EP.68 New adventures Full time overland travel couple exploring Australia in Touring truck & caravan

EP.68 New adventures Full time overland travel couple exploring Australia in Touring truck & caravan

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adventure beckons and we are out  of here we are leaving the murray   and heading north for warmer pastures  and we are not skimping on the diesel outback here we come as the weather heats up so do the reptiles  and these little guys are on the prowl they're   looking for birds nests and the butcher birds  know it they are relentlessly attacking them can't get out of fourth gear head wind is too strong can only do 75 the prairie hotel it's interesting the  food was fabulous the artwork was fabulous   but you know you probably need to have a  thick skin to deal with the whole place I'm concerned what that camel is don't forget to jump onto our website or our  socials and order your calendar stubby holder   beanie or sticker and remember we can send it with  a message to a loved one if that's what you prefer sunny flinders rangers you gotta love it in australia finish the rainstorm we still got the windstorm  and now we're moving into a dust storm okay maybe not quite dust dirty any rain i did mention all hell was gonna  break loose i wasn't joking what are we having today bacon  hash brown sausages tomato is that in preparation for our walking still looks ominous today looks like there's a lot of birds in Farina Karl's investigating the facilities so last time we were here about 12 years ago   i only had a toilet and a shower and it was a  little bush built shack thing that looked like   bush outhouse i suppose but  to heat up your shower water you've got a donkey boiler what are you looking for you  put it under there don't you   it's the right one you're just straight under yeah even has its own cemetery this morning we're heading off to check out the  farina township that's an old deserted town that   just has buildings and relics and so on so we're  walking from the campground which is only about   400 meters and we will show you  what's up here it's very pretty they've done a lot of  restoration work on the buildings which is good and bad in my opinion yeah it's nice that they're maintaining   it is but it sort of looks a little different  to when we were last here about 12 years ago   this is the old the hotel and  i'm guessing that's the cellar now full up they build everything so high wow look at the corridor the slate floor must have got from somewhere around here opened 1878 and closed in 1960 they also had the inland tele down to adelaide   a single wire system there used to  be a telegraph pole out the side all rendered on the inside wow this is good nikki isn't it  they're so tall all right and the floor is only at the that earth level  there oh yeah yeah yeah so it's still massive yeah this is the kitchen i think  i checked it out already must have had a wet back yeah wet  back in a hot water service somehow there's a bathtub and there's the toilet the bottom of the s bin we sat in that bathtub 12 years  ago and it doesn't change it   really hasn't changed except it's got  a bit of water in it from last night it'll hold the heat i guess you can see it was quite a um established town   quite a few streets and  everything that's the cop shop   okay if anyone can tell us  what this one is let us know it even had a coffee holder that's the newly built bakery and that is the fake house not sure what they're doing underground hoping to  keep a bit cooler it's not so hot in summer the   bakery looks like a prison cell but it's not it  is the original bakery for farina so this is where   they used to bake the bread and they still do so  it's open for a month or so of the year apparently   and you can purchase food cooked in this bakery that's made out of panels with rubber or glue this is the cattle and the  double banger is the sheep cause we have different dreams we've just explored the ruins and  then we went on to the train area   and now we're heading on one of  the walking trails here at farina this poor guy's seen better days actually heading to uh a trestle  bridge over the big creek somewhere   something is that where you're leading me  too yes right are you cow yep my back's wet well it was freezing earlier move  out of the wind for 10 seconds biked fun there's the rails the  sleepers for the rails i guess ah there's the water supply for farina the old one what is it made out of a wonder asbestos  and where the hell did it come from lee creek we're going on an adventure we just got we got a track to follow and then it says keep the scrub  to your left did it really yes and we do have scrub on our left and our right i   know but at least it's on  our left as well so we're oh did good never mind what was that are you sure we're supposed to be on  this track let's see keep the scrub to your left   i know but that's lucky can we count stuff  up even if we go right it's still on our left   perfect they've double plated the bottom to take  the stress out and finished it with triangle ends   i'll even smart way back and super smart they're bad watching and we keep  talking really loud okay we'll be quiet this is the farina war memorial a large  percentage of the population of farina   was actively involved in a lot of the  wars so we'll just go and have a look look at this incredible men who were born  in farina and served in world war one look at them all and then men who were born or lived  in france and served in world war ii where are we off to to the cemetery at arena  to check it out yeah apparently it's haunted   well so we heard we saw a show on it i  didn't see any haunted stuff but oh really   and we are going in the middle of the day so i  don't know whether the ghosts care about time   or spirits care about time i should suck maybe you  might feel the spirits we'll see i feel a lot of   spirits sometimes yeah mostly named jim and then  my legs go funny and weak i can't stand up anymore and all the way over in this back corner   i believe uh the graves of some of  the afghan people who inhabited here it just got hotter that was a bit of a  weird sensation when we walked towards   the corner of the cemetery all of a sudden  within a few steps the temperature just got   way hotter i'm not really a spiritual person  and i don't really go for that sort of thing but   that is just what happened maybe the rocks  were just a little bit hotter there who knows good morning catherine it's very early and we're going to beat the  sunrise and go for a walk oh i need my assistant because if we look outside oh it's gonna be a cracker of a day  hello i'm excited big gift you ready do you need coffee okay what time is it six o'clock it's too late the exchange hotel opened 1880 and closed in 1937. super fresh transcontinental this place was a boarding  house a bush hospital and a pub not all together i think of you that sort of makes it easier yeah for sure is  that what everyone does when they do their spin   because they just talk to it like that yeah does  that be why they're always stuck to the camera   yeah because they're watching  because they talk to their face yeah   go oh yeah and that's why they  flick their hair and stuff well it wouldn't make it easier for that yes thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe  if you want a reminder hit the bell and remember   we always love a thumbs up this is the last  time we're gonna see and bear the murray   for a few years so while we had the chance we just  sat back relaxed and watched the steamboats go by

2021-10-22 00:40

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