Foreigner visits Bangalore India - $18 Medical Tourism Visit

Foreigner visits Bangalore India -  $18 Medical Tourism Visit

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in the last episode of Timmy talks we visited  geostar where we had an in-depth discussion   with Dr angati on what stem cells are and the  services that they offer here at geostar in   Bangalore today I actually am going to  have some consultations one for my hair   and one for my hips and see what geostar  can do for me come along this should be interesting and my first meeting for my  thinning hair is with Dr Siraf from the Reju age skin Hair beauty clinic and also  Dr somashekhar from the government of India thank you very much thank you nice to meet you cosmologist, I'm a dermatologist  cosmologist and triologist. what's a triologist. It’s a hair specialist oh really all right well this  the guy I want to talk to excellent I'm glad I could make that connect for you thank you so much  so please go ahead for okay awesome thank you so   with any good consultation there is an examination  and this was a very interesting tool that actually   looked at the follicles of my hair to see if there  was any intrinsic problem going on with my scalp   and that was so cool they took so many photos of  my scalp and you could see all the little hair   follicles and all the little damage there on  my little hair it's like how did that happen   but wow that's magnified like thousands of times  it's crazy so it is very essential to know first   what is the diagnosis why did you lose the ha  see there are 12,000 K and next came a series   of questions regarding my diet and what I've  done to date to prevent my hair loss and I   explained to them that I've been taking propa and  minoxidil and using light therapy and using hair   loss shampoo and the whole gamut I think I've  tried everything over the years to um stop hair   loss and I wanted to see what else they could do  for me okay so what is your thoughts on my hair   loss you have more hair loss on frontal and the  temporal regions so since it is there for a long   time and you told me that you are taking propia  from a very long time of almost you said about   20 years I request you not to continue in propia  because you taking it from so what tell me because   I I've not heard that before so tell me what are  the um the downside of being on propa for a long   time sir what happen here is as we know very well  AIA is US pratic problems prostate problems okay   and whenever we givea we give usually for short  period Asia also have adverse side effects so we   don't want any side effects Could Happen yeah to  the patient yeah and also even if you are taking   say for example uh a few months also we mandator  should do the complete investigations like CBC an   ESR an lft A kfd and so doing doing complete  blood work when you're on propa is important   very true in fact any of the medicines if you  use more than 3 months it is m to make complete   blood test to see whether all the organs of  the body are in hard and I like this approach   that they're taking here at geostar they want  to make sure that you have covered all of your   bases that you do blood work to find out if  there's some intrinsic problem going on some   systemic problem going on before just slapping  some medication you know to the issue and I I   think that that's a very different approach than  we have in America um in India here they want to   look at the whole person the whole being to make  sure that you've covered everything before you go   you know to the next level of treatment can you  share any in any um degenerative issue inside   your body that May contribute or cause hair  loss because I've that course of course many   of the problems uh of the connective tissue  disorders and autoimmune disorders uh hair   loss is an integral part of these diseases and  that is the reason I'm insisting that a blood   investigation is mandatory to find out what  is happening sure because the main cause or   the main diagnosis is different the hair loss is  only a symptom so if you just read the symptom is   not enough got it Mak sense you treat because in  case the symptom of hair loss is only indicative   of some major problem inside the body so if you  are neglecting the symptom and if you are not   diagnos in the main problem then down the Lan you  may enter into a bigger issue a bigger problem so   it is better to solve the problem at the early  and protect the patient Mak sense very good so   doctor is a very strong proponent of prescribing  vitamins and minerals to all of his patients who   are having hair hair loss and using that as the  first line of treatment and then adding things   like Propecia or minoxidil to that treatment  plan as needed in my practice of 40 years as   a dermatologist and typologist and cosmetologist  and I am also a fellow of the American Academy of   Dermatology I strongly recommend to give multiv  vitamins the patients who are having the hair   loss hairing problems yeah is for example we  would like to go how much is the hair is been   lost many of our patients in India they come for  ha loss number one multiple bchy hair L that is   we yeah and the thinning of the hair and in India  we do get graying of the hair premature graying   of the hair sir so our approach is first we try  to give the best of the serums available in the   world to apply to the skull and we give the best  of the shampoos to be used together with the and   in addition to this we would like to give them as  I said the multivitamins with the minerals if they   are not happy we do have other procedures as you  rightly point out light therapy and we have the   laser therapies also right in India right they do  help and I have seen successfully it is the Second   Step yeah right we go step by step they are Happ  they're all right with the serum and the shampoo   then only need to give them right and I like  the approach that they're taking here that um   you know treat the problem do some investigation  first to see if there's any systemic issue then   treat the problem by first giving vitamins and  minerals and if that's not successful you can   add some medications but also add serums and  hair hair shampoo that grows your hair and you   know things naturally um the doctor does offer  and have some products that are naturally made   and not all chemicals that force your hair to  grow and I you know it kind of surprised me in   general that they did not immediately jump to you  know stem cell as a therapy but that is you know   down the line um that is something that could be  offered but they take this systematic approach   to Healing looking at the very Basics and building  upon that as the patient needs it and I appreciate   that the doctor gave me some samples to try of  both the hair serum and the shampoo and I'll have   to get back to you on how effective it was but  I really do appreciate that they took the time   to meet with me and give me a consultation on my  hair loss and give me some recommendations and   suggestions and some things to try for my hair so  it was a very successful consultation okay so the   office is beautiful how long have you guys been  here this is a third year third year that's very   nice so here you have conference room we have a  conference room and this is where patients come   in and you might meet with them or we conduct  our official meetings uh the doctor's meetings   and staff meetings everything here okay and for  patients we have specialized cabins where once as   soon as the patient enter they does all their  initial desk work that is of you know patient   details every basic things that we do and we  have 1 2 3 4 five cabinet we do personalized   patient consult consultations okay very good  and it's very you know just so people know   very private in here and I didn't hear anybody  in the Next Room so yeah it's very good and it's yeah now in terms of where  um services are actually   performed like the stem cell Services themselves okay so that was like the meet and  greet area or yes exactly great so the building has four stories wow okay  Welcome to our conference area we have huge wow wow wow this is huge wow we conduct all the C  meetings and all other programs and everything   here very nice wow it's huge I love this outdoor  space wow so what we do is that we keep stalls   yeah so that for any demo purpose or anything like  that we have stall a nice space to do that yeah   so you guys have conferences here do you yes  we do talk about stem cell yes exactly that's great so in second floor we have five bedrooms  okay when patients the procedure is done oh you Justa very good yeah that's nice so when someone when someone has stem  cell therapy like for cancer or something   then you monitor them for a day or so exactly  yes we do to make sure that everything's still   going fine and and if there's not you have  the you have the capability of taking care   of issues here or stabilizing them and  then transferring them to a hospital no   we we keep them here huh yeah okay very good  that's excellent and here we we have a small   physiotherapy sessions here okay nice that's  great so it it really is a hospital so that's nice where is that conducted where they use the canula  and take the fat out of someone oh it's here yeah   we we do harest the stencil from here so this  is our main part okay hello we have two staff n   s and hi there nice to meet you that's awesome  and this is a nice this is another nice floor   wow that's great we have two bedrooms here okay  and the main part is oh the lab is in here yeah   lab you don't have permission because it's like  a a secure so but but the actual lab portion is   in here yes all the major research and everything  cells culturing and all Happ corre oh very nice   yeah very nice and this is our operating oh wow  that's fascinating yeah wow so all the magical   medical procedures are here that's great oh I  love it that's awesome interconnected that's   the chamber and the other side is the lab  right and then I'm sure that the lab over   there is all um um what's the word I'm looking  for um secure with h hygienic you know sterile   that's what I'm looking for yeah that's the word  yeah both the lab and the operating T yeah sure   that's awesome thank you so much for showing  me that cuz people people want to know you know   everything is really done here so that's great  yeah that's great I loved it well it's a nice facility so today at geostar I am actually coming  in as a patient if you remember last year when I   went to Med Plus I had a dexa scan and the dexa  scan checks your bone density throughout your   body and they actually indicated that I have a  little thinning of my hipbone so once in a while   it bothers me and since I've been in here in India  doing a lot of walking it's bothering me a bit so   I thought this is perfect to come see and what a  consultation would consist of and um go through   the process with you so you get an idea of what  happens at um a a at a facility like this and what   their recommendations would be so come along it's  going to be actually cool to add this to the video and again as with any good consultation some  initial analysis is done my blood pressure my   oxygen my temperature are all taken and everything  was good so let's let's begin with some of the hip   things that you mentioned okay so what we will do  during this consultation is I'm going to ask you   a series of questions and then I'll have a feel  of your hip and maybe the rest of the joints and   other parts of the muscular skeletal system and  whatever reports you've got will go through them   and then we can have a chat about what we need  to do and what we've got in terms of treatment   options is that okay with you absolutely fantastic  okay so I'll just grab a and I think probably from   my late 30s um I had once in a while discomfort  like if I really overuse my legs yeah um if I   run or jump or do things felt it way back then  but progressively as I've gotten older it's just   aching more and more there's times that I even am  just laying in bed and it's like I can you know   it's like I can feel that there's an issue I have  to put pillows between my legs when I sleep so it   keeps my hips straight if I don't then I have a  problem with my hip right right okay and as years   have gone by have you found that the intensity  of the pain or the frequency of the pain are both   increasing not the intensity but the frequency  frequency um for example coming here to India and   just doing a lot of traveling carrying my heavy  bags just doing things that I'm not used to doing   I feel it these past couple days in my hip not  right and any specific movements that you found   kind of provoke that pain no um um maybe maybe  stairs like stair Master at the gym if I like do   it a little too long then the next day I can feel  like okay it really hurt my head okay and when   you get these bouts of pain typically how long  do they last couple of days couple of days and   they tend to ease off on their own or do you have  to take medicines or apply some gels or ointments   I try not to take medicines as much as I can um  sometimes I do uh um like a Tylenol or something   like that um generally they tend to go away on  their own if I take a hot bath or hot shower um   try and um relieve the muscles there it eases off  another thing which I think is very interesting   is from a dietary perspective um I know I have uh  an allergy to milk right and when I do eat milk   or cheese and I've been having milk with all my  coffees and ches here um that act that actually   activates my hip from hurting so from a dietary  perspective I do know that if I start eating milk   it bothers my hip I think that's kind of weird but  interesting true and the pain that you experience   is it just localized around the hip area or does  it shoot down your leg at all no just the hip um   and actually maybe parts of my back you'll see in  that Dex I report I have a little scoliosis in my   back so um it's just when this is aggravated and  thrown off it throws my back off as well right   right the next few minutes of my consultation  really consisted of going in depth about any past   medical conditions um asking the normal questions  about medications and all that I won't bore you   with that but needless to say the doctor did a  very thorough job trying to understand where my   Baseline is for my health and he can go from there  so I think that's all the basic information that I   need from your side okay so we'll get you to do a  few Maneuvers and then I'll get you onto the couch   and we'll our field of your joints sounds good and  then we'll go through the reports and I'll I'll be   able to tell you what we need to do right very  good okay and can I get you to walk a few steps   just at your normal Pace okay we're trying to see  if you've got a normal kind of a gate pattern or   what we call as an antalgic gate in some patients  when they're in a lot of pain especially from the   hip or the knee or the ankle or from the back  they tend to have that yeah I can see I can   see where if someone's in a lot of pain they're  doing something funy correct okay that's good   excellent and if I can get you to turn and face  the wall please and then I need to look at how   your alignment is in what we call as the sagittal  plane and again it looks fairly acceptable okay   now the fun bit starts okay great so I need to  look at specifically certain muscles around your   hip these are called as the abductors and they  help us to do this they're equally important in   terms of a balance and how the pelvis weighs when  we walk okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going   to come and give you my hand and first I want you  to stand on your good leg so if you mirror what   I'm doing yeah that's good so bend that ways  fantastic okay now can you swap sides for me please fantastic okay right and if I can get  you to sit at the edge of this couch okay so   your knees seem to be fairly well behaved so far  yeah okay can I get you to straighten the knee   bend down straighten it out again and bend down  okay so your kneecaps track quite well within   the knee okay straighten it out bend it down  straighten it out bend it down okay is that   movement triggering any discomfort or pain in your  hip um a little bit a little bit yeah a little   bit you know all of my pain is like at the well  maybe it's referred I don't know but it seems to   be right at the edge of the hip here got it got  it okay and if I can get you to my back okay so   what I will get you to do now is please keep your  knee straight and lift it up and hold it there for me beautiful okay and let's do the same on this  one can you hold it there for me good any pain   or discomfort when you do that just there isn't  it okay so I'm just going to try and feel on the   side of your hip here so we'll start up on the  lateral or the outer part of your thigh and if   I keep coming up tell me if I'm hitting any pain  spots so is that where you feel some of the pain   there's a little bit right there yeah okay so you  win there when I do that right there that's the   spot yep okie dokie all righty okay so I'm going  to go touch to the back and tell me if any pain in   the back there right there that's also sore okay  and up in the front part of the thigh that's okay   good and if I were to just roll your leg in and  out does that bother you at all um no not not much   okay so we'll start with your good hip so if I can  get you to bend the hip for me as much as it will   bend that's good okay and straighten it out okay  and bend this one as well for me good any pain   it's the same there isn't it okay good and can  you swing this leg out towards the Ed of the bed   okay and then back here good and this one as well  for me good any pain when you do that not really   okay so I'm going to now do something called as  passive movements so I'm going to test your hip   so that's not really comfortable for you but this  seems to be okay and if I were to do this what   we call as the internal rotation of I feel it a  little yeah you feel a little bit something there   isn't it okay if we were to do the same on this  one if I get this it's comfortable and the other   hip is fine okay just going to swing your hip  out so tell me if there's any pain there that's   okay it's fine good and if I can get this out  any pain there no okay I bend your hip out like   so and if I were to press there any pain yeah you  feel that okay good and if we to do this on this   side any pain in your back or your hip that's all  right good okay now if I can get you to pull your   toes up and keep your toes there don't let me  push them down fantastic keep it up fantastic   okay and keep your foot up there good keep your  foot up up up up good can you bend this knee for   me please okay now keep it bent bent bent keep  it bent okay don't let let me pull it straight   very good okay let's do it on this side excellent  okay and please straighten both your legs okay so   I want you to just keep your leg there stop me  from pushing it in and let me know if there's   any pain when you do that a little bit a little  bit okay fine let's do the same on this one so   lot stop me from pulling it to the middle that's  okay fine okay now if I can get you to sit up I'm   going to press on your spine so let me know if  I'm hting any painful areas in your back so that   bit which is your thoracic spine all seems to be  good as we go towards your Lumber spine no pain   there it's a little tender right here but yeah  not not pain pain and this area here do you get   any discomfort lower down here no and that area  on the other side seems to be okay maybe yeah   low like low just down that area there okay right  fine I I think um certainly there is a muscular   skeletal cause for this kind of pain please come  and muscular skeletal structures is quite a given   okay but the rate at which this happens depends  on how we manage our own body okay and some of   the important structures around the hip are  basically the muscles which are the abductors   they seem to be working well but every time you  have an injury it can upset the balance and it'll   take a bit longer for the tissues to recover the  next thing is to do with the hip joint itself the   hip is a ball and socket joint so you've got to  have a smooth surface moving with a very smooth   surface otherwise it affects how the hip moves  which basically means the amount of work that the   muscles are on the hip has to do becomes a bit  more and that can trigger pain so it might not   be a muscle problem to begin with so if it is a  cage problem within your hip and if the cartilage   is not moving as smoothly or as efficiently as it  did maybe 15 20 years ago that extra work on the   muscle can Tire the muscle can fatigue the muscle  so they will be like God give me a break I've had   enough okay so you start to experience this kind  of dull vague pains which you can't really put a   handle on but certainly there is a pattern in  what you've been describing to me in terms of   certain movements or certain physical activity  which triggers that pain so that means there is   a mechanical element to this so whenever we have  a patient come to us we always try and look at is   there a particular biological cause or is there a  particular mechanical cause and quite often there   is a big overlap now one might trigger the other  okay so a good example is patients with rheumatoid   arthritis fundamentally it's like a biological  problem you know it's like that autoimmune   condition which is damaging and destroying all  those kind of vital structures around the joints   but then it becomes a mechanical problem because  once the cartilage is damaged the joint is not   moving efficiently so they then get all these  secondary symptoms and they get joint deformity   s yeah so in your particular case I think the way  forward will be to get some structural information   okay now when we talk about structural information  I need to look at the bones and I need to look at   the soft tissues and and if you ask me whether  there is an element of referred pain possibly   yes okay now when we talk about referred pain and  when we're looking at a particular joint so let's   say people have pain in the knee okay the knee may  be perfect on examination but they still localize   the pain to the knee itself so in those cases  it's mandatory for us to look for The Joint above   which is the hip and it's quite often that when we  examine the hip the hip is very stiff and they get   lot of symptoms from there but they're not aware  of it because the pain is getting localized there   so in your particular case I think given the fact  that on your dexa scan it mentions some um problem   areas around the lumbo cyal spine there can be  an element of refid pain but also your hip when   we examine it has certain restrictions especially  when we come to the abduction movement and when we   look at the internal rotation movement you're  not comfortable with that so it tells me that   there may be a combination of sources of pain  and if we were to try and address this problem   in its entirety we have to look at both of them  okay so where do we go from here as I said some   structural information is what we need we need to  look at an x-ray that'll give me some idea about   what the bones are and how the alignment is around  the pelvis and both the hip joints the good thing   with the hip is God has given two so I can compare  like for like right so I can compare and contrast   what your right hip is looking like with your  left hip the next thing is specifically if you   have to look at the cartilage aspect of your hip  joints then we need to look at something called   as an MRI scan or a magnetic resonance imaging and  these days they're so good it's as good as putting   a camera inside your hip joint and looking at its  entirety because of the resolution right okay so   these two will give us some idea about what's  going on in terms of the mechanics of the hip   joint now for the spine I need to go through some  of your previous investigations if you've already   had those covered then we can just look at them  and I need to look at certain things which we call   as dis bulges or dis protrusions um the spine  again is is like a column and if you have the   bone and the disk with wear and tear you tend  to get certain bulges right and they can tickle   or irritate the nerve Roots which Supply the hip  area and that can also cause this rougher pain so   if that is entirely normal then we know for sure  that the bulk of your pain is coming from the hip   joint per se so whatever treatment protocol we  design has to be addressing the hip okay so that   will give us some structural information in terms  of biology we can look at certain blood markers   because whenever we have certain joint pain it can  trigger some element of inflammation okay so we   need to look at certain specific inflammatory mark  and quite often we request something called as the   C reactive protein the ESR and look at your blood  counts and this will give us some idea about how   things are and this is a very Baseline information  whatever we do in terms of treatment protocols for   you it'll always address the biology it'll always  address the mechanics and quite often it'll be the   combination of the two and we design that as  a structured treatment protocol for you yeah   very good and again like we had talked about the  other day your approach to this is like looking   at the whole person looking at all of the issues  and components together so I I really appreciate   that thank you yeah thank you so so I did bring in  my report that was given to me in my other video   from Med Plus about my dexa scan and the doctor  reviewed it and had some thoughts on it but the   the good news is this can be easily rectified most  of it as the letter here says it's a combination   of uh certain Lifestyle Changes certain dietary  modifications and good exposure to sunlight and   adequate water intake and because the totality of  you in terms of biology is quite good so I would   expect that you'll have a good response and if you  see one of the recommendation that they mentioned   in this letter from last year was that you need  to have a repeat of your bmd yeah so if you've   implemented all those changes in this year that  has just gone by in 2023 then the expectation is   when you have the scan as of it should come back  as you know you having changed a lot of those um   osteopenic areas and coming back towards normality  okay if not we'll have to implement these changes   as of now and going forward my expectation  is that if you build in these changes small   subtle changes into your daily routine then in  a year's time things will be back to normality   now if someone wants to get in contact with G uh  your organization in or you in general how do they   do that um so we've got a website and we'll get  you the details of the website there's a contact   email address and some phone numbers and we've  also got a form on the website where people can   put the details in so that my team can get in  touch with them I will um include that in the   um um information of the video and I'll also put  it on the video below us right here so people can   see um very good I want to thank you again for  the whole interview taking time today and giving   me a consultation and um going through this whole  process I think people will find it fascinating   as much as I have um but also I think it's going  to help a lot of people which is really important   thank you for your time thank you so amazingly my  visits today cost me about $18 American which is   just unbelievable you know the biggest thing about  India as I've said before is access to medical   care and if you're looking or thinking about  coming to get some stem cells come visit this   Indian office in Bangalore they will look at you  as a whole person try and figure out any issues   that you have and take it step by step I hope you  enjoyed this video today as much as I did see you [Music] soon

2024-04-21 17:20

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