Episode 1: Hunter Bay on Ice

Episode 1: Hunter Bay on Ice

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Closed-captioning. Of fishing Saskatchewan, has been provided by Great, Western Brewing Company, please, enjoy responsibly. Fishing. Saskatchewan is brought to you by. The. Fishin hole norsask. Farm. Equipment. Alumacraft. Boats. And. Evinrude. Hey. Folks Smitty, here like. To welcome you to a very special episode of fishing Saskatchewan and in fact a very special, season of fishing Saskatchewan, this. Is actually our 10th, season of, filming. For. Those of you who are fans. Of the show follow. Us on Facebook Twitter Instagram. You've. Probably already heard the news that, this. Past fall, we. Lost our very good friend Steve, bunka co-host. Co-founder. Of fishing Saskatchewan. We've. Decided that this 10th season we're. Gonna make a tribute. To Steve, to, some of the things that he loved to do to some of the trips that he never had the opportunity to go on, this. Is one that we talked about for years putting, together, we're. Here on Hunter, Bay on Locke L'Orange this, was one of Steve's favorite places to come loved fishing lake trout love coming up to Hunter Bay we. Always talked about doing a winter trip running. The snowmobiles, in here and. With. The help of some friends this. Year we finally pulled it off I'm, sure Steve would be real proud to know that, his Yamaha Bravo made it all the way from laron go with the hunter bait hopefully. She gets us home. While. We're here we're having a great time fishing. Trout got. The guys together. Stick. Around folks this. Season and this show we're, gonna have a great time. 70. Years of making the industry, standard, in aluminum, boats, and Alumacraft we, are committed, to building the dreams of our customers, whether it's a hardcore fisherman, or joining her family, for a great day on the water from shallow water Jon boats to 20-foot deep, suited, for big waves, Alumacraft, exclusive. To x-b hall with double plated aluminum from bow to stern offers.

The Quietest, and softest, ride available. And Alumacraft it's, all about families, fishing, forever. This. Is a you, know it's. The funny thing is is unbelievable there's, a couple, of firsts on this trip I mean, we're. In. Northern. Saskatchewan, in, the. Second. Week of February and. It's been almost, above, zero every, day I mean it's when, we drove out here this is the first time I've. Ever experienced. Ice. Fishing in the rain, the, first morning we were here it it rained the whole trip out unbelievable. The, the, warmth and I mean it's a it's. Not what you'd expect it's, great to have this in February I do a lot of a lot, of the ice fishing shows that we've filmed. I. Mean. It's winter in Saskatchewan, so you get the incredibly cold but it's, been a long time since we had this. Nice a date this. Nice of weather for. The trip on, the ice and, especially considering, we're middle of February in northern, Saskatchewan, this. Is just an absolute treat to be out here in this weather. Fire. Is always number one not. Only for heat but, it's a psychological. Bonus. That fire right as you get a fire going it's comforting, it's warm it's gonna, you. Know it, just set your mind at ease okay, I'm gonna be warm at least right the a protected, fire protects, you right yeah, so. Whether you're gonna move your count it's trying, to find a place to. Set. Up a survival, stand or something like that and, you got to move your fire later but just to get a fire going, right. Away, it's. Just it, does so much for your for. Your mind yeah you know to, know that at least you have fire. Member. Of the fishing Saskatchewan, forum and you, know posted, pictures on your Facebook, page and Instagram. And, things like that and. Actually. It was Steve, who. Got ahold of me last year you, know and saying he was excited to wanted. To come up and fish. Fish. L'Orange for winter time for for, trout and stuff and I'd, mentioned, to him that you, know Scott was running this fish for life program and we're, actually talking about sending the kids flying, the kids out Hunter, Bay and you know it would be the first year and he, was pretty pumped about that so, that got the ball rolling and, Steve, and Terry flew up and shot. Half that episode for that school of fish that she, did last year so that's. What got us in contact and then of, course Steve passed away and you know talking. To you guys and Terry, and set. Up this set, up this trip again just to come out and have, a good weekend, and do, some camping and share, some Steve stories, and catch. Some trout. There. You go. Yeah, that's a little bit big still. Get. One free proud man there's. Good one yeah, that's. Pretty close the same size as the other one in. Yeah. Very. Dark now, it's probably male. Yeah. Okay. So. Um I went, to Saskatoon. Sport and leisure show and met. The fishing Saskatchewan. Crew and. Started. Falling on social media and, kind. Of seen what they're all about and, then I seen that the fish like a pro contest, was on and I entered in that thought it'd be pretty cool to go fish in a tournament, so. I won that and then. Started, talking to him even a bit more and then we got this invite, up to L'Orange, hunter. Bay and I, was in down I love, catching Lake Joe I was super excited. That. Was on lake trout fish and I think I better go supervise so ya know love fishing for. Lake trout and, fish. Hunter hunter, Bay in the past on, macarons. And just. A great great. Lake and awesome, Lake code in there dr.. Bader probably. 10 pounds. That's. A good throw. Especially. Day like today they've been kind, of feeling far between not. Something shorter stuff yeah, it's not bad that's about the average size we catch it up here. Finally. Got a bite. Got. Some steel into him. Gonna. Turn over here. There, you go. One, board, that's. Me. Harry. Combes Harry. Combes little, pressure good one Stan. Just, gotta with the stinger. Are, we. Gonna how much you got oh. There's. A good hole in there - wow, that, drop tray toad, make. Sure hide my fingers good. One. All. Right actually. Go, fight. That's. A nice bonus. Today's. Ice anglers need, to be efficient, an HT, offers a huge selection, of premium ice tackle, designed to meet virtually every, application, whether you fish blue gills, crappie.

Perch. Stock. Trout. Whitefish. Walleyes. Pyke, for. Lake trout, HT, has what it takes to make you consistently. Successful. Nothing, beats ice fishing, nothing. We're. Using a three ounce jig and. Support. A six inch white 2 jig. It's. Our. Go-to for. Jigging. Lake trout winter. Or summer it's, a great bait. Big. Profile, moves. Around in the water a lot, fish, can see that from a long way away my, buddy Neil called me up and said hey. Steve. Bunka called and wants. To go fishing lake trout and I told him about what. You do with the kids with fish for life and fish for life is a is a program. That started at Gordon Denny Community, School what, it means is to is to take kids out fishing it's. It's, all about. Getting. Getting. Every kid in the school we have a school, of 245. Students, and right. From pre-k to grade 6 and we take them out fishing at. Least once a year and then sometimes, more if they they get involved in different different, programs and different and different things in. Grade 6 they do a hunter Bay trip where they fly out and. It's the culminating, trip, for their their. Career at school and. So. I I contacted. Steve and and he. Thought that was a great idea I told him about hunter bait trip that we did last year and and. Yeah. It, just went from there we. Steve. And I talked on the phone for four. Months, and like I guess October. Of last year and we, ended up fishing in February. And it's. A great show and and we. Just have a good connection we really enjoyed our time. With. Them when they came up with Terry and Steve. What. Did he do. Well. The average size you even catch it. We're. Sitting on over. You, know 40 inches of ice here right now but you know you go three miles that way and it's wide open water, I encourage everybody to come out here but if if you don't know the area I mean talk talk to somebody get a map or or, find somebody that's gonna take you out the first few times because. It's. Pretty dangerous and then for a lake this size. And. As deep it is I mean their spots they're over 200 feet deep on this, lake but I'll, take your spot where you, know it's a hundred and ten feet of water on one side and you, move 30 feet over and there's ten feet of water. You, get fish you. Know 20, minutes from home you know gotta go that far to do it right but this is this, isn't just fishing, this is a whole kind of, adventure. It. Is your there's, no cell coverage you're. Away, from civilization. You, are kind of out in the middle of. Nowhere and it is a. Little. More extreme adventure, than we're used to and very. Very exciting, it's. Quite an experience actually. Nate's, been. Well. To say the least he's a bit goofy for the fishing, that's, all he wants to do and I, thought, it would be a great opportunity to learn some guy learned, some techniques from you guys, different, techniques different gear, and, just. A good experience overall, even. Just being with. The boys and in camp is a good experience for him this weekend's been awesome we've had a really, good time out here really enjoyed. The. Stories and the, fun and and the. Fishings been pretty good but a little little, slow off off the hop but. What. We've managed. To pull pull, a few through the ice and have. Some fun so really. Enjoy the, outdoors. And camping and, getting, into it. Then. We should get night back in there eh I. Don't what's down. Okay. Wait. Dude JK yeah who knew. Huggy. Proof about 3035. Feet, yeah another one just been and they're all just been a great around that to. That. Range. Another.

Nice Dark fish do you, have. The brake fins but. Dark. Color not quite as dark as the last one but ready. Leader. She. Cook again just like the last yeah oh yeah, I'm roped again - I'm roped. He. Keeps grieving out there except one solution. I. Don't. Think this one is as big as. Some. Of the other. Areas. He's, got two jigs in his molé. Some. Guy you know what is. The one that we left with it here right. There on the other snowed. Fresh. Cool. Oh he. Does happen in his mocha oh that's. Just my setup you're going. Yep. That's. A nice little one. Oh. Joe. That's. One of the smaller ones. Sorry. Stan. Yeah. We sent the boys, off to go to another location and, while they're gone we would catch the fish like crazy. Good. Good. Look. At. The back end of a. Interesting. Little. Jamish. Probably when he was young oh. Yeah. Look at the weird shape on that. Broken. Spine. It probably slows his throat a little bit a little short tail because you look at the body a big. Body and good sized head good sized body and it's all curved and yeah. I've. Been through some stuff. Dave. Jen's here with the amazing FL, x28 a winter, fishing sonar, system that is changing the way we all eyes fish with. Digital depth auto-ranging, and five color display options, all packed, into one amazing unit the, FLX 28 be, sure to check out the entire family of XLR the most reliable sonar, system technology. On the ice today decks, large sets of standards for quality reliability, and. Performance. I won't go free check with our buddy that Clark to. Learn more go to veksler calm. Hey. Folks thanks for joining us on another edition of fishing Saskatchewan we, finally got to do our Hunter Bay winter, adventure, we, had an absolute, blast on this trip caught. Lots of fish lots of Lakers even got some Orion the evening, wonderful. Time great. Time fishing great, stories, I want to give a big thank you to Scott. Half worth the Neil McCauley from the fish for Life Foundation, not. Only for coming out joining us but making sure that we got out here safely, and we get back safely, showing. Us some of the local spots and putting. In a lot of effort to make this winter. Camping a success also, big thanks to Nate and Stan Souter for coming out joining us guys. I hope you had as much fun as I did I, think, we're gonna have to make this an annual event was, such, a blast folks. Until next time we'll, see you on the water. Look. At that thing. Holy. Cow. Out there. Your biggest job. Tonight. 29. And a half there that a boy. Not. A boy tear. Syfy's. Buddy. Oh. You.

2018-01-10 23:09

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are you guys going to have the cree lake lodge trip on here??

We sure are Lonnie, in fact, our next 3 episodes will document our adventure. Keep watching for release details. Terry Fishing Saskatchewan

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