First moto wild camping 2021 - Tenere 700, Africa Twin 1100

First moto wild camping 2021 - Tenere 700, Africa Twin 1100

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Hello! Hi there! How are you? - Good! Nice! I thought we would be ready to go, but ... hahaha - There he sits Shooting out old diesel fumes It's a big difference to manoeuvre the bike now when you're used to not having a lot of luggage Yeah it's a difference I have to double check the map Yes, we are on the right track at least This looks nice! Get the heat up a little Yes a little Oh yes, not we're talking! I remember this place! This is followed by some nice... passages Yeah I remember now! You, me and Linus stopped here once. But this house was not as nice back then.

Right, they renovated it We turn right here? This is a really beautiful passage Indeed it is! This is nice Ah! I remember this, and we will go out there This is where you dropped the bike, right? Yes, I dropped the BMW there once You are spraying like mad! Wait up! You are filming me... don't leave me! This road is so much fun it's easy to get lost There's the rock! His luggage flew in the air! Jumpsy Jumpsy Is this where we turn? - It sure is! What the hell! This will be fun! - It will be fun! Here we have some nice views! Oh bloody hell! Bloody hell what? I got a fly in my helmet! I see Yeah that season is starting Well this place was nice For sure Damn this gravel was easy to play around in. - It sure is It sprays very well from the behind Ooops! Here comes a Tetter! A tetter! Here comes the nice bikes. Hello! He took the inner lane A 701 and a 700 They turned around? Yes they did! Full rally pack too! Thats him the Youtube star! Yep! I can't even go to the store anymore! So you have a tablet there? Yeah we did that in the latest video Well we have some wine in the luggage One small toilet bag. The rest is wine!

That's the truth! You always need a little wine! Now let's see where we were on the map We'll continue a little while more on the TET Sure that's good All the best! Ah, we have to wait for Seymor Say no more! Bye bye! Damn this was bumpy. Almost fell off the bike. Give it some gas here guys! Oh lord, here it was muddy and sketchy Yeah rutty as hell Oh I'm so glad I wasn't behind you there Is he throwing dung around? Oh what a nice place We go all the way down right? Yes Is it a bit easier than lasr time? Where is the wind shelter? There it is! Here we have some ruts But it's unoccupied! Wonderful! It's freshly tarred. - Then it will burn better! The shelter? That's the evening bond fire Cheers for the first lay of the year! Good morning! Good morning Stefan! First camp night is done! Yep that's done indeed You don't spray as much gravel early in the morning We haven't gotten warm yet She says "Battery level is low" already the old hag You didn't charge it over night? I didn't bring a power bank Here's a tractor, a Sunday worker! He should normally be stoned to death, but we may have to let him go Ah, he just parked it here and walked to church Ok! We'll do that! Yep thats good! Thank you! What did he say? That we could ride there and it was not far to the road. Ah ok Ouch! I had the visor open and a branch hit my nose! Yeah that's the thing It may be up this way...

I'll be buggered if I know Get in there and check! We have a drone and we have Seymor! This works! Just go! There's a lot of twigs and bushes but the trail is good It's a trail at least? - yes Just ride, it's ok Here's a f*cking log Oh bugger Seymor? [radio static] What is he saying? - No idea, I can't hear Should we go? Yeah let's go Let's just be careful Oh a big branch in the way This is not fully by the book Nope it isn't Seymor? Yes? Did you go this little trail? - Yes I did How did that go? It went well but now I am up on a clear-felled area Yes we're there also I can hear you I tried to call your phone with no luck The track seems to be here I tried to call you too It's not super easy to go here right? I'll cross the mud and see Yeah you go first with the best tyres Oh f*ck here's even more mud Perhaps that's not for me Can we go there? And it looks better over there You said we could ride here, and now I'm stuck! You're ok? Yeah I'm fine. My front wheel was stuck. I accidentally turned of the bike. Oops here's another mudpit! You ok Robert? Yes! I slid on a diagonal branch. There's a mud pit but just go for it! Did I spray you? Oh f*ck That was a great warm up! Yes it was! That woke us up for sure! Ah you get it for me? Yes! Stefan opens the next gate

2021-04-22 09:13

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