Exploring London - Planes, Trains and Canes London Episode 2 Part 2

Exploring London - Planes, Trains and Canes London Episode 2 Part 2

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London. Landmarks. In. Podcasting modem. Ankara is a 20-19. Holman price in London. It's. A project that kind, of demonstrates, blind. Travel, around the world using, planes trains. Most. Intimidating, things, as a blind person to go to a city that you don't know, yes have to negotiate their travel, system she did it anyway. Planes. Changing, came with dr. ornamental, episode. To party, - excuse me is, this the born in Knightsbridge. Okay. We're. On our way to Knightsbridge, Knightsbridge. To go - heads I just. Left the Sherlock Holmes resume, and. I'm on the 74, bus in. A double-decker, I'm. Gonna look out the window what do you guys think no view, of bus approaching, Harrods building. Was. Awesome, shots. Of Harrods building dotted with bright lights. Inside. Harrods Mona. Walks through department, store uses. Escalators, up and down. Hmm. Where's. The tea room I need, my, tea. Tamra, zooms uncomfortably. Close to a statues, face. Mona. And Herod's tiro sandwich. Pie on table we are in Harrods, where. We're having afternoon, tea at, exactly 7:00 p.m. I'm. Really, excited it's like it, is my dream to be able to have 20. Different little things to try which, is apparently what this is all about having, cream cheese to come back either the second my optin Amaya came first, was with mascarpone. The smoked salmon turkey, sandwich the camera moves injured, salad, mini victors protect the raspberry compote in the. Winter. Thank. You. One. Food coma later. In. Hotel, room. Mona. Exits door. Outside. Hotel. Today and. Everything. Valuables on me. Motus. Surprised by pinions, routed. Liverpool, Street Station. Enters. Trained. Exit. Subway gate. Double-decker. Bus. I, just. Learned something new so apparently, there's this man named Harry Beck who was honored because he designed the entire, Underground map for, only five pound fifty in 1933. Mode on bridge there's a side of helium. I know that. I'm actually on a bridge clapping attend the. Tower right the power grid is over there so. We're like literally. In the heart of one day a sense stone staircase out, the door marketplace. Pastries. Plus, on this place of the herbs here which is basically. A precursor, to a pharmacy, or an apothecary, we're, gonna go inside we're gonna see what I'm gonna learn I'm very excited. This. Staircase, is, extremely. Narrow and wine be. Venters. Apothecary, you're. Basically entering. The. Part of compromises, hospital. Below. The skylight, was actually a paper. So this is where somebody using, operate on would be dollar. Bonus. Smelling herbs this was amazing, it combined, my two favorite, things science, and history, I've got, to touch an old, table, that, people were cut up on Mona, in bus, thank. You. Exits. Bus at. Crosswalk. It was brought to my attention because, I notice there was no talking proper locks in the entire City of London fairly these boxes, here they have a button you can press and then, you can just put your hand underneath.

It Is a knobby thing that twirls I would, have never known to look without on my own and I can't really feel it very well with my glove on so I have to kind of take off my gloves and then peel. But, there you go well I made you the grass so now we can cross. King's. Cross. Ain't. Amount of people waiting, to take their picture going, through the platform. Tower. Bridge. Touches. Brass replica, of Tower Bridge area. We're. Gonna walk on your day. Places. Both hands on Tower Bridge. Holding. Braille guide to tell me what, the problem is out of it and this is would laugh and. I've been laying down moving, through the road and, by, the river I can't. But event me you guys might, be a little bit. Tower. Bridge gears and machinery. Temple. Station, this. Is a thing, that we need to get people to ask to go to claim so that's next on the way and one. Thing I noticed though in America, the monkeys they, basically. Are, a, flush up against the platform but here they're not, on. Sidewalk, you. Know we're planning did enters, twining, store, used. He sample, Oh. Up. On hop off bus. Wellington. Arch. Bright. Flashing, billboards, with ads London. I. Just. Got off the hop-on hop-off bus and, now we are on our way to Amaya's. Which is some. Of the best Indian food I've ever had in my life so I'm really, excited to experience it again with my friend Natalie, it's, a little breezy a little chilly, hmm. We're. Gonna be running the Jubilee, Line where. We can be jubilant on, the junii line. Walking. On quiet shopping, area see, if I can find anybody to. Ask, excuse. Me. Excuse. Me do. You know where Amaya's restaurant, is what, a Maya's. Okay. So, you, don't see any of these signs saying my eyes on them cuz. I just dropped. Me here okay, thank. You. Earlier. Walks. Down hallway sign reads Amaya straight ahead. Presses. On Amaya window, I. Smell. The food I don't know how to end their. Manager. Opens door. Maya. Okay. Our eyes are racing, illegal, manager. Leads Mona through restaurant. Probably. Almost a year ago when I came. I'm, going my brother and, I was able to figure out like you guys until I actually was able to figure out where it was big-time snow what. I made it here what up cooler serves. Mona delicious. I got the try between, six to eight different dishes photos. Over my eyes from it was a little feast my, kind of eating. Cafe. Store. So. I just finished talking to a cafe.

Owners I'm trying to go to the shard now using, the Jubilee Line yeah I know London now there's, a lot of action going on you guys couldn't see you that here it's over there camera pans to route. Okay. It's just loud people oh. One. More thing that's really funny the cultural difference here I give business, cards in there like what do I do with this flashback here I'm making a documentary about being blind and traveling. You. Can keep the business card you can check it out. Anyway. Let's, see let's, try to find our way crosswalker. We, cross it with the crowd of people. Safety. In the numbers oh there's. A lot of you who love underground. Station, nearly. Walks into woman. No, ours noise. Manases. Mona on stairs oh. Thank. You yeah yeah thank you I appreciate it. Let me know. Startled. Inside of me it's not a extremely. Crowded station which, direction to the gates. There's. Only one door working. What's. Your name Laurie what's your name Mona here, actually, the, documentary, series about, being blind and traveling, independently is, there okay if you're in the video. Thank. You Laurie listen, you're safe they will get you. Thank. You, it's. Insane, the love noise. Why. Is it so crowded someone. A technical, problem, so. We gonna try and get through yeah okay. That's. Really nice. Okay. Say there's a screen up right now with. Where the jib is for, the people of the brothel to. Be dead think we're gonna get through oh. Wait. Yeah I appreciate I appreciate I, appreciate your, home how you funny London, people friendly, old, friend. Shakes it's a really friendly or, not at, all. Not. In between as Martin there's a mage bridge people are friendly, I'm sorry that if anyone has been ever nobody. Nobody was ever full-out, mean but. Like full-out. Ignoring. He has Ashburn excuse. Me. Excuse. Me anybody. Excuse, me. But. Hey, you don't even think about Auto that's, good oh yeah I got, singled out to brush burn and then then, forget I like treat me like anybody, else. I. Have, less. Than 2% vision, in my left eye that's it. What. Is going on, yelling. Are getting here. This. Is the utter chaos and I love it. Lori. You're. Really nice okay. Stand. By. Lori. I'm. Going to tower bridge you, guys can go you guys Lorien. Friend Rockaway. Okay. I hear, our radio so. I'm, gonna go to it to see if there's somebody there that can help. I'm. Frantically. Firmly. Basically. They open it for everybody follow me in if. You can hear me what line is this this is the Piccadilly line okay that's fine okay great yeah. Yeah I, can change on what station, if I take this I want. The Jubilee Line I thought you would. Wear. The shard is isn't that Green, Park okay, so I take this. I. Think. I got it I appreciate, it thank you I got it see Laurie I'm pretty smart no but I enjoy on. Escalators, but I have a really good sense of environment, so I don't know if you noticed I actually found the guy with the radio and I got all the way through because. I can hear the radio right so I heard them redoing and so I knew where I needed to go okay, you guys really yeah, I'm going thank. You. No. Bad I think your friend is in a hurry so you just. Thank, you. I'm. Trying to. I. Heard, you talking then. He's. Not buying it oh, I. Don't know I need to figure out how to connect to the Jubilee Line, okay. Great you said suddenly met. Yes. Okay, because. Thank you that's just a word train. Enters. Train car. Exits. To Green Park platform. Excuse. Me do, you know where that Jubilee Line is. Points. To subways I. Can't, see so so. If I go straight. And, then I take all right. Okay. Thank. You thank, you thank you have. A good day. Excuse. Me do, you know where the, Jubilee Line is so I can go to London, Bridge which. Way straight. Straight. Thank you thank, you very much to. The right okay ah. Here. Did you fork. In the road okay. Now which way. Excuse. Me which, way to top London Bridge. Yes. Behind me in front of me okay guys thank you. Walk. Downstairs oh, oh. People. Run in the castle train. Of, the hook. Excuse. Me is this, the Jubilee Line. To. London, Bridge right okay thank you guys I. Learned. How to like kind of ask directions in the city I feel like you can't just be meek you have to be kind of intense, about it like excuse me London break like be really quick about it you, got more of a response, and, yeah.

Forget It out. Oh I. Don't know what you're I to go I follow. The hobby. Enters. Train cars too distracted. Doors. Now like. A small. Thank. You thank. You. Exit. So London Bridge platform. Following. Crowd. Okay. Let's. Feel the cold breeze. So, one of the few times are a lot of people going out because they're all going to the directions. I'll. Go with the majority okay. I. Feel. The cold, breeze. Approaches. Exit gates. Approaches. To men excuse. Me you, know which way to the shard. To. My left thank you I, hear. Please. An arrow whistle, inherit. Bones. Excuse. Me what's, right to the shard. Thank. You yeah, okay, sounds. Of the meter Oh. You. Know the way to the shard okay. Yes it's just here on the on the on the left here yeah, thank you so straight, okay. Excuse. Me are, you guys in line for some the shot view thank. You. Made. It sound, the shard view, from. The underground. Cool. Got. To the shard was very excited, to go to the observatory deck. Get what apparently, tonight there's a silent, disco so. I couldn't go up there to get good. Footage for you guys to see but. Oh well but, with that it was a good day interesting. Adventures, navigating. Through the public transportation, got, to ride this Jubilee, Line so, far the Piccadilly line this refer line they do was there a direct line no. Anyways. We'll. See what tomorrow brings. Last. Day. Mona. And red walking, with canes I decided, to visit red, cell who won the Holmen prize in 2019. So, we're, gonna record an interview I work for the Royal National Institute, of complainers, connect, radio. Station. And I'm. Going to interview Mona, about her project so. The British audience. Thank. You. RNIB. Exterior. Alright, and then we got. Inside. RNIB I'm, really excited I'm literally. In, an. Institution, for blind people here. Radley, Mona. And. Red inside Catherine, Cookson studio. Motive. Incorrectly from, 2019. Holmen prize-winner her. Project, planes canes, and trains is. Taking, her all, over the world. This. Was awesome if you want to learn more about red you can visit him at his website at red Cellcom, right, now we're, gonna go sit, down and discuss, issues related to blindness, so follow us along as we go to this cafe what do you feel, like the culture is here, with regards, to navigating. As a blind person outside, like. In the public, basically. You. Could have on your own unless, you lost well if. You lost but how most, people. I've. Had an interesting experience in, which I was asking, for help and being ignored, I wasn't, maybe assertive. As much is what Cooper London excuse, me excuse, me flashback excuse, me you, know what whining is it excuse me is this the way to the central line excuse me you know which way to street level yeah so I learned I have to be a little bit more assertive actually, even got to a point which I stopped, asking questions gonna be like London, Bridge right hour left London Bridge yes, behind me in front of me okay got it thank you how would you compare here, versus like San Francisco where you end people, in San Francisco. Are far more respect. Might, not being a mercy I get. The impression that in the, states blind. People are. Expected. To be far more self-sufficient, here. You. Are seeing that morale has somebody. Just. Relax a member of staff will escort you to the Train. We have a responsibility, here their girlfriend time I think you're far more likely to be led to, the other side of the street even if you don't want to go there. English. Person, the. Americans. Would just wait, for you to ask and, then they'll take you out of the street yes, I think disability, is still seen. Yes. Yeah. I think, so and the, conversation, that I had with the guy in the airport, it, was very nice but, it was kind, of intense because. I was, like well I I don't need, the help he was like it's not your trip I think I can decide for myself if I need the help but isn't, your choice service how is it not my choice on, the street it like that really got to me personally. It's. That you know you, are an accident, waiting to happen, I know but like that's also kind of insulting, you and I it's, extremely, insulting I told him I was like I'm. A professor I'm. Not saying no to the system I'm just saying let me choose when I need to use it versus not Leia, does, I say you say no do you think disability. Is most, people's worst nightmare, it is and I think then, I think.

It's Then self projective but. As you say I mean it's you know it's. A CA stem, from, that. To, be people, that the visa. Burden yeah I think that's what gets to me the most. Is. Feeling. Like I'm not burden no. I could, not remove so that's why the sister having a system of assistance, is great right, and as I don't need to burden anybody no, but then I also want the choice. It's. Also like that in the hotel by the way in hotels, I went to a hotel room here in London and they, were like you're by herself we need to register you and, I was like why like because, you're blind but. You did spy regulations, I know that yeah, because. If there is a fire they, make sure that somebody, remembers, yeah the reality, is if there's a fire, though I'm. Probably getting out as soon as possible not, waiting for somebody, exactly. Flashback. All. These bits. Of legislation they. Come with good intentions, but actually, they, a lot. Of prejudices. Yes. Yes. Okay. I agree but then again thing that where else people like to leave no they don't actually mean, yeah people, who are actually comfortable with their lives without being wined I think. That would be a good perspective right yeah absolutely, things. Crossed time lapse alas all, good things must, always come to a river time London it was great knowing here I'm glad I get the common, road. The tube and the underground, tour met some awesome people like red, and Ray and, Laurie wherever, you are I hope you're doing well you're extremely, nice thank, you and, now we'll see where I might venture. Me to Istanbul, via Munich, coming up next. Next. On planes trains and canes hiya. Sofia. Boat. Crosses, Bosphorus, take. It kiosk. To. The card reader please. Wait your request, isn't graded, successfully. Loaded. Descending. Subway escalator. Mona. And bus. Mona. Steps out of bus. Maybe. Towers. Hiya, Stephanie ceiling morning, folks. So. I have, a perfect one that says that all these came by moved, to the boxes. Planes. Trains in Cannes episode, 3 Istanbul. Releases. On March 19. Planes. Trains and pains is made possible by the Holman, cries and the lighthouse for the blind planes, trains and planes features, dr. Mona man Cara videoed by Natalie doozy and edited, by Benjamin, Jimenez.

2020-03-09 16:22

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