Exploring Patagonia's Sustainable Wonders - Leave No Trace - S01 EP04 - Travel Documentary

Exploring Patagonia's Sustainable Wonders - Leave No Trace - S01 EP04 - Travel Documentary

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my name is Richard Crawford and I've built my  career on representing luxury Brands around the   world and in doing so I've had the privilege of  having some truly out of the ordinary experiences   but at what cost it's getting harder and harder  to blindly ignore the impact our extravagant   lifestyle is having on the planet and its people  so I've decided to invest the game whether there   really is a sustainable way to visit the wonders  of the world but still have extraordinary luxury   can I have globetrotting Adventures without  leaving a significant footprint well let's   find out and by using the basic principles  that Define equal tourism which are minimal   impact sustainability social responsibility  and of course let's not forget overall guest   experience I will rate my travels around the  planet to see if we really can make a difference   this episode takes us to our southernmost  destination to date the wheel Willow biological   reserve and the Patagonia rainforest of Chile the  reserve is located high in the southern Andes and   is part of a unique and little explored ecosystem  and it hosts one of the most extraordinary and   representative biodiversities on the planet  including a number of species of Flora and   Fauna that are unique in the world their grills  eat your heart out it is also home to a collection   of some of the most Fantastical accommodations  that you'll ever see including a hotel shaped   like a mountain that is straight out of a fairy  tale and for the outdoorsy types there are Glacier   ski Fields white water rafting and one of the  longest zip lines in the world [Music] see how   the introduction of Tourism can coexist with this  vital and ancient ecosystem without destroying it [Music]   foreign [Music] foreign they say good things come to those  who wait and if that's the case then I'm   expecting this to be absolutely incredible  to be honest it's been quite a track to get   down here we started off with a 12-hour  flight from New York to Santiago then we   had another flight which was about an hour  and a half from Santiago to the small town   of temuko and now we're on the final leg of  our journey which is a 100 mile road trip   into the middle of the Chilean Patagonian  rainforest and that should give you a sense   of just how remote this place actually is  now these guys have been internationally   recognized for their work in sustainability  and scientific research into the environment   and if that wasn't enough to entice me to come  down here I hear that there are accommodations   are really unique so I'm looking forward to  getting up there checking it all out [Music]   hola we finally made it here welcome to Willow  Willow biological Reserve right here in the   Patagonia rainforest you know this part of Chile  is still relatively undiscovered and the reserve   itself is part of a sustainable development  based on three Essential Elements integration of   community conservation through scientific research  and of course sustainable tourism now there are   eight buildings on the property each one of them  just as unique and diverse as those surroundings   and the first thing that you notice when you get  here is everything and I mean everything is made   up of wood which I guess makes a lot of sense  because we are in the middle of the Patagonia   rainforest so let's check in and explore this  place just a little bit further hey how are you ready to check in I'm here with Ignatius the  general manager Ignatius tell me a little   bit about what exactly is the wheeler wheel  biological Reserve well we will always have   biological research that was found in the year  2000 it compressed 100 000 hectares any space   mostly in three fundamental pillars okay first  one is the conservation of the natural heritage   and culture section is the sustainable tourism  the third one is the integration of the local   community yeah now tell me why this place is so  good for ecotourism well you have the beautiful   landscape rainforest rivers mountains when you  have the social factor that the money that you   spend here some of them come back to the community  and the third one is that we have five very good   conservation programs now you mentioned earlier  about integration of local community tell me a   little bit about that well currently 80 of  the staff are from the local community wow   and speaking with Ignatius he mentioned that  this area is part of a UNESCO biosphere Reserve   that actually sits in a Chilean Patagonia  temperate rainforest and what does that mean   it rains all the time in fact they told me  earlier that it might rain about 10 months of   the year here now the good news is they said  it's supposed to clear up later but before   we get into anything else let's go check out  some of the world famous accommodations here   this was the first hotel built on the property the  Atlee named Montana which means Magic Mountain and   as you can see behind me I personally am in  awe I have never seen anything as unique and   strange as this hotel it has 12 rooms each for the  bathroom and it even comes with its own waterfall [Music] you know the rooms really are like something out  of a fairy tale and they're really surprisingly   cozy I wonder if uh Tinkerbell will leave a  little chocolate on my pillow tonight good [Music]   keeping with the theme of bringing  Outdoors inside the waterfall that   you actually seen outside on Magic  Mountain comes into the building   runs through a reception and exits out  at the restaurant on the other side [Music]   behind meat is the Noto fargus hotel by far  the most distinctive building on the property   and yes it's actually built to look like a tree  so that it Blends in with its surroundings here   in the rainforest it's quite the feat of  engineering and architecture there are 55   rooms some of those are double level Suites  each one of them having an incredible view   of the rainforest and the volcano and then up  top is an impressive rooftop Terrace [Music] from this vantage point you get a real  sense of where you are snow-cat volcano   surrounded by trees I can hear the river in  the distance it really is breathtaking [Music]   this is just one of the rooms at the noro Fargos  hotel and this particular Suite actually has   two levels up here we have the sitting area and  downstairs we have the master bedroom which has a   super king sized bed to give you an incredible  night's sleep but what's most impressive   about this Suite is it is one of the  best views that you'll ever see [Music]   I take a bath what better in a  Jacuzzi with a view of the volcano this hotel has a really unique ship to be honest  housekeeping must really hate it but when I said   it was built within the trees and within  the forest I really wasn't kidding [Music]   the latest property to be built on this site  is the fungi Kingdom kind of pays homies to   the fact that there's fungi here everywhere and  unsurprisingly shaped like a mushroom [Music] has won several Awards over the years and one  in particular was for this canopy Village which   are small cabins up in the trees that families can  actually camp out on right in the middle of nature as unique as the accommodations are  here at the willow wheeler Resort   it's just as important that the food  is good and are almost fanatical here   about a the quality of the food and  B that everything is sourced locally   one of the options to eat is at the restaurant  noro and it offers a full a la carte menu   we also have an extensive buffet for breakfast  lunch and dinner who doesn't love a buffet   but the most exclusive dining experience  here on the reserve is here at the Noel   pill Lodge where you can sit and enjoy a  cocktail by the fireplace before you go   into the dining room and have the  executive chef prepare your meal   so while the accommodations and food are  spectacular I still have something very special   to show you well hello there and welcome to what  in my opinion is one of the most luxurious cabins   in any rainforest around the world than a wealthy  Lodge there are 12 cabins each one of them built   using materials sourced locally for example this  fireplace right here is built with a stone called   lacquer which was taken from a nearby volcano now  as with all the other structures here we'll we'll   everything literally everything is built with  wood now here is a prime example of when they   built this place they wanted to do very little  to interfere with a local environment so they've   literally built around this tree and left it here  but we'll actually see more examples of that later cabin comes with a full bathroom a  double vanity and even has a jacuzzi tub with a beautiful view [Music] as you  would expect in a cabin of this quality   you're going to get a great night's sleep in  a super king size bed and every morning that   you wake up the first thing that you're  going to see is the Patagonia rainforest and wow what an amazing view that is now  I'm actually having to raise my voice just   a little bit now because the three river  runs directly beneath us here and you can   almost feel the power of it from up here  however let me show you my favorite part what better way to end the day  and on your own private balcony   and a wood powered hot tub listening to a  raging River watching the sunset drinking   the finest Scotch whiskey in the world in  the middle of the Patagonia rainforest salute welcome back to the Willow Willow biological  Reserve here in southern Chile and I've had   just had a good look around all the accommodation  at Willow Willow and I thought now would be a good   time to really dig in to the equal side of the  project now very recently they've built this   cable car that goes from here to one of the  highest spots in the region so I thought I'd   take a ride up there and get away to land and  that's about a good a place to start as Annie [Music] foreign [Music] biological Reserve was founded in 1999 by a  Chilean businessman named Victor Peterman now   up until the late 1980s it was owned by a very  large state-run forestry company and they went   out of business and basically exhausted  the land environmentally and depleted the   economy in and absolutely ruined it now  in the mid 1990s Mr Peterman bought this   land all 600 square kilometers of it and  create a non-profit natural reserve and   eco-tourism project and I'm sure we'll learn  all about that over the next couple of days   but what I know right now is that  this place is absolutely beautiful [Music] you know they weren't kidding about the view  up here and the reserve has some incredible   natural features we have Lake Pirie Waco we  have the volcano Motors choice wenko we have   the incredible Fury River and of course the  Patagonian rainforest and later on we're going   to go see some incredible waterfalls what more  could somebody want from an area like this [Music] I mentioned earlier that traditionally this  place was very dependent on logging and from   the 1940s to the 1970s this was all work camps  here employing about 500 people from the local   communities now in the early 1970s the state  government came in took over and made it a   much bigger operation and by the time they closed  down in the late 1980s they were employing up to 3   000 people so as you can imagine when  it closed down it was devastating to the   economy and the local community today as we  found out Willow Willow 80 percent of their   employees are from these towns and communities  and Willow Willow are also building a Living   Museum so that they can educate people  on deforestation now fortunately today   these communities depend on ecotourism and not  logging I think it's important to note at this   point the commercial logging still exists in  this part of Chile although it is all outside   of the reserve area and the good news is is that  it's now from sustainable growth forests foreign what continues to impress me about this Reserve  is how to use all the natural resources from the   rainforest in their Construction in the wealthy  Lodge here is a prime example of that and it's   not just about the building materials it's  about the design now this door is made out   of wood and lots of doors are made out of wood  but look at this this is the branches straight   from the rain forest now the big focal point  here of the lodge is this huge tree growing   right through the middle and it's all glassed  off and it makes for a great talking point but   if you had any doubt at all that they could build  this Lodge without knocking down trees then here   as a prime example this is a tree literally  growing right through the middle of the lodge   and it's not just one to make a point over here  there are several more so you literally feel like   you're in the middle of the rainforest and this  is a living breathing growing tree you just don't   get any more environmentally sensitive than that  well one thing there's no shortage of around here   is water and because of the Topography of this  region there are some very powerful waterfalls   and around here that managed to harness that  power and create hydroelectric power now this   particular hydroelectric power station behind  me is from the 1950s and when Willow Willow   bought all the land in the late 1990s this came  as part of the package so all the electricity   at the wheel of Willow Reserve is coming from  this particular hydroelectric power station what's really interesting is that  this power station is so old that   if anything breaks down they can buy the  parts anywhere for it so the wheel will   Reserve actually have to manufacture the  parts let's hope they're not making that   out of wood the good news is there's a new  hydroelectric power station being built one of the founding principles of the wheel  wheel Reserve is the integration of community   and in fact the foundation has been set up  for that purpose and you can come visit that   Foundation here now the organization employs  locals and it's actually the only organization   that employs women and some of those women work  in here producing arts and crafts that are then   sold and helped fund the organization  itself so let's go have a look inside so these ladies specialize in making little L's  now they're handed me the one that's a wood cutter   but they also handed me The Village Idiot which I  don't know if they're trying to tell me something   as well as making these elves they also  make these little cushions with all this   beautiful stitching on it so let me see if  I can get a little go at making something   here myself can I try to make something here  myself thank you how's that is that good oh okay hey hey laughing at me my answer  crafts is not my thing it's not my thing   you know what it was easier for me just to buy one Community integration is one of the three  pillars of Willow Willow's philosophy they   believe that Community engagement will help  educate locals and for that matter visitors   as well and they host four annual festivals  a year that promote conservation of natural   species and cultural development and I was  lucky enough to be able to attend one of them   although even the children put my dancing  skills to shame the dance we are watching   here is a kawaka which was voted the national  dance of Chile in 1979 and it represents the   energetic dance the rooster makes when  courting its hand the locals here are   really friendly and know how to throw a party and  apparently unlike me everyone knows how to dance thank you [Music] ecotourism is a big buzzword right now in the  travel industry and what does it mean well at   the very least it means do not leave any Trace  now if you want to take an equal tour you have   to find somewhere that is totally integrated  into the environment and in a sustainable   way and I'm here at the Willow Willow reserve  and Patagonia Chile and with the river raging   underneath me and the sun about to rise  it does not get any more equal than this foreign [Music] is a huge range of hikes  walks and trails available with terrain   including mountains grasslands snow  rivers and Fields there is a range of   difficulties catering to every level the  scenery is truly Majestic and it's even   better when discovered together with a local  guide I teamed up with my guide good friend   Rogelio and we started our Day's Journey  by visiting the amazing Salto Willow Willow [Music] thank you [Music]   when the people at the wheeler wheeler  Reserve tell you that you'll be hiking   through the Patagonian rainforest they  really mean deep in the Patagonian rainforest so here we are in the misleadingly named  grasslands which compared I guess to the   rest of the environment around the other is  more grass than anywhere else but we are in   a bowl surrounded by mountains and this part  has actually been set up as a sanctuary for   some endangered species indigenous to this  region what are the animals that were yeah   what he said basically a deer a llama and  a puma and what it does is it really brings   home that Willow wheel biological Reserve is  more than just a hotel it's actually a big   part of sustaining the environment  around here we good yeah let's go the girls eat your heart out so our guide has actually brought us down  here to this almost little Oasis type spot   there's a lake behind me which acts as a  as a migrated export for ducks it's also   the only place that this tree behind you is  Spanish mosque grows in this particular region   and what's really really surprising is it's so foreign you know I thought I'd stop for a second  and just take a deep breath and really absorb the   surroundings that I'm in and you know it's  places like this that really highlight the   importance of ecotourism and sustainability  and why it's so important to keep places like   this protected and what better way to enjoy  this than to get out on this Lake today which   by the way it looks like a sheet of glass with  a nice little leisurely paddle in my kayak and   I have to say I'm really surprised at how  clear that water is well here goes [Music]   thank you [Music]   the wheeler wheel of biological Reserve provides  both support to the local community and protection   for the environment now in the local community  they provide Education Health Care and put on   events and festivals in the environmental  side they have several programs they have   reintroduced a deer native to this area and  they have a llama rehabilitation program too   now they also have a Darwin's frog program  which is an actual fact why this education   center was built so that both adults and children  to come in and learn all about Darwin's frogs now   Darwin's frogs used to have a large population  in southern Chile but today it's down to about   30 or 40 small pockets and the Darwin's frog  is important because it's a bio indicator   which literally means it's an indication of how  well the environment is doing and the fact that   we haven't solved very many of them around  here lately is probably a little bit of a   warning sign now the wheel wheel Foundation  is supported both by private donation and a   percentage of many of the guests that stay here  yeah it kind of puts it all into perspective and   gives you a sense of why organizations like the  Willow Willow Foundation are really important as I mentioned it's not just the Darwin frog  that gets a Willow Willow Treatment they have   established a center for the conservation of  the South and the India also known as a humul   it is part of Chile's National coat of arms  and it's also a national natural Monument its   global population has been reduced by more than  99 since 2006 Willow will has provided support and   Sanctuary for breeding of this endangered  species and hey they're pretty cute too it's another amazing day here at the Willow  Willow biological reserve and as well as   fantastic accommodation and great food we are in  the middle of the Patagonia rainforest so there's   a ton of really cool stuff to do so let's go check  some of that up hey Rockstar you ready let's go we've covered pretty extensively the Patagonia  rainforest itself but the water features here   are also a big part of the local tourism now I've  shown you some really pristine lakes and we've   seen some really powerful waterfalls but I thought  it's now time to actually get my feet wet so we've   joined this white water rafting experience here  and we're going to head down the fury river which   runs for about 17 kilometers between the periueco  lake and the pangapuri lake now I'm told that   we're going to be going down some class fours  I have no idea what that means so I had to look   it up so here we go class 4 white water rafting  medium waves maybe rocks maybe a considerable drop   definitely some sharp Maneuvers and the skill  level it is as exceptional rafting experience   well it's safe to say I don't have that but you  know what I got some merit badges when I was in   the Cub Scouts for my swimming so maybe I'll  be okay what can go wrong let's go see [Music] good [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]   River claimed its first victim on a  completely unrelated note we are currently   interviewing for a new sound engineer it  um turns out our last one couldn't swim   well that was amazing definitely a lot of fun  there was actually a lot longer than I expected   which was absolutely incredible it was about 10  kilometers some of the moments were a little more   hurrying than others but hey I made it I'm  in one piece I'm relatively dry and you know   so that's class four I might  be ready for class five so it's not all about The Great Outdoors here  an essential part of the wheeler wheel Reserve   is celebrating the local culture and this  building behind me is a museum of the volcano   which houses a lot of the artifacts from the  indigenous people here the mapuche so let's go   have a look inside [Music] it's actually  quite an impressive building and all the   artifacts on most of them at least are owned  by the will will Reserve themselves foreign it's great that they have put this place together  because it really gives you an idea of the rich   history of the area and not just the more  modern times but the ancient natives as well and if you don't want to walk  through the Patagonia rainforest   you can always get a horse  to do it for you [Music] [Music]   the girl went away [Music]   so one of my favorite things here at the  willow Wheel Resort is they give you these   little golf carts to get around then and  even better you get around on this like   elevated track that's built out of a bunch of  Timber and a bunch of wood and I take the speed   limit that they gave me as a suggestion  and not a rule [Music] so it's actually   a ride worthy of Disneyland but what they've  forgotten to do take the trees out of the way [Music] oh well I guess I got to  practice a little more this week and nobody needs to know a thing we're good so after a long day of tracking hiking canopy  and plenty other excursions imagine my surprise   when I found out that there's actually  a brewery on a wheeler wheel Reserve   it's like a dream come true I'm  gonna go get a refill [Music] now what's a good beer without pizza and   fortunately the reserve has its  own Pizzeria as well as a brewery by the way I'm not a big Beer Drinker  but this is absolutely delicious they even have a little bar slash gift shop  that you can either have a beer here or buy   some and take it with you and I tell you what  these seats might look good being made from   the local environment but they're uh really  uncomfortable and I think after a couple of   beers I'd lose my balance and fall off um can I  have a four pack please thank you the reserve even   has its own lake lake piri Waco and you can take a  day trip and enjoy everything everything around us   here beautiful water beautiful mountains  and again the volcano in the background [Music]   you know they tell you at the reserve that it's  a hundred thousand hectares but you don't really   get a sense of how big that is or how massive it  feels until you're out here standing on the edge   of a lake which goes for about an hour over to  Argentina and you see the rainforest and you've   got the volcanic Mountain up there it really  really is a massive and awesome experience [Music]   thank you [Music] so we're actually heading out  of winter and just beginning spring in this part   of the world and you can see from the environment  around us it's still actually pretty cold out here   and the lake is definitely cold out in the middle  but this part around here on the shore is actually   pretty warm this is a helio a guy tell us a little  bit why that is because it's pretty simple we have   a big volcanic Factory around here and the water  touch the magma and then go come up again and you   can see it in the in the bubbles around so little  bubbles rising up so it's basically Hot Springs   yeah so what they've done is they're they're  harnessing these hot springs and they're pumping   it up to the side of the mountain there and  filling little uh wooden tubs so we could actually   go up there and have a have a little hot spring  bath so let's go check it out on the way to the   bus I took a closer look at the little pump house  they are built on the edge of the lake and you can   see how warm the water is by the steam rising up  what you can't see there's a smell of rotten eggs   it was pretty strong because of the  high sulfur content of the water   the thermostat level of the lake hot springs  consists of 10 natural baths made from hollowed   out trees and locals have been visiting the area  for centuries and the waters are known for their   healing and medicinal properties although I'm  not sure the locals were ready for my pink   flamingo board shots this is absolutely amazing  you don't get any closer to Nature than this next   to a lake on the side of a mountain sitting in a  hot spring top it's absolutely incredible [Music] because we're in the middle of the  Wilderness doesn't mean that we have   to give up our luxuries and the hotel is  actually put together this beautiful little   spread so that we can watch the sunset right  behind the mucho chosenko volcano back there   but I have to say now I know why they call  this place chili because it's freezes cheers so it's early to bed for me tonight as  tomorrow I tackle one of the longest zip   lines in the world Hit the Steep Mountain  Trails on my bike and I aim to conquer the   mighty mucho chosenko volcano so wish me  luck this place really is spectacular and   now I'm lucky enough to take a closer look  at it from a rather unusual perspective our guide rohelial tells me that the  area is famous for the zip lines over   the forest canopy he also tells me not  to worry so where do I start he's done   it plenty times before but I'm not so  sure is there a diaper attached to it   but when I almost pee myself hey if this kid  can do it so can I right so I use this glove   yeah pull the cable down yeah put it on top  of the cable is that my brake yeah there is [Music] there are three zipline courses  the smaller Chicago flight at 300 meters   long the Eagle flight consisting of  four zip lines of 150 meters each and   the grammarly named Condor XL canopy flight  with almost two kilometers of cables this   rather terrifying set of zip lines is  the longest and highest in South America   just getting to the start nearly kills me  as beautiful as the rainforest is from the   ground I figured I'd give it a go from up here in  the canopy here goes [Music] [Applause] [Music]   that's not easy a couple of  big nasty holes in this net   but I guess I'm not going anywhere [Music] they just became an instructor  that's how quick I pick stuff up and you know I should be a little  more scared but there's so much Mist   down here I really can't see where  I'm going so here it goes [Music] [Music]   foreign [Music]   one of the most popular experiences here on the  reserve is mountain biking because the terrain   really lends itself to some exciting Trails now  to be honest today is not the best weather for   it and now I know why they call it the the rain  forest it makes it feels really muddy it makes   them very difficult to maneuver but what you don't  know about me is in my younger day I was quite the   mountain bike extraordinaire through the highlands  of Scotland so let's see if I still have the skill   set that it takes to get down these trails  in one piece here we go wish me luck [Music] foreign [Music] just like riding the bike [Music] what I  really my pocket [ __ ] caught in the seat my pocket look see my pockets [Laughter]   oh well that's what we needed right you want he wanted authenticity let's go one of the most prominent features of  the whole area is a spectacular motor   trustwenko a glacier covered stratovolcano  it is in fact twin volcanoes koshwenko in the   Northwest and Mojo in the Southeast apparently  the last eruption was in 1936 well let's hope   rising to a height of 8 000 feet at Towers above  the jungle canopy that surrounds it a snow park   has been established in the slopes of the mountain  and they offer a wide range of sports including   skiing snowboarding sledding and trekking  concerningly by 2003 the ice cap had shrunk   by a total of 40 percent compared to what it was  in 1976 now part of the charm of the place is that   it doesn't have slick Resort facilities and in  fact to get to the top of the mountain I had to   jump on a snow cat that took about 30 minutes to  get there but boy was it worth the wait [Music]   and I don't know if you can tell I don't  know if the camera will honestly do it   justice but it is one of the most beautiful  things I've ever seen in my life now I'm   having a ski back down but nobody has skied  this before so wish me luck [Music] foreign [Music] so this just might be the world's  strangest ski lift [Music]   well that's definitely a lot easier than skiing  you know part of the Majesty of this place is You   Can See For Miles you can even see the Andes  wings and those three volcanoes that are in   that view one of them the most active volcano in  Chile still has smoke coming out of the top of it [Music]   yeah I'll tell you what after that  hard day of skiing the hotel spa   loanca is really going to get a workout [Music]   the spa offers a full range of  treatments here and I've chosen   a facial and thankfully it's one of  the Lesser exhausting experiences here   so sadly my time at Willow Willow has come to an  end mind you my poor aching bones might finally   get a chance to recover this Reserve had made  amazing progress in rehabilitating the Damage   Done to the area through Decades of logging and  it's not just the natural habitat but through   educating and employing the locals as well  it's not hard to see why they have won so many   accolades including the netgeo world Legacy award  and being named a UNESCO biosphere they really do   live by the three pillars and the fact that they  have established the wheel wheel Foundation just   shows the ongoing commitment to preservation and  Rehabilitation not only that but they have put so   much effort into creating a magical Atmosphere by  designing such varied and clever accommodations so   let's see how they fared on the leave now Trace  equal score card now taking all of our criteria   into consideration I have given Willow Willow an  overall score of a I was most impressed by the   fact that you will literally immersed in nature  the minute you stepped out your door [Music] what an incredible experience has been for the  last several days here in a Patagonia rainforest   if not just a little bit exhausting because  well there were so much to see and so much   to do but what I found really remarkable  is the efforts that the reserve put in to   social responsibility sustainability  and ultimately eco-tourism this place   is absolutely beautiful and we want it to  stay that way so when you travel to places   like this just do your part and leave no  Trace I Richard Crawford until next time   [Music] [Music] [Music]

2023-12-20 06:51

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