First Impressions of PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN Travel Vlog

First Impressions of PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN Travel Vlog

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hi uh this is Pisha Pakistan wow why why does he have a snake this is truly a conservative Tribble place here I got a big crowd here guys very [Music] good there's the brains the main event guys over those mountains you're in Afghanistan this area is still kind of a Taliban stronghold there's a lot of Taliban activity happening that's while you going to take my video all right hello guys this is Doug and I'm here in Pisha Pakistan I've got a very giggly uh cameraman behind uh-oh and he looks like me so as you guys can see I'm wearing my shaar cames to blend in a little better and even my orangey hair and freckles are okay here because the Paton people some of them have red hair so I can blend in a little bit here yeah okay so guys if you didn't see when I bought this shawa kamis in karach you can go back and watch that video but I'm wearing it here because almost everyone in the city here is dressed in Thea Kam the traditional dress and today we're going to be exploring Pasha I'm very very excited I've been waiting for years and years to come to this city specifically so I'm very happy to be here it's going to be a lot of fun cello alikum how are you TK TK very good you're from PESA PESA good good good what's so funny Miram Douglas what's your name my name is Kaman kamran nice to meet you oh wow why why does he have a snake oh very cool and you just keep it in that little bottle there oh he he likes to go back in there okay unexpected guys first impressions of the shower for me by the way it's pronounced pesha not Peshawar or anything like that I've got quite the peanut gallery here Pasa is one of the most like far out places I've ever been I mean this is truly like a conservative tribal place here isum G how are you alhamdulillah how are you you are from I'm from us us yes sir yes sir but I live in Turkey yeah uh this is this is far out like this is uh one of the most different places from where I come from that I've ever been it is almost entirely men on the street and any of the women well let's say most of the women that you see out on the street are very covered up some of them are even wearing the full verka like Afghan Style with the even the mesh over the eyes not everyone some of them are just wearing simple H job but it is a man's world here for sure as you can see so it's an interesting place this is a very conservative societ are you famous famous pist TI what's your name my name is Khan Khan wow it's an honor to meet you hello my dear hello my dear how are you fine thank you so much are you from America yes sir this is chadar chadar is Old City yeah it's very cool place chadar the Pisha is heart the heart of P heart of P okay so we're here in The Old City right now it's the most chaotic action pack part of the city I just feel very off the beaten path like this is far away from Mass tourism pretty much as far as it gets are you from P I don't know what you are you speaking Pas how do I say how are you in Pas Sunday suay Su TI I got a big crowd here guys hi I am I I am Pakistan pakist Pakistan is zabad Pakistan is very nice country very nice country this is p Pisha people is very nice that's what I've heard Pasha Pasa people are some of the nicest most generous people you are B nice what's your name Douglas huh Douglas douglas douglas wonderful businessman you're businessman are you doing the money money trading so over there you guys can see the crowd they're trading like unofficially some different currencies are you trading which money Saudi all the money this is crazy guys and there's my twin you have the red hair and freckles he looks like me he looks same like me [Music] yeah I think we could almost brother I think he's giving the same translation in okay I have no idea what's being said right now so Naim has invited me to go with him the famous tick tocker hi hi to go have something to eat maybe and he told the kids all right stay back there that's enough we've left the crowd and we're heading now into the into the market it looks like wow this is cool so all of this is money money changing money changing okay oh sit down what what is this what what is he uh doing here uh this is uh remove removing uh removing removing he's removing like ah like moles and remove wow remove so he'll remove the mole from your body right here on the street wow that is pretty cool hi uh this is Pisha Pakistan what's the name douglas douglas how are you all right guys we've got here some sugarcane juice I said na you why aren't you having any no none for you you should have it with me okay let's give it a try guys that's very nice thank okay give it a try this is fresh sugar can juice from somewhere just down the street very [Applause] good you're such a happy guy very good very good it tastes very fresh sweet but like not like in the artificial sweet kind of way you know it's very natural because that's what it is delicious and refreshing yeah the G juice they they call it in G ju ganu juice G juice I'm glad you like that when I say it okay and we got a whole crowd here again you should be the mayor of Pasha what's that he said if if I was a mayor yeah I will put you on my head like thank you that's very nice so guys in case it wasn't already clear I don't have much of a plan for this video I'm going to explore as much of Pasa as I can probably mostly in the old town here because this is the most interesting part for me stick around it's going to be an interesting video for sure I have to say guys I'm really enjoying this shaar cames it is it's not so hot today so I can't really compare it to what it would have been like in Karachi with all the heat and humidity but it feels very light very airy very breathable flowing in the wind and uh I'm loving it so rate the fit in the comments below let me know how I look wow wow chicken chicken very nice I've been invited for lunch guys allum how are you try huh Kawa that's the green tea it's it's good okay okay thank you okay okaya and your name mran Mr abbar ibal ibal ibal okay thank you for taking me here what a cool spot yeah a local restaurant here what do you think is the best thing to eat uh what do we like chicken cry maybe Kar I think so let's give it a shot oh my goodness thank you it's uh Dumba H Dumba mutton yeah yeah okay so this is like sheep meat mutton mutton we've got some bread here ra yeah this ra uh-huh this is a nan nan n and some cucumber and what is this this a very nice pleas okay thank you g thank you so much now we're just going to use some nonan take a piece of meat just like that there we go very good it's tender it's flavorful and simple but cooked to Perfection they're known for their barbecue here in PESA guys and so far it has not disappointed so this dessert is actually not really a rice pudding it's more of a custard and it has just kind of a masala spicy flavor spicy like flavorful not hot spice it's delicious and here I got some Bish showy green tea very popular here they call it kaha sounds very similar to gaha which is like the Arabic coffee but not the same thing this is a green tea although it tastes Vaguely Familiar because I think there's cardamom in both guys I'm about to have the coolest shave of my life okay covering I'm sitting cross-legged on the street right now in Pisha and I'm going to get a nice shave and even though it looks like I don't have any beard I do occasionally need to shave my neck okay guys still waiting on the full beard I feel like a baby compared to all these men with these amazing beards here but uh what can you do [Music] foree should always get a a new blade guys okay here we go fore [Music] all right guys all done what a wonderful shave best shave of my life actually thank you so mucha wow amazing okay onward excuse me okay that was amazing and uh before we continue on guys just take a look at the architecture in this old city here it's there's definitely a lot of colonial architecture here and it is just really really cool this this kind of like Faded Glory old building with really intricate carvings and windows and uh they just melt into this chaotic scene here it it's it's a very very cool Vibe I'm telling you guys it's really weird walking around here until I pull this weird looking camera out or I speak to someone when people look at me they just it's like a passing glance like I think I I actually look like I could blend in here I don't know tell me if I'm wrong but that's what I'm getting cuz normally I'll get a lot of stairs in a place like this but here people just kind of don't seem to notice which is cool the shaar cies helps all right we're continuing on let's see what else we find guys into another Market all right guys I've stopped off this is Z yeah and you're from Afghanistan yeah I from Afghanistan and where in Afghanistan in MA close to masar your family is from Afghanistan but you were born here you born I see I see I what is your shop you're selling uh just uh uh this is a things uh uh that uh take for you add them for the clothes so it's like ornaments for the for the clothes like all of this kind of thing very cool everything we were just chatting and then some like 12-year-old kid stopped and was kind of watching and I said is that your son he said no I to Vis brother mine so I just I and you stop here and so I asked if it was his son he said no it was just some random kid standing here watching us speak English and then he said would you like some tea and I said sure and he tells the kid hey go get two teas and the kid is just like okay and takes off you don't know that boy no no no no I thought that was pretty funny okay the kid just came and dropped off the tea on a nice tray and then took off it didn't even get money my best friends uh to pleas my best friends he like a but uh I give to tea just you drink it uh but and uh pray for me ah inshah inshah so here's the tea we got milk tea this time Pakistan tea cuz I already had some green tea and I like how it comes in these you drink it out of these little bowls these kind of wide teacups or bowls pretty nice and Z with Z with z m delicious I delici I've got like the caffeine shakes from so much uh tea today but there's no other way it's it's the shower you drink a lot of tea all right guys I just sat at that shop with Z there for like over an hour just chatting he the nicest guy so Z if you're watching this thank you for the hospitality one of his friends was there at the end and I tried to give them some cash for the tea that we were drinking and he was like don't even think this his cousin said this is our pashon Hospital ality there's no chance so don't even think about it it's uh it's incredible what a fun time now we continue on let's keep exploring for shower how are you okay alhamdulillah t t and what what are you selling what huh I see some brain brain Masala and this is liver Kaa that's ground up meat got some beans wow ni okay there's the brains the main event guys I'm not going to try this today but uh next time all of the cook guys they're all kind of sitting upright like this uh cross-legged in front of their whatever they're cooking whether it's like whether they're making tea or whether they're cooking dishes like this nice to meet you all right we're continuing on guys through the market I can barely make it a few feet without someone saying hello and now stopping me to say to say hi everyone here is being very very friendly very nice just very very hospitable the pashon hospitality is real all right so this is how it's done the ice man at work what's your name sir Shir ahm Shir sh sh thank you nice to meet you okay someone's getting a big block of ice and uh see I told you guys I blend in but as soon as the camera comes out or I start speaking English then not so much wow you made that look very [Music] easy just like that okay okay thank you thank you very cool man it's just amazing even before like that ice guy started talking to me he just sees me standing there and he's like cold drink which is what they call soda or something here cold drink chai they just start asking you what do you need like even when I was sitting before with Z periodically throughout the time we were sitting there he would just be like come on what do you need tell me tell me what do you need and I'm like I I need nothing I'm I'm perfectly happy please you don't need to give me anything it's like they just want to provide for their guests which is just so nice okay it just happened again you can't make this up the phrase is what can I do for you like no preconditions people will just walk up to me on the street and say hey how are you where you from oh us that's cool so what what can I do for you it's it's amazing I've never I've never seen anything like that how are you hey good how are you how are you friend very good how are you hello hello hello pleasure to meet you nice to meet you us us us yeah where are you guys from the shower yeah we from the shower I'm from Afghanistan oh you're from Afghanistan from Afghanistan very nice like you're born in Afghanistan or born here uh born in Afghanistan okay Jal huh close to here yeah yeah I okay uh Taylor very nice what can we do for you I was just talking about how everyone here is so nice everyone's saying what can we do for you yeah nothing at all sh eat our drink something thank you so much I'm I'm totally fine you guys are too nice thank you thank you it's nice to meet you see I told you you can't make this up all right guys I've hopped in Rick Shaw and we're going to one one or two more places in this video I have no idea how long this video is I have a feeling it's it's quite long but stick around it's going to be [Music] [Music] cool okay gee all righty guys now for the last stop of this video I've come to a pretty cool place this is called Bobby kyber and uh we are basically right at the foot of the kyber pass so this mountain pass the kyber pass pretty famous one of the most famous mountain passes in the world right through there it'll take you from Pasha which is back that way straight on to jalalabad Afghanistan how are you very good I'm good I am uh your country name uh America America huh but I live in turkey turkey turkey home you are home in Turkey huh yeah and you Pakistani I am aghani Afghani oh nice to meet you pleasure are you Pakistani or Afghani uh I'm Pakistani and this Isani okay oh very good uh you are my my guest thank you so drink that's so nice thank you or this man is a English now very good yeah it is good it is good thank you g nice to meet you so through those mountains right there guys over those mountains you're in Afghanistan now I should have mentioned this at the beginning of the the video but Pasha itself is intricately closely linked to the history of Afghanistan because as you guys probably all know Afghanistan has been through a history of terrible conflicts for decades and decades at this point and through those conflicts Pasha the city here very very close to the Afghan border has served as a sort of hub for various groups that have been fighting in these different conflicts in Afghanistan over the years so for example back in the 1980s it was sort of the headquarters for the mujahedin who were fighting against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and over more recent years there's been quite a bit of Taliban activity in Pisha so the police just came because they're not very used to seeing coroners here and they're asking my Tuk Tok driver some questions all right guys so we're on the road again the police were very nice they were just checking in on us but uh eventually they were like all right it's about time to hit the road this area is still kind of a Taliban stronghold there's a lot of Taliban activity happening here so they were just saying better to get on your way but all good very very cool to see that but truly legendary place on this planet the kyber pass the stuff of Legends so it's just wild all righty guys I have made it back to P safe and sound this was an incredible day so much fun so great meeting so many nice people today hopefully I'll have one more video from Pisha that I'm going to be filming tonight coming up next so stay tuned for that but uh other than that thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one bye-bye

2023-09-08 03:19

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