ESSAOUIRA MOROCCO: Is this Morocco's most popular tourist town now?

ESSAOUIRA MOROCCO: Is this Morocco's most popular tourist town now?

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chocolate wow that looks good I was also noticed about the Moroccan ice cream they're very creamy it's very creamy this I made oh that is fancy Oscar that was really good I don't like it that much I love it where are all the comments for us we get comments for our parents but what are all the comments for us we need some questions so you guys want some questions? Yeah comment down below of what you want to ask us goodbye thank you [Music] show us yours wow [Music] uh so we just we just tried to start our enjoy there but this giant machine came coming past they Oscar attract I believe I think I was picking up rubbish I think yeah maybe yeah and today we're going to show you some street food and we're gonna try some new foods but where are we in the souk yeah we're definitely always in we're always in a souk yeah peanuts my favorite guys hello how are you oh thank you they look amazing thank you assistant we've only just walked look there's the door of the souk just there yeah please can we get one bag should I do right here these are roasted peanuts yeah and they're roasted peanuts oh that's nice thank you ah thank you they look amazing thank you nice these are basically just peanuts so they're peanuts roasted and they've got some kind of stuff on them okay sugar and a cinnamon yeah but it's really nice ah thank you very much that's great he's gonna give him this one thank you let's go okay first purchase of the day yep so 20 Dirham for these very nice I need these I must say these are my these are my little um my little secret I sometimes sneak off from the group and buy these they're really nice and sweet because they got some kind of sweet sugar on them and it's really nice it's always really good have a look here he's actually making them look it smells amazing smells amazing thank you very much thank you well okay what do you feel like I feel a little bit like a juice same I feel like an orange juice okay let's go back there how did everything yeah I did it was a massive stall back there let's go get some juice now yeah you found Oscar fossils wow okay hands off they might be really expensive yeah look at the pillows they look nice let's go get some juice and you never really get far there's so much yeah I'm gonna go find some juice yeah spices or chilies your favorite yep that has to be nuts yes sure okay let's go find some juice down some juice I have already found pomegranate juice salaam how are you I think I would like an orange man Oscar like aren't the orange okay all right then should we get um please we get one orange I I wanted a pomegranate okay one orange and one pomegranate um and one orange and one pomegranate please thank you okay so we're getting two yes this is gonna start our day well no mum has found some juice and honestly it looks really nice but Mom's getting one orange and one pomegranate and it actually looks really cheap so quickly we get comments for our parents but we're all means for us hey harry yeah we we need some questions guys comment down below of whatever you want to ask us can be anything give me some hard questions. Travel in Europe or even in Morocco. Anywhere anything anywhere anything got some juice made nice that's a good taste it's really good all right can I try some okay it's really nice let me try some thanks although I'm kind of waiting for the pomegranate juice all yours mate orange juice oh nice I'll try nice oh nice oh and look at this amazing pomegranate orange you you got some yeah it's nice very good have you got pomegranate as well yeah we're getting on pomegranate we're getting hard to make it's a lot of work to squeeze very nice look he's going to show you how to make it so in the squeezer and pulls down yeah nice and push it down and it goes right in oh it's a lot of work to make it right here yeah it looks amazing wow very good so we go to pomegranate juice it's so cool it always just looks amazing it looks like it should be good for you yeah and in most of the shops we go to it is on a little border oh yeah some prices down here look you mean sometimes it says it's really good for you after yeah is it good it's really good nice let's go goodbye thank you I've got bike lane here mum yeah Bike Shop mechanic shops all right mum so we just had an amazing juice I know I love the juice yeah all right and it looks like we are hitting this is kind of the side street heading down towards the main street of the Medina you could show you up here this is them I just draw a book oh did you it looks like that's the entrance to the Main Street there and so we've got a few things on our list that we want to try ah but we okay this is the first one we are gonna go and find that's exactly what I was just gonna say that's exactly what I feel like today but first I gotta go find something a little bit sweet first but I want to try their fresh sardine sandwiches here same because it's amazing Sweda is famous for its Port being a port town and all the fishing Village and all the seafood so yeah let's go for another place foreign we found the donuts yeah let's get the sugared one okay okay I like the second one hello can we please get one sugar one and one one without thank you this probably isn't it okay I'm not sure they look amazing thank you so much thank you that's great um I think they're too dear on me too okay um so these are these called Sfenj sure so um so this is a traditional actually a traditional Moroccan donut it's called Sfenj oh tell us how to write it down below yeah um the ones that we had in Mohammadia were kringos yeah and these ones which are more like churros like Spanish ones but these ones are traditional Moroccan Donuts yeah it's nice though wow it is good I'm glad you've got the camera it means your hands are busy yeah how's yours asking you like him it tastes a bit like the Cook Island donuts we used to live in Cook Islands yeah it's not too sweet without the sugar on it's really nice it doesn't it's not sweet like a fry bread all right let's go oh yeah yeah who's there Oscar's using the donut as a telephone oh yes uh yeah we'll be there in a couple of minutes goodbye and also dads found this mirrors that he wanted I need to buy myself a little mirror about Yates eyes yeah okay yeah maybe if mom lets you okay I need some more of that donut now all right thank you tiny fun nice tiny fun it's amazing really good um Street Foods yeah it doesn't matter what kind of restaurant you guys have it's always on the street you'd find good food [Music] oh look at this yeah okay yeah look at the color look at the color of that that looks absolutely amazing wow look at that you get a hot take the stick this is basically an ice cream wow look at that yeah look at your mouth your mouth is going your sort of Pinky colors let's go let's see [Music] look at your mouth here okay [Music] I think it's a bit sour okay so this is actually the cactus flower from the cactus plant I can't remember what it's actually called um very nice okay it's totally gonna turn all of us our mouths to sort of pink color but um it's good I don't like your shirt yeah yeah look is my mouth pink guys look at yours Harry show us yours wow thank you very much that's great thank you [Music] with a um I feel like I can't talk because it's my mouth still pink is it still pink yeah it's very yours was completely stupid then [Music] [Music] [Music] so actually yesterday we actually came through this exact same suit with our friends and we had this amazing ice cream and he's actually here again today and we're gonna go show you how to get weapons so actually the guy wasn't there but dad's found the fish market anyway so we're gonna have a look through here wow wow Dad look at all the fish look there's the calamari yeah snappers there's loads of cool fish so obviously it's the obviously obviously up here would be the bigger fish you can see little pieces of fish here look way better fish look at that long one hello I'm doing good nice the video the fish always smells the same [Music] grab the sea bus and also we have the baby shark okay yeah basically Square day yeah I think they're gonna how do you cook the calamari we do Friday yep some fish other fish or not just the calamari try the calamari and then we'll get it because we've got lots more and then we'll come back tomorrow is Allah so you can come in with me okay he's gonna take us through it okay so dad was just sitting down and we're gonna get some grills we're gonna get some actually fried calamari yeah he's gonna um so I actually came in here yesterday and spoke to these guys and he's gonna chop us up and prepare some nice calamari for us for lunch so nice yeah awesome hello good oh it's good okay so the one you see me it's gonna show us how to cook the calamari or how to cut it [Music] um [Music] he's gonna fry that so it's gonna be delicious do you like calamari yeah I love calamari oh nice it's like squid's head it's um it's just cut up oh [Music] it's the spot up here with that with the skin on it so that's the calamari one whoa there's this little tentacles yeah so that's what we're going to eat but he's cutting it up and taking the skin off slicing it up yeah I see the skin coming off and that's what we're gonna be eating but now he's gonna fry it so let's go back and have some bread first what about the seagulls they might eat them oh yeah obviously guys I'm probably going to eat the scraps of it wow that looks brilliant look at that guys yeah yeah okay wait a second look at that beautiful mint tea there I know it looks amazing okay guys and I think you actually the mint inside it and I'm going to use a purple okay that's a lot of sugar you got there right how much you're gonna use not much oh look I get one as well thank you that's brilliant inside perfect oh look he's going to show you oh okay hang on oh and the teapot he's saying oh yeah well done Gary you're already on her then yeah [Music] I mean if we just enjoy it [Music] [Music] okay [Music] let's squeeze some lemon onto it oh yeah it's nice wow okay we are super full of calamari which turned out to be a way bigger meal than we thought but hello hello but look we have found the awesome ice cream place here and yes can we please get two ice creams two cones these look good guys look how nice it looks husky do you want a little bit of chocolate wow that looks good I was also known a bit noticed about the Moroccan ice cream they're very creamy it's very creamy this I made oh that is fancy Oscar that was very good I can't actually scared me lucky it doesn't come up maybe because it is so creamy how does it taste Oscar it looks amazing wow they look very good thank you for that thank you thank you so much we're from New Zealand yes it's our first time in Morocco it's good it's very good thank you and very good ice cream thank you for that um that is so good thank you so much that's awesome see you guys Elena thank you see you wow enjoy that guys that's amazing what's up I don't like it that much I love it yeah enjoy yourself how is that Harry good it looks like um Grinchy top from Whoville oh and the Grinch sounds good on your ice cream nope Harry's still talking about the ice cream but so one thing to be aware of here is that we had a bit of a downside to our delicious lunch there which was really nice but we actually only ordered one calamari we just wanted one because we're into trying all the different street foods and many people but be aware because in the fish market they actually charged us for four kilimari and insisted that we had one each and we couldn't get out of it um and we actually once you've eaten it like well once it even served it in front of us but we asked for we walked in and asked for one calamari without tea and um they dished up four and then insisters we pay 75 Dirham for each of them so um it's really a shame because we had such great time in the fish market and really enjoyed it but be definitely something to be aware of here it doesn't happen to us very often but um that was um far more expensive than we um could afford or had sort of budget for lunch so be aware okay Harry what was the highlight of today for you the Highlight today was definitely the ice cream because when he gave it to us he went like this here you go and he tipped it upside down and he goes and then he gave it to me and since it's nice and creamy and strong it will stay there yeah it's really nice okay Dad and Mum what do you think the highlight of today has been not the bill not the bill we liked the dad's not very heavy about the pill I like the cactus fruit and I have to say I loved having the pomegranate juice at the start thanks Oscar yeah I bet that was nice yeah all right we head on out towards the down towards the port Al yeah and down towards the pot [Music] so like I said today with the ice cream we were here yesterday with our friends and we're going to show you around with the the port they have really massive fish like Barracuda and look at look at all the boats piling up against each other look at all the boats lined up they've got that kind of curve on the front there's a lot of boats that makes it when it hits into the wave it only goes up a tiny bit yeah wow we're actually going to see what Seafood they got in yeah Dad I know you definitely enjoy fish markets I definitely this is my favorite part look at it he's selling seaweed and Kenna yeah they were just having their lunch yeah they were just eating their own kind of charcoal fire yeah it looks like the same guys I'm not sure yeah okay but look how low the sides are I know there's not much going on there if you're in the big waves there you've got to have good balance and simply has a big curve so when it hits onto the wave it only goes up a little bit a boat here wants to your favorite which one number 1008 nice because that one that's nice I like the flag on it oh the flag's cool yeah that's cool thank you [Music] so that's the end of yesterday though so we're gonna sign off from here we've had an amazing day Alaska yep and we'll see you on the next day don't 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2023-02-09 04:30

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