Flying Through the LEAST VISITED Country in Europe

Flying Through the LEAST VISITED Country in Europe

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according to my app my bag is still on the ground there we go they're back on board over next stop home it's morning it's time to go home so we're heading home today yay i'm flying with air moldova today back home to london from here in moscow with a stopover in kishinev moldova so let's head down and see if we can get checked in for the flight home yay the first step today then was to check in or should i say try to check in hello good morning this didn't seem to be quite as easy as i thought though more staff showed up and i seem to be causing quite a few issues phone calls were being made documents checked and google being searched it soon turned out that there was some confusion over whether i'd be allowed to enter the uk was my trip home over before it even began would i be trapped like edward snowden in an airport hotel in moscow as it turned out no it wasn't 15 minutes later i was on my way well there we go first impressions of air mold they don't have a bloody clue what they're doing but never mind finally checked in and head through to air side now i've actually um i'm actually quite pleased that i've chucked an air tag in my baggage um because judging by how sort of not very good they were on check in there i'm a bit sort of concerned that my bag might not make it now so i'm glad i've got my air tag in my baggage we'll be checking it as we go through the airport today and making sure it follows us basically so yeah let's head through security and um head to the gate believe that i'd finally made it through the next step today then was to hit the duty-free shop and pick up something to give reach some relief after two weeks of handling the kids solo all right made it to the gate got my coffee much needed much needed after that the stressful check-in there um essentially what it turned out was that they were under the impression that the uk needed a full pcr test to get instead of the lateral flow thing that we have to do and i get it it's confusing for everybody and they can't you know you can't expect them to know the rules for every country especially when transiting through a country like moldova where i guess not many people would take a flight from moscow to the uk through moldova but even still the whole situation you'd think the airlines would have come up with some way by now of easily verifying like universally what the requirements are for every country and whether the passengers have met them or not it's just beggar's belief that we're now like 18 months or so into this and still we've got this confusion and chaos raining at every single airline there's got to be an easier solution than this surely guys come on well anyway we're at the gate i can chill for a little bit because my ride to kischenel moldova will be arriving very soon just check flight radar and it's only the final approach now into moscow and we'll be arriving right just there flight one today then was on this airbus a319 delivered new to china easton in 2002 before spending a long time flying for frontier in the u.s emerald overtook delivery in may 2017. so hello um and molds over but we've covered and everything it's just been cut off like three times so this is the best i'm going to get for now flying on them although we're connecting through kitchen and back to london um they actually wanted like i mean i'll tell you the price of my economy class c later on but they actually wanted like five times the price on this flight to go and sit up the front in business class which is basically just a euro business class with um the middle c blocked off on a standard economy seat and i was like yeah it's not worth like over a thousand pounds or whatever it was for um for that really um when you can pay a much lower price you sit right here so um and it's not too bad like room is decent you mean it's a two-hour know it's typical sort of euro business class not massive masses of leg room but it's okay um and it looks like it's gonna be a really busy flight today down to kishinev so um yeah looking forward to getting in the sky okay so chucking my luggage with my air tank and i have to say i'm a little bit concerned because one minute ago it was um sort of half a mile away on the other side of the airport and they've just brought a load of bags over to load but as of yet my bag still appears to be right across to the side of the airport so whether or not it's gonna make it i don't know this is gonna be fun isn't it my phone has just dinged and said that my luggage has now been found with me so it looks like is it one of those um containers out there so that's good so we know it's made it on the fly at least it's made it as far as on the plane let's see if it makes my tight connection over in kischenev we'll find out i am not over this is on you now guys foreign first flight today then took us southwest out of moscow to cross ukraine before descending into kishinev moldova flight time today was 1 hour and 36 minutes cruising at 38 000 feet so airborne from moscow saying goodbye to russia for this time at least um i'm heading home and i'm looking forward to it actually i love russia it's a beautiful beautiful country it's incredibly exhausting traveling around russia look at the weather so i'm not entirely sure what service we're gonna get on this flight so far they've just come round with a bottle of water so we'll see if we get anything more it's only like an hour and a half flight this one so i'm not expecting a massive amount more be interesting to see what we get on the next one because that's quite a little bit longer than this one so we'll see so they just announced there is a buy on board service today um for sandwiches and drinks and things i'm not gonna do it on this flight because to be honest i'm on this blooming intermittent fasting thing at the minute um which means i can't eat for about other hour anyway so i might as well wait until i get on the next flight up to stansted um but yeah they got sandwiches and snacks and things like that it's not too bad kiev ukraine it's been a while since i've been to ukraine actually into kiev so um yeah i should really head back there at some point lovely city stunning from up here as well beautiful city to visit so then top of descent down into kishinev will be on the ground in around about 15 to 20 minutes let's go yeah uh thank you thank you bye-bye right now we have half an hour until our flight to london departs so hey time to get a wiggle on i think right onto a door it's locked i hope somebody comes and lets me through there we go that was a pretty straightforward wasn't it straight through to the departure lounge and it took about five minutes to get through the transit lane so not bad at all just hope my bag has made it um i'll check in a minute and see where it is um on the find my app but um oh so far so good not a bad little airport that's actually here at kishner um bit nicer than i was expecting to be honest i don't know what i was expecting but it's nicer than i was expecting anyway we'll be getting on board in the next few minutes i suppose and then on our way back to london look look at this little an actual queue not people just running and crowding the gates hello thank you um hello there we go then back on board moldova on another a319 um this one's not painted in their full colour scheme but i must say i'm very impressed with the efficiency of the connections here at kishnev i was expecting it to be a little bit chaotic especially with that like really tight 30 minute connection i had here and um actually it was dead easy in and out i just hope my bags made it i'll check in a minute and see if it's on board but yeah next stop home my flight home to the uk then took us west from kishinev to cross ukraine poland and germany before starting our descent over the netherlands into stansted flight time today was 2 hours and 57 minutes cruising at 38 000 feet right so update on the luggage situation um as of yet we are about 40 minutes out of kishnev and according to my app my bag is still on the ground in kishnev now how accurate that is i don't know last time on the last flight it showed it was with me when it was down in the baggage hole this time it's not and it's showing it's still down on the ground in there so i'm not entirely sure i mean it could just be that they've loaded it like right at the back of the plane or something so it's out of range of my phone to talk to it locally i don't know i hope that's the case so i really don't want to be dealing with a loss back on this trip but never mind um it is what it is we'll see what happens when we get to london and if it updates all right so we're just about to start our descent down into london and the food's turned up so i bought a chicken sandwich and a bottle of coke and oh my goodness the crew on mldova seem to be just as some grumpy as the crew on some of the russian airlines about huffing and puffing and tutting and uh never mind um i finally got some food so i'm gonna actually be able to walk this down before we land at stansted hopefully um not long ago and yeah we'll be down on the ground looking forward to it while i'm traveling and even while i'm not one of the key parts of my tech arsenal is surf shark it's a vpn that protects my data from nefarious goings-on wherever i am in the world i have it on my phone my ipad and my mac and it protects my personal information wherever i am it means i can catch up on netflix shows such as the office or listen to my spotify playlists even when i'm in countries where that's not possible i just flick on the vpn and i'm browsing the net just like i'm at home it's also great to let me access my favorite streaming sites on wi-fi that may block streaming altogether through a vpn your data is completely encrypted so you can sit and watch your favorite tv shows even at 39 000 feet surf shark are offering you an 83 discount and three months free when you use my promo code noel philips at the link on the screen now so as we get closer to stansted i'm actually starting to get a little bit nervous um i'm sure that you will have seen as i've seen over the last few weeks or so at the time i'm making this video there's been loads of stories of like horrendous queues at the main airports coming into the country into the uk um like two three hour long queues at heathrow as well as the other london airport being recorded in all the press so i'm kind of a little bit nervous as to what it's going to be like when we get down there to be honest it's going to be interesting to see if it really is as bad as the media have been telling us or whether or not it's like okay i don't know we'll see when we get down there i'm not really sure of course my other concern is that my bag is still showing us on the ground and fishing there so it would be nice to know as well when we get down there if my bags made it on the same flight as me um and we'll find that when we get down on the ground but we're just over the north sea at the moment starting our approach down here to stansted my flight from moscow to london cost me 142 pounds 74 working out at 7 pence per mile compared to the direct flight this is around a quarter of the economy fare charged by ba and aeroflot on the same route i wouldn't however pay the price they charge for business class on air moldova they wanted over a thousand pounds for exactly the same seat and a sandwich hey larry all right sir yeah good to meet you how are you yeah good time glad to be back yeah yeah yeah not too bad glad to be back now it's been like two three weeks now so yeah yeah i used to be watching on instagram and stuff yeah awesome well nice to meet you anyway yeah awesome see you later as always i'd like to say a big thanks to my patreons you can join them at the link on the screen now for access to my whatsapp group live weekly zoom calls with me and much more okay so back in the uk after my mammoth trip around the former soviet union and my flight back home with air moldova and their moldova let's be honest they weren't that great on board however i was quite impressed um with their service on the grounds and how fast and convenient that connection was through kishnev airport like a 30 minute connection i i didn't think i'd make you let alone my bag and yet here we are both of them are here um me and my back so that's fantastic and getting back here well the queues weren't that bad it took about 40 minutes to get through that massive line they were working pretty quickly even though they were checking everybody's paperwork um and the officers there were friendly as always always really nice when you get back from a trip to have like a friendly face meeting you off the plane um and through the airport let me know what you thought to air mold over down in the comments but in the meantime as always thanks for watching take care and i'll see you on the next one bye for now

2021-09-03 12:12

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