Exploring Cameroon's Hidden Gems / Chefferie, Market & Street Food

Exploring Cameroon's Hidden Gems / Chefferie, Market & Street Food

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for the next few days we are heading  to the western part of Cameroon to   explore bafoussam and petpenoun but first let's go pick our guide Ashil [Music] so we just arrived to mechan it is  a small town between yaounde and ba   batoufam and we're going to get some [Music] food  this is just like plantain that's like on the charcoal this is like a prune it's  called safu apparently you get a   little bit of that just want to taste  it on its own first its nice much sweeter   than the plantain but the key now  is to mix both together it's so hot   this is good though watch out it's [Music]  hot that's really good back on the [Music] road so we just made it to the western region  of uh Cameroon and our first stop is here in   batoufam now bear with me I'm getting all the  information in French and some words don't   really translate but I'll do my best to  give you the information in English um   so we just arrived at laer Superior the batoufam  is basically where the chief of the community   it's actually a kingdom uh lives and it's like  where all the political stuff is happening it   is very nice very colorful very different  than like other things that we've seen in   Africa so I'm excited to be here and let's  see what the kingdom of batoufam is all about [Music] so here is the sculpting workshop and  nothing is done um by The Artisan for no reason   everything has a reason every morning the king  comes in and tells him a part of his story and   this is what inspired basically the artist to  make all of these sculpture and everything is   done by hand even the colors are coming from  the ground from different leaves it is [Music] fascinating so here is the traditional Palace  and in front of it is a throne that only the   woman can sit in so you might have noticed that  the doors are extremely small and it's actually   for two reason first it's a military Advantage  when there's enemies uh within the walls uh of   the Kingdom they would have to like basically  lean down which is a weak position and somebody   would be on the other the other side of the  door ready to uh you know and the other reason   is actually it kind of forces you to bow to pay  respect to the king of the [Applause] [Music] [Music] place that was an she was great but she only  speaks French so she was every time she was done   explaining something she would look at me like  now you need to translate the TR she was keeping   very accountable she was keeping me in check so  one last fun fact about this place basically on   each side of the palace there's like little houses  where all the wives of the king are living when I   ask an how many wives does he have uh at once  she was like so many I don't even want to give   you an estimate but the interesting part is that  he doesn't have to deal with any drama see if you   might think that like women can be complicated  no offense to anyone he doesn't deal with that   he has a godmother basically on each side that  takes care of any issue that the women's are   having so he can focus his on his people so that  was super interesting I always love learning   about more of their culture and everything like  that but now let's go eat at a super authentic spot so we were invited by a local cameroonian Mama  this is our official title and she's going to   cook us an authentic meal let's see if they're  like the Canadian grandmother basically where   they're like you know just eat a little bit more  just so nice people like I'm very excited to be   here let's see what's for lunch and let's go  meet her the holidays are coming so it's the   perfect time to think today's sponsor the  ridge because all I want for Christmas The   Ridge wallet you guys know how much much I love  these wallets because I talk about them all the   time but legit in real life I always have one  in my pocket because it's so small but still   can carry up to 12 cars has RFID blocking  technology and the quality is so good that   Ridge is providing you with a lifetime warranty  this is how certain they are about the quality   of their product something you guys actually  don't see is the fact that I've been using a   ridge wallet for as long as Dave has they just  came up with their camic powder collection and   this one is my new favorite and they're still  scratch resistant just like their other ones   are will for sure make sure to put a good word  for all my subscriber directly to Santa Claus   and hopefully he's going to send you something  from the ridge but if you want to make sure I   highly suggest that you visit my link down in  the description that is ridge.com/davemani get   up to 30% off on the ridge website and that is  until December 20th and just in case that's not   enough you can actually enter a giveaway where  you can win a ridge bundle worth up to $4,000   no purchase necessary you only need to visit  the link down below rge.com and otherwise as   usual a big thank you to the rich for sponsoring  this video I like her already I know [Laughter] too so Mama's currently making something called  D and we're going to eat that with something   that has yellow sauce this is pretty much all  we know right now um but it smells so good [Music] [Music] okay so this Dar is really probably closer to  mashed potatoes I was would say the way they   were making it kind of looked like ugali but  definitely more texture in mash potatoes it's really good we all did a good effort  but we're pretty full grandma   style of course portions are way too big but so delicious okay there's a new plan me and a we're  going to carry on with the tour of the west but   Tracy's going to stay here and learn how to cook  authentic Cameroon meals with Mama there so new mer the food was fantastic but  mama she was the highlight she   just welcomed you with open arms  she wanted to teach me how to cook   all the food and everything definitely  like that GR mother personality I love it so we just arrived at Nonena Ranch for the  night we're going to spend the night here   stunning view great location to get into  um and here they have some [Music] horses [Music] time for a camera change  because we're going on some horses you look great with your hat thank  you it's a great hat he okay how's the test   drive Tracy so far so good Tracy is on  rapid the fastest horse in Cameroon is   that true yeah right and this is Don Cameo  a white albinos [Applause] horse it's like   I've done this many times this is like the  third time ever exactly I was [Music] like [Music] [Music] the view is incredible and finally even  though it was very cloudy now the sun is popping   out it is beautiful we made it to the top of a  mountain and it is a beautiful view behind me here   you see obviously over the mountain and on the  other side you see the ranch where we're [Music] staying you what people say time to get back  on the horse well this time it's true literally [Music] [Music] going downhill a lot we'll make it we'll  make it you got it buddy I believe in you   this is definitely a little bit more advanced  horseback riding right cuz we're going like   Offroad with the horses it's beautiful though  but I'm like I'm semi confident cuz I've done   this like three times but we're going to do  it as part of the adventure and I'm all about it thanks for your right buddy great work these  ducks are crazy back home I think you right here bu so now that we're back from our horse back  ride as David likes to call it horsing it's   not a word it's a word it's not a word um  we're in our little cottage for the night   so we have a queen queen size bed there looks  really comfy we even have some seating areas   we have a little desk cute lights but this  is the star so oh you can actually still   see it we have a little balcony here and  that's the mountain right up of that Peak   is where we rode the horses to maybe it was  that one that [Music] one that one that one [Music] yeah Pro tip when you come  horseback riding here in Cameroon   there's a few plant with torns and you  should definitely bring pens they told   me I should really put pens and I was like  no no it's fine I didn't bring pants my bad   so I went and short so Tracy is on my leg uh  removing the little corns maybe long sleeves too Adventure let's go for supper it's pouring out so for supper tonight we have  some rice and beef it looks like   a beef stew it smells really  good and some pineapple for dessert so that is the end of the day  but it starts again tomorrow bright   and early for some more Adventure in  Western Cameron I'm having a lot of want to see something super cool if you don't  want to go up the mountain on horses for X   reason well you can do it on one of those  Jeeps pretty cool we slept fantastic but   I wanted to tell you a little bit more about  here they even have different configurations   of rooms they even have like little Cottages  that are like two three bedroom so you can   definitely find something that works for you  or your group that is coming so we're going   to put their information Down Below in case you  want to check them out now now let's get some [Music] breakfast not sure what's going  on [Music] here time to carry on with our adventure [Music] so often in different cultures um natural  landmarks like this are actually sacred   places and people come here to pray and  kind of like purify themselves and there   was actually like people singing to the  waterfall making offerings so yeah very   interesting couldn't talk down there  CU waterfall is very loud it's a lot of water so we just arrived at the palace of Sultan  Nabil in funan this is basically the equivalent   of what we saw yesterday like the chefery but for  this region here but it looks so much different   and just wait until you see the museum like it's  quite a structure it just started to rain [Music] sadly it is not allowed to film inside but still  we learned a lot about like the people from here   since the 1300 and like the throne room basically  that is no longer in use except for like official   purposes only is really really impressive  otherwise the museum behind me it's hard   to see but it's basically a massive spider  and a snake with two heads the snake means   represent basically like the power and uh the  spider uh the work and it's not open yet it's   going to be like the new Museum but like the  building itself is quite impressive I'm going   to walk around town a little bit and if you  think the rain is going to stop us you're off so we were actually at a metal workshop and  the way that it works is they take like the clay   material and they mold it so from there they  put the wax over top and that's when they can   put in like the little intricate decorations  and put more detail into it and then over top   of the wax they put another layer of that  clay bake it so that the wax then drips out   melt the metal pour the metal inside break the  clay off of it and then you have your figurine   shape whatever it is so in here we see a lot  of the finished product this one's pretty cool too nice guys they just you know always  want like a lot of money I already gave   them a lot but you know I just want  to buy something from the place we [Music] visited [Music] now we just made  it to the local market and I love these   place they're just like the hustle and  bustle is super Alive food everywhere   and apart from food a little bit of  everything you can imagine from like   Toys to clothing to drinks to cars getting  mad at me when I cross the street I love it the mama there is like you're so beautiful   you're so beautiful I'm like w thank you  there's definitely a lot going on [Music] here lots of happy people around here I like  it we came to this restaurant that actually   doesn't have a sign but they wanted us to eat  a very specific cameroonian uh dish which they   don't have but apparently there's another  restaurant down the road so we'll see while   walking around here you have to be hyper aware cuz  otherwise you're going to get hit by a motorcycle [Music] okay take two for the local dish let's  see what they have here for lunch we have injap   which is basically like some vegetable green  vegetable with some pistachio I have the beef   version she has the chicken and then we got a lot  of corn couscous which is prr good that sauce is   so [Music] good Tracy how did you find a meal  that was so good that sauce was like the best   yeah probably the best meal we've had in Cameroon  so far plus like it is super affordable in local   restaurant like that like 8,900 for four people  with drinks and everything like I mean can't be   wrong good deal telling you like crossing the  Street here without getting hit is kind of an art so after about an hour and a half of driving  we have just arrived at our Resort in petpenoun   and the entrance so far it looks stunning I cannot  wait to show you around so first of all a massive   thank you to The Gourmet discovery that was such  a good tour it is not done okay we thought that   like the western part of Cameroon would be  one video but there's just we're doing too   many things so we're going to cut that there  cuz you guys watched us already for too long   so make sure to subscribe to check out the next  video but yeah basically like that company makes   very like tailored Adventures true adventurers  This Is Not For Tourists it's for adventurers   okay so that is exactly what I was going to  say because we had specific things in mind   that we wanted to do so my understanding is you  were just texting with them and you're like hey   this is exactly what I want to do I want to see  markets I want to see street food but I also want   to do culture stuff and everything so like that  was like the perfect one so we'll put all their   information down below so it is time for us to go  get some Rest because we had a good day today a   very busy day and we have a busier day tomorrow  so until next time see you guys in the next one

2023-12-09 03:34

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