Namaste and welcome to Katmandu Nepal today I'm embarking on a journey to every space camp right now I am in the bus just next to the airplane that will fly to L airport which is the most dangerous airport in the world which is also the first step of a space camp we are waiting for them to say okay so that we run for the window of seats as there are no assigned seats all right okay we got the window seats now we're going to watch the views of Himalayas from [Music] here [Music] right fingers crossed all right okay oh my God that was the fastest Landing I have ever witnessed we are finally here and that's where we get our luggages this is the airport that I told you about it's the most dangerous airport in the world that's because the runway is so short it's like 800 M it's really cold here I cannot even imagine how it is like in base camp this is crazy the first Vibes is insane I didn't sleep last night because of the excitement for today all right all right Everest Vibes so we just started our trkking uh today is going to be a bit chill we're gonna be walking two two to three hours this feels like a city right now and we are actually on the mountains so now we are about at 2,700 m above sea level and we're going to go as high as 5,500 M that's where the bace camp is this is the first gate hang lamu is the first lady to ever climb Mount Everest oh 30 years ago okay so as you know Mount Everest is located in a national park that's why we have to register and pay a fee to enter here it's 2,00 nepales rupee which is equal to like [Music] $20 we're going to be having our breakfast here the first meal of the day and that's our breakfast we also have black tea it's not that black yet but yeah you get the idea the name of these animals are called J and they help carry the luggages from lla airport all the way up to the ever Space Camp all right we are 1 hour into tracking now and everything goes well so far and the sky is really clear so you get to see the mountains while you're tracking there a lot of oxygen here in the place that we are heading to there won't be as much yep we will need some luck [Music] hey hey hey oh my God this is so [Music] shaky this is the entrance of Buddhist Village that's why there are Stones like [Music] this just resting here watching this beautiful scenery [Music] oh [Music] [Music] this bridges are so wavy like doesn't feel secure but the view is worth it even though it's the first day I'm already in love with this place [Music] all right so we arrived in our first accommodation place all right we arrived in pading and we're going to be getting some rest and we're going to stay here for night and uh tomorrow we're going to head out to L Bazar so far so good I got some energy even though I couldn't get any sleep last night today I hope to get some sleep by the way I'm doing this in November uh because the weather is amazing and the sky is so clear I can see the mountains really clearly which is really important for me to get you know really good angles and to show you the best version of the ever let's get some food and take some rest the guide recommended us to have garlic soup here because it would boost immune system and also help with altitude the food looks nice so the blood oxygen level is right now 96% but as we go up as we Elevate it's going to get lower and lower over 5,000 m it's difficult to breathe and the oxygen levels are so low so I have to eat accordingly and if I have uh nausea headaches and different kinds of diarrhea different kinds of uh symptoms I should also take a pill called diamax for the altitude I hope I don't need it but but we'll [Music] see Society do crazy [Music] Brea this always happens [Music] all well good morning it's freezing out of here let's have breakfast this is like the coldest water in the world it's time to have breakfast good morning guys good morning good morning so early in the morning Porters uh from this region they're also called Sherpas bring uh come to the hotel and they take the luggages from Nella and bring the luggages to the destination that the trackers will arrive today and uh thanks to them we are actually able to do this trip otherwise it would be impossible and the second day starts it's going to be like 6 to 8 hours walk but it's going to worth it the best guide in Nepal ganam come on come on ganam come on come on here's also really nice actually like I love it here the nature here is amazing this first time in the pool is it yeah it is and first time here no it's my second not second second I've done this before yeah yeah so it's interesting he actually visited my hometown trabzon uh last week and now he's here doing the ever base camp tracking world is small world is really [Music] small [Music] Namaste Namaste Chuck hey you're going to shoot me check hey [Music] at the mountain you see in front of me it's called tomu and it's like 6,600 M high above sea level check out this View it's just amazing river is Flowing there is that mountains like just standing in front of you oh my God this is just pure [Music] [Applause] beauty so we gave it break for tea what's your name my name is nice to meet you old are you how old are you I am 30 years old how old are you I 30 years old do you go to school no no will you go to school yeah yeah good are you playing game here hello the kids here are like the cutest H do you know YouTube yeah yeah yeah this is for YouTube I make video here yeah yeah do you want to say something no [Laughter] no oh we're playing games now yeah so how how do you play this game like this oh okay I am X you're going to win the game yeah yeah I know okay right here about but if I do this this my name is oh that's how you play play the game again H okay han han are you even it again [Laughter] yeah draw no you played two times han han han H draw again I win I am winner you're winner he's playing with my other friends [Music] now you want the [Music] chocolate now we are at a checkpoint this place is located in Sagar National Park it's also forbidden to fly a drone here that's why I didn't get my drone the soldiers are asking if you have a drone or not all [Music] right so we're going to be having our lunch here wow what a nice place everywhere I walk I'm like wow wow wow wow wow it just never ends everyone is having their lunch here we're going to be having our lunch here we ordered this plate it's mixed vegetables with potato [Music] and we have like 2 hours left so we're going to climb like 600 M [Music] more after certain level of altitude this is what happens kiss like this kiss like this kiss like this kiss like this kiss like this kiss like this kiss like this so this is the highest bridge of our trkking and they say it's the best one sometimes the streets are too narrow for both people and animals so if we just let them go this guy is bringing door to the next Village at door here's another checkpoint so for the entrance this is how much you [Music] payab Bazar is beneath this hill there it is n Bazar Bazar is at 3,440 M high above sea [Music] level Nam Bazar feels like a city and don't forget everything that is here is brought here either on a on a donkey or a porter we made it to the hotel and I'm going to be staying here tonight and here's the view of the room okay this soup is called sharpa St and I need I want to eat this to get some more energy and also feel a little bit warm it took us like uh 7 hours to come here and also I had a shower today and I had paid like three to4 for a hot shower and U the higher you go the more money you have to pay for hot water and after today we won't even have internet and we will also have to pay for electricity in our next destination but we're going to be here in namcha Baza for 2 days so I'll see you in the morning [Music] [Applause] good morning and this is my breakfast today yesterday I got up like four times when I slept at 9:30 and then I got up at 12:00 and then I got up at 2: and then 4: and then 5 uh I think because of the High Altitude I had to I just couldn't get you know proper sleep [Laughter] we are getting ready to go up today we're going to be doing alization we're going to go to a higher altitude and come back and stay in nam Bazar again this is to adjust our B bodies to the altitude today we're going to be seeing AES right for the first time yes yes yes okay that's the best thing about today's route so let's go on with trkking let's go we came to a point where we can now see a Mount Everest so the mountain you see on the left is Everest and the one on the right is L and that PE Mountain over there is amadam this guy here is the first Sherpa that ever climbed Mount Everest tenin Nora that's why there's a statue of him uh in front of this amazing scenery snow leopards also live here there are at least four of them it will be impossible to you know just witness one of them but you never know this place is actually a Viewpoint it's called joram you get to see the panoramic view of the mountains from here so we came from there yesterday and right now we are just above namcha Bazar oh that it's army helicopter yeah yes then one of the airport is up there because of up there some uh some is altitude sickness oh people getting sick that's why a lot of helicopters are going up yes some people they do the track okay uh Bas Cam and kalap okay when they finish then they have a money they don't like come down today use helicopter they're going higher that's where namja Bazar is we're going to go to like 3,800 M or so we're going to wait there like 30 minutes and then we're going to come back to namja Bazar around my see over there that used to be a place for airplanes later they found out that uh all the tourists coming from Katmandu have altitude sickness as they come here directly that's why they change this airport to lla down to lla and now it's only available for helicopters now we made it to 3,8 85 M we made it to the Viewpoint for alization today that's Mount Everest right over there lo and amadam just look at this weave it's just insane right and we are so lucky to capture this much Clear Sky it usually is cloudy and it's not not this clear wow so lucky I'm so lucky to be here actually I need energy don't judge me te [Music] [Applause] [Music] break all right now we are heading down to namj Bazar we finished our alization we're going to go back and rest for today [Music] going down is [Music] easier [Music] I don't think I would see this weave in awh else in the world you get to see the mountains like with a panoramic [Music] view [Music] [Music] [Music] a right we're back in namja Bazar hello here in NJ Bazar I think you can find pretty much you're looking for pharmacy Hospital shops restaurants the prices are not too expensive as well of course it's more expensive than the city center yeah but I mean it makes [Music] sense well good morning from a new day every day I feel like I'm going to be sick but I don't breakfast looks nice so yesterday had a good sleep because of De I [Music] think all right so we are getting ready for today imra got sick yesterday he was uh having problems with his stomach saage couldn't get asleep and RZA is also very tired nonetheless you go now and the new day starts let's go all right time to head up to the next location [Music] as you see there are a lot of helicopters here we are now heading on to our next location today which is going to be 3,800 M or so above sea level today's Vlog is easy at the first phase but in the second phase we're going to have some [Music] difficulties [Music] [Laughter] I think the best thing about today is that we get to see uh the mountains and uh the V facing the mountains [Music] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh one of my friends is feeling a bit sick he threw up last night a lot so for carrying his back for him [Music] and we're going to be giving a tea break here watching this beautiful scenery I wish every coffee shop had this kind of view I think I haven't had a t a better view I would say this is the top [Music] [Music] wow look at that mountain goat we are heading to deuch now we're going to be staying the night there so I put on my everything like glasses hat s and cre because it's so sunny here and also I just want to give you some information about uh this tour we found this tour online um I'm not going to give the website you can also check it out the prices are like 1,200 to 1,800 USD do uh by giving the price you actually um book a tour which includes flight tickets from catmando to lla and also accommodations and also breakfast lunch and dinner that's how most of the tours here are and there also Porters they carry your luggages uh to the place that you're heading to every day you also uh have to pay for them as well I'm actually doing this trip with a few friends of mine and uh they're also really good at hiking and tracking they've been to some other mountains before so they're very well experienced but these sweet animals are called yucks all right we're going to go all the way down and climb up again and here we are our lunch place we're going to be having our lunch here and then we're going to continue this way the foods here are really nice actually and you have lot of options and in between the roots there are a lot of restaurants and coffee [Music] shops [Music] [Music] the oxygen levels are dropping we're passing through the welcome G [Music] check out the view of this place this is tempo then we're going down this way 5 minutes ago this was not me 5 minutes ago I was dying but now I got my energy back there are some crazy lens lights here [Music] wow they're almost here in probably 5 minutes the sun is set behind the mountains imagine going 400 m in 7 and 1/2 hours that's what we did today we made it well tonight I'm sleeping here and my Viv is this dinner time all right so in higher altitudes you have to pay for the Wi-Fi this cost like $5 good morning by the way this is my favorite uh drink here it's called honey lemon ginger it's really nice I love it here so I had a shower yesterday but the water was either too hot or too cold so I chose bur H today we are heading to the much and we're going to be staying 2 days there for activization 2o we're going to be walking there like 5 hours that's where I got my shower uh they're gas showers uh and they cost like $5 here we go day five and I love the system here actually works just fine [Music] voila wow check out this View and we're going up that way [Music] [Music] the weather is so nice we are so lucky with the weather so far like it's amazing welcome to Pomo we're going to pass that Village these cute animals are called Yaks most of the mountain population is Buddhist that's why they don't cut them they don't eat them they respect them so you see a large amount of population of [Music] yaks we are heading to to that town over there we're going to be having tea over there and then we're going to climb a bit more to our final destination it's called Tim P Tim why are the names are so difficult here man they're always like b b same same same but [Laughter] different right we are losing the trees here as you see we are about at 4,000 m above sea level a these guys do the he lifting they carry up to 25 kg every day they carry the luggages to the next destinations we are officially over 4,000 M it's time to have a tea break right we passed the tree zones and we entered the mountain and Rocky zones my nose is constantly running they are right now at like 4,000 uh 150 m [Music] it's getting cold [Music] here [Music] here we are this is the place we're going to [Music] stay and this is going to be my room for 2 [Applause] days this is no joke I'm having difficul is [Music] breathing [Music] well good morning just doesn't work cuz it's too cold they have an alternative luckily so I'm going to use this [Music] one it's just too [Music] cold so I couldn't get any sleep last night I had to get up like every 15 minutes because I was out of breath I was like but today after aimation I think I'm going to be able to slep better so let's start aimation day all right so we are staying here down there now we're going up over there for timization uh it's going to take us like 2 hours and then we're going to come back down to our hotel we made it to timization point and the vi here is just [Music] insane [Music] we are back from mization and we're going to be having our lunch now and get some rest so we are still in Dibo and in lot of hotels here you have to pay for electricity but I found an Hotel here it's called Cafe 4,410 you can charge your stuff here for free but you have to be warned that they only use solar systems here so you have to come uh when there's Sun up uh otherwise they always close the systems and you cannot charge your phone or your stuff the place is really nice and chill actually I loved it [Music] here well good morning today is the seventh day of our tracking and uh today we are heading to 4,900 M and tomorrow if you are lucky we're going to uh go to space camp so without further Ado let's continue our tracking and head to luch let's go so we have like uh 7 kilm and 5 hours of tracking from deuch to luch the step by step is getting more and more serious uh my oxygen level right now is around [Music] 85% [Music] C through it's [Music] frozen wait for us 4,900 here we come your turn man than you I [Music] [Music] love [Music] let's go we're going to be having our te break over there and then head up after we go all the way up it's going to be flatter but that part is going to take us 1 hour and there's a beautiful Lake over there uh yep here and um freezing yep it's starting to get really cold here I think we're going to be seeing like - 15- 20 today but we're going to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] this all right here we are the de break it was too windy and deep that's see my blood oxygen cool 9 and three are right now at 4,600 M so we have to climb like 300 M for our next destination all right we head our break here and now we are heading up I just see this amazing scenery and I want to share with you look at this beautiful scenery oh my god wow this is just insane [Music] we gave a break here we've got like 200 M to climb we're still heading up it's really T it today we almost made it to top after here we have like an hour left to theen [Laughter] oh yeah wooho bring It come on now 4,850 yeah right we got 80 M to climb up that way time to get some rest this is just amazing I'm not sure if I will ever you know see this kind of view of my life but I'm glad I came here you know Earth is a part of me that I'm exploring every day and this right here is a huge part of me that's but I'm glad I'm here wow fog is coming behind us and we are heading this way it's getting colder and colder more difficult to breathe and walk wow on 14 of October this year this helicopter crashed here and the pilot died in it the runs are still here all right if you're almost there that's the village we're going to stay for tonight we made it to luch this is 4,900 M we're going to staying here for one night and then go to base camp tomorrow Welcome to our hotel and world's highest Bakery Cafe this is where we're going to be staying tonight it's getting more and more difficult every day but we've come so far one last day remaining we're going to do it and we have arrived in our hotel Bring It come on how are you man yeah I'm doing great thank you all right that's my [Music] lunch I wanted to show you the sunset from Nel that's the mount [Music] nup hell let me shove you around our these are the foods there's even a documentary about Everest playing on the screen [Music] [Laughter] here the cake is not so bad but yeah not my top 10 you know whoo check out the scenery we just saw after the coffee shop and by the way that's how a typical uh evening looks like people gather together in the common area they have fun they talk they meet each other and then when the fire is off they will go back to their rooms and get some sleep all right tomorrow is the big day we are heading to V Space Camp and um we're going to get up at 5: and head to space camp at 6 6:30 after the space camp if I have the energy I think I'll try to go to kapar Summit let's see tomorrow if I can make it or not and uh I'll see you guys tomorrow early in the morning and um wish luck well good morning yesterday I couldn't get any sleep right now it's like 5:45 I'm ready for today but it's just going to be extra extra difficult I check my blood oxygen in the morning it was 74% and I will do this trip today my nive hat from Katmandu the the panda all right so one of our friends got really bad because of the altitude and he had to go back so we ran to the horse for him and you went back to Nam Bazar we're going to be meeting him after uh our space camp and this will be my breakfast B so let's have our breakfast and start tracking to very space camp here we go it's about 7 she just doesn't feel her hands we're going to give her extra gloves we also gave him extra gloves mines are thick at the moment I'm doing fine but it's too cold today some people is going to early morning that's why then is to finger everywhere it's difficult go there feeling better okay okay a little bit thank you okay let's [Music] go how are you good good how are you young boy to be cold though finally the Sun is up and we are warming up a little uh this head was supposed to be a joke by the way way but then now it's my best option cuz it's so cold it covers my ears too so I'm I'm using this uh for the whole day today heading to gock ship now and uh leave our stuff there and then head to base camp directly we have like an hour left I think I'm surprised that there are so many people actually doing this tracking look at the amount of people you can see over there right now we are at about 5,000 m look at all those look you can find the same sand in the beaches but also here in the mountains it's a bit it's a bit surprising and then finish and here we are go ship the last stop before every space camp and that's kalap uh if I have the energy after I space camp I'm going to climb up there um and watch the sunset all right we are now leaving Gap and heading to a base camp we have like 2 hours left we are running a little bit late to go to kapar unfortunately so we'll see about that when we are done with ever base camp [Music] who [Music] we have 30 minutes left you're almost there there's a nice leg over there you can still see the Kumo glassiers it goes all the way down where we came from you too see yeah finally yeah thank you thank you you too man yeah you too man thanks everyone here is as crazy as the other who made it to the Space Camp finally oh my God this is what are eight days where to reach to this track thank you man thank you everyone's taking their photos here are we covering anything you careful what I do [Music] man [Music] guys we made it to Base Cam yeah I've seen the base camp but I'm not satisfied uh I'm going to try to go to kalar but I don't have enough time just going to go and try it and I haven't eaten anything since breakfast that's that's the saddest thing I ran back to cash the kalap summit for Sunset but the weather has gone crazy just going to go to hotel and have some lunch you cannot even imagine have time I am I came back from the Base Cam real quick didn't know the V has got bad I was still trying to you know uh climb up to uh kapar I haven't eaten anything since breakfast and breakfast was at 7:00 and now it's three W just going to try my chances and head up to kalap and it's snowing right now actually see there's in heli there I think someone is sick whole trip this is just too difficult after the base camp this was a bit too much I finally made it to the top this is officially 5,600 M this is the end of sunset so I'm just going to try to capture the sunset before it ends and the official Peak is over there after my shooting ends I'm going to go over there and finish this climbing too I think it was the most difficult thing that I did during this whole tracking that's M you see on the left and on the right NOS that right oh my [Music] God we are heading down and it's too cold but check out the [Music] scenery [Music] let's go let's go oh uh we're going to first stop in nam Bazar right I'm never going to Fore for for speech that was the most terrifying thing I have ever done all right after the Base Cam this is luxury we are back in lla and we're going to be staying here for night and tomorrow night we are heading back to catando all right so after abbc our friend who got sick got worse that's why we had to rent uh the helicopter to come back down and pick him up from namja Bazar and uh we brought him down to lla which is where I am right now and um he's going to be fine he's getting better but uh we didn't want to risk it he was alone and also if you decide to come here definitely wear um really good shoes which is really helpful we should definitely get a bag with a really good back support uh it also helps with the journey and um lots of sunscreen so for lower altitudes you can use a cap like me or for higher altitudes you need to use a beanie cuz it's freezing out there I hope you likeed the video and if you do please like comment and subscribe to my channel for more content and I'll see you in my next video take [Music] care
2024-03-14 10:01