Exploring Victorian High Plains Huts + Howitt Hut + Guys Hut + Dimmicks Lookout + Free Camp + 4x4

Exploring Victorian High Plains Huts + Howitt Hut + Guys Hut + Dimmicks Lookout + Free Camp + 4x4

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welcome last episode we took you into the snow in the victorian high plains this week we check out the scenery some of the old huts and generally just tour around and show you what it's like up here this is part two of our high plain [Music] series [Music] you know it's cold but it sounds like you're walking on eggshells do you know your toes when they hurt and then they stop hurting well that's where mine are at i think they've gone past the cold stage don't have to worry about the mud anymore it's completely frozen after a slow cold start to the morning we finally head off to go in search of the huts [Applause] [Music] so [Music] looks like glass look at it crazy well i'm glad to know it's come up to eight degrees in here now zero [Music] oh yeah snow would have been thicker up here by looks of it [Music] [Music] so [Music] yeah just says it's open doesn't mean we can use it thursday before melbourne help thursday after queen's birthday [Music] you've been up here before dad [Applause] hunters i would gather i'm sorry we had a snow camp yesterday and today is lovely and sunny we are at about 1800 meters currently above sea level and it's fresh check it out this lookout overlooks conglomerate creek which flows into the warning valley at the point of the old homestead the next valley over to the left which you can't see is the one that they used to take up to guy's hut so they used to walk from the one and gather station up to guy's hut which we will be visiting today i tried to take a photo and felt like i was gonna fall forward that is wild [Music] right from the start said we [Music] surrounded by [Music] watching all the lovers [Music] this town is on its knees overseas you got a few clothes on there katherine [Music] hello hey jeff up there sun baking deep frosting defrosting here g'day this is my dad jeff howdy also known as yangi or pop paw he answers to pretty much anything but he's come out with us to check out the high plains never been up here before are you enjoying it so far oh yeah it's fabulous and cool it's very cool yeah you can see why they grazed cattle yeah not anymore [Music] in summer they used to graze it and then winter they took and stuff wow that's the only thing you could have come a little bit earlier we are on our way to show you how it hut it has a mystery that has never been solved one gata station was established in 1860 by oliver smith he built the homestead and created the station it was later sold to the bryce family these huts were built in the early 1900s so that they could graze the cattle up on the high plains in the summer months before driving him back down to the valley for the winter months back to the mystery in 1917 jim barclay was found murdered near the homestead he was buried in a shallow grave on conglomerate creek when he was found they noticed that he was face down and had a boot lodged between his upper thighs for some strange reason to add to the mystery some 10 months later john bamford was found murdered shot in the head and hidden up at howard hut under some logs he was the station cook both of these murders have never been solved although there's plenty of theories they've never worked it out just recently there's been a few more mysteries last year russell hill and carol play were camped in the wadongata valley not far from the homestead site they have both gone missing and they have not been found to date their camp was left there their tent burnt their vehicles still there and they haven't found a trace of them yet apart from all the mysteries howard hutt is located in a super scenic part of the world look at that all natural plains yeah yep yeah even a toilet last time we were here there were so many cars parked we were all the way parked up and there had to hide [Music] my wristwatch is broken my shoes are untied time is a ticking so is the tide but i am not worried things are what they are come rain or come shine or shootings star [Music] i've been to the south i've been to the north east and the west the middle of course i may have been astray but i've never been lost never been beat by the i guess i've been lucky to some degree for someone who ate all the food [Music] [Music] bye check out these icicles they are everywhere off the cliff [Music] just so you know how big they are [Music] that's the truck [Music] and catherine [Music] they're amazing some there have even joined right up [Music] [Music] do [Music] do you can actually see the water running down the inside of the ice i'm not sure whether you can see it right in the middle of the screen [Music] actually on the inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're currently walking to guy's hut which is a hut that they used to use obviously like the rest for uh grazing cattle and i'm sleeping over when they came up from the one and get a station which is about 16 kilometers away down in the valley so they used to ride up the gorge with the cattle bring them up here hang out at the hut for a few weeks or a month or two and [Music] then go back when they need to back to the homestead [Music] oh this is the way i envisioned the scottish island except [Applause] wow like a winter wonderland look at the ice that's still on the water that's thick hey [Applause] i wanna do it all with you by my side but if you're in meet me here tonight [Music] nice isn't it a little bit like mill assistant between villas and belly it's got a lovely stone floor bed [Music] [Music] [Music] what a super picturesque spot how pretty is it [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe if you want a reminder hit the bell and remember we always love a thumbs up [Music] that i adore so hard to finally seem impossible to score so i dream up oh next week we lock the hubs and head for mount wellington and explore all it has to offer [Music] so

2021-06-14 01:18

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