Eric's Paris Trip, July 2004

Eric's Paris Trip, July 2004

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My Paris. We, just ate our dinner or. What girls think now. And. We. Will see our. And in Paris. It's ringing. Leaders. To do ours now. Boring. Honestly. A, disease. Okay. We just arrived here in Curry we, don't have hotel room now for about five. Minutes this. Is a V from our hotel our hotel rooms say you can see. The. Hotel window this, is the view this, is the Oakdale in Valle de this, is where an appalling to bury he's very beneath that dome we'll. Go check up on check that out today or tomorrow. This. Right here is a French military museum. That's. All part of the involve de that. Is a gold um gold-plated dome by the way, and. This. Is our neighborhood. I'll. Probably see more of it. Okay, here we are at. The Eiffel Tower as you can see. Which. Won't walk closer later. To do interviews, built. In 1889. Very. Unpopular at the time, banal, course consider the symbol, of hurry. This. Is a French. Military. Academy. Fight. The French version of West Point but, only went to school there. Macho. Jofre. He's. Like a professional is a military. Commander in the, First World War. Say. Now Lord Bell and I again start walking. Towards. The Eiffel Tower. Okay. We. Are getting closer to the ice wall and as you see it. Is huge. Tyrell. Or bail. Now. Puppies pretty daddy. Okay, back here at the tower a little closer now I. Wish. I could see that's. How large. It. Is. Person. Robel. We're gonna picture. Okay. We'll, be proud. Kadal we're about your hand down. This. Is a prosperity. Okay, you're out of the picture. What. Just. By another view. The. Two Appel. In, our lovely hostess. Okay. We're. Not in front of the hotel in Baldy. That, gold. Inside. In behind the goal down, its. Museum, of the army. First. Like the French military museum. And we're actually on our way to the, Rodin Museum which. Is this like back there. Like. Over. There. We, might come back for this to see Napoleon. If, not he'll be there we'll get back. Okay. Laura, Belle and I are now at the Rodin. Museum. These, are the burgers at Cal a. Pretty. Big. I want, to eat a full bag. We're. Going southern meat in the mansion in a few minutes it's, really nice mansion as well. Yuri. Bell. Okay, we're now approaching the thinker. We'll. Be walking through the corns later on there's, very nice garnish. You really can't tell from this but. The statute, is huge is enormous. Okay. We're now I'm side. Or. About goosey next to it. We're, not outside of the routine. Anyone. We're. Now in the gardens behind the, Rodin. Doing. Some of the. Art. I guess you call it. They, run their brothers up scoping with her drawing. Today. Okay. We're now about to visit the Arc de Triomphe go. Find the pole in in the early eighteen hundreds to commemorate, his victories. We, have to go tell him to get there otherwise you're crazy to try and braid the traffic. We're, inside the heart de Triomphe. Over, here. The prince2 at the end of soldier, August. Shot from inside. You, straight ahead as the. They're. Commemorations. All over here is. To raise the. The plan. Hot. Wheels truck in. That's, why technically, it's, not finished because the elephant's never put up. Napoleon. And, now it's the tale of a nun French. Kind of was seen outside. If you want talking about a minute we're catching our breath right there. It's. A little museum inside you're the top. Okay. We're top the art of triomphe looking down, the. Shum zilla's age boards. The. Veggie, fins and. She has like to conduct our modern doing. Our hotel, is over here. Evil. You. Can make up a doodle. Okay. We're, now here at the peak. Boost. Cemetery. This. Is where the Marquis de, Lafayette is buried we're, actually trying to find his grave right now.

The Marquis de Lafayette he, was one of George Washington's lieutenant. During. The American Revolution, and, he was instrumental in getting French help for. The Americans during the Revolution which, helped secure our, Liberty. From England. And. We're not gonna visit the Marquis de Lafayette to grade pay. Our respects, we. Can find it. Okay. During the Revolution, when they're chopping off heads Rep left and right they. Need a place to put a lot of the bodies and so they dumped a lot I'm here at, the pit post cemetery, same. Cemetery with the Marquise buried, and here's a little memorial to them was like three hundred forty three hundred four people. Were interned here this little plot. He's. Not really that big. Okay. We're now the team had the Marquis de Lafayette, where. An American flag always, flies. Every. Fourth of July actually, the American, ambassador, to France has a ceremony where, he places flowers. On the markeith grave I was, even a school fair. Shot. Lieutenant. General, member. Of the Chamber of Deputies is, born in, chef. Antioch boat lore. September. Done of the year Hayes. Marin in April don't, know the year, he. Died in Paris May. So. I made 20th, I, think. 1834. And her. Some plaques from. Benjamin. Franklin chapter here in Paris. Yeah, but in Chapter. Okay. I'm. Not gonna hand this over to Lori I. Am. Okay. When the mark he died and was buried here he, had on. Top of his grave American. Soil that, was dumped so. Of. Course we can't see analysis, there's a team over it there's, American soil I think in the bond the Battle of Bunker Hill or. The Battle of Bunker Hill spot is, where the American soil came from and not have here, some, Texas, soil that, I'm not gonna place on there. To. Let the Marquis know. The. Texas is not forgotten. Here. We are in front of a Moulin Rouge. We're. Honest, about her dollars person, for show, so. We're singing out. This, area is known as a big alley this is the red-light district. As. You can see. A lot, of sex shops around. Permit all this area is we're. Actually about to go to the. Erotica. Museum well what, we've been calling the perform use a.m. that. Doesn't just on the block from here it, actually fits the area. There's. Any quick. Natella to make donald's of friends. And. Here is the hotel Infante at night I, lit. Up. Wood. To the alkyl tower tonight but we've got to date the camcorder, will tell you tomorrow. We're. Way if you're walking at when they ate for. This. Little restaurant. Okay, see in the morning. Okay. Every Friday night in Paris a bunch. Of skaters, as you can see meat. And. Then skate all over the city and they are our two new night. We've. Got all about this. Trial, lawyer bail. Rude, you're not sharing our guests okay. Okay. Now we're really see on the more okay. I'm here at the Plaza de concorde. During. The revolution, this was the little, plaza. Where. Most of the. Nobility, and aristocrats. Aristocrats. Lost. Their heads during the revolution, including, marine. Toinette who. Said let them eat cake and, also. The. Lulu, at the 16th as well he's authorizing, the king they. Both lost our heads here I go. In the middle there in a minute get a better view. Down. Here. Is a national, or international. Kind, of the equivalent. Pretty. Much. For the freshmen Congress made. And all the boys are in a minute. I'm going in the middle of the plaza your. Better view. Okay. This a little bit better view. Concord. Trying fertilizer. This, right here is actually enough chips in Egyptian, oak left I believe, specially the oldest object and Paris, is about 3,000, years old and. I'm. Going to the middle in a minute. Okay. I'm down the middle. I just seem over well. That's a race now it's a bookstore there by slim bug. Welcome. Back to the Metro. Here's. The surrounding area and you, see terribly, touristed, a lot of to earth here. On a swing down here. The outfit are the background, I believe. They're getting ready for the porter front. That, comes through Paris tomorrow, and. They're putting up what the crane stand so I'm assuming they're s do this for the end. A little better. Difference more stuff to get over there I think for the poor. Full circle. Got. Stuck here in the shop or, the. Concord, Plaza. And the quarter Franz. Here. And. There's only great power thank you about three miles down. Here, we are in the Louvre we're actually right below. The glass pyramid. Usually see. Okay, we're now another noon. Janee, now as you see the business tomorrow. A lot. Of people here. Birbal, over there. Giggles. -. You tell em give us an exterior. Okay we're in saloon. See, lat. They're big. All statue of, a. Caesar of course not. He, was in Berlin Jesus before. So. Rather large bust. Fortunately. My standing next to them in. Tell how, large they are I see, they are. Other. Emperor's. Lucius. Persistent. Or anything. Marcus. Aurelius. He, was in. By.

The Aitor. Another. Large buzz. Is. A great impressive. It's. A swing victory. Leave. The fringe maybe the British. River. Chisel, to chisel this out, okay, well the Greeks actually did it okay, this is Marbella. The Greeks actually built this only, they actually sculpted it the. French of the British weren't stolen front of the car did it here and. Every year the. Greek government. And they're back. They. Always say no. Okay. This is a painting of Napoleon, trying. To himself Emperor and. This painting is you look. Look, at the people walking by and. And not, really know these paintings is. It kind of cool kind, of we're on that. -, not over the name of this painting. It's, a super-rag. I believe. This is Liberty leading of people. And there's no one I care. This, particular. Or. The martyr. Something, martyr. This, gallery is the. Okay, we're on the second floor here the Louvre looking, at. That. Marked. Not. Hard Catriona timber the name of it we. Aren't the trick arkad carousel, something like that it's just like an inch of coffee a target for you. Over, here you, see the Lucas all the way over. Here you see. A little bit of the glass pyramid where, we entered give. Me the subway. We get a very show and go outside. Okay, all reason recording. Gary, Coleman. With distance. Like Gary Coleman. We couldn't record them one ELISA.

2019-01-31 02:13

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