EPIC Foods of Brussels Belgium | Must-Try Food Tour

EPIC Foods of Brussels Belgium | Must-Try Food Tour

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hello guys welcome back to another video and greetings from Belgium today we are going to be eating lots of local Specialties including the famous Belgium fries Belgian waffles and so much more all right so we are here in the city of Brussels Brussels is the capital of the Flemish region and Belgium and it's also the center of the European Union this is our first time for the both of us so we're really really excited beer beer waffles chocolate and of course fruit we're going to be eating a lot of food today we are standing here in front of Saint Catherine Cathedral or Plus San catarin and this area is supposed to be pretty Lively during the evening and on the weekends because there's lots of trendy eateries and we're actually staying right here um on the plus the Katarina and we're about to walk over to the Grand plus where most of the food we're going to be eating today is located first of all you guys know I love architecture the architecture reminds me a little bit of Paris but I also see some Dutch buildings as well and there's also modern buildings mixed into it plus lots of street art you do have to look up sometimes you see the street art but I find that pretty fascinating yes I gotta say there's a very nice creative vibe to the city which I love [Music] all right guys first place we're stopping at is and this place has been making these uh bread or pastries since 1982. I've never seen this shop in a guidebook so I thought this might be interesting and there's a lot of local people going inside so it must be delicious so this is called kramik and I actually don't know what it is it looks like some kind of bread and maybe that's some sugar I don't know let's break it and see if there's anything inside oh there's some steam coming out of it right now can you tell how excited I am first thing in Belgium oh wow okay first of all it's a little bit crusty on the surface and it's a little bit sugary as well so the living suicide but the inside is pure Cloud fluffiness it would usually be like perfect for like breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea you see that's like some sugar so I think they've like brushed some sugar glaze on the top and the size and this is the crunchy part crunchy and crispy and as you can see the inside is soft and fluffy I love this freshly baked bread oh outside it's so crusty I'm really sweet inside fluffy but it's not like Japanese bread wrappingers it's a little chewier than Japanese bread but I like this sweetness and the crustness and this what should I say that this is really good overall nice bread we bought this one or maybe you I think this one is a very iconic cake this shop the inside is a merengue and white cream the outside some crusty things and it's very light it's so light you can probably eat like 10 of these okay that's one down 10 to go so we are walking towards the grand plast this is the main attraction of Brussels oh my gosh this is John dropping oh my goodness oh my goodness golden golden Beauty oh my gosh okay so this is a city hall that we're looking at right now and it is probably the most opulent City Hall I've ever seen in my entire life and there's all these uh buildings all around uh that's adorned in Gold that's it looks like real gold to me these are Guild houses not really sure what that is but oh my goodness yes I am I am speechless me too okay so we're at this place called fruteri Tambora and this is where we're going to be trying the Belgian fries this is a must try whenever you visit this city I got the one with the mayonnaise because that seems to be the most popular and we also got one with the samurai sauce we have no idea what kind of sauce that is uh the fries are made fresh here nothing Frozen and you can see about a dozen or more sauces here maybe close to two dozen different sauces that you can choose from this is my fries my Belgium fries the mayonnaise okay let's give it a go Doug mmm first of all it's like really nice and crispy on the outside but the inside is very fluffy and I gotta say you know we have the uh patat or the fries in the Netherlands it's a little bit different the mayonnaise is so nice and creamy it tastes different from QP or the American male so mine is sunrise sauce I don't know what Sunrise sauce means and we sprinkled some powder paprika powder also it's different from the potato we eat in Japan the Christmas and the inside the moistness is so nice you did not tell me it was spicy it's actually quite spicy and the samurai sauce is actually a little bit sour maybe it's vinegar or lemon I'm not sure what it is it's kind of mayely creamy oh sour I like it though you guys know I love sour food I think the samurai sauce is like one of my favorite sauces in the world it's delicious but watch out because it does have a kick all right guys next destination we are going to go get some waffles Belgian waffles and we want to go to this particular place because it's right next to the uh ping statue the Ping boy statue which is very very famous and the only problem though is that we could get lost in this Maze of streets I'm really good at the directions but I lost this city citizen thousand around the grand prize is like amazing it's like a maze but once again guys I'm enjoying it I like getting lost in this city okay so we finally found the waffle place it's called lufu nambu and this place has been doing business for quite a long time I think from the late 1860s or so and um it's right next to the mannequin piece uh that uh peeing little boy and he's dressed in like a blue and red uniform today and also a hat lots of people and some Rowdy people so sorry about the noise but anyway they have a variety of waffles here you can get the liaison waffle as well as the Brussels waffle we got the Brussels waffle with strawberries whipped cream and chocolate you know what I'm just gonna have the with the whipped cream and chocolate first it's not awful don't give us this is the city of chocolate so it is appropriate that I'm eating chocolate covered strawberries okay I'm gonna try the waffles now as you can see it's quite crispy it's quite crispy and they make it right in front of you so it's piping hot that's a good lava [Music] I have a feeling though it might be good to try the waffle by itself whether you can get it plain with a little bit powdered sugar but we kind of wanted to go crazy today quite messy but very satisfied I came here to eat this and drink beer tadakimasu um chocolate it's on this crusty waffle it's like a heaven here eat it like this I think this is the easier way eat the toppings first what some of the toppings first and then just eat it with your hand s then next weekend and Waffle they have also Brussels style waffle we bought a simple one the plain waffle the outside is crispy jate is different from Brazil it's more dense a moist it's like for me the texture is a little bit different from the other one um it's less crispy and it's a lot more dense and I think it's a little more bready I think hmm it's waffle but it's also a little like bready to me it's like a soft and crispy bread with slight sweetness because the outside is kind of glazed with a sugar oh I like this one I like how simple it is you can get these with like various toppings but in my opinion I think you appreciate the waffles better if you get them plain Belgium is a chocolate capital of the entire world obviously we can't go to all the chocolate shops but we're gonna try this one shop called noi house they have been making chocolate since 1857 and they are the inventors of the Belgium praline so this one is inside it's dark chocolate mousse I love chocolate mousse look this beautiful mousse this is coconut this huge shape it's like a soft sub oh of course we have to visit one more chocolate shop and it's nothing now one is not enough and there's just one place that I really want to try out and it is called the S40 bs40 in English in English and it's actually located just maybe three stores away from noi house in the Grand Plaza area so buti means butter Street 40 which is the address of this place yes this street is called butter Street what a yummy sounding Street so what's special about this shop is that none of the chocolates are factory made they're actually made one by one by hand there's a team of three people so they cannot Mass produce these chocolates and that's the reason why I wanted to visit this place and we really wanted to come here and we're so glad to try the chocolates out here let's see how special the chocolates are oh we're gonna try some chocolates today here what are you trying the pipa Peppers Nepalese pepper okay speechless yes how can I describe this it's really good balance I need a overpowering those ingredients to make one another flavor oh wow um it's very aromatic yeah yeah almost Botanical but there's no flowers in here it's peppery really really well balanced oh my God I've actually never tasted chocolate like this the owner is like super nice he's letting us try some chocolates today right now we're trying the Rosemary the fruit of the cell thank you oh wow oh this one it almost tastes like a garden like a rosemary Garden also I can taste the salt a very special salt for the cell so I think that's like really good Harmony but in a very creative way because I've never had floral with salt and chocolate before okay we're definitely gonna get some chocolates here impressed with this chocolate shop please don't ask us like uh to compare these two the other shop that we went to because we don't want to compare but amazing one thing I can say you have to visit this shop when you visit Belgium if you're looking for one of the best chocolates in Belgium this one is a Yuzu and the mango I love you I love mango Italian it's so good it's become a different flavor not only used forever not only mango rainbow describing is a little difficult because so guys this is the matcha Bergamot let's give this one a try let's put this in a test the matcha is amazing you can taste so much or you can taste the earthiness of the matcha the flavor of the matcha that's distinctive matcha flavor but it's paired with Bergamot which is just as strong as the earthy matcha flavor the two flavors combine so well together is creating a new flavor that's why I was like kind of blown away but so new the owner was telling us that a lot of people don't like marzipan and he says they only sell mediocre marzipan in Japan and he says this marzipan is going to be different I'm already a fan of marzipan so I'm ready to be blown away let's see okay I know exactly what the guy means wow it doesn't have the pastiness of marzipan you know what I mean marzipan I think a lot of people don't like the texture it doesn't have that texture it's thick but it's not very thick like the marzipan that I'm used to eating also the flavor of the marzipan isn't super strong either it doesn't taste artificial or anything either it tastes quite natural with a hint of honey oh this is fantastic what I like about this chocolate shop is that all the chocolates they're using pure ingredients very high quality ingredients I have to say for example the hazelnut chocolate that we tried in the store they use these hazelnuts that you can't really get in the marketplace so they're very special and he doesn't use like ready-made hazelnut paste they actually like grind it and make it into a paste in-house so everything's special all the links to the shops we visited today are in the description below this video okay guys so we're here at the Royal Saint Hubert galleries this place is amazing this Gallery was built in 1847 so that's a very very long history it's built in the Italian Renaissance style and there's lots of shops here a lot of them high-end shops I have to say and we are here at this shop called La belgique Gourmand because of course they have chocolatey here but we came here to get some of the traditional Belgian candy called the kubridor and they are these things like this this is a traditional flavor it's raspberry but I also got the green apple so we've got two flavors of kyberon today I thought it was going to taste sweeter it actually tastes like a real Apple it really does I'm kind of shocked yeah it looks like this on the inside so the inside is softer than the outside it's like a very soft jelly and the outside is more like crystallized sugar not as delicious but that's very even kibudon inside is a softer jelly raspberry it has a toughness but it's not a strong tattoo I like this one [Music] [Music] all right guys so we're at Cafe less um because Satoshi of course has to finish with Belgian beer we're here in Belgium the capital of beer and we're here with a good friend of ours we tally and he brought us here and he chose the beers for us so I'm sure these are going to be some of the best beers we've had in our lives hi guys and me we are drinking she made blue uh they have a color code for different types of beer this one has a blue label and she has uh this is a special beer as well from the from the uh which called oval and the Trappist bones uh brooded specially for him today it's very special here with a flowery taste with a bead of grapefruit and it's quite bitter so he should be strong to drink it [Music] this one is very refreshing Korea India some kind of burnt caramel flavor yes it has a depth I'm like that it's so nice there's a little bit of bitterness I usually don't like bitter beers but this one has like a pleasant bitterness it's really nice oh like this one that's like my go-to beer I think but this is also very good this is very good yeah it's it has a depth richness yes oh my gosh it's so good the Abbey made this especially for me so I feel super special today you're going to drink a special beer fruity beer actually which called uh Greek I don't know why it's called like that even in French it's quite strange it's bizarre this beer is brewed with cherries and it has really pronounced Cherry taste it's quite sweet and absolutely refreshing so uh not so strong as well only for 4.2 degrees so perfect for summer oh my God it is almost like juice I've never tried this flavored beer yeah this is definitely like a perfect summer drink that you can drink all day long with friends I mean this is perfect yeah right now it's winter so like I prefer this one but oh my goodness I I wish we can find this in Japan it would be amazing oh my gosh we had such a wonderful day today we ate so much food thank you so much Vitali uh for uh showing us around oh come on here and really waiting for you next time anyway thanks so much for watching and we'll see you guys on our next video bye guys [Music] thank you

2023-05-22 18:47

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