Fjord Norway: A Ride 2.5 Million Years In The Making

Fjord Norway: A Ride 2.5 Million Years In The Making

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i'm uh basically the only one on the ferry so  that's a private boat for me to take me over to   my destination over there what a day   why aren't more people going this way on a bike  checking out these roads why am i only doing it who knows   fjord norway let's put it this  way it's pretty [ __ ] spectacular   but of course if you want to cycle from bergen to  oleson then there's going to be a lot of fjords   mountains and a few glaciers in your way this is  what norway looked like around 12 000 years ago   not exactly ideal for cycling but as the glaciers  melted they left behind something pretty special now a fjord is formed when a glacier retreats  after carving its typical u-shaped valley   and the sea fills in the resulting valley floor   but it's a misconception to believe that norway's  fjords were formed just in the last ice age   alone much of what norway has to offer has  been in the making for millions of years this is nature's masterpiece nature's mona lisa   carved out through countless  ice ages over millions of years   of course nature's masterpieces  are always going to be popular   and that means camper vans cars buses are  going to flood the roads around these fjords but as fjord norway likes to remind me go  find your fjord and that got me thinking   how can i plan a route that keeps me away from the  cars and allows me to cycle around the beautiful   fjords all by myself this was going to be no  easy task but i got to work and spent hours and   hours researching every little road and after  a few days of hard work i felt i'd nailed it   day one we leave bergen behind and we head towards  sognifjorden the world's longest accessible fjord on day two we cross over the fjord and we continue   on the main cycling route all  the way up to a town called furda from further we leave the main cycling  route and we start heading towards   the mountains passing some of the most  beautiful and remote fjords in this area on day four we head towards the largest glacier  in mainland europe and we camp there for the night   and then on the final day once again we  head through the valleys and the mountains   on quiet little roads and finally cycle along one  of noah's most beautiful and least visited fjords this my friends is a ride two  and a half million years in the making so   after the first ferry crossing we enter  a more remote and stunning coastal region so   just before sognofiodon there's a  steep climb but it's well worth it when you reach the top you get a view of all views   with a straight road no cars all the way  down to the world's longest accessible fjord beautiful campsite i mean  i'm the only person here basically   no one else is here except for all to  myself sun is setting behind sognaffiorden   behind me right now which is so  beautiful and yeah what a day great day good morning it's six in the morning  and this is the view this morning from the tent not too bad long story short time is eight o'clock  ferry leaves at 8 30 and 14 kilometers away   that's 28 kilometers an hour with a  28 kilo bike with no warm up that's it   that's it if i miss this ferry four  hour wait for the next one power on that's it   cycling and then   look at that little beauty just been admiring  that waterfall for the last five minutes very very nice down here   so we're just entering the first e-road of  journey e39 by the afternoon my legs are tired   after that early morning unexpected time trial  so i decided to come off the cycling route early not pleasant cycling on these roads although  unpleasant it was 30 kilometers quicker to further   we can 90 meter tunnel busy road oh my god look at this these are the things that  nightmares are drowning right now   another beautiful day but unfortunately we   have no option but to take the  main road five out of further sometimes to reach the promised  land you have to pass the swamps   oh my that was a tough climb  nearly 500 meters above sea level   fantastic view and we're going  through this tunnel oh god back on the quiet back on the quiet  roads boom boom boom because this horse   came running after me he wanted to say hello  i'll follow and say hello to this guy hello   oh don't run away turn me back and he gets closer  all right i'm going check out this view guys   check this view out here we come  five four three two one whoa oh yeah baby oh yeah here we go here we go you're only counting time   to the continents collide without your  window going somewhere near i see it through and the faith that i drew see it through   well things just got out of hand now i mean just  look at this will open for you and the stars let the moon or a place to have a  piss eh what a place to have a piss   this tunnel is one and a half kilometers  long and it's uphill all the way it's the sun here comes the sun and i say cool   i know the skies sun is shining onto the fjord oh my right i wanna  cycle around norway experience moments like this and when hello no way see it through good morning should we check out  the view let's do it together day 12. let's hit the road thinking about cycling in norway then you  should do it you're going to have wet days   but you're going to have days like  this and when you have days like this you can't think of any place in the world  that is better to be honest with you   we don't go direct to oldeston because this  area of the country is not to be rushed   oh my god it is so cold in here 550 meters above sea level right  now was it worth it i i think so should we bring out the drone i  think so let's see what it can do lost my drone devastated it's uh landed  somewhere down here but it's way too dangerous   it's literally a vertical cliff  all the way down to the fjord   so i can hear it beeping i can't hold on  i can get it i can almost reach it dead indiana indiana let it go i need to get back up well i'm still here   but i did lose some priceless drone  footage i haven't downloaded any of the   footage um since i began it's all on the  memory card which is in the in the drone better than nothing i guess it's never closing time you cannot bypass  this area of norway it is the power of this   world beautiful i dreamt of blue sky going  down this road oh god look at this morning   it's so clear crystal clear hey guys here comes  the lake first glimpses of the lake oh my god i um let's just check this out all right i i just want to  enjoy the ride sorry i gotta go all right we're going in we're going  in it's cold you want to go in first it's absolutely spectacular but it  is a glacier lake and oh my god it's   freezing so it's going to be literally in and out  as quick as possible unfortunately but it looks so   beautiful the water is so calm and i'm camping at  this kind of remote spot near the end of the lake   and there's literally it's  just full of girls with their   bums out it's crazy that's one reason  why i'm staying here it's 250 crores   to stay here so i guess you're paying a  premium for the view and for the bombs   wow in the uh glacier valley here you've got  this amazing glaze your tongue running down the   mountain these mountains are just epic i mean they  just go straight up it's just sheer rock they're   incredible just carved out by glaciers  it really is a magnificent place to be   so majestic so all inspiring and you just feel so  insignificant compared to these huge mountains ah   what a day it's been all right just gonna  carry on a little bit more to the end of   this road and then we're gonna go  back again back to the camp site some good morning it's day 13 and it's another glorious  day not much else to say i mean just look at this   i'm just going to enjoy riding through the  mountains today lots more spectacular places   to see i've managed to uh order a drone there's  one one available in the whole of all the sun   that i found and i've reserved it and i'm gonna  try to pick it up tonight or tomorrow morning   because unfortunately there'll be no drone  footage of this gorgeous area sadly all right guys   another spectacular day it's only  one thing to do cycle let's go i'm not going through that that is e6  will go around it thank you very much so this is quite the detour another gate is that barbed wire come on come on the road again coming fast too much fun for one day way too much fun after that little adventure we finally reached  road 655 a road steeped in history beauty   and wonder it once attracted emperors  kings and queens from all over europe   in the 19th century europe's aristocracy  would flock here in the summer months   it was the ultimate place to boast that  you'd been this was the instagram of its time today it's been forgotten by history you'll  find you'll have this epic road more or   less all to yourself although legend has it a  young lady tragically died in these mountains   and when her lover found out he killed  himself not wanting to go on without her   if you feel an eerie presence cycling this road  don't be alarmed they're watching out for you god this rock face doesn't even look real   it's like something like it's  been man-made fake it's not   ridiculous it just doesn't leave this  could actually be reduced by nature   carved out by glaciers incredible i  would consider driving this road a crime   and one i myself have committed in the past as  you cycle down this road you become engulfed in   the nature around you you hear every little noise  the endless streams and waterfalls trickling down   the vertical mountains the cracking of the  rocks as they tumble to the valley the smell   of the flora blossoming in the summer sun it's  both enchanting and daunting to ride this road   and when you reach the grasslands towards the  fjord you'll want to cycle it all over again done about 93 kilometers today and  we've just taken the first ferry across   the fjord and now i need to take another ferry  that's going to go over to the other side of the   fjord again but further up and then zigzag back  towards where i am now on this side but further   north and then there's basically a small little  road i don't know if it's paved it might be gravel   road only it's like a small little community lives  there and that leads me all the way up to the main   ferry point crossing over to come into all the  sun so it's a secret little road the problem   is is that because this is a tiny little remote  place two ferries a day and that's pretty lucky   there's two there's one at around 11 and there's  one at 17 45 and it takes around 45 minutes   of zigzagging across the field to get to the  point where i want to be so the time is now 16   30 so it's 4 30 so i've got an hour and 15 minutes  to wait which is not bad considering there's only   two ferries a day and i've timed that pretty well  so i'm just gonna sit back now and just admire the to spend more view with you   it may sound a little bit funny there's  no one else like you say that you do i'm the only one   do you remember what fjord norway said find  your fjord well cycling down my favorite fjord   alone on a beautiful summer's evening was  the creme de la creme of the whole journey   you cannot but be humbled by the presence of  such awe-inspiring nature in such surroundings   the feeling of insignificance is not one of  despair but of reflection if the world was a book   our lives would not even be a tiny shaving  of a single letter on the final page but this fjord and the many that have cycled  around have a number of pages in that book   and like the emperors kings and queens before us   when our bones turn to dust these great mountains  and fjords will still be standing tall and proud   and will continue to create awe to those  that spend time around them say love is   blind but these two eyes were never stray  from you for all our lives to the end of time say that you do the world my friends is spinning  faster than ever before but i know with a simple   bicycle a tent and perhaps a little sensor  adventure you can slow this world right down cycling fjord norway allows you to feel the  presence of this ancient natural world to be   humbled by it to admire it to respect it  but more importantly to respect yourself   it gives you time for reflection to ponder  to wonder and to ask what else is out there   follow your bliss my friends follow your bliss say that you don't bye

2021-01-30 22:05

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