Exploring Barış Park, Girne (Kyrenia) // CYPRUS VLOG

Exploring Barış Park, Girne (Kyrenia) // CYPRUS VLOG

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all right guys welcome to another vlog and today  i'm going to be showing you guys around just   parisian around the streets of northern cyprus  and then uh particularly there is this interesting   park that i'd like to um show you guys anyways  i had a fresh haircut and i think this is good so guys i'm going to show you guys around this  park and it's where kids like come to play and   like have a nice time so in case you are planning  on looking out for places where you can just like   have a nice time here is where you can come  to when you're bored and of course it has like   uh options for exercise and like where it's like  exercise and walk out walk out sports so guys   after now you're gonna be seeing strictly the park  all righty so here you are these are the ghouls local chickens the hands yeah and the cockroach so beautiful oh wow this is a peacock right and it is called peacock again what you guys call pepper is there a place that is like the female peacock this is the female  right i think the female is the most stylish   that's the female that's the female  over there with the beautiful everything and here is the mill i guess so i'm not sure   but yeah and this is like the local chicken um  i think the [ __ ] yeah i think they're super   places where one can buy like this looks like a  different breed of okay those are like pigeons so guys if you bring your kid but then  right now you're not allowed to like   use the swing the kids can come swing play around  and the dogs are so friendly they're everywhere in   in cyprus and turkey northern cyprus and turkey  like the dogs and cats everywhere literally   everywhere they're so friendly the best i've  ever seen um okay this is like the local chicken i think means chicken these are the goats so they're called uh  luffen luffen havalara oats are my guineas wow   i can't wait to have like different  types of meats once the lockdown is over   uh going to the farm to like buy fresh  meats and stuff it's nothing like it so oh like different animals together right together  this is beautiful is that not called animals   yeah we have the the rabbits different birds just giving them the feel of of um the natural habitats where they're like from all right guys ignore my  sneezing or my sniffing because   really cold it's a tomato here what happens here the security post okay yeah all the the  person in charge of everything yeah he stays all right guys so this really  feels like where they're from and so beautiful yeah there's the pet wing  winged pets where they all stay the friendly dog all right guys so this is like where  you can play like different workouts   exercise for free bring your kids  over and it's also a park where you   can just sit out when you're bored  and you know just have a nice time   it's really beautiful indeed i won't say alright guys come along with me  let me take you on another journey those are like buses bringing people over and uh like a seat out you can possibly  just sit out and you know and it's supposed to be a fun thing  but i i learned that it is not   that much in existence because of the  was called the lockdown and here you go   another part i'd like to show  you guys just somewhere to chill sit out with friends enjoy nature no people have  like their their names written and all that it's   not a saline because that's you know the low  symbol effects consuming you know you just want to express how much love you guard for  each other it's coming right here   see a lot of people writing stuff gravity this is beautiful we did so nice yay guys so i'm going to be like showing you  guys from my view what i've got right here   i think i'm not adequately dressed for this tour   because i just have my sleeves on and then my  face okay let's see what it feels like to be here to sit and cross my legs yeah guys so this is it feels so beautiful so guys  i'm gonna take a couple of pictures here so i can   just keep that for my personal use this is so beautiful someone to just  come and relax and you know enjoy nature   so guys here you are here we are just  taking a tour around here as you can see join the beautiful scenes from the park i bring you nature and uh okay you're trying  to let us know that you have to wear your max   if you're coming here and i'm about to explore  somewhere i think it looks nice there we go looks   like the bottom of a fountain but um there is no  water in here because apparently let's cover it   nineteen and then really can't do much but then  it's beautiful guys can you see i don't know   whatever happens here but it looks really nice  maybe like somewhere to dance and do whatever so beautiful you can bring your dog for  work and just you know appreciate nature so nice so guys let me just take you guys around  and see like what we've got over here   and probably after that you can see so beautiful i think  that's the wc that's the water closet yeah yeah that's the restroom to show you guys  around and after then we can call eat a wrap okay   i'm gonna flip the camera  around and show you guys fully so so so join me as we adventure together can you see me come along with me come along with me  hold up yeah so guys go on inside here   it looks so beautiful for me if you know me well  and you follow my videos you know that i'm i'm   a big fan of nature and i love to enjoy me feel  like it feeds me um makes me happy bringing you   guys like real-time content what i love to do i'm  a cowboy right now you know i'm in so here you go   something interesting so beautiful  place to just relax and then enjoy okay after riding my cow been the cowboy that  i am but i didn't bring my heart i forgot to   bring my heart i found myself here but i don't  know what this place is for i think it's like   um a construction dump site or something like this   okay so still walking around the city gina kairena  northern cyprus so i'm gonna go down and come back and so that's my baby boo my baby i've  been riding it a lot for a while so guys let's see what else we've got let's see  what what else we've got right here so after which i'm gonna be like doing more walk around vlogs i think we're  gonna be doing a lot of that due to the fact   that it's locked down and it's difficult going  out to make really dope content but of course   still gonna be showing you guys amazing stuff  around where okay this is beautiful so beautiful so beautiful so i'm just gonna show you  guys over there after which   tell you a lot more about the park  and let you know what we've got more so like a local well too know your master police i just saw the police  over there you can see that's what a police car   looks like i don't know where they're going  to maybe they're coming over i don't know   but of course you should understand  that people want to take the work   so i think we're back here again so guys after this i think  i deserve a burger king ah i'm gonna go get a burger king and put  in some my stomach get a little fueled up so did you use that but guys this is really beautiful barish park i think this is everything right so the mini gym yeah walk out sports just  to walk out and oh i can see barista park yeah that is i can see the   seat out sport and of course that is the the  already parked is the parish park beautiful super beautiful okay i think it was um it was named after  seven ipo blue it's a footballer yeah so   there you go there's a street around paris park they can see lots of students  around shopping and stuff and that is why these away all right guys so it's time to leave parish park  and i need to get some burger in the stomach   right now so taking a leave taking my leave so  where we gonna get the the burger the burger king   you have to place an order  like is there like an off or so we can't walk into burger king  and just take the thing and walk away   wow that's unfortunate okay guys no problem i'm  just gonna be getting my burger and go back home   put something in my stomach  so i hope you enjoy the view   and of course when next you're planning on coming  to northern cyprus you know where to hook up   uh you know where to go to if you're looking  for a park especially if you're in kyrena grena   nowhere to come have a nice time other guys  so off to the house i'll catch you guys later see i'm going to be trying all of  this and see how good it tastes people are allowed to stay here  but of course after the Covid 19.   Beautiful place right here though okay i'm out of here thank you... oh you speak english  all right guys this is called rare it's beans and chocolates this is a nice  place to eat bread can you see lots of lots   of pastry amazing stuff very nice all right  guys so right now i'm on my way to the house   after buying this much pastry uh  chocolate bread and all of that   so i'm hitting the street spark and um i  couldn't find burger because i was told   that i would have to like order the vlogger  over the phone and um i didn't want to go   through the struggle of having to like speak  specific and all that so i'm off to the house all right guys so gradually coming to  an end of my vlog finally going home   and uh i'm gonna be drawing the  cottons on the vlogs for today   welcome to my house uh if you wanna  have a feel of what it looks like all right guys welcome i'm back home and it's time  for me to do what um taste the stuff that i bought   and the tunnels were so sweet like it's off  the hook like it's so nice and of course I haven't having them and it's really nice all right guys so thank you for being part of  the vlog today um really appreciate the love   and everything so far but guys let's try as much  as possible to hit a thousand subscribers before   the end of February i believe this is achievable  by the first week in march i want us to be on   1,000+ subscribers! We can do it so guys hope  you enjoyed the the virus parker vlog and   i'm gonna bring you guys more interesting  stuff thank you so much god bless you   keep subscribing keep liking sharing and  everything god bless you... you're the best!

2021-02-23 23:46

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