Five in Ten 4/16/18: What Just Happened in Syria?

Five in Ten 4/16/18: What Just Happened in Syria?

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It's. Five-and-ten, from sky watch TV for April 16th, I'm Derrick Gilbert topic number five today what just, happened. Friday. Night the United States France and Britain launched military strikes, in Syria, ostensibly. To punish President, Bashar al Assad of Syria for an apparent chemical attack against citizens, in the town of Duma. On April 7th this according to president, Trump's statement, issued from the White House on Friday depending. On officials said that the attacks, targeted, the heart of Assad's programs, to develop and produce chemical. Weapons. Syrian. Television reported, that Syria's air defenses, were, actively. Responding, to the attack on Friday night Russian, media reported, that most of the 100, missiles launched against, sites. In Syria, were shot down no. Confirmation from. The Pentagon of course but. Despite Russian, threats of retribution, in the days leading up to the attack we, really, seen very little since, Friday. Night this. Appears have been a very targeted strike. Oddly. People. In Damascus, were reportedly, celebrating. In the streets after the attack because. Hey. We didn't die hurray, so. What exactly, happened. Who or what was targeted. This. Is speculation now I will, admit when news broke on Friday night of the attack I was disappointed I am, not in favor of, getting. More, deeply involved in Syria I agree, with former. Vice presidential, candidate, Sarah Palin who told Breitbart news last, week that we should not shed the blood of one more American, son or daughter in the. Syrian civil war. But. We don't know what President Trump knows and we don't know the kind of pressures that he is under. From, the deep State this. And again, this is speculation but this may have been the best middle ground that the president, was able to navigate, on the one hand he's got the Hawks from. Left and right and keep, this in mind whenever you hear Democrats and Republicans, agreeing on anything in the United States mainstream. Deep state Democrats, and Republicans, people. Like say. Chuck. Schumer Dick Durbin Lindsey. Graham. John, mccain all. Agreeing, on this and saying yes this is a good thing go go get him know. For. Certain that the fix is in. So. What. Exactly was, accomplished here speculating.

Speculating. Now is. It possible that this was a bit of theater carefully, orchestrated, with. Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-assad, to knock, out, the. Chemical, weapons capabilities, of the. Rebels, in Syria. While. Appearing, to respond. To. A horrific attack by the Assad, regime, in other words playing. For the home crowd President Trump can say as well, as Emmanuel, macron of France and Teresa may of Britain, can, say we, took it to the animal. Assad. For. Using gas against chemical weapons against his own people when. What we've actually done is take away the chemical weapons from the rebels, in Syria to prevent another false flag attack, I. Think. The fact that Russia has not responded in any physical. Way at this point, suggests. That might. Have some explanatory value. Explain. Why the damage, in Damascus was so minor that people could go out and celebrate in the streets after a missile attack from the most powerful nation on earth. Time. Will tell topic. Number for the, information war continues, Friday morning russia's, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, that Moscow now has irrefutable. Evidence, that, the. Chemical attack on April 7th was carried out by. Rebels. Not by the Assad government but. By rebels with the help of a foreign secret. Service. Didn't. Identify which one. But. Bear in mind this is also. The same government that said that their tests had shown that no chemical weapon had been used whatsoever. Who. Do we believe and. Speaking. Of information, we're an independent Swiss. Laboratory. Reports. That the substance used to target Sergey script Paul the former Russian double agent who along with his daughter was poisoned, in the English city of Salsbury. Was. An agent called BZ. At Nova. Chuck which was the substance. Originally, identified. BZ. Never, produced, in Russia but has, been in the arsenal. Of the United States, the UK and other, members of NATO and. Along. The same lines a former a former, member of the KGB, a defector, to the UK claims that Sergey and Yulia scrap all were, poisoned, by the same Russian, agents who murdered the so called GCHQ. Spy, in the bag. Police. Are now looking into, the script Paul's poisoning, in Salsbury, and the death of 31 year old Gareth, Williams back, in 2010. Williams. Was, found locked inside, a whole doll that's. Like a gym bag for you Americans, at his. Home in London, his. Bizarre death previously, described as a a. Bungled. Romantic. Tryst, a game, in other words with. A partner. Anyway. Former. KGB agent Boris, carpet off claims the spy in the bag case is linked to the scruples that he was killed with an untraceable poison, because he'd found out the identity, of a Russian mole inside the. Russian. Spy. Centre GCHQ. Topic. Number three auditioning. For president, that's. What New Jersey senator Cory Booker was doing last week you, know curry tears of rage Booker, he. Announced, on Friday he's going to vote against, CIA director Mike Pompeo support, meant to become the next Secretary of State, because. Of his stance on marriage and sexuality, Pompeii. Owes beliefs aligned with the the Bible part of his Christian faith referencing. A past speech that Pompeo gave senator, Booker asked, the former Congress Arkansas. Congressman is, being, gay a perversion. No. Pompeo refused, to use that word despite, being pressed, on this several times by Senator Booker. But. He did say he stands by his previous, stance. On the. Issue of marriage now, it's not. Clear, to me how one's issue or one's beliefs, regarding. The, that. The nature of marriage affects, one's, qualifications. To. Be the nation's top diplomat. The Secretary, of State. But. It's also unclear how voting against, Pompey's appointment, on the. Basis of his religious. Beliefs, about. Marriage are. Not a violation. Of the Constitution's. Religious, test Clause. The. Religious, test, Clause. Specifically. That's article 6 section 3, of the United States Constitution which reads and I quote no, religious. Test shall ever be required as a qualification to, any office or public trust, under, the United, States and quote. Senator. Booker, vote. How you like but if you're voting on the basis of of. Director Pompeius religious, beliefs you sir are in violation of the United States Constitution, and thus unfit, to be president, in 2020, I predict. Senator Booker announces, this candidacy, sometime. Very soon, topic. Number 2 gender, blender today April 16th the date of the annual Boston, Marathon, and just, like everything else in our culture it's, changing, the, Boston Athletic Association, the, group that organizes the marathon has confirmed that people can compete in whatever category they.

Feel. Like expressing. Their gender in in. Other words men can run as women, women can run as men whatever. You like it's they're. Not gonna ask no, genetic, tests required watch. For new records to be set in the women's category at, this year's marathon you. See even after hormone, treatments, a man, who identifies, as a woman is still going to have longer, bones. Denser. Bones, denser. Muscle mass and that will, give a man even after hormone treatments an edge in physical, competition, against. Women, and look. Who's opposing. On another story now look who's opposing. The shutdown of the sex trafficking, website Yeah. Yes, the women's, March the one who were they funny you know pink hats they're. Calling the shutdown of this site which. Is they're. Explicitly. To. Facilitate, sex trafficking. They're. Calling it a crisis, for sex worker. Writing, on their Twitter page Saturday women's March which. Spearheaded. That big, very. Rowdy gathering, in Washington DC after. At trump's inauguration, they, said quote the shutting down of hashtag, Backpage is. An absolute, crisis, for sex workers who rely, on the site to safely, get in touch with clients, sex, workers, rights are women's, rights. And. Quote. I. Know. A few women who. Take. Umbrage umbrage, I say with that statement, and. There. Are some other women, who profess. To be feminists, who are not pleased with the women's Marge's stance on this issue either Lisa Thompson vice president, for Policy, and research at the washington-based National, Center on sexual, exploitation. Blasted. The group on Twitter. Prostitution. Is ground zero for violence, against women there is no such thing as safe prostitution. Prostitution, is, the bastion. Of misogyny. Stop, defending, men who buy women, and children. And men, and. Megan. Murphy editor. Of feminist current, said. On, Twitter how. Dare, you claim to stand for women. Indeed. And, topic. Number one. Heavenly. Tourism, and now. Twenty-year-old, Alex malarkey, whom you see here who. In 2015, publicly disavow, the best-selling, book the boy who came back from heaven is now. Suing the publisher, over the matter he wants to. Be disassociated, from the book says.

That The tale was made up by his father and is, highly offensive to him Alex that, because. It's contrary to the Bible and it's and his, faith he's wants damages, and again complete, dissociation. From the book Alex. Was involved in a tragic. Car accident when he was six years old in a. Coma for two months, the. Book the, boy who came back from heaven was published about, eight years ago 2010, claimed. That Alex malarkey died went to heaven where he met angels. And ultimately met with Jesus the. Book sold over a million copies was, the basis. Of a documentary, film which included, interviews with him, his, mother and father. Received. High reviews from Christian, reviewers, high, marks even won an award from the evangelical Christian, Publishers, Association. But. Sadly, the, Malarkey's. Divorced. In 2014. And. About a year later Alex's, mother wrote a blog post, said. That the account was not true and she, was concerned because no one seemed to be questioning, it, the. Publisher Tyndale house, consequently. Pulled the book issued, a statement saying, it was saddened to learn that alex, malarkey is now saying he made up the story about dying and going to heaven now look I don't know the facts behind the scenes of this case so my intention, here is not to point fingers that anybody, involved, in this. Rather. Tawdry, story. I mean, kudos to Alex malarkey for coming clean which. He's done for several years now and said that look this this I. Can't. Go along with this any more I, think. The, lesson, here for us as Christians. Well. Twofold, first of all we, need to be discerning, about, remarkable. Claims of supernatural encounters. They. Do happen. But. God does, not need you and me to bend the truth in his, favor he. Is, big enough to substantiate. His. Claims of truth without our. Help. After. All he is the truth and. Secondly. It just goes to show that even among Christians, the.

Love Of money can lead to. You. Know the rest. Just. A reminder no, new update on the Defender Bible which we are waiting on from the printing company that is scheduled, to come in we are told now by the end of the month so if, you're waiting for this as part of the package offered, with the, handmaidens. Conspiracy, by Donna Howell, we. Appreciate your patience we're looking, forward to seeing it just as much as you are so. Again just a wee, thank, you for your patience as we await this and as soon as we get any updates we will pass those on to you a, couple of conferences, to tell you about August 9th through 12th in, Long Island New York it's the lifting the veil conference, from here the watchman Henry, Gruver la Marzulli, russ, dizdar pastor, Carl gallops pastor Paul Begley dr., Michael Lake and Sharon. And myself will, be there on the, 12th of August as a special, added bonus a tour. To Montauk, New York, that, is the former, air base camp hero. Around, which a number of stories. Have grown that, inspired the Netflix, series stranger. Things. Sort. Of a a. Pilgrimage. Site if you're really into conspiracy theories, that should be a lot of fun but the information and the fellowship, worth. The journey to New York if you're in on the East Coast this is your opportunity to see us and we hope we can see you there for information and registration log, on to Jen here. The watchman comm, that's here the watchman, comm. Now, Jen, six comm, is where you go for registration. For the true legends conference, transhumanism. And the hybrid age featuring, Steve quale Tom Horn Sharon Kay Gilbert Timothy, albariƱo, and more. Dr., Hugo de garis world, renowned expert, on artificial intelligence, that's coming to Branson Missouri September. 14th. Through the 16th that's, already about half sold out so, register. Soon Gen six comm g en si And then, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania the, site of the East Coast prophecy, conference in October, that's the 18th through the 20th of October Tom, Horn me, Joe, horn Stephen, Strang the publisher of charisma magazine and, the author of God and Donald Trump featured, speakers there along with our, friends from Southwest radio Church dr. Larry Spahr Jimmy no and dr., Bob glaze for, information, and registration s WRC. Comm, that's for Southwest, Radio Church s WRC. Dot-com. And. We hope to see you there our. Free mobile app keeps you in touch with sky watch TV Ellen in fact we've got a calendar, on the mobile app showing, all of our upcoming events, as. Well as these daily news reports all of our video and audio content, and news, stories as well all of that in one handy little package delivered right to your phone or tablet whether. It's iOS Android, Windows Phone or the Amazon Kindle Fire tablet, sky, watch TV in, your hand with our mobile app it's, free and the link to the app stores is at Sky Watch, Where, you'll find links on adding, the sky watch TV channel to your Roku or Apple TV device, so you can watch us on your schedule and at. My website you'll find all, of the stuff that I post online got, a brand new video interview, with William Ramsay the director and producer of the film the smiley, face killers, you, might have seen the web exclusive, interview on sky watch TV with William that, because. Of time constraints. Only 28 minutes long this, one we go for nearly an hour so a little more detail and you'll find that video, interview, with William Ramsay linked, at my website that's Derek P Gilbert dot-com. Thank. You for watching as, we keep watch I'm. Derrick Gilbert and this is 5 in 10 from Sky watch TV. As. Many as 80% of, Americans, are carrying, a time, bomb a, medical. Crisis, in their bodies right now unaware. That they will soon develop prolonged. Chronic, illness, auto, immune, disease, or, even, cancer. Today's. Frightening. Truth is citizens. Are being poisoned, every. Single, day without, their knowledge a, health. Epidemic largely. Brought on by industrialized. Food is destroying, our genetics, and immune, systems, through deadly modified, organisms. Carcinogenic. Materials, and life-threatening, chemicals, commonly, found in most of today's processed. Groceries. Coming. This April, in the groundbreaking, new book time bomb by Joe artists Horne and Ally, Anderson. You'll. Be put in charge of your health once, again, as commercial. Marketing games are exposed, and the expose, of the year unveils, how easy it is to avoid toxic, ingredients.

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2018-04-22 04:52

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