First impression of Yogyakarta - Worth Visiting when Traveling Indonesia?

First impression of Yogyakarta - Worth Visiting when Traveling Indonesia?

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hey [Music] [Music] we made it to city eight hour train ride down on the island of java the most populous island in all of indonesia and the city is called jakarta locals call it jogja guys today i want to take you a little bit for a first impression right now the sunset is soon coming up i heard there's one main street so the big question is going to be how is the city is it worth visiting from international perspective how is it for remote living and remote working the hotel we're actually saying right now you saw the drone shot we didn't leave the last three days been editing editing editing there's a lot of work behind these travel movies and some other things some some secret projects i'm working on right now let's go find out a little bit what's up here taxi's about to come any moment as you see bianca is already getting on with her vlog she's been doing the videos every day since we got to the city it's also so hard it's the reason why we haven't left the hotel yet but her channel is blowing up a good little bit so 100 000 subscribers soon one hundred thousand soon we're gonna make it let's see this video is gonna go viral on yours [Music] we got here two days ago yeah okay two days ago two two two two yes how do you say malio a bottle yes that's the name yeah mario boro mania border okay like the cigarettes no not to get it not cigarettes okay [Music] so guys we made it on to the main i would say touristy road is called maligo boron on our way into the taxi it was like a five minute ride so it was fairly close i think like half an hour drive so fairly busy they're selling like a lot of different clothing bags the prices are on there so we're seeing it's like 30 000 a lot of souvenirs so that's actually the first time we see that outside of bali like they didn't have stuff like that in bandung or in jakarta so this is a proper let's say more touristy city but it's kind of nice you know maybe you can get some shorts or something local i feel so local everything well i think usually it's probably very busy with the tourists right now yeah that reminds me super like markets in thailand you know yeah oh yes the first time i see that like in indonesia you can fit in twice in there in china i'll call it much yeah cheers and i just looked up the city is around 500 000 people 400 something thousand so definitely not a big one but it is known as one of the main destinations in all of indonesia actually everybody's like telling us to come here yeah just because of all the different villages around it as i said the biggest buddhist temple and we're gonna explore all of that later on but this road is a little bit i feel like it's a little bit gritty you know it's a little bit a little bit old school but i personally like it it's busy it's very local yes you want to have some yolk jakarta drip yeah i'm good so guys definitely if you're coming and you're needing like a shirt or a sweater they will definitely hook you up we got like some bags we got we got some watches this one's quite fancy dave do you want one are you baby ones so guys we walked down the street here for already like half an hour yeah so the crazy thing about it what makes the street original so there's like about the clothing i'm suspecting it's mostly handmade looks pretty nice but they all have kind of like the same stuff right yes yeah i drove by yesterday the hotel actually has bikes maybe i'm going to show you later on i was having a little bike ride this morning but guys what makes the street special is pretty much the fact that it's super long online it says two and a half kilometers and i just looked it up i just looked up the street [Music] this is content mastery right there this is how you need to take my photos this is dedication just take your time the crib here so guys here at gaia cosmo when we walked in we got a little bit lost in this room so they also have kind of like residents sort of like little apartments this is really nice so this has been super like my hustle station in the morning 5 30 6 a.m we're starting out doing some stuff on the computer and this is kind of cool like there's no daylight here so it's definitely a little bit of a of a cave but i like this feeling it's more like an evening to sit down to have your dinner i have one tv here with this kind of like nice design a little bit and then you walk in guys follow me here's the bathroom also fairly large is getting ready i think we're going to go to the roof in a second so the toilet we got like two separate like the thing i like the most is like a little walk-in closet allows you to organize everything nice and neat just for the room tour i closed this down so you don't have to see this huge mess and that is the room nice thing fairly large ceilings another tv the bad this is where bianca was working most of the time and overall this hotel is kind of like an open design so outside when you walk out some of the rooms they're like right next to pretty much like an open balcony i've been here already for four days four days i think and it has been just extremely convenient in terms of you can work here in the corner you can go down they have little working stations downstairs this is 24 hours open cafes 24 hours open they have a pool we haven't used it yet maybe i'm gonna show you a shot i was today like trying to drag bianca out but she's also working like crazy so that has been a little bit the first impression also sharing with you the daily life let's go up and let me show you a bit of a 360 off [Music] so guys this is their sky lounge what is it nikola sky bar actually on some photos of jogja i saw there's supposed to be a big mountain a big kind of like volcano type of thing maybe you already saw it at the beginning of this video i like to do that even if we haven't seen it yet doesn't mean you haven't seen it yet you see it always first but yeah we really have almost pretty much like a 360 if you're gonna go in the back of the bar and uh it's actually quite large it's yeah oh yeah yeah yeah so there's kind of like a walk through a little bit we're gonna have a coffee for now we just got here right that opening so we have the whole place to ourselves actually geography as far as fairly busy a lot of people are on the go so the view is actually really cool you have a little bit of mountains you have very few of them are big buildings a lot of these triangle traditional houses look really cool [Music] [Music] yeah you guys wrapping up at the night at the cosmo restaurant here i have some irony's chicken this is some soup i'm gonna also have some chicken sometime well you know normally we'll eat the satay with the peanut sauce but this one will eat it so good so guys good good morning from the gym over here so the past few days in this hotel i've been starting almost every morning like before seven i think pretty much everyone some 5 30 some six some seven uh guys the cool thing about this gym is i haven't seen a single person here yet and for whatever reason there's no sign for the gym in the hallway there's one in the elevator that's how i found it so maybe that's many guests found their way here or just not that busy right now but uh yeah just did a nice workout full upper body goal is always to maintain the shape guys i think we're going to hit the breakfast over there we got some rice we got some noodles we got some steamed vegetables fruit bar we got a bunch of salad so guys that's the breakfast here real quick so having a lot of different salad here just red pepper a lot when they have red pepper in the hotel there's just like you know most vitamins a little bit of shredded chicken on top of it so what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna take another loop a little bit here through the old town you see like there's like these old ancient kind of like walls of the palace yeah kind of gates and things like that mana [Music] it's my wife yeah no no family wife only okay guys welcome to the way of getting around here so this guy back there he he looks a little bit different than most people yeah and speaks very good english in his age respect so honestly usually i don't like to go for these like local types of transportation like cookbooks and stuff like that but this one just looked different it looked kind of fun kind of cool so let's see where we are at here cool grandpa yeah we're here with our indonesian grandpa he asked us if we're friends friends we need wide angle guys okay guys so that right there is the palace good into infinity it looks so cool super okay starting of the morning on a different street this tree is called clavi torahman maybe i can film this name somewhere for you so as far as that research is like a little bit of a more touristy area a lot of guest houses that's actually have like some nice cafes let's check here uh this kid's house later on looks so cool yeah so right now we live a little bit in a different area but here yeah here's like walkable lot of nice cafes we're gonna start our day from here right now and oh look varun hello homemade javanese cuisine so a lot of places to eat a lot of places to stay on the street but the coolest thing is what we just walked in an antique store with some real some some opium pipes some saves from the 17th century really cool stuff let me give you a quick glimpse like a safe or something like that and i'm not sure sorry yeah how much is this safe is this 950 million so almost a billion yeah yeah 950 million yes okay so almost a billion rupiah yeah okay 10th century 17th century okay wow thank you i will i will save some money up this this is what destroyed china what is it opium opium oh you know how that works this is what destroy charter so we made it here into like a real real proper antique store on the street and they really have some stuff here from the 17th century they have some opium pipes they have like a safe for i think like almost seventy thousand dollars [Music] like you can buy like an apartment around here for the same money and then one more and then you put the safe in there so i'll be back for that one here's a little bit of bali vibes yeah yeah boutique yes little cafes and also to give you an idea in terms of the prices we've been here at this point for a few days already this right now gives you a good idea you see all the prices out here coffee goes for like twenty thousand it's a little bit over a year or like a dollar fifty uh motorbike seventy thousand per day sixty thousand fifty thousand if it's for multiple days so like three to five dollars for a day similar to bali coffees are maybe even cheaper so jerk chocolate does seem a little bit more affordable right yeah more than jakarta definitely more affordable also than bandung so so far probably the most affordable out of all of them in our hotel the prices are like extremely yeah yeah like our hotel is actually like really nice but the coffees there still go for 20 to 30 000. old people indonesia are the best everywhere they're the best that is what the city is really known for a lot of history a lot of antique objects and uh guys this is the last monarchy in indonesia let's go and check out the palace oh that's where we walked is the bella still used for reno fashion so this opened on november open again from valley no from dubai goodbye yes we made it out into the city center of jogjam with one clear goal visit the main thing in the city center which is the sultan's palace so i think i mentioned before jakarta is actually one of the last monarchies inside of indonesia it's kind of a bit of a also like remote governance area with some like let's say some of their own things some of their original sites and one of the biggest things in the city center is the sultan's palace but it's on the renovation so there was a local guy at the entrance we'll open next month yeah yeah well it's okay now when you travel right now you just don't always get to see everything you know basically the guy who was working there he told us that this used to be where the workers or still is actually still is where the workers of the palace are living and this area is actually super cute super alive uh super clean and everybody has tastes and has a style depending how it's very nice and clean have a lot of looks super super cute it's like a school is it well yeah i think so yeah hello come out hello waved hello [Music] it looks like daycare oh this guy looks super cool how are you learn good learn well travel the world check out bianca's g channel like i see [Applause] amazing guys so you get the feeling here and honestly i probably think we're enjoying this right now more than we would enjoy the palace yeah that's always us going to the spot right next to which is the main one but yeah the first impression of jogjam many people say it is the cultural capital of pretty much all of indonesia and we did a little bit either i did a little bit i was like let's research he's like yeah yeah yeah so i researched actually and you're going to get a first glimpse of it right now that they have the biggest buddhist temple in the world they have one other temple the city is full of temples and that is going to be our goal for the next few weeks i think this is what this city is really famous for and honestly like in many places i'm not too excited to see like the temples yeah i've been to many many temples at this point but these here they look different yeah yeah the architecture is completely different and the size extremely ancient and i'm actually really really pumped i don't know how good it's going to be but you're going to see right now a first glimpse of something that we haven't seen yet that's always what i like to do you know you get a preview before i have been there while i edit the videos a few weeks later i guess you get it and guys first impression is it's definitely not let's say us let's say cozy and maybe stylish and like for tourism in the sense like maybe a city like is you can check out the videos from there but it definitely has its own characters on charm you really feel the history on the streets so i think it's definitely worth visiting so far but we haven't seen much yet so with that i'm gonna leave you with a preview make sure to subscribe if you haven't yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] around six years ago i realized that there is so much more beyond the borders of what you're familiar with the world to see was born and it is all about living and traveling through different countries all under the premise of finding more more opportunity more adventure more freedom [Music] you

2021-10-23 11:11

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