Flying Down Sumatra's MUSI RIVER

Flying Down Sumatra's MUSI RIVER

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wow look at that so this first boat right here they're looking for gold? the first one the small one and then we got a tug boat over there and they're tugging this huge massive ship wow okay well I'm back here uh this is where we had dinner the other night three nights ago today we're gonna go to Kemaro Island I think we're gonna hop on a local shipping boat or do something and maybe hop on one of these local boats and we're gonna head that way   and we're gonna go check out an island that's a pretty popular place to visit they have like a big Chinese Pagoda there and yeah should be fun should be fun I've uh teamed up with the group of guys that I met the first night here uh plus maybe three or four more people they uh they brought their whole crew today to come along so I met them earlier at the at the hotel we jumped in two cars and we headed down here so it's nice though uh one of their friends Lima is a tour guide that's what she does for her job and so she's gonna be with us and she'll be able to translate and you know tell me everything I need to know about here in Palembang so looking forward to it and uh yeah join us on this beautiful day here in Palembang oh okay that middle part just lifts up all at the same time yes yes okay so most bridges that go like this this one just goes straight up oh that's what that's for that's what that's what that makes sense okay so sometimes bigger boats have to pass through here oh you're fine you're fine yeah sometimes bigger boats have to pass through here and so that's how they lift it up if you can see it maybe we'll get a better look at it some other time but you know I guess there's two huge I don't know what you would call it but, cranes or something that lift up the middle part of the bridge she was saying this is the longest bridge in all of Sumatra so I was thinking they must not have too many bridges if uh this is the longest one it is impressive looking but it's not too big okay on the top there's a clock up there this is an office so that's why if there is a big ship if it's 45 meters tall they can give a sign they give time and then they lift it up yeah so they have to stop traffic and then lift it up Since 1970 they don't lift it up anymore okay so they don't lift it up now oh so it just stays there the whole time okay but there are offices up there yes I bet they have one awesome view we call this Tanggai it's very pretty, cantik oh yeah thank you  you're welcome you just put like this interesting thank you I'll take it oh they're like kind of yes makes a little bit of a noise oh thank you this is for the dancing uh  they want to take a video yeah see yes this is your group yes all right you want to sit here? yeah maybe I can sit here so I can see everything I think this is my spot but this is a local shipping boat(or fishing boat)huh okay from here to go over there what about that big ferry over there where would that go it's a cruise just up and down that would be kinda nice i think I see I see and we're off wow hey hey this is the crew Everybody I'm very happy here very happy here yeah I'll go swimming yeah yeah I wonder how clean this water is it nice this is over here are the traditional markets the biggest traditional market in Palembang not sure how well you can hear everything but the biggest market in Palembang right over here all right so this is the uh the port of Palembang and Rima was telling me that a lot of these ships they come from from all over the place, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, and they all come here massive the port of Palembang wow crazy and here we have the fertilizer Factory and from Vietnam they bring rice okay so they trade yes okay from Vietnam they bring the rice and they go back to Vietnam with all the fertilizer because   she was just saying this is the biggest fertilizer plant in all of Indonesia wow massive boats too because we have a coal mine here 4 hours from Palembang city oh welcome to Kemaro Island let's go explore okay she was just saying that this island is visited every year on Chinese New Year   from people all over Indonesia and so I thought it was just a Buddhist Island at first but she was also saying it's Confucian and also Taoism I think that I think I'm saying that right probably not but and she just said yeah it's open 24 hours so I guess you can come here   at any time you like and uh visit the temple welcome to Makmur Sejantera Makmur means Prosperity okay nice you can definitely tell it's set up for tourism and that kind of stuff they have some shops and you know selling all kinds of stuff maybe you can get your hat here oh yes we might have to have a kelapa(cocnut) yeah yeah and so it's Friday almost 11. and we're almost the only ones here   I'm guessing places like this were hit pretty  hard by covid and the pandemic yeah yeah I'm sure not too many people came here and they're still trying to bounce back we got some birds here chicken a chicken huh some chicks we can't go inside because of they key we can't go inside the man who has the key did not come today the man who has the key to the place is not here yeah this is the symbol of the grave for the two lovers this is a symbol of the grave for the two lovers yes the altar? yes okay so every uh Chinese people come here okay they pray for seven altar one this is the first one two and go inside to the temple okay so they they go to each Altar and pray yes I see and this is and this is number one okay can we go inside yeah okay let's go check this out so this is the first altar that they would come and pray here this is interesting is this what the Chinese looked like when they came here in the uh early days this is the pagoda the Pagoda how many floors nine floors yes it is the symbol of the river in South Sumatra we have nine rivers or the big 9 rivers in South Sumatra so there are nine big rivers in South Sumatra and each floor represents each river that makes sense this is Pagoda that's coconut yes yes yeah In Palembang language, dogan In Javanese, it's degan yes okay so that was just in a previous video in Jember do you know "the gun?" okay and dogon here okay so I'll have a dogan later yes wow look at that very good look at that I mean it's unfortunate there's nobody else here right it's only us yes I mean this place is set up to host so many people yeah yeah all the tables the shops but nobody's here] it's beautiful look  at that I I guess it's closed yes you usually can you go up or no before Chinese New Year only  on Chinese New Year because uh sometimes like a teenager they don't know for a prayer they  go and they write vandalize it yes breaker graffiti on him so that's what I did stupid  delinquents ruining all the fun for everybody else it's beautiful look at that I guess it's closed yes usually can you go up? or no only for Chinese New Year only on Chinese New Year because uh sometimes like a teenager they don't know this is for prayer they go and they write vandalize it yes spray graffiti on him stupid delinquents ruining all the fun for everybody else okay and I guess there's just like a dock out there you can walk out if you want to does anybody live on this island yes over there there's a village yes yes it's a Fisherman's Village 100 people over there oh okay and so I guess they live on the other side of that wall do you want to over there? sure let's go check out a village here on Kemaro Island why not why not are you thirsty do you want a coconut? no I take my own okay okay so I have water too I think yeah we're prepared we have waters and there's a big big happy looking Buddha right there yes  I'm gonna go take a look at the Happy Buddha Genki yeah but this it's kind of a shame that this place is all closed up like this yeah wait right here, i will go see if the village is open oh the village okay sure I'll wait right here and so this is the entrance to uh aer meaning water and so yes this is a a fishing Village okay yeah let's go let's go look at this entrance no Americans allowed in this place I mean because they're too big that joke didn't land very well they wouldn't be able to fit through the door is what I'm trying to say what a cool little village all the houses of course are built up on stilts so the water can flow underneath them just like that I mean a lot of the houses are in pretty  good condition I like all the plants and everything that they've uh they've put outside nice and green got some chilies I like this irrigation technique with the the PCP pipes what is it hydroponic hydroponic and so it looks like it's just one sidewalk that goes all the way down that's it there's nothing over here you got the ocean(river) on this side and just uh one row down yeah and you got to be careful oh I mean I love these houses they have the wrap around balcony   I mean they have the nice entrance way here I mean this is kind of an unpleasant sight right here but what is this is this a home okay this is like the private Museum yes and this is things that they found in the river yes okay so a lot of the local fishermen she was saying though of course there's got to be tons of artifacts and things thrown and  left in the river over the course of time so   yeah things that they've found they've dug up or scooped up from the river a lot of ceramics a lot of cups and bowls  and that kind of stuff and all this too yes incredible so it's you know it's coming from all over the world from China Hong Kong Vietnam Thailand you know India maybe all over the world huh yes also this oh wow look at that I'm not sure how well you can see in there but there's some kris's, kris yes how cool is that amazing amazing and this is all is this this lady's home yes right here the new one oh this is all new yeah I've been up here all the old stuff all the little bitty cups yes this is uh all the "padi" I said "pagi" I don't know "pagi" means morning in my last video in Jember or in one of my previous videos is this rice? and you guys told me there are words for rice in Indonesian right yes PADI uh "nasi" of course after they take off the husk maybe and then we call "beras" after we cook, we call is "nasi" yeah okay okay so there's many different names for rice in Indonesia thank you coconut time young coconut "istri muda" young wife not ok in america in Texas uh it means White Power white power they uh earlier at the hotel they're like okay we're gonna take a picture everybody do this which that means white power in America I was like wait a second I don't think I should be doing that yeah yeah yeah okay so I just got a little bit of clarification here   the group I am with is with MASATA it means in English the people who always the people who are are aware, (or want to promote) tourism the community that wants to promote tourism and this is the MASATA group? yes all the people here and do you have a website? not yet okay but this is the MASATA group right here and then this is the leader yeah yeah, munching down on cup noodle all right okay so I'm the secretary and you are the secretary yeah okay my name is Sarhan, MASATA ok secretary not a girl secretaries can be men too this MASATA is from Semende that's where you are from Semende is a village so hopefully we'll get to go see his village uh   maybe tomorrow I don't know we'll see oh his village is famous for coffee yeah okay I do like coffee all right so it looks like on the way back we're gonna take the speed boat because apparently this boat is too slow for him so we're heading back to Ampera bridge where we started this is an adventure with Nick and MASATA right in the face so you were saying all these people here they're going back to their Villages yes they use this boat to take all their stuff I mean this one's loaded with a motorbike yes   motorbike hello yeah check it out so she was saying some of these Villages out here you can't even reach by the by road so you have to come to Palembang by boat each time so they're getting ready to go back it looks like hey hey I'm good how are you welcome to Palembang. thank you it's good to be here Nick Nick Nick nice to meet you nice to meet you let's go hello so basically it looks like you just get dropped off at the port market area they are selling all kinds of stuff fruits and vegetables and your drinks people playing music all right man taking that speed boat that's the way to do it well the uh the slow boat is actually pretty nice too because you get to take everything in but when you're coming back just taking that speed boat takes five minutes if that sure you get splashed in the face a few times but uh yeah if you can afford the speedboat you should do that this way okay all right we're gonna start today's video off at Lima's house an old traditional house from what era like um from the sultan yes okay so they would live in houses that look like this yes incredible let's go have a look this house was by the riverbank yes because this a knock down house you can disassemble it you can knock it down and put it back together very easily okay so this is what maybe some of the houses by the river would have looked like you know a long time ago wow oh my God whoa talk about luxury yes yes wow look at all that gold red color incredible yes would this be a home for like a royal family or like a normal person like a royal family but usually normal person has this type of house, but like not this elegant yeah not this beautiful yeah interesting okay this is also the unique feature is the floor they must make it like this yeah I've noticed that okay so it starts from one level comes up over here and then it continues to climb as you go through the house maybe yes why? because when people have a wedding ceremony if uh the guests not to really uh close with the house the bride and groom they sit in the back and lower okay so family and friends are higher here maybe the closer you are to the uh the bride and groom   you get to sit up higher and closer okay that's an interesting concept wow I mean look at some of this furniture I mean look at these walls incredible look at this this is a bedroom yeah yeah bedroom so it feels like a middle eastern Palace or  Kingdom like it's I don't know the Middle Eastern influence yeah I don't know yeah like Arabian nights or something I can come in yes I mean it's so bright and colorful yes and sparkly too sparkly wow because uh we usually use a gold color red color so depending on your status yes I mean you would have more pillows fewer pillows kind of though yes okay so the more pillows you have the richer yes you know more Elite you are look at these tiny chairs look at those, those are so small this house is used for the wedding would you like to get married here yes family big family yeah wow this is incredible I mean is this the owner yes it's his father this is the owner that's the owner and that's his father you can open, and close people put their gold there oh their treasures and things yes so people don't know but i bet there are a lot of hidden compartments and like yeah like special doors or   like hidden doors that you can hide things yes that kind of stuff you think it's only a step but no this is beautiful yes this is handmade oh yeah yes when they marry, all the guests will come in here this is kind of the reception hall Maybe the bride and groom sit here yeah and everyone gets to come up here and congratulate them and take their pictures and say how beautiful they are yes yes okay what a beautiful place really nice what wow I did not expect this I did not expect this okay and on the back side of this house over here it just opens up into this huge massive room are you kidding me? wow it's you can't see this from the street like from the street you just see this the small it's not small but you just see the house and then this is on the back side of it what that is huge how nice is that I mean you can fit hundreds of people in here yes oh 1500 people okay a thousand five hundred people can fit in here yes wow that'd be really cool to attend a wedding. when's the next one? maybe I can crash it on Sunday  Sunday on Sundays Sunday okay ah there it is there's the lighting wow look at that okay all right we made it back to Millie's restaurant we made it back to where we started   and uh yeah I think I just wanna I think I just  want to end this part of the video this part of today's adventure here I think we got enough for one good video uh it's still only 12 o'clock and so we're gonna do some more things today but I'll just include that in the next video so I want to say thank you to the MASATO group and everyone that I went with today   I mean everyone's been so friendly and helpful and nice and it's been a great time so   but the adventure is going to continue and you'll see that in the next video so for now though uh I hope wherever you are you're doing well and staying safe and I'll see you in the next video

2022-10-05 20:28

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