EVER BEEN TO A SECRET BEACH? | Inside a Castle?!

EVER BEEN TO A SECRET BEACH? | Inside a Castle?!

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just when i thought alanya didn't have beaches  like they did on the fethiye side and hello to   the knees they realized it does this beach looks  amazing so i think we're gonna have to try to   go for a little swim just hanging out having  their ice creams enjoying the shade all right   so here are some turkish rugs actually my  first time seeing them it's really really cool so almost almost made it up close but no cigar so you have this beautiful view over here it really is like a fortress tower i can  imagine back in the days how strong of   a like a fortress this is like right on the  edge do you know you have to it's a catapult okay uh please come here give me give me this rock we need to catch something  it looks like a big spoon i don't think i've ever seen a catapult in  real life i've seen this in movies all the time and i knew they're made  out of wood but really like   it feels like i could build this from home  depot or something all right so i just   bought tickets there are 12 lira each which  is like a dollar fifty dollar forty percent and i think it's a museum hello hello madam this is the old ships they used to sail on  it's beautiful oh here's the cannon balls   that we can shoot okay uh take one reuse  it outside yeah please put it in your bag is it heavy not that heavy let's go back i believe this is a full scale  model so here is the catapult oh that one's a small spoon must be done okay we'll let you go to prison now this  is steep it's like climbing a mountain it's beautiful guys this is really  steep like kind of how to use your hands okay we made it the second floor let's see what's outside oh class class it's beautiful here yeah really beautiful here outside  it's even more beautiful on this side you see it so guys i'm really happy we came to  this red tower i was almost kind of thinking of   skipping because i'm like ah just another tourist  uh trap towards attraction but it's not like it   really has so much history it's really beautiful  it's just kind of nice to walk around and   i would recommend coming here  kind of earlier in the morning   or later than day but it's not just  the sun's not directly overhead   because right now you can actually kind  of hide behind these walls like it's not   that hot but definitely wear a hat try not to  come at noon or 30 pm or something like that but   do come it's beautiful it's like the turkish  great wall of china with a great wall of turkey pirate ship definitely like a party boat not   so it looks like there's a gate  that's locked and just ends which   i'm kind of happy for that we don't want  to walk anymore but and it's kind of sad that's it that's it guys i guess even though i  would imagine this would somehow connect   to uh landing castle this is  how they kind of prevent it   it also doesn't look like it's finished it's  like unpaved while the rest of it's kind of nice   so i don't know if they just didn't finish  construction or this is on purpose but either way   this is where it stopped but it's  beautiful duh ocean christina really nice all right so now we're gonna finish climbing  to the top check the view from there this is officially the top it's beautiful you have the alanya castle in  the view to these hillside apartments and houses   you have the sea here like i would imagine these tour buses would  normally just fill up this parking lot this   place would be completely full but we're lucky  right now we're like one of the only tourists here   i think this is her favorite  spot where the beaches go see   oh wow it's a little hidden beach oh my god  it's beautiful that's a great the castle walls clear you waters me i  feeling all right in yourself   the reason why i ask you is that  you look brighter when you shine thank you thank you thank you look at this i wish you're here buddy that yacht's  about to hit that power ship this is beautiful oh oh okay so i'm gonna read about the  history of the red tower and of alanya   itself so it looks like that beautiful  beach is called plasi cappy beach   and i think it's actually probably free to  go into let me know if you need a ticket this looks like you can drink from it so i asked the guard if i could drink  this water and he said no but he gave me   oh it says do not drink water how do you say  that but he opened the tap over there for me there's just like a little area here so we're  trying to find the entrance to the beautiful beach   i think it's i here we found it sit here and have a juice how do we go down listen are you it looks  like there's entrance there oh i see it we just like to walk  through the waters a little bit so we're gonna stop for maybe juice   granada it looks like it's really cheap it's like  60 cents for orange juice or pomegranate juice really you know how to say orange granada thank you okay thank you so much   so one is pomegranate one is a mix  beautiful thank you which one you want cheers i can't believe this is  only like 65 cents for fresh juice   at the krishna i thought and  this is grapefruit and orange oh my god it's fresh but it's like  really fresh for like 70 cents for this you know in america this would be  like five dollars or six dollars not like seven lira that's crazy  the uh you command uh storage i think it'd be a lot more too it looks like  they have really good food too all for really   good prices definitely check these guys out when  you guys come to alanya kind of show let's go i still cannot believe how good and fresh and  cheap those juices were and all the food is also   like 80 cents a piece or 90 cents a piece we're  gonna go check out the beach we might come back   here for lunch there's a cat playing with an  orange i'm pretty sure this is where he gets   the fruit from that's why he saw it so cheap he  just grows it here but this beach looks amazing so   i think we're gonna have to  try to go for a little swim okay so we missed it the first time  but this beach entrance that looks like   it's just this little tiny tiny beach there's actually a secret you go down that's still going that way tom seriously i parsley let's go this is the secret beach guys   the most amazing beautiful beach maybe i've ever  seen and it's hidden behind this castle wall and it's slippery so i gotta be careful you just walk in the water look how beautiful this is though oh my god that's a class huh so there's castle walls a little bit of sand just when i thought alanya didn't  have beaches like they did on the   fethiye side and hello to the knees they  realized it does and look at this puppy   look at this guy look at your little ears huh you  look like a reindeer it's a rudolf at a rudolph oh that's so good rudolph new friends oscar probably rudolph oscar so we weren't prepared to swim so  tony just went into close crazy girl it's okay um all right so i even though  neither of us brought any   swim clothes or towels this place is too  beautiful not to swim so we both jumped in   when you come here bring a change of clothes  bring a beach towel because it is gorgeous this place is so beautiful  i'm so glad we stopped here it's a castle changing room so after a nice swim we decided to come back to  this restaurant for another juice because it's   so good but also was gonna get some food i feel  like it's gonna be home food and i kind of want   to support them because they're just such like a  nice little family and the price is so reasonable so here are some chickens  here and this is our secret   restaurant that's not another  restaurant it's just the alley next to it guys all this food is delicious and each one is  about seven or eight lira including the fresh   juices which means all this all this food  this lunch including two fresh juices   less than five dollars come on we can  get this anywhere else in the world   so if you're wondering how they can make this so  cheap they get the oranges literally from here   maybe the eggs here too i give them  a tomato and they all look crazy guys i want to say that was very tasty and  it was like one of the most authentic meals   i could have asked for so i'm very happy that  we ended up sitting here kind of in this random   alley and having such a nice meal and these  are our new friends hello what is your name very nice to meet you i hope you enjoyed your meal   and they are from alanya yes yeah and what is  the name of this we ate the the food the name um they're both both very tasty okay orange juice  same same as me thank you so he's gonna feed the chickens they don't like the  bread they like this they like yes so this is the restaurant and these are the  beans that are being hand plucked every day   how are you thank you i really  like this place and it's right here   on the castle beach you guys have to come here  so i feel like we got the best parking spot ever   but i also think this might mean a park here  at the same time everybody else's park here   literally in front of the snow park  just fine is this a ticket this guy has   and the funny thing is when a bunch of people  mention the comments that we don't even need to   pay these tickets that like they don't  actually go anywhere so i don't know   i don't driving driving driving in turkey is  very strange it's on one hand it's very easy   when the roads uh most roads are good  especially when they're under repair but it's also very confusing so you

2021-07-03 09:23

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