EPIC ONTARIO ROAD TRIP | Algonquin Park, North Bay + Calabogie

EPIC ONTARIO ROAD TRIP | Algonquin Park, North Bay + Calabogie

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Hey. Can, I tell you what's been on my mind. Sick. And tired of the 9.5. In, the city. Hey. We could get out of town. See the beautiful, world, around. Wanna, see it now. Pack. Our, bags again. Leave. A little. Real. Fun, so. This is everything, that I thought, was. Necessary. To. Bring on a four. Day long, trip. All. Right. You. Have to promise not to laugh at me okay. You're gonna die, of, how much luggage I still have well, you ever seen mine. What. Did you bring okay well no there's room there's yeah. There should be enough room but like how ridiculous, is it that we're going for four days you know well. Hello friends, I am here with my, friend Ryan. There's. Actually been in quite a few videos. My. So, it's basically a superstar, already, and you. Thank you I can't. Go, be on the streets without being stopped, yeah they're like Helena's, videos yeah everywhere, I go I, can't. Well you, know celebrity, is a double-edged sword anyways, we are going on an Ontario. Road trip adventure for, the next four, days we're, gonna be seen some places that we have never, been to before so, Ryan why don't you tell us what we are doing today today, we, are going to Belleville. Ontario which, we know nothing about then. We're gonna kind, of go, up north. Towards. A place called Calibogue. And, there's. A hike there called Eagles Nest which we saw on tick tock and so, we want. To do it now most. Of this trip, is based around things. We saw hunt tick tock. We'll be going up north, into Algonquin. Provincial Park and there's a trail. There called barren. Canyon, well it's cool because I'll. Go opens probably. The most famous, large, provincial park in. Ontario. And we've only seen like a tiny section of it so it's. Also going to be Ryan's birthday this. Weekend, so we are doing, this thing that he really wanted to do where there's a natural. Like. Waterslide. Where it's like Rapids, hopeful, it won't be freezing, cold so Alina, will actually, go in the water you have to a sniper thing it's, not your birthday tomorrow so, you don't get birthday, sanctuary. You don't, and. Then after, that we, rented. A really, nice air B&B near. North Bay which, is probably the most northern, part, of Ontario, that we've ever. Been to so. Yeah, we've actually got quite a bit of driving, today we've got like five hours so, there's not going to be a crazy amount that we're gonna see today, but, we are gonna do that hike to deagles. Nest and drive, through some small Ontario, towns let's, get out I can, maybe see. Strive. To. There the countryside. Is so pretty. Blow. In your hair, first. Alina okay. I want to put this all in one video so I'm not gonna shoot a lot of footage next.

Alina. We. Only get. Hey. I love, it when it's me. On the road with a couple of turns, in a car too. Hey. You know what can I have a really good time. The, night when the stars are bright. Bags again that car. No they will drive real fun. Let's. Get. Strive. To the. Yeah the countryside. Mr.. Winslow. Can look back someday. Baby, don't you understand. Now. We only give, one love I wanna make it. My. Let's get, out, we can leave this city. Strive. To the open, air. Yeah, the countryside. Is so pretty, with. The wind blowing in your hair. Don't, you understand. We only give. So. We just got. To Calibogue. And we're on the side of the road because our, trail kind of starts. Over. Here to go to Eagle's Nest but if you guys can see the, sky there's a chance of, thundershowers. So. We probably will still, take a chance on it but hopefully we, don't get caught in the downpour. Yeah. This. Is a little bit more than a, sprinkle, of, rain to, do our hike so, we're. Just gonna wait it out for. 10-15. Minutes, because we still have to drive like two more hours to get to our final destinations. Hopefully. This rain will stop if you moments. Later. Alright. It has kind of stopped raining and we are gonna give. It a go. So. We don't get lost. The. Things we, would talk to I never. Would, you turn. We, were down by the river. Watching, the stars, in the city. Right, from, the start shall, we never, grow apart, a Wichita. You. Wanted, me to know never. Let, you go deal with you tell. Surrounded. By cars it's, such a sight. What you know the love is fall into the night. So. That was epic yeah I was incredible. Probably. One of the best views we have ever seen yeah, here in Canada, and, yeah. It's like eight o'clock now and we still have a two-hour. Drive to get to where we're, spending the night where do we go forward. I think yeah. No. This way no. That doesn't look like a trail. That. Looks like a trail, guys we're lost send, help we are counting your Calibogue, on. What. Nuts and berries are safe to eat, tweet at Alena, MacLeod safe, Berry's okay. No we gotta look for the blue arrows let's, just walk for a bit we see the blue mark yeah. So. To summarize we are not gonna die we will find our way. But. Anyways yeah, we'll probably see you guys tomorrow. If this footage, is found the camera, mom, dad, I love, you I. Don't, know anything but, please, enjoy my, laptop. It's all yours, Laura, the. Next day, well good morning guys it, is the morning, after, we. Survived we, did not get lost in, the. Bushes. Permanently. They are now driving. Are we in Algonquin, Park early approaches. Okay so yeah we're approaching, on, the roughest, Road known to man brian, is such a city boy and does not know, these. Are just regular country. Roads that are totally normal in Saskatchewan, so pray for him, so yeah we are, driving. To. A place, that is going to start our hike of barren, Canyon and high falls. Waterslide. Algonquin. Park in and of itself is Hugh. Or just gonna be seeing a very little. Portion. This. Is a PG channel. It. Is we need to monetize, my channel. So. Yeah we're just gonna be seeing a small section of it there's a whole bunch of other, things you, can see, and do an Algonquin, Park especially good for people who want the real wilderness not, just like paved, trails, you can do portage, and, cap in the wilderness so if you're looking for something that's a really about. Sort of hard backcountry. Exactly. Backcountry, camping, Algonquin. Is the place in Ontario. So. Ryan would. You recommend there in Canada oh my god yes, yes the. Short little hike yeah though so if you want to do this I would plan other, activities, in the area maybe camp, or, go, for canoeing like. That well, we still have high Falls yeah gonna do that today yeah. Just. FYI I, am getting bit so, bad by. Bugs I don't know I can, show you my battle scars but. We put on so much bug, spray, and they're still, eating me so, you. Guys have any suggestions. Other, than obviously covering.

Up More but it's so hot today that, oh, I. Thought bug spray would be enough. Alright, so we just finished up at Baron, Canyon, oh so. Beautiful and, now we. Are on the cheaters, trail which. Is reader. Cheater, cheater. Bad. People, so, yeah we are taking this little trail that is not actually on the map that is going to lead us to high, falls usually. You'd have to get to high falls in a much more complicated. Way so, since we only have the afternoon we're, going to take this little trail and. Oh. We. Finally made it we. Are so behind schedule. Where. We're supposed to be tonight but this place is insane. And, I didn't think I was gonna swim but. -. Is. It amazing. So. We just finished up it high falls and, it was. Amazing. And. We're. Much later now and we anticipated. So we're trying, ryan's. VAD so. We're, trying to hike back as quickly as we can and we, have our, drive, to our, Airbnb. Which is near North Bay so. Yeah. Hopefully we're gonna get in before 10. O'clock to, that and then tomorrow with Ryan's birthday, so. Exciting. I mean. Eatin a tail I just, wanted to do a check-in of how absolutely, hard, the bugs are right now there's literally no words. Brian. What would you say about the bow bugs. Literally. Like I'm. Getting a huge cardio, class literally waving, my, arms around, my body trying. To keep them away and. It's like we sprayed ourselves down with bug spray and it still doesn't help many. Unbearable. Hours, later. The. Next, day so it's the next day. We. Survived, my camera cut out, after. The last thing that you guys saw and yeah it was it. Was horrible. Like my body still, has I, don't even know if I can show you guys I. Have. A lot of welts on my body it's not pretty I don't, even know what, bit me I think it was things other than just mosquitoes. Cuz I've never had my body swallow. Up like this we're just so happy to have made, it here we're in this lovely, air B&B just.

Outside Of North Bay it's kind of on its own plot, of land and it's this huge. Mansion. That these just, incredible, people live in and they rent out this, kind, of wing of, their. Home so it almost feels like a private, apartment, but it's a part of this huge. Mansion, on a big, piece of land I'm actually gonna link it in the description if. You guys are interested I, do have a 45, dollar Airbnb. Discount, code for those of you who don't already have an account so I'll link that in the description, but. Yeah it's absolutely beautiful, let. Me give you guys a little tour so, this right here is the master, bedroom, and, it is absolutely. Beautiful. I love, how they decorated, it and it's, just so quiet in here at night like when you're out in nature it's, just silence. And you can sleep so, much better. Ryan, say hello, it's. Your birthday today happy, birthday, today. Yeah you today even the Airbnb people, knew that it was your birthday. Happy. Birthday only, 25, years old. So, this is the, living, room really, nice seating area this even pulls, out and, then over here we can it pulls out why, can you stop making inappropriate jokes. I, remember. I tried to pull it out yesterday. And it, wouldn't hook and then I spent like half an hour I could get it back yeah we got in it like, night and like both of us are just shattered, we want to go to bed and vine for whatever reason. Starts like because Italy, excuse me onions. After. Armageddon, bug. Bites, I just wanted to freaking go to bed and you're like Alena help me with this we need to figure this out right now it's an urgent matter so, I disagree, I disagree. Smash. That like button if you agree with me, okay great. Moving, on to our deck, here we're actually thinking of having a barbecue. For. Ryan's. Birthday in, the evening, but, yeah we just had breakfast, out here and it's just about closed the door and. This is just a really cute breakfast, nook we have a little, barbecue, and, then, over. Here. We. Have the. First washroom. We actually have two washrooms. And they. Have these like beautiful. Showers. Everything, looks super new we. Have a little. Kitchenette. With, just the basics, of everything. We. Have, another. Washroom. Over here, and. Then we got another. Bedroom over, here, so. Very. Comfy, very beautiful, and like I said I will. Link it in the description if, you guys are ever in Northern. Ontario. Well. Hello, friends, we are back on day four of our adventures, and I'm sure you can all guess which day we are celebrating. Thank. You Ryan. Yesterday. Is Canada, Day and we are currently at this really cool place called do chest knee Falls, we're, doing a little hike before we head back to Toronto. And obviously. Since it is Canada. Day we as Canadians, are celebrating. But of course we want to mention that Canada. Day probably, like us history has some, negative. And very dark past about how Canada. Became a country so in this video I wanted to pay homage to the indigenous people, that were here before, you. Know the Eastern European. Settlers, and to just honor that history, more than we, have in current times we're, actually on a, indigenous. Settlement, of right now the whole Lake Nipissing area. So we're here in the beautiful nature, just, enjoying, this day and I'm. Just very grateful to. Be a Canadian. So. We are in Scarborough. Bluffs left, first Park we, are finally, putting our fireworks. To, use this, is my first time actually ever doing fireworks so. Yeah. This is the most perfect way to cap. Off Canada, Day I hope you guys enjoyed, this whole vlog, and I'm going to leave you guys with a fantastic. Firework, show Ryan, thank you so much for being in my video hope. You guys enjoyed it.

2020-07-24 11:50

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