Lijiang is China's Most Beautiful Spot

Lijiang is China's Most Beautiful Spot

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good morning from Lee Jang our fourth stop of our Yan adventure and me and Alan are going completely out of our comfort zones today we are not going to spend the day in this gorgeous ancient town but we're going to head straight up to the mountains the snowy mountains and as you can see we could probably have some better clothing on but let's go yes yes here are you ready Alan I think so yes we actually could have got the bus but we've decided to get the taxi just a bit more straightforward and we can maybe get the bus back because there's actually a snow performance on at half two uh this we buy ticket 100 per person okay yes uh two people yeah yes two people passport yeah passport oh yes you come from United Kingdom yeah United Kingdom see here thank you bye here we are and this is where we're going the U ulong Snow Mountain National Scenic area and that is a remind if you're doing anything like this in China take your passport we forgot our passports but Lu they accepted that photo on her phone but yeah absolute reminder take your passport everywhere every going to end like this you definitely need it we just got lucky there we actually put in a Jade Dragon Mountain into DD and it's actually y Long Mountain so we have actually went about an hour further than what we meant to do which means we're now maybe going to miss the performance because it is now 2:25 and it starts at 2 and we've got quite a distance back to go and then all the way up the mountain but see we can make it the driver's confident he can get us there so I'll Trust this driver de here thank you thank you byebye byebye bye thank you okay so we are literally back oh the tickets this way okay s bye-bye oh my God so we were here 1 hour and 50 minutes ago but we went away over the wrong way the location on the DD was completely off the show starts in like 1 minute think we can do it hopefully let's go for the impression of the ja wa okay come here come here here yeah there we are we're through need to get a ticket I think I can hear some music so hopefully we can still get in before it starts we made it don't we don't have a ticket though no over here let hope it's not sold out where over here let's go oh we have not had a travel day like this and so long it's been everything's been so stressful last minute unplanned it's good to be back oh I've missed this uh two yeah okay yeah so after that chaotic journey to get all the here to make the performance we've decided to not go because the ticket price is £30 each which I think is very expensive because it's only like a 45 minute show and we've got other stuff that we want to do here so we don't want to use all our time and miss out on other things when we've already paid to come into the park so maybe we'll see something like that and um another place maybe like a stranga or something who each to spend £30 in a ticket when you can come across the road to hide ground and you can see it right here feeling quite cheeky that we've got it for free I know and I'm going to get my camera get a better look at it there you have it you don't have to spend £60 on tickets to go see the show just get yourself a 400 mm lens and you can sneak right into the performance the cheap way how do we get to Blue Moon Valley yeah know 202 okay you have two [Music] please we are very lucky that we are getting accepted with this I know that was a bad mistake see you here see here so one thing that many people won't know is that we live at a suitcase completely all of the time and now if you look at the cases that we use right now you'll see the tool which long per of travel have taken on them so we have had an upgrade thanks to level eight8 for sponsoring this video level eight make fantastic high quality durable suitcases and we have went for the giala aluminium carryon case which is perfect for us because it means we never have to pay for extra luggage on flights each suitcase comes with slow release handles for noise-free use and hand protection and ultra quiet 360 durable spinner wheels so your wheels will not end up looking like these ones level eight have many different sizes and colors available on their website they have some stunning ones such as the Voyager carryon which is available in many different styles and you'll definitely find one for you each case comes with a lifetime warranty for peace of mind and if you use codes Allan and shanon at checkout you will get 10% off your order so do not waste any time let's get shopping today well so far today has been an absolute disaster we are now on the bus hopefully going to the Blue Moon Valley and hopefully we'll start to make some progress and see the beautiful scenary around us we're off the bus not entirely sure if we're in the right place or not we're in like a valley of some sort and now we're wa to wait some we have literally no idea what was on here at all it's now nearly 4:00 we have seen nothing this day is not going so well at all come on woohoo we're finally doing something fun we've got a cable par here and we have no idea where we're going that's all part of the adventure woo oh my God at last some progress is getting made finally on the way we're going up the mountain here we go just like being back at the Great Wall we are finally making our way up the mountain not as cold what time is it it's now 4:00 oh dear true Allan and Shannon style yep I've messed it today I wanted to see like the m in the snow I thought that's what we thought was going to happen we're going to get dropped off the taxi at a cable straight up the snowy mountain see a bit of that then back down completely gone the opposite way have no idea where we're heading up to if it's going to be snow if it's going to be another grassy Hill well we have made it to the top and we haveed with this amazing view so got all these Green Mountains over here and up in the clouds is where Alan wanted to go today but Allan you're not going to make it I'm afraid it doesn't look like it everybody here is puffing oxygen out these big tanks not sure that's so necessary I don't feel breadless but everybody here has them literally every maybe as we go along and walk more we'll feel the altitud we're just over 3,000 M up which I think is the highest I ever been up in my life so let's see if I can feel any effects of the altitude this is actually so nice feel like we're back in Scotland doing a nice Forest walk up to the mountains feels very familiar it's crazy though everyone's pumping that oxygen I feel like that is just not necessary it's not that high up do feel a bit breathless but we are walking a bit uphill and yeah bit crazy at the speak they're eating that no it really does feel like we're back in the Scottish islands with the Sheep there's haggus it's a real Scottish haggus right here yeah that's what they look like isn't it yep but just look at this view isn't that just absolutely breathtakingly beautiful it's so nice to see a part of China That's not like a big massive major outo developed City and to see somewhere that was just nothing almost and you'll see over here we'll try and get a bit closer unfortunately snow and the snow unfortunately the clouds cover the mountains a little bit but we'll see if we can get a better view but just again just look at this just so peaceful and relaxing this really doesn't feel like we're in China right now it's so scenic and it looks almost like Arctic because you can see there's snow up the very top of the mountains behind the clouds there and then there used to be like waterfalls down here are and Big Trees absolutely gorgeous incredible isn't it could be anywhere in the world right now so nice you see like the more beautiful natural part of China like this so peaceful and calm and worth that chaotic adventure to get here look at it and also you see over here people get married look there's oh wow people get married everywhere they'll be the best wedding photos ever with that gorgeous mountain in the background wait there's one 2 3 4 5 five six six people getting wedding for us we'll have to come here and we get married Alan now that we're sitting at the bottom of this massive Mountain it makes complete sense as to why you cannot go all the way up because we are already just over 3,000 M up and look at that you cannot even see the top of it so yeah don't think I was going to get a cable cut all the way up there that's probably about 8 9,000 M no chance and look just up behind me see starting to poke to the clouds is exactly what we came to see the snow [Music] mountain have you ever seen water that color in your life oh my God that's one of the most incredible things I have ever seen now let's try and get down onto ground level isn't it just incredible it's all worth it see everything works out in the end for my short legs is Alan and shinon still I honestly can't believe the color of this water it is like turquoise blue it is unreal and just look at the Ms we've got these amazing trees and then the mountain that we saw behind the clouds there congratulations it honestly just doesn't look real does it no absolutely incredible cannot believe the water of this it does look fake it looks like the kind of water you see like in a resort swimming pool it was just turquoise I want to jump in it so badly it's probably freezing so I think all the water comes from our way up in the mountain up there glacier water flows down from the mountain and into this Lake here and which gives it this amazing Blue Clear color you'll see here just how clear it is you can see the bottom and then in the distance we have that amazing turquoise color we just can't stop looking at it is honestly incredible the best thing we've ever seen with our own eyes I know it's times like this I just feel so lucky to be doing what we do and to be coming to these incredible places it's like there's just so much to see in China like there's so much more to this country than just big cities I mean they're so cool but we just come out here and see a little bit more cuz look at this what we're about to walk out to right now look at like that mountain coming out behind the clouds all the snow and this little waterfall here just honestly one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen my own eyes doesn't even look real going to actually see how cold this water is cuz if it's came from the mountains I assume it is going to be absolutely freezing oh my God that is icy cold Alan come and feel the temperature of this water is it cold freezing oh it's right there wo you I hate you so we're at the bus station and luckily they have little food stands we are absolutely starving and it's going to take us another hour before getting home so we have this lovely dining setting we've got a beef Kebab yeah massive look at the size of that that was 10 qui1 for that look at that that feel steak on it then we've got some chili chips and some boui so this all came to about £450 which I think is very reasonable for where we are pass the test yes is it be don't know well I think the beauty here absolutely speaks of itself this place is beyond breathtaking and I'm so glad the chaotic Journey worked out in the end didn't really think we're going to get to see anything but we saw the amazing mountain and this gorgeous Lake absolutely incredible but now we're going to head back into the main Town show you where we're staying for only7 a night and we'll head out into Le Jang Town Center tonight and show you how Lively it is well this is what seven pound a night gets you in Lee Jang just outside the room there's this lovely little setting area where you can just set we've done a bit of work here and let me show you the room it's not amazing but for £7 it's pretty incredible it's like a little Log Cabin look it's all wooden nice comfy bed and a nice bathroom 7even quid I'd say that is beyond reasonable now it is dinner time it's very late it took us so much longer than expected to get back from that mountain we are absolutely knackered but we are starving now let's let's go hope there is somewhere still open for food and let's go and see what the food is like here in Lee [Music] Jang no the best thing about staying in the hotel that we at is you can get dropped off right at the door unlike when you stay in the ancient city you have to drag your luggage through which can be a bit of a pain and we're literally here already literally a one minute walk and it's absolutely gorgeous so many shops and restaurants as soon as you walk in here it's such a nice [Music] Vibe the best thing about coming to these ancient Villages is the much slower pace of life you can even see just how slowly we're walking just very very slow and it's much more sociable everything's much more camped in together there's many restaurants many bars and we've actually met a lot of people that speak English as well which has been really nice for us to talk about our experience here in China just not recommend enough if you are coming to China of course flying the cities see these big amazing modern cities with amazing infrastructure but also take about time to get the cities come to these little small towns everything's really cramped and condensed in there's music everywhere it's just such a better Vibe and you'll probably have a way better experience in China and you just get to like interact and understand China on such a B level if you just get out of these big cities and come to these smaller towns go anywhere in China without trying the local tea it is a must I prefer sweet this sour this this sour FL Tea Flower tea okay yes and flower tea very like glamorous the way it's made isn't it strawberry strawberry yeah smells exactly like strawberry very sweet very very sweet try [Music] okay oh is hot too sweet for me I don't really like sweet things strawberryish that's more of a Shannon drink than one for me I think I'll try this one okay I like a look at this one it's like dried fruit in it oh that's delicious I like this one's good this one good yeah yeah trueberry that's right yeah lovely like dried cranberries in it I think oh that's nice Christmas yeah much nicer than this one I think yeah that one's bit too sweet I think that's enough for one day we are absolutely starving so we are in Yan so it's probably going to be noodles tonight so let's go and see what we can get now we just asked the waiter to give us something traditional and he's gave us this and I will not do what I usually do and just dive in and eat it because this looks like a pot of lava right now but it looks absolutely fantastic we've got like noodles and meat and veg in here well Alan was absolutely correct this is like lava but got a little bit of the soup here which I've left to cool and you'll see the color of it is quite dark oh wow it tastes exactly like a chicken noodle souit one where the bones of the chicken have just been boiling away for so long so fresh and we've got all these nice vegetables in it sort of like pickled vegetable there's garlic hint of chili feels like a very healthy meal to end a very long day actually we left the house at like I don't know half1 today and it's nearly midnight so very happy to eat in this now and the best way to round off a fantastic time in Le Jang so we will see you in the next one

2024-07-18 06:56

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