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[Music] thanks for watching the news with me george missinte first the headlines president lazarus chakura has asked malawians to use social media responsibly to build the country and not to destroy it eighteen women and three children perish in a road accident at le zolo in chell district and this week's special report sam kalimira takes us to different tourism sites in the northern region which locals can patronize at manageable prices we have these and other stories stay tuned international airport in new longway on return from the united kingdom where he attended the global education summit more in this report briefing reporters in lirongo on arrival from the uk jaguar said it is crucial for malawians to cross-check facts before posting anything on the social media he said time has come from malawi to start using the social media responsibly to build malawi and you know to destroy it my second appeal is to malawians who have a platform on social media and the prayers malawians whose voices are heard by other nationals around the world whether you like it or not you are malawi's online ambassadors to the world whatever you say about malawi through your platforms a global reach is what the world will believe is true my appeal is that before you write something about malawi or malawians and send it to the ends of the world at viral velocities check please and check please and check again before the briefing jaguar observed a minute of silence in all out the 21 people who died in a road accident nearly zulu in desa district in the wee hours of sunday vice president sauro suriyama told us that government has assisted the bereaved families with coffins as well as money for the funerals jaguar has since declared two days of mourning in honor of the departed source a tragic road accident involving three vehicles on sunday claimed the lives of 21 people with eight others seriously injured at le zolo in gero this happened after a vehicle they were travelling in was involved in a road accident at the area between him london and luzolu trading centers along the zhancheiwu m1 road the 21 fatalities are 18 women and three children imam wali has filed this report read in our studios by elvis horho according to inshallah police public relations officer hastings yagalu edombewe 36 who hails from jim mire village traditional authority in samba in blanta was driving a toyota costa from the age that was being driven by alfred kennedy 57 of whom was the village ta kazumbu here in uh meaning in desert so following the impact that the coaster was hit from behind uh it went to the offside extreme uh where it overtamed the upside down so we're still the flatliner followed it to where the coaster overtained and they rested on top of wheat so this is why we are saying that we've lost such a huge number of people through this accident and we understand that all of these passengers from this uh coaster we are coming from an exchange vist with their women fellow women grouping in ati shindola village in milanda here in in shell these people came from chiquawa so this was a journey going back to chicoa after having such a visit to their counterpart so this is very sad indeed all the dead bodies and those injured during the accident were fed today at the district hospital from there were taken to chicwa government through the department of disaster management affairs dot mah has come in to assist those affected dodd mob public relations officer chief camilla in an interview said all the arrangements will be handled by the government i then confirm with you that uh government has already provided some resources through dhotima and as i'm talking to now we have made some arrangements to provide questions transportation and as well as funds to cutter forward the other few arrangements let me also point out that the department to also provide funds to cutter for medical expenses for the injury this year alone from generator june in show district has registered a total of 90 road accidents of which 38 are fatal malawi is expected to receive 302 400 doses of johnson and johnson covey 19 vaccines on friday the first of its kind to come into the country minister of health who is also the co-chairperson of the presidential task force on covet 19 cumbersole candle gibonda says the vaccines will be available in all vaccination sites by monday august 9. matthews cassandra reports chibonda says the johnson johnson vaccine requires a person to receive only one shot hence the johnson johnson will only be given to those who have not received any type of vaccine the minister said this in the covey 19 update segment released on 31st july 2021. the ministers explained that those that received the first dose of astrazeneca vaccine are not eligible to receive the johnson and johnson vaccine but have to wait for a strazonega vaccine to complete their second dose she however assured those that may fail to access the vaccines from the current lord not to panic indicating that more astrazeneca doses will arrive in the country in two weeks time meanwhile health activists massive matimba says there's a need for all concerned stakeholders to ensure that the message about the johnson and johnson is properly disseminated specially now as you know that there is videos we have been advocating for as civil society and stakeholders that we need to have a doctor of many of us think to supplement us which is challenging most of the times in terms of the availability at the cover level they have to reach out to everyone so that people are aware so that there's no any other misinformation because what we know all these things are important and they're equally effective to anyone else according to the ministry of health by saturday last week 153 729 people had received the first dose of astrazeneca and 138 134 people had received the second dose the fight against human trafficking could be far from over if uncharted routes are not mastered by the country's security agencies minister of homeland security richard chimendo banda observed this during this year's commemoration against trafficking in persons at the commemoration held in commemorations started with a parade as a call to malarians to join hands in ending human trafficking given the bandar who presided over the event said it is high time and chartered rules were mastered by security agencies so that it is way easier to corner human traffickers to window panda then warned that secret officers who aid human trafficking in the country will not be shielded adding that so far 12 security officers have been suspended over the same climb we have taken a serious uh approach towards this no one is being protected whether what lunk they are or no matter how many years they have stayed in the in the service but if you have been found that they are adding human trafficking they are facing the consequences so we have also tightened the monitoring within the secretary system to make sure whosoever is found doing that is actually facing the consequences windows remarks came at a time when police in taliday intercepted 77 ethiopians on friday who illegally entered malawi and were heading to zuzu in harmac's minister of gender committed women and social warfare patricia kariati appealed to malawians especially those that are offered employment and education scholarships abroad to verify with the government to avoid bogus opportunities chairperson of malawi network against trafficking rodriguez says human trafficking is very serious in malawi but only that civic education is minimal civic education is very little very few people do know and do understand what trafficking in persons is all about so the challenge that we have is that malawians are not aware of issues to do with trafficking in persons again issues to do with the financial mobilization resources to non-state actors like the malawi network against trafficking it's an organization it's a network of over 300 ngos and civil society organizations so the challenge comes in how do civil society organizations and ngos do have money to check what is actually happening and to check civic education to our people at least 608 people were rescued from human trafficking in 2020 arise from 147 in 2018. the malawi electoral commission meg says it has spent about three billion kwaja in conducting by-elections from july 2020 to june 2021. make spokesperson

sanguani says there is no average cost of holding a parliamentary or local government by election wesley gaussi has a report the by-election follows vacant seats of parliament and the local government councillors due to debts and quarterlifying the electoral results mafurira says the cost values from one to another depending on variables which include distance among others he says that the cost may rise if the commission needs to hire boats and helicopters to access some of the areas whereby elections are supposed to take place some of the areas that make her to conduct by elections include palumbo palombeno's constituency where on june 22 2020 high court judge roland infundula nullified paramental results in the manga's northeast where on june 8 2020 high court judge joseph chigona also declared parliamentary results invaried you are watching times news we'll be back after the break um i got a call from my driver telling me that my motor vehicle was involved in an accident in malacca i was shocked and very worried considering that the car was only on performance calls get your vehicle covered against road accidents fire first and third-party liabilities clear accommodating and professional all the time our professional and friendly staff will ensure that you get the best customer experience that is second to none for more information visit our offices in lilongwe at area 3 judge building opposite the district commissioner's office and in blunthair visit our offices at livingston house behind plantation house i recommend cic all day every day for all your insurance needs see i see we keep our word [Music] every single day life gives us a chance to make smart choices a choice of having smooth glowing skin to feel comfortable no grease to stay hygiene and safe from covered 19. make a smart choice today by choosing purity products and stay [Music] pure [Music] welcome back malawi tourism sector contribution to the gross domestic product has remained static at around seven percent for the past two years according to world tourism and travel council figures the tourism sector contributes a total of 7.7 percent to the gdp this is because the country depends a lot on foreign tourists than locals in this week's special report sam kalimira takes us to different tourism sites in the northern region where locals can patronize at manageable prices more in this report [Applause] welcome to the lakeshore district of katabe a hub of tourism in the northern region tourists both local and foreign enjoy the fresh waters of lake malawi lusuke beach is a wonder according to testimonies we have gathered but its beauty can only be appreciated if we can travel by boat then the condorway a tour guide will take us there and assures us of our safety normally take a boat because there is no road up to the air so we have to take a boat on the course so we stopped by umba park where there is two fishy ghosts we feed them they come very close to us and then from there we are down to lusuke beach it's a small beach but there's a few things we can do there no no i'll do rock jumping and then do pitch volleyball we have a local lunch there and we go for a village up it is an interesting journey starring in the waters of lake malawi while admiring the beauty of hills and the shows the co-breeze and campus late the peaceful nature of this god's wonder the fish eagles flying tactically in search of prey and enjoyment are such a beauty to the eye another tour guide bernard nirenda says they are john and mary pointing at the two fish eagles in vicinity he says the pair is friendly and used to them siren in the area because they usually bring fish to the bait quite interesting and we went also to see the fishy go thus we called mary and john we give this name according to sometimes when we go there with some to at least they get interesting if we give them the names the ride is never a ball as drums from the boat beat and songs to entertain us as passengers it is really an exciting to watch people on a rock jumping spot along umber park however it is sad that only few local toilets paternalize such places condoe said people think it is expensive to be at the lake saying only international tourists can afford but no more we've got three types of prizes but the international one the resident uh foreigners and the local prizes so we local players are always low because according to how much people are working anyway so i cannot charge a local like international or not manager of unkaka lodge which is along the lake apron soccer conquers within render saying the locals should be the first to patronize tourist sites and lodges because they are manageable actually in coca load was built this is versa and wildlife reserve another place to sample in case one wants a difference from shows of lake malawi the reserve has a wonderful mix of vegetation forest and grassland thin woodlands and marsh it has 300 elephants 400 buffaloes and a lot of hippos which can easily be seen from lake calzone dennis cabotta law enforcer advanza explains how fulfilling it is for patrons to be at the reserve compared with lake malawi so it's very easy to see elephants in waza as compared to other protected areas the second reason is the distance from waza to mezuzu and the rump is very close so most tourists are able to move from either zuzu or rumpy to here within a day they are here and they can go back and they are able to see elephants which most of the tourists do like to are interested to see in a protected area like this one government is aware that dualism sector has been hit hard by cov19 hence promoting domestic tourism which encourages locals to visit sites northern region dualism officer jafite kawaroza said the department trained tourist operators on how they can save customers in a wake of the pandemic there are a lot of international restrictions international travelers are no longer coming here tomorrow so as a matter of sustaining tourism businesses in the country we thought of developing or promoting the domestic tourism strategy which which encourages marawi to travel ghaka lodge manager nirenda agrees with kawaruza that kovi 19 or minus the pandemic a tourist is always safe you can see out of the interesting we have noticed uh we have a water with uh with the with with the soap watch hands and the sanitizer the exception we encourage our customers to vote on the mass if they don't have we give them so that's what we are following it is high time malawians embrace the beauty of their country the womb heart of africa as it's fondly called such is the only way that we can collectively foreigners to experience the beauty of our motherland the mesmerizing beauty of unica national park tantalizing sounds of manchester falls homeland lodges of karonga kadabe and salima what else can one ask for when they want to relax and escape from the everyday hustles that come with life the ministry of trade says membership of the bay malawi strategy has declined following the non-renewal of licenses by its members due to the coveted 19 pandemic according to the ministry membership was at 89 since the strategy started in 2016 but it has currently declined to 67. patience lunda with the details deputy director of domestic trade charitable soon-source said most of its members have decried the rise in prices of other production materials at the international market because the pandemic has hit the whole globe hence failing to produce as expected she made the remarks in zuzu during the opening of a by malawi strategy exhibition which was organized by the by malawi strategy secretariat which is under the ministry of trade mosunzo added that the problem has escalated due to the influx in indigo importation of goods into the country a situation which is creating and fair trading practices among business people most of them are citing copy 19 as a challenge that they're not failing to pick up the business so we're still waiting for them to renew their membership but we could have even have been hit up to 150 members since we started but because sometimes when you're starting with the pandemic we came that also brought its own challenges where we have so many decisions in terms of production and also in the market restrictions in terms of opening outlets where we sell our products and even movement the by malawi strategy was designed to promote the consumption of locally produced goods and services and that's the news but before we go the headlines again president lazarus javiera has asked malawians to use social media responsibly to build the country and not to destroy it eighteen women and three children perish in a road accident at le zolo in jail district in this week's special report isam kalimira takes us to different tourism sites in the northern region which locals can patronize at manageable prices remember you can get more on these and other stories by visiting our website www.times.mw2

liking our facebook page times360 malawi and following us on twitter at times 368 malawi remember to wash your hands regularly observe social and physical distance and mascarp please stay safe you've been with me george missy [Music] [Applause] together

2021-08-06 01:18

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