Fiji the Private Charter of the Whole Amazing Island〔episode:2〕

Fiji the Private Charter of the Whole Amazing Island〔episode:2〕

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The. Wedding. Dream. For two loving, each other living. Together and, forever. The. Special, stage only, for yourself, no. One can copy. Fiji. Is the country, where you can welcome the warning, first in the world and will. Be the first bride, in the world. If the, whole island, can be chartered I. Hereby. Present you the wedding ceremony with. Full of smiles and warmth. Fiji. Dramatic. Wedding, chattering. The whole island. The, largest city of Fiji, Nadi. At. The center of the city animated. By many Indian, origins, among native Phrygians an exciting. Sports supposed local, wedding ceremonies. A. Comfortable. Space in the whitey mode second. Floor of a need building. This saloon, with a network in Japan provides, total. Coordination. Of wedding ceremonies. On Fiji and mana, Islands including, dresses, bouquets. And accessories. After. The business started, in 1999. The, annual numbers of weddings on the island, exceed, 1,000. The. Secret, of the attraction, is the legal wedding. The. Official, certificate. Is issued by, Fiji government, and. The whole country, celebrates, the couples. Programs. Include, the wedding, at the largest, resort on the mainland, Fiji. Bougainvilleas. Placed. In the rooms for honeymooners, a sign, of welcome and congratulations. Massage. And spa are well organized, for body care to upgrade, the Brys satisfaction. Machines. Equipments. And crews of first class will, lead you to wonderful. Wedding ceremonies. The. Last important, concern, is the chapel which, grace the wedding ceremonies. This. Particular Chapel, with the beach close by has, been getting the highest respect from, wedding couples, until. Now. The. Concept, of a wedding, equals, Chapel has, now turned to, be the wedding on some isolated. Islands. Astonishingly. The, total chartered Fijian, wedding, style. Domestic. Line will first bring you from Nadi to, Lambeth, of Benoa, River Island in about one hour. Lamb. Basa one, of the two airports, on valuer level Island with. Big share of Indian, origins, center. Of sugarcane, industry. The. Further away from the, metropolitan.

Area The more charming, the smiles of Ephesians, look. To, the ports by car you can, enjoy the views of small villages, various. Kinds of trees and plants see. Sighs moving. Away scenery, for, about an hour. The. Crews accept guests, aboard of high-speed boat, at the pier. Services. To chattery of the whole island have started, one by one. You'd. Arrive at new kumite, island in the West by boat in 15, minutes. First. Step, on the paradise, nobody, can expect. Bula. Means, hello in fission, the, Fijians. Will smile to you saying bula day, and night. The. Southwestern. Corner of a tiny island of, 0.2. Square kilometers. The. Very popular and famous resort, of fishy appears. At the road and by the pier. Entrance. Of nuku beauty island. The. First architecture. You would see no. Reception desk. The. Pavilions, are the restaurants, and bars used, for the night shows and lounge, you. Will enjoy sunset, dinner here, with the ocean view. Green. Coverage, around the pavilion, continues. Toward the poorest for guests. Booray. Means, the cottage envision language. Seven. Types of breweries, three. Types for honeymooners, and four types of duplex, for family, purpose, all, rooms, are sea fronts, you. Can run to the beach in, a few seconds, anytime, of the day. You. Will perceive, the honeymoon, decorated. Flowers, from outside, of the Perez. The, inside of the room is totally coordinated, with. Woodgrain. Representing. The characteristic. Of new kuba T which. Would make you feel the cells of healing. The. VIP, honeymoon. Suites are paid careful attention for. Being delicate, in appearance. Gorgeousness. Is, hidden in trifle, care with, cleanliness, of decoration. Perfect. And careful, housekeeping. Service, by four members of crews per one guests. Sensibility. Of using, space from the exterior, to the interior. Represents. The charm of the resource in the southern islands. The, advantage, for the chartered guests, is the massage service, given, to the price before ceremony. Available. Anytime after, 8 o'clock in the morning. The. Budget of nuku body chatter is per night is about six thousand dollars for fourteen members with, minimum, of ten. Wedding. Is additional, but, for both families, for three days about, eighteen thousand, dollars must. Be acceptable, isn't. It. Every. Resort will become hustle-and-bustle, after. Sunset. Come. In this is the kitchen.

Yeah. Making. The food for tonight, these. Are my girls here. The. Crews contain, of 40 members for seven Burris with 14, guests. Those. Forty crews take responsible. Care of 14. Guests, for kitchen, work, housekeeping. Laundry, and. The activities. This. Is the secret, of why the guests, can enjoy the, real chartered, Resort. The. Lady chef told us that they prepared, foods with a good balance of vegetables, and fishes to. Get rid of the fatigue, because. The couples are having the ceremony and, party, on the following day. The. Groom and the bride in the huge pavilion. Toast to each other with white wine. The, collaboration, of fresh chicken, fish, and vegetables, with Asian, tastes doesn't. Make us feel inferior to any, resource, of the Big Island. No. Doubt, warm-hearted, service. Kondeh, boo situated. In far southern part, of Fijian Islands, the. Typhoon, usually, passes, over yasawa, island, the, famous rich resorts. Yacouba, tea is not on typhoon, route where, people don't have much rain. It's. Cold paradise. By. Looking around at, the unpopulated. Resort, it, reminds. Us that this, resort, at this moment exists. Just, for us. A, little. Before 6:00 in the morning the. Crews have begun motivated. On. The. Day of ceremony. The, working starts, one hour earlier, than usual, the. Services, of the crews are fully devoted, for the guests. At. 7:30. The, breakfast, for the guests will be prepared. Anytime. After 7:30. The. Breakfast, time for the guests. You. You. The. Schedule, on the day of ceremony, is always, joyful, but very hard. Right. After the breakfast, we'll get to a neighboring, village. Village, visits, are habit activities. To get acquaintances. To village people, on. New kuba tea village. Visit is one of their wedding package. The. Beach is on low tide we. Start embarking. On the island upon our feet. We. Are welcomed, by fully furnished vision. People through, the decorated, gate by, the warriors in costumes, and the gorgeous floral ornaments. The. Brides and the groom's would, go to the kitchen, of local food, officiant, traditional, food. The. LoVo is an underground. Oven, you. Need to wait until food, is completely heated. In boiled, enough in a banana leaf. Pork. Terrell. Cassava. And bread, foods etc, these. Materials. Are cooked into the guest lunch. Visiting. The house of the chief this. Is one of the activities, in village visiting, menu. Gift. Of cava as a traditional. Custom. Cava. Is a wooden root of pepperoni ins and the Fijian, powderized, the, root and drink with water as one of the best greetings. The. Fijians, would not refuse, to drink the first glass, as a ceremonial, greeting. And. Tasting, of this oaken like beverage, is a privilege, of a wedding visit. The, population. Of ravi ravi village, is about, 130. According. To the history, the, village exists, since 2000. Years ago and, the, people guarded, the village from the higher mountain. By, giving, out the smoke to inform, the people about the, invaders. Now. The modern, and merry hearted, people contribute. Themselves, to the resorts by grass knitting, products, and vision, mattresses. The. Makers show is now known as the welcome greeting, but. The dancing, is said to be the homecoming dance for, men who, had come back safe from the cannibalistic, fight. There. Is a legendary, story that, the party was rousing, ly exciting. When, man brought back the tasty, looking people but. No way to prove the story. After. The show global. Food is ready for lunch. Gorgeous.

Food. Such. As boiled, octopus, and steamed, squid, with coconut, cream and pancakes. Added, to the norm love of food. Love. Of food with hot tropical, sauce on it and the, Warriors dances. Both, impress the Europeans, and everyone, visiting, from all over the, world, the. Bride and the groom loved the entire show, also. 2. P.m.. Unfortunately. In the middle of mingling time with Village People, all. The guests must leave the village. The. Usual, farewell, scene on isolated. Islands but. The heartbreaking, moment, must turn to memories, that, they would never want to forget for the rest of their lives. Late. Afternoon at, the resort. While. The groom in the bride was visiting, the village the. Preparation. For the ceremony and the party, was, going well. Making. Things by hand work of one after, another with, a lot of care there's, a new committee, policy, the, traditional, technique, of precise, knitting, of coconut, leaves is, the Fijians, valuable, asset, with, skillful, experience. And delicacy. The, flowers, are decorated. All over, in the pavilion. You, see and. It. Came, to feed you maybe about. Ten. Years ago maybe, more maybe. More you I'm not sure I, think it's from related from Singapore, I think yes, but. It grows very well here, we have many varieties we, have pink white. Red. Pink. Is a romantic, color it, just makes people feel happy inside when, you have plenty of flowers, so gives. You a nice feel. The two came back and had a final arrangement. With the priest. Here. Is the wedding data. The. Budget, includes, almost everything. But the rental fee of clothes and the photography. It. Can also be arranged, through a travel agency. You. May directly, contact, the resort and order the traditional, Fijian style wedding, everything. Will be custom-made, and handmade, style, if. You want the English style, with a wedding dress making. All the arrangements from, Japan is recommendable. Wearing. Ceremonial, Fijian, style, with no chapels. Starts. A little before dark. Oh. In. Your sideboard you have said in the world that. You know three are gathered in my name I'll, be nearly, we. Know you are here with us. Especially. In. This. Renewing. Of. The marriage father, father. Be, with us, in. Our. Words our singing. And the service and. We offer this prayer unto you through. The same Jesus, Christ our Lord and, our Savior. Created. The world and. Created. These islands I. Bless. You in the name of Jesus. Who. Redeemed you. Redeemed, the world and. I. Bless you in the power of the Holy Spirit. Who. Will continue, to guide you in. The, years, ahead. Especially. In your marriage life and. I bless you in the name of God, the Father and, of the Son and of. The Holy Spirit.

Thank, The warm. Affection, from the Fijians, will, be as valuable as, the formality. Of the ceremony, the style, of the total, attire, and the, most beautiful, sunset, on the beach the. Love sworn-in Fiji, the paradise, of happiness, will, live forever. The. Resort, crews become, more active, toward the night. The. Dinner of buffet style and traditional. Wedding cakes are prepared. By the lady cruise. The. Climax, of the day is, approaching. The. Chanting, and the highest, hospitality. Neverending. Li lasted. The. Night of new committee, has turned lighter a little more slowly than yesterday. The. Groom and the bride headed, to the last and final activity. Of the island chattering. The, sandbank, a table. And a beach umbrella are prepared, on the sand, uncovered. By AB tied with. Carefully, reserved, wine, the. Groom and the bride at their happiest, moment, are left alone by, the scheme, of the resort cruise. A rough. Way of blessing, it. Seems, that the world exists. Just, for these two. The. Scenery, which tells about new koobideh policy, is, this solar system. Using. Electricity, by solar wind. Power water, supplies the, rain filtration. And various devices, very. Gentle, to the nature. A. Tiny. Gift shop on the right-hand of the pavilion. The, various Fijian, folk crafts, show the census of new committees, handmade. Things. Here. The traditions, of new Cuba tea are boasting higher, among, Fijians handcraft. Technology. The, price of the wooden container, is, from about $11. The. Picture frames from about five dollars and fifty cents. Another. Beautiful, day on Ducati, Island Resort. Shining. As if it keeps a good relationship. With the climate. The. Couple, with full of happiness are about to leave the island which. Was chartered, just four to. Fijians. Farewell, greetings our, plane but. Are filled with smiles, and passion. Just. Like the day of welcome, greeting. There. Is nothing else that's happier, than having such a traditional. But. Modern, style of wedding. On. The east side of VT Levy Island at, the entry of navalore River there, is an island where you can really enjoy a private handmade. Wedding ceremony. Watching. The mangroves, and approaching. To the spot with, a bit strange, pleasure. It's. A 30-minute, flight from Lodi to now sorry airport. In. The suburb of silver, the, capital, city of fishy. Get, on the courtesy, cartoon, Okello, the, ferry port. From. Here go down the navalore river for 30 minutes, on boat. The, boat passes, through some small villages, you. Will see Tobin Ulla Island. Comparing. With new kuba tea with gorgeous-looking. This, small island will, take us just 15, minutes to walk around with. The feeling, very at home. At. Arrival, the very customary, kava ceremony welcomes. You. You. Would feel adventurous by. Just walking in the toll coconut, trees. Average. Temperature, in June is in the range of 17, to 26, centigrade. Very. Comfortable. With a cotton shirt on, many. People, walk barefoot, around the resort. The. Island, seems to be quiet but, there are some popular, diving spots and they, provide, some attractive, pleasures, for couples, like snorkeling. Or coral, golf at the time of low tide. It's. Nice for you to have your private, time without any disturbance. The. Data for chattering, the entire 14, boo race is, three thousand, six hundred and forty dollars per night. Such. A captivating. Pricing, meaning. Almost the same as chattering, the whole island. It's. A sea snake which is revered, as a messenger. From shark God especially, living, in tumble OA maybe. He brought happiness to the wedding couple for today. There. Are 15, buoys on Tomba rule island, and ceiling, height is about 8 meters. The, traditional, style, succeeded. For centuries we. Open, up your body and soul. This. Is a honeymoon Marie and, we, heard that the special, gift is given to the couple staying at this room. Nissa. Bula vinaka. Welcome. To your Island home we. Wish you an enjoyable honeymoon. With us. In, addition, to the grateful, message, from the resort you, would find varieties, of expressions. Of the waters, and the sky views. This. May be the best present, for the couple. This. Is a room for three persons. If. The couple wants their parents, and friends, to spend together at the chattering resort, this.

Room Is perfectly, recommendable. The. Shower rooms for this room and the honeymoon burry are, basically, designed with whitey color but, perfectly, private. You do not need to be interfered. By what's going on outside. Here's, the wedding data. About. 1090, dollars including, almost all the services. The. Guests can bring in the dresses, and other clothings, on their own or, they can order a traditional. Dress for about, $400. In, tomorrow, our with no schedule, of big sized wedding, having. A walk in the resort while free from the preparation, should. Be pleasant. Around. 6 o'clock sunset. Time the. Private ceremony, starts, within the chorus of visions. We. Do not know how many weddings, are taking place today but. Only this couple, had a ceremony, on this island. The. Wedding chanting, of the Fijians, are so emotional. The. Signatures, of the couple at the final stage mean. The oath of an eternal love. After. The ceremony, cover party, with the live performance. The rhythm, makes everybody, swing their bodies naturally. Even. If they have never heard this kind of music before. After. Dancing, the, memorial, dinner is ready. The. Chef shows the best menu, for the two on, this special day, the. Lights of the candles, dramatically. Arranged, the dining. So. That everybody, can enjoy their, foods of any season in, the open air under, the star twinkling, sky. Lobsters. Coral, fish shrimps. And other seafoods, are essential. To the typical menu and tomba rule. On. This special day the chef, tries really hard to, prepare the best food, in, addition, to local foods. On, the very night of the whole island chattering. With, the to their. Parents, their, families, and friends. In the dining, area the, crews, at tomorrow, ah are considerate. And will leave the. Two free. The. Night of the two will continue, for long. It's. Another clear sunny day. Tomorrow. Is located. In the rainy area, but. Little of Zuba on the tropical, rain belt they. Need some vessels, to carry water to the islands. That's. Why they have less mosquitoes.

And Other insects, than, the other islands. Being. One of the small islands, out of 300, archipelagos. The, nature of the tongue. Coexists. With people, animals. Plants. In, the well-balanced. Harmony. On. The beautiful morning, like this we, dream of having breakfast, with beautiful, ocean, view. Number. One recommendation, of, this resort for the couple, on the first morning. After. The ceremony, is, a champagne, breakfast, at the very special, spot. It. Will be the, unforgettable. Memory. Three. Planting, is one of the wedding activities. In Tongarewa. The. Two will call work to plant the seeds of coconuts, in the soft ground of Tonga Rua. The. Plate with their names on it will, always be watching over for. The happiness to, grow steadily. And. Wishing, that they could come here again. The, shape of happiness, depends, upon people, and, so does the sentiment, of happiness, also. But. The moment so, private, in remote wrapped. By traditions, and people's warm hearts, is, a common, dream for, the human beings. The. Love that's bound and realized, on the paradise, of happiness. In, Fiji, will. Go on forever.

2020-04-01 11:28

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