. On. The side of the fish. In addition lobster and. The table is bowing is bowing, due to the amount of seafood. Festival. This. Is an, entire, sea of seafood on the table just you watch them cook everything, in, ultra. Anticipation, and I couldn't be more excited for a seafood meal. In my entire life. I'm. Gonna wait on them just one. There one piece one, piece. But. I'm gonna load up more of that pepper pepper. Garlic sauce. It's. Like 80% of. You. Don't like a piece of post. Walls. Oh men. And because, we saw the whole deep-frying process they they, they. Actually deep fry it until, it's just caramelized, with. Like lobster, juice from the batch before. And, I just attached. To the flavor they make the sauce depression, tons of garlic a bitter scotch bonnet in to give it almost like salty. Rudiness. Stunningly. Tasty. And. Even the juice could, be. The juice. In the lobster shell there's a song has a shot. Yes. Just. A few drops but, unbelievably. Tasty and you just want to scoop up you. Have to a good amount look out actually. We have it we haven't none of us have been able to even move on. Good. Tear. Everything out. Silence. Over there yeah. I mean alright so you enjoy Canada with them I can go with this one. Laughter. Everybody do you, see if we're going for the steamer everybody, who's together with the wine rocker - I'm going - what's your method underwater. Kirk oh okay yeah, I want to try that water cracker do for that, fish. Water. Cracker you want to reduce, reduce.

Guessing. With the water cracker you want to reduce, it as much as possible. This. Is a Jamaican steamed fish sandwich. What's. Amazing is when. They do the steamed fish they boil down all those vegetables so they're all just like completely. Kendra, that the the, peppers just melt-in-your-mouth the. Onions just melt in your mouth you've, got that slight stickiness, of the okra. Just. The mellow flavor of that steam, boil. Spice. In there you taste the pimento and I. Kind. Of a little bit of black pepper I'm tasting and. Then just. Like all wrapped up in that fish I'll soaked up into the fish and those water crackers. A. Little. Bita. Dish yeah it's a toughie yeah. Okay. We. Got two versions of escovitch one is the bribe you just give each the snapper. Exco, bitch so, we got that as compete on the side is this this is dumb, for thought we just dumped it on, we. All good with that this is escovitch. It's like a vinegar, there's onions there's, a scotch, bonnet there's a, little. Bit of pimento. Berries, floating around in there good. Okay. Guys. Hold. It steady, oh yeah you got a few more. Yeah. Oh that, is crispy. I. I. Cannot. Decide if I like steamed, fish or f-cove each matter I'll tell you what me, like this is so Jamaicans, I've so. Enjoyed a. Fish. It's. A decision you never would have to make you always order both I have never. Happened to me. And. You can see see that escovitch, sauce just, an, even, layer of escovitch just coating that fried lobster just, the pimento berries in there just it's. A beautiful thing just. Just. Like, it's pasta, I just twist that. Inside. The interiors, of that. I. Think. Matt would Renoir we went with everything that there's not left in that way. Again. You. Do not have to choose between and. Are. Both so good on their own tested, everything from. Here we're just gonna in. About five minutes from now all. That what we left on the table between, fish, bones and lobster. Shells that's, a this, is a bloom onion. Bloom with the mint on top. It's. A ring an, onion ring that is of. Lobster, and escovitch.

Created. By map the Jamaican food buff. That's. My kind of a ring the famiiy which again, we just saw him frying in that like it's the jacuzzi, tray of oil freshly. Made. Thank. You. Awesome. Thank you very much. ESCA. Peach. Combination. Yeah. With. The scotch bonnet and I like how the onions are still crunchy there's just like pickled and, then. It wouldn't be the same without all. Of those pimento. Berries the allspice, just. There. Infused into the vinegar but oh you also get, the, actual berries, every now and then and chew on them and oh erupts, with flavor in your mouth I'm gonna ResQ, of each myself, oh man I'm gonna have to balance it on top of this piece of the lobster you're, gonna want a waterfall, of stuff and that's gonna be sauce to your. Food. Is so good. So. Much of that. We're. Not even. Coming. To that stage where. I can't, fully even describe what's, happening in my mouth and it's just it's. Just a beautiful thing but. You want that escovitch, sausage just like me just, like you, want you, want whatever it touches - for, that to soak into it as much as you can get in, one bite. You. Mention life now. Everything. It's. Time but. I, think. I'm gonna kick it these guys I'm standing custom tonight and that brings us to, the end of this day it's been an incredible. Time a big, thank you to screw cheese they're, so, cool this, is the place to eat in hellshire, beach kitchen, is awesome all of the staff and the way they cooked the way they made those lobsters, unbelievable. Meal and today has just been a fantastic day driving. Through the Blue Mountains. Enjoying. That part of Jamaica all the way to the coast to Kingston, - hell sure Beach for, seafood. Amazing. People to hang out with amazing, friends. A huge. Shout out to Matt the Jamaican, food bus he, runs Jamaica Food Tours I'll, have his link in the description, bus and to, Ross kitchen, Matt as well and, good. To hang out with everybody - Jonah what. An amazing time at hellshire, Beach what an amazing time in Jamaica so if you haven't seen all of the videos in this entire. Jamaican. Food series we're eating our way around the island I'll have all the videos in the description box watch the entire playlist for some incredibly, delicious Jamaican, food and I, want to say a big thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you leave a comment below give it. A thumbs up subscribe click. The little bell icon thanks, again for watching and goodbye from, goodnight with. A very very happy, stomach, in. Hellshire. Beach Kingston. Jamaica, see. You on the next video.

2020-05-04 20:13

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