First impressions of Manila, Philippines! We LOVE this place

First impressions of Manila, Philippines! We LOVE this place

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good morning everyone from Manila here in the  Philippines so it's our first of a day here   and as first of a time in the Philippines allog  together and we're so happy to be here it's a   good good day we're currently in the fort Santiago  Fort Santiago yes which we knew was kind of one of   the main tourist destinations here in Manila um  so we're not too sure what to expect we know that   it's in the in int intramuros intramuros I really  hope I'm pronouncing that correctly which again is   one of the main districts or areas in the Manila  city yeah it's basically like a w City we grabbed   these from the tourist office it's basically  like a w city um and we're literally just here   at the minute looking at the for Santiago and  it's basically something to do with the history   of Spain Spain yeah now it does feel very Spanish  around here you can see a lot of Spanish influence   which spish music coffee shops um and first  impression is it's really nice here it's so   cool yeah the city we had a short drive through  the city cuz we're staying kind of outside of the   city the city looks incredible and we thought we'  just start the day off in the fort checking out   the history of Mila and then obviously as the day  goes by we'll kind of venture more into the city   get a taste of the food the people and all that  kind of stuff but yeah and we hadn't done much   re research on Miller before coming here it's  all very new to us it is kind of wanted to be   surprised yeah I feel like it's the best way  to get a real feel for the city if you don't   do much research before it all kind of like it's  all new to you you don't know what to expect like   Beth said and yeah I mean feels more offens it  does feel more authentic and we're so happy to be   here in the Philippines it's been on our list for  so long now it's been on the buck M list for many   years and we're finally here in the Philippines so  yeah we got a week in Manila so we're going to do   as many videos in Manila as possible um but today  it's just a first impressions and oh as we say   First Impressions we walk into this bit and this  looks really nice originally the site of the Old   Fort of rajer sullon 1584 so a long old time ago  yeah it actually does look really old as well like   it hasn't had any kind of um refurbishment work  or anything either I'm going to guess they look   like bullet holes there don't say that someone  can correct me but these here I believe look like   bullet holes along there be the St no I'm pretty  sure if if any of you guys know let me do let me   know but I believe they are bullet holes they look  like bullet holes anyway yeah they look like it to   be um and oh look at this it's so nice it's so  nice how it's all preserved and kind of like as   it is or as it was it has been really kind of  touristed yeah um as you can see it's so it's   really busy here and it's just here midday so I  expect it to get a lot more busier yeah it's nice   here though what's really cool here in the for  is the fact that just below this viewing point   is like kind of dungeon style Shar and they've  got loads of different shops you got restaurants   you got ice cream you got gifts it's really  cool very European it feels like we've been   transported back to Spain or it's really cool  music I don't know if it's picking up on camera uhhuh yeah like every Philippine coffee  milk tea rice meals we got paintings and   souvenirs this side it's really nice really nice actually but that is it for the Fort now we've  had a little history lesson and it's just nice   to uh make this our first stop here on our tour  in Manila we're now going to head further into   the city uh it's around about lunchtime  so we grab some food maybe grab some tea   or coffee um Philipine Filipino coffee Filipino  coffee yeah same um and we might head towards a   mall see what the malls are like here compare  them to places we've been and yeah going to go   deeper into the city over this way I believe I'm  not entirely sure where we going or what we're   going to see when we leave here we might still  be in intramuros okay I think yeah it looks big   how big it kind of spans but we'll hopefully  figure it out on the way we will we've got a   while here so we just need to get our bearings  and figure out what's where and how to get places   this is like the first day it's been very new  to it all yeah like headless chickens at the moment so we're just walking through  the city and we've stumbled across this   incredible looking Cafe here um I guess this  must be maybe like Spanish Colonial building   of some sort because look at the architecture  it is insane and it looks so nice uh so we're   going to go in there and grab a drink but oh my  god look how nice this lookes look nice this it   does isn't it let's grab ourselves a coffee  shall we oh it's really nice where are you going oh you want to sit down do you oh oh they've  got Lowe's here hi so ice rages black tea series   milk tea there loads coffee frappes oh I might  get I love myself a coffee frappe salted caram   maiato oh my God I'm going to get one of those  I think please can I get one of the Salted caram   mocha the frpp frappy pleas thank you what  are you going to go for I think I might go   for peach excuse me is it okay with cream on  top that's okay fine yeah no problem have you   run out have you thank you Sal yes please you  want some sa yeah can I go for um a peach ice   tea okay yeah and then can I get some of the  Black Pearl okay I should yeah I should really   can't believe how nice this place is hope it's  picking up a camera it's decorated beautifully   it's a perfect little stock ni it's got like  stone walls yeah that's P unreal what a little   spot here hopefully the uh drinks match up with  the deor yeah I think it's a really touristy Cafe   I think it's literally called the intros Cafe so  it's like bang in the center um nice here we go   what are you doing with yours just give it mix  right then give this a taste oh that's good oh   that's just what I needed how's yours that's  so good as nice is it minty is it that's taste   that's really good refreshing oh that is nice so  if you out in the area guys check out this place   oh is a bit minty actually cuz it's unreal  that this carel macchiato is and so yeah I   mean look how nice it is perfect little pit stop  if you ask me what a way to where energize the day so we're just walking past what seems like  a National Monument maybe the Army we have some   armed guards out the front of it protecting it  which is quite nice we have some guards there and   there as well and this area just looks so tropical  you got like Palm trees here blue skies it looks   so nice nice and the sun's come out for us as well  which is absolutely yeah lovely honestly looking   down there looks like you're looking down rodeo  drivve in Hollywood say I was just it looks like   America it does yeah literally this is what you  see in like Florida and Hollywood and that kind   of stuff like so nice here and even over there I  mean it does help that we've got blue skies but   it's I'm really enjoying it so far really going  around taking pictures I'm like now we're going   to go go to a restaurant called Messa m m EA  which is supposed to be yeah supposed to be one   of the chains here in the Philippines and they  going to get some traditional Filipino food um   yeah it's actually both one of the best Filipino  restaurants I think like 12 years running on oh   wow okay so that would be the best place to  get our first Filipino dish how long have we   got do you know I think about 20 minute walk  20 minute walk pretty much straight down this   way I believe somewhere over there yeah it's  yeah nice oh looking for some Filipino food   that's for sure Robson Robinson's place Manila  so the restaurant we're looking for is in here   apparently not entirely sure how to get in or  where the entrance is but I guess we'll soon   find out uh it looks like a bit of an old Mall  um we might go to a nicer mall later on in the   day but first off is food of course so need to  find our way in around here somewhere yeah I'm   excited to see what food's like never had Filipino  never never had Filipino food this is the first   it is just got to find the restaurant first oh  I feel like we have an entrance here there we go hello how are you all right then now where do we go I have  no idea looks like they've got quite a lot in   this mall actually yeah it is really big isn't  it of course we have no idea where we're going   but there is a lot here as you can see let's head  on down this way I feel like this floor is a food   floor there's like loads of restaurants and stuff  everywhere so I'm hoping it's on hit this floor   it should be somewhere here we go we found our  restaurant of choice Misa Mesa not entir sure how   you pronounce it but we're here hello hi take  me for two please than you here we go here we go thank you two thank you smells so good doesn't  it smells really good all right then nice selection of drinks some  beverages you can get oh and DTS   look at those so now I did want the  Adobe or Adoba but unfortunately we   don't do it here so we're going to go for  adobo is adobo I think got um we're going   to go for let's order shall we get um one of  the salt oh salt pepper spare ribs how many in thank you bonus chicken barbecue as well which looks  nice yeah and then can we go for Ste rice just one and then one of yes please yeah see yeah like we said this is our first  ever time ordering and eating Filipino food so   we basically have no idea what we've ordered and  I think it should take about 10 minutes 10 minutes   to come out yeah oh 20 20 minutes to come out so  yeah not too bad I mean we'll have to wait now   and then we'll see what food comes out hopefully  it's nice it smells really good in here so should be here we go here we go thank you very much  oh that are noodles that look good to tell   you what they were again thank you and that  is the chicken and we have some rice okay so   these noodles are the remember the name like  centa or something noodles yeah it was it with   that s yeah but that looks really nice we got  I think it's chicken or pork noodles bit of   veg oh got a p there as well we got some plain  rice and then I believe we have this chicken   we're just waiting for the ribs now ribs I  think we got yes but this looks incredible   it smells so good it looks so nice what other  people are ordering as well but we don't know   what it is yeah like yes I guess whilst we're  waiting for the pork we can uh try some of this chicken that reminds me of like barbecue  chicken sco at home oh these are so good   oh that's like the nicest chicken I've  had in a long time I'm not joking really that's got something down your neck is it yeah m how the noodles I don't know what  flavor they are but they're really   good so I found that there's actually bits  of pork and the answer this I thought it's chicken but these noodles like almost  seethrough it's so weird you don't   get noodles like this at home but they're  really nice I wonder are they rice noodles maybe thank you very much thank  you oh they look good yeah so we   now have some salt and pepper  spare ribs which look insane   I'm going to go straight in and get  one I'm not sure what a sauce it is yeah different they're  different to what we' have at home tastes a bit like um they taste like  something I tastes like like the batter the   fried but it tastes like something I can't yeah  May popcorn oh yeah it does doesn't it yeah it is   like popcorn it does actually taste like popcorn  or popcorn in the UK anyway yeah it's a strange sensation it's nice though GL we Pi  them this is a spread and a half there   has chicken noodles more rice and some  pork there incredible even know where start just like that we are finished now that was  absolutely lovely my favorite out of all this   was definitely a chicken closely followed by  these noodles and then those ribs I wasn't a   huge fan of the ribs it was just so weird  they tasted like popcorn like to us they   tasted exactly like of popcorn yeah I completely  agree the popcorn tastes was a bit but the rest   of it these two were incredible so yeah yeah  this was nice but was a bit fatty but I don't   know if that's just the way that you over  here were good we'll find out how much it   worse and compared to the English prices but  I'm stuffed now stuffed that was good though   goes long way yeah right so let come to okay  then so the bill has arrived let's come to 15   38 so we had two mineral waters salt ribs bonus  chicken s sangon guizard which was noodles and   then one plain rice so yeah £15 48 definitely  not the cheapest compared to where you've been   eating in like uh Indonesia India Sri Lanka  it's quite a bit more expensive actually um   it kind of comes to about $20 so that's pretty  similar to what you pay at home really uh not   too different to England but I mean it was lovely  so happy with it um and yeah so a total of 1,090 usad about £69 each that's not bad too fair is it first ever Mesa done that was incredible  and we're actually in the small although I   said on the outside it didn't look too nice but  it's actually really nice around here the mall   is huge I'll show you kind of just down here  so we're going to have a Wonder around this   place first but they've got so much going  on here and from the outside it definitely   didn't little like this there so the floors  it's really done up a modern and I don't even   know what this is It's like a marker down there  which is quite cool so we might head down there   yeah it's really nice here really nice here  actually I'm quite impressed got a big sale   on down there so we'll have a look at that um  I believe Beth wants to get a bubble tea so   we'll get one of those as well you going to  get a bubble tea huh you going to get one no   right now I was looking cuz I think they have a  few in this mall so okay we'll get some at some   point expensive than they are in Borneo that's  for sure yeah Borneo was super cheap wasn't it well Beth has found herself outside of  a frozen yogurt place and she loves frozen   yogurt so oh look at that does they say what  flavors they oh that looks good These are nice   banana almond crunch I might get one of those  you know Cafe now I did want some ice cream   I said earlier wanted some ice cream and I can  see boffi paf here in this cup it looks really good so you want uh the boffi can I  have the um boffi froo parf yes fro   par yes please Perfect yeah that's not  bad for $199 either is it and then can   I get a small do you just do the um  original original frer original fro   not Happ um I uh yeah I'll get this your t  uh This original fire yeah fine yeah thank you oh so let's go and see how they do mine then okay is that like banana so she's c c oh look  it's like a layed then granola all fruit oh so   much going on in that we got like corn flakes  granola mango pineapple ice cream or yogurt   banana as well wow okay that AR me what are  you going to go for then I'm going to go for   just a small froo with I saw strawberries I  want to get strawberries oh yeah strawberries   oh that looks good thank you very much one uh  yes uh just a small original so then this is   what it looks like banana ore we've got grola  ice cream fruits more canola that looks lovely unreal C your sliping there didn't  I you did how is it amazing so yeah   I asked for some um caramel sauce on  top of mine because little bit blander wise that's nice isn't it what's  wrong cold actually I haven't   had Frozen nugget in a long time  so good isn't itly Frozen nugget   so much nicer than actual ice cream  and it's makes be better for you so supposedly fruit you got mango  and pup in there as well hav you yeah it's weird I wouldn't normally go for fruit  in my frozen YK but it's actually quite nice you know big F I know about good ide so we've now left the mall and we're going  to head to the beach now I never actually knew   there was a beach in Manila um but I guess  because you're on the coast you do have one   so we're kind of near the beach for now we're  just walking over the main road as you can see   we're going to head down this this way and check  out man's local Beach not expecting too much but   um of course check out it's not really that busy  is it really but it's like the shortest walk from   the mall as well it was only like 5 minutes 100  minutes there's a lot going on down here as well   so check out these Market STS see what's around  but yeah I me I didn't even realize there was   a beach here so there a surprise actually so  they had a port like a harbor front it wasn't   expecting a beach me either not entirely  sure how to get in there but we'll find the entrance got loads here from Toys  sunglasses ice cream maybe yeah more toys yeah so if this is the exit we're trying  to find the entrance now um where is the   excuse me where's the entrance that way we're  doing thank you just down here then apparently   oh where are we going what's this all about I  don't know you have to pay I'm not sure to get   in I hope not cuz it's Beach never paid  to get into a beach before so that' be a first hello yes yeah England Eng yes Ahad thank you see you it  was nice like can't take any water but the beach   though so it looked just in this tent here was  a like a table and everyone had it was full of   like bottles and water and stuff so as Beth said  I don't think you can bring any bottles of water   in here I get it if it's for what's the word like  not littering yeah or like leaving trash but it's   hot day yeah it's a hot day need some water  but we're here we're on the beach it's like   a grally beach so I'm not sure if it's like  man made or not maybe I was expecting sand   but no I mean but what a glorious day yeah you  can't really do much on this beach it says no   swimming no eating no smoking no littering no  spitting no pets and no food oh yeah so no it's   entirly sure what you can do here really it's  this just to come and chill for like 5 minutes   and then you got to leave again un Le they're  making it something yeah maybe maybe it's like   under construction um yeah let's go check the SE  see what it's like in here I'm not entirely sure   why it says no swimming maybe because it's kind  of like a port area the water is not too clean   I'm not sure you'll have to let us know anyway  but we go down there's a few people they don't   really have the facility like the people the  resources to kind of police it maybe I don't   know yeah I mean the water doesn't look too clean  so um maybe because it's like a poor area it's   just unsafe to swim in but I mean it's quite cool  though yeah get nice breeze nice CH chill out here   the city looks so nice so I it looks like a big  ferris wheel down there and all one big strip of here so maybe we should head down that way  afterwards cuz I can see a strip of palm trees   which means normally that means there's like  a nice area um yeah nice I did not expect to   be gone the beach today that's for sure so be's  just been looking and down that area is I can't   hear you I don't know Ma maai I'm not quite  sure how to pronounce it oh oh it's F down   the area is Macai I'm not sure you can see on the  screen here but I believe that's like one of the   nicer areas so we're going to head down there  and check that area out because uh we haven't   yet so far and people have recommended it to  us so yeah I think a lot of the markets like   the food markets and like the weekend Market  tend to be open in that direction okay which we   hopefully do get to check out at some point by  we are here yes we will we will but we'll head   down that way now and check out that area  see more of the city while the Sun's still up I don't look so then now we're going to go  back towards where we're staying which is kind   of like a little bit outside of the main and  Center can't get my words out we're about to   get a grab and he is 8 minutes away so yeah  I mean that's thing that grabs around here   is it always really far away yeah there was a  lot going on like in the area near our hotel   so we're going to go check that out because uh  we haven't properly checked it out yet and see   if there's some cool stff to do hopefully  this guy comes shortly here we go here we go hello Hi how are you I always forget they  sit on the other side of the car yeah about 35   minutes in a car until we get to where we need  to go which is quite a long time actually it   just shows you just how far out we are so we're  going all the way up there and we're currently   there um and yeah we'll just check out the local  area see what's going on hopefully it's quite nice there we go dropped off now we are  closer to where we're staying and we've   seen out the car window a place around  here to get some little snacks some what   look like some Filipino snacks so we're  going to go and have a look and see what   they've got it's quite ly right now yeah  it is isn't it it's really Lively around   here actually oh what have we got I have no  idea no idea what's around the other side as well it is like a bit of a  bakery those are desserts   oh well what are they I can't tell  that looks nice that does look nice cake really not sure what any of these are but  they look quite nice so we might as well give   some a try um which ones to go for though that  is a question that looks like purple lavender   it does what's this one looks like it's caked in  some sort of icing maybe and these ones look quite   nice yeah different I haven't seen these before  so God knows what they're like really nice going   to go for one of those yeah and maybe like one  of those brownie take looking things and then   whatever you want I want the corner oh yeah  which one was it I don't know I'll point that   yes please what what is this GRE SP what sorry  GRE girl okay no idea yeah and one of those as   well please and and what's this one brownies  okay nice yeah cool and thenk you and then   one of these cake and can we have a bottle of  water as well please a bottle of water a water bottle thank you perfect thank you  and one water bottle please H water water water I know I think it's the way we say  it water water thank you thank you so then we   got I don't know what that is but what what what's  this one spider spider cake okay W that's really   fitting how much do we owe you how much oh so that  came to a total of 48 so 34 pesos yeah and it's 48   that's not bad at all that's really like amazing  so we' got three little pieces of cake in a botle   of water for 48 P which is know what anything is  so I mean I know what a brownie is so we're going   to give the brownie a go see how it tastes if we  can get into it it's quite hard what do you want I want oh yeah it feels a bit hard it tastes like it's been set out for a  while it's not very gooey but I mean it's not   bad not the worst I've ever tasted go over  there there and then next one we have is I   really don't know what this is that looks  so unappetizing but I will give it a go   if you guys know what this is please do let  me know because I didn't understand what you said that was actually really nice it's like more  of a brownie than the other one was really yeah   it's like a little chocolate Bowl oh yeah with  icing at the top M quite nice it yeah M yeah   I'm quite happy with that one actually that's  really nice it's like chocolate nice yeah it's   nice in a brownie and then we've got the SPID cake  which actually looks it looked really good in the window how would you describe it I  mean it's quite like ready purply in   color tastes a bit like carrot cake oh  really like a chocolate caramel carrot cake yeah you're right isn't it got the spices  of of the carrot cake that's that we'll be back   then to try some other G there was so much  in there so yeah we'll definitely be about   there and for the sake of 40 34 pesos is really  good compared to the prices that you get in the   city yeah so much cheaper this is true out  there is a 7-Eleven near us of Haron and we   need to get some stuff for the next couple of  nights we might take the walk there now uh and   see what the seven L is like here because  obviously in Asia 7el are massive and it's   just nice to compare what they're like between  countries so we're going to find it and get some   stuff for later oh here we go here we go our  closest 7-Eleven let's see what they got in store God that was slow isn't it thank  you wow I mean it's not very big but   looks like they got some stuff oh hello how  are you I'm you're a blogger yeah yeah how   are you I'm fine I'm fine nice to meet  you yeah nice to meet you you're welcome   to 7eleven thank you very much thank  you see we do is this your shop yeah   good right then what do we have we need  get some food for later much is to be honest here oh so we were just kind of  thinking like a pot noodle yeah what oh   something similar hey shout out 7eleven  we'll give a shout out for sure shout   out to the guys at 7-Eleven what's your  name Ellie Ellie Mike Mike nice to meet   you I'm Dan right then what shall we get  cup noodles down here hav got much Choice here oh yeah they are quite small aren't they get about these yeah uh jamong Korean spicy Seafood flavor that  sounds quite nice that sounds really nice bone   marrow beef bone marrow I thought you like that  maybe give it a try H yeah I'm not sure if like   the pot noodles here are big in um Philippines  in Malaysia and Singapore they are uh so I'm   not sure if you guys like them as much as they do  but yeah oh my God so I've just seen look at the   size of these Gator raids they are absolutely  massive Gatorade tropical fruit is that 900   mil blue BS tropical fruit we got a tropical  fruit flavor that's 1.5 H they're absolutely   huge you never really see those in us don't get  them my home or anything that's right so this   is what we're getting pretty much a weekly  shot is it thank you got quite a lot to be yeah yes it's a BL oh he's good for oh crunchy pan chicken fet  with rice you can get like full of meals here   that's insane if you're 69 and pesos you can  get chicken fill it with rice and some gravy   by those of things don't get that at home do you  well oh yeah bon bon spread so strange you don't   get anything like that at home chicken spread  I mean you get some like sandwich spreads but   not in the pack like that yeah sure I feel about  that thank you can we please get a bag as well   yeah thank you you want to uh oh no we'll take  it away thank you thank you be interested to see   how much well this comes to where are you from  England England wow that's last two nights uh   there's a England oh yeah okay nice yeah thank  you how much was it say 3 38 308 thank you and   you're from manila manila nice I leave it's  Manila yeah good it's nice here good weather   yeah nice talk to you and nice have a nice thank  you we'll be back at some point thank you very   much have a nice dayk you see you tomorrow thank  you nice to meet you byebye thanks what a lovely guy thank you very much now uh where do we come  from left oh yeah straight down wow so before we call it a day we're going  to head down here which looks like a really busy   little Street um and there's so much going  on down here hello put this in there this is   finished and then oh my God look at this a prop  market so you got chicken beef got fish over there yeah it does smell quite strong I'll  give you that but this is actually pretty   cool with smell Beth doesn't like to L of  fish um but oh my God you got everything   coconuts bananas dogs if you want a dog  hello how are you good need to be careful   head oh my God literally everything this  is like a proper little Market Street this   it's insane I'm glad we passed some eating  the fish that was hello how are you how are you wow maybe don't get many uh tourists down  this little Street yeah I get the vibe they   don't actually they've got everything there oh  my God cool it goes on really far down yeah it does we vegetables more fish oh my  God like is that like a pig's head   oh my God hello how are you she must be  thinking what are you staring at staring   ateg no thank you buddy nice to meet you by  guys from where are you England England yes nice to meet you everyone's so friendly here  aren't they I think having a camera as well   as bringing attention it's crazy because uh  if you do this in India it' be really quite   hostile people trying to drag you in and staring  at you but everyone here seems to be really nice   and welcoming hello she's like oh you're so  weird yeah she's like I've never seen you before wow this is uh cool they've got everything  here a bit T yeah I know I keep nearly hitting my head wow okay and yeah I mean I guess that  pretty much concludes our day today uh I   mean I've had such a fun day I love the  Philippines like Milla has made such a   good impression on me um I mean yeah we hear  such negative things from tourists cuz they   either fly to M for a couple nights and fly  straight out to the island so we're really   enjoying ourselves yeah so far 100% and  definitely not what we expected not yeah   you just hear bad comments sometimes really  enjoyed oursel today ahuh too many Travelers   come here and they go straight to the islands  they don't really give me another a chance so   I'm happy to give Mana a chance oh my God look  at that oh oh we don't like you yeah I'm happy   to give Manila a chance and really see what it's  like here so we have the next 5 to six days here   uh so we'll be doing so many videos exploring  pretty much everywhere in Manila um and yeah   super excited for it so thank you very much for  watching and we'll see you in the next videos

2024-03-04 01:45

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