Ep.25, Ready to leave Holland, but first a lot of fun with friends in southern Netherlands

Ep.25, Ready to leave Holland, but first a lot of fun with friends in southern Netherlands

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We are leaving. Yeah we're leaving. And. Going towards, harlem. We had eight great days. Here. So. Now it's time to move on. There's some really big ships in here. Sailing, through. Just sailed past amsterdam marina. This is all the industrial, ships. We are going. Inside, harlem. Today, it's um. June. 13th. I think. And it's 23. 24, degrees. Sunshine. It's really sunny weather so it's. Perfect. Closing, behind. Us. There's a crazy, amount of boats, coming through here all around us. And we're just. Waiting. Because they're not opening the bridge. With direction. It's a little bit stressful. We wanted to stay in harlem a few days, but we got really stressed out by all the boats and old people, so we decided to sail through, and find somewhere more quiet. A little piece of advice. Don't visit big towns, and sunny saturdays, because there's so many people and it's total chaos. In altavertinga. We took the day and serviced the wrenches. It was really great to get that job done because they really needed it i don't think they've been serviced, since production, 19 years ago. And before, they ran okay. But now they spin like a. Kitten. We also put the anchor out for a few days on the lake, so the kids could go swimming and have some fun it was really. Warm. And then came the thunder. The weather really showed us a lot of different sides, and very short time in holland, and it's very unpredictable. After a few great stays in autovatinger. We sailed on towards, gowda, to cheese city. That's a funny way to make a. Lifting bridge, yeah, it's a hungry huge construction. So it goes up. That's. That's different. Gowda was a lovely city. There's a lot of nice architecture. So a lot of old and new buildings, mixed in together, so that makes it really interesting, to take a city walk, there's a lot of shops. There's a lot of good ice cream, and of course there's a lot of nice. Cheese. It's very calm. It doesn't mind us being here apparently. We're eating cheese, we're in gaura, we hang out so we have to try a lot of cheese. What else to do, we got pink cheese. And green, cheese, and i'm really excited to try them and all cheese, and very old cheese. Yeah, we love cheese. It's going to be interesting. I guess. The marine encounter, was really small, so it's impossible, for us to turn around, so tom had to back the boat all the way out to the main channel. But fortunately, he's getting pretty good at handling the boat. See this bridge. That is closed for the whole day. So we, i put karina, to talk him she has blonde hair. And now they all the workers, are moving away. For the maintenance, job and opening a bridge for us. Because i'm so damn charming, you always need kids and blonde girls. We left gaura, to sail towards, dorchestridge. And it took about a day to sail there. We got held up by some bridges, with a lot of waiting, and 30 degrees of warmth. And. It wasn't really the greatest. Sale we had, so when we arrived, we treated ourselves with pizza, and some cold wine. And then it rained. Now it's clean inside. Now it's cleaning side, but we're ruining the swimming pool. It's a closed supermarket. And now they just opened it up. Yeah. It seems that the theme of this week, everything is closed. And then it rains some more. Thomas making, uh asparagus. Soup. It's his uh. What's called brother-in-law. Sister-in-law's. Recipe. Yeah maybe my own a bit. Yeah i think i'm gonna. Give it a little touch, yeah. This is not very special the special, part is that he is, kind of crazy because we're having visitors. And it says. 33.8. Degrees celsius. Inside. The outside's not working right now but it's about. 30.. So he thinks we should have soup for dinner. Hot dinner. Crazy. And. The ice cream, the ice cube maker is really working for it, trying to catch up. It's filming it's a nice weather here in in netherlands, yeah it is, yeah. The picture, yeah just a second. Just a second, oh yeah. You see, some spot on my face now. So it's open. So what, you hear the church pill. Is it time to go to the church no no but it's very dark it's very, sad do you do. You don't like the sound, i like it but it's life feels like, but i i do an interview with you oh okay come on. You want to know probably, it's the last week in holland. Probably. The last or the, second last week, yeah and then you go too. Then we're gonna sail to, shabu, or calais.

Yeah. And then. Nah now we're going to go to go for dunkirk, and kelly. Danke, dunker. One of those, depending on the weather. And stay there for a. Good. Weather window. And then go to cebu. Yes, and like. In spain are you going, to the. In, are you complaining. No, because you have to, stay tuned. Yeah yeah and the coroner's. Still. Part over there yeah that's hot over there so. So you're going to portugal. Yeah. Spain and portugal, spain, okay. And then. You stay there for, how long, until. October. And then. Then we go for madeira. Importer, center, okay i have to paint the picture on the wall, yeah. All the boaters do their logo. Yeah yeah so you go to, delos. Logo, and you put your picture, yeah yeah you over paint some of we find um. Under some of those and then we painted over. White and then yeah you say we are bigger, yeah we. We get more royals from there. I'm a guest on this boat now. And. It's a special one this one. You are very sweet. She's going to make you something like this. It's open found a new project. Hi hilda. She's she's helping with the projector. She's helping she's. Holding the screws, and all that, it's very important. We have to explain what happened before they start this project. Project. They promise, us they promised, us they won't do this until, tonight, or maybe tomorrow. And then we go for a walk to get lunch, and we come back and they have freaked out special, and fritz special. Or pizzazz, pizza. And. Dutch. Speciality. And then we come back. And they started it already, those two cheaters. Were supposed to go on a city walk. They cheated us. You already had your fun today you went to the marine. Shop. But. Show the building. We should supposed to be we're supposed to be on top of that in top of that tower. And we are standing over. Here. You know that feeling when you're supposed to have some friends over for the weekend for a nice quiet, weekend. Just have relaxing. Having some good food. I was looking forward. And somehow it ends up with doing boat work. No we dropped it in the. Water. It's aluminium. And it's, a hundred euros. Tottenham, go diving. Yeah, in here. Or some kind. Of. It's really difficult there's a lot of current down there, and you also, hit some bottom paint, probably. You put it here, i will give it a quick. Rinse. But he found what he was looking for that's good. He found the part. There. He dropped it. And now it's. Found again, it's. Good. Oh this one's getting loose. This one is also giving up a little bit, lila where are we going sisters. And what is peach. It's a natural, park. And we are going to, watch for. Beavers. Okay. Is. In. Southern, holland. And. This has a really funny history it's the oldest city in all of holland. For it's 800, years old this year. And in, 1299. It was granted. Stable, right. Right. Which meant that all barges, that was loading, or unloading, a good transporter, and had to, put them here in the warehouses. And stuff. And also. They, were able to put tax on import next part. Oh there's a car. Coming. Yeah. There's this whole story, about, two people, two citizens, here in dortric they didn't want to pay the tax, and they went to another city to buy a sheep. And they thought, how do we avoid paying tax. On our sheep. So, they decided, to. Steal the clothes, from a, scarecrow, on the way. They put the clothes on the sheep, and then they put the sheep between them, and, so. It appeared it was three men trying to enter the city. And everything went well, and they entered the city. But just as they were about to walk away from the marina, and through the gate.

The, Sheep said. And so they were exposed, and they had to pay pay everything they owned on the spot. And of course a story like this travels. So, from then on, most citizens, of dorchest. Got the, the nickname, of sheep's head. So they said everyone who lives here are sheep hips because of the story. Yeah. The prelude, before the dog. Yeah. It's um. It plays a melody, every 30 minutes. Plays a melody every 30 minutes. And it plays the dong sound. On the strokes. Every full hour, and every 15 minutes it plays like a short melody. It's very vocal, that the, tower. Makes a lot of sounds. And it's very omnius. It sounds like it's uh. Calling on judgment, day or something. It sounds, kind of. Unnerving. Well. This is quoted. And it was. Originally, built, in the 12th century. And then. In the 14th, century. There was a big fire. So the building standing here today. Is from the 15th, century. And it was supposed to have the highest church shower. But as it was constructed. They noticed, that the tower was tilting. And. So it's only 65, meters tall, it was supposed to be 108. But the constructors. Were afraid that if they built it higher it would fall over. So. They stopped at 65, meters. And it's actually the most leaning, tower. It's uh, two meters off tilt, which means that it's more, tilting, than the tower of pisa. Which, is the most famous one, in the 17th, century. There were 100. Ministers. Gathered here in gulturkiak. For six months. While they were trying to discuss, the. How to word. The new, religion. How. How they wanted to be so they could everyone agree, on what to say and think. Because there was so much um. Disturbance. In the religions. And it was actually a threat, to the society, because of the. To the netherlands, the state's midlands because they were fighting amongst each other, about what to believe and what to do. So they were so the. So prince malwitz. Gathered, all these. Ministers, here, to tell him now you have to agree on it and then he hoped it would end all the disturbances. In, the country. So. And, did it took them six months, and then they settled on. How to. Word it and after that. The first. Dutch translation, of the, bible, was initiated. So that common people could read it too and not only the ones reading latin, so that was a huge thing, a big historical, event. So. Like venice, a lot of dortrich, is built in the water, and the canals are going everywhere, through the city and around the island. We loved darth rach but after a few days it was time to sail. On. A funny thing on the dutch canals, are these barges. This is a dutch tradition. And the owners live on the small house on board, and then they have their car on the roof, their kids send to a special, barge, boarding school kind of, and then on the weekends and holidays. They crane off the car, lift off the car, and then they drive to see their kids and spend the weekends with them. We're sailing from goldberg, to williamstown. In. Southern holland, southern holland. We are going. It's a bit tricky water. There's two, main rivers of. Of europe coming out just the north and south so it's the rhine and the mass. So there's a lot of current. There's tidal water. You have a lot of bushy ship traffic, so. That's repair good. But it should only take, two hours i hope we can having the. With the title water with us. And only 13. Nautical miles. So it shouldn't be that bad but there will probably, be a lot of wind. So let's see how it goes. Is. After, one night in middleburg. We went to find some nature marina, where we could relax a few days and just enjoy some time off, while we're waiting for a weather window to go to. Flisinger. All over holland you find these beautiful, small nature marinas. And you can tie up for free, or thirty anger. You can even get rid of your garbage. And use the toilet. And it's absolutely lovely i think we spent five days here, just waiting for the willow window and enjoying. Ourselves. And then the last leg of our canal, trip, went to flissinger. And apparently, we wasn't the only. Ones. After half a day increasing, our provisioning. We got up early next morning and we're ready to sail on, goodbye. Freezing. On our way. To the sloughs, so we can go. Towards. Dunkirk. Finally out of holland. Or not finally, we left it here but, we are also ready to move on. What is it five. In the morning. It's early. So. Tired. You see the light on in many of the boats i think, we're going to be a few boats going out now. Very shortly because this is the. This is the moment to go out if we want to have the tide, on our sides, right. Right. The tide will turn in, 50 minutes. But i want to go out a little bit before because we have the waves coming in from the, english channel. And therefore i want when we're going, over there whether all the water breaks i want, the tide. Because the current, and the waves to come in the same direction. Because if they go in the opposite direction the wave goes like this.

So I plan to go out, 30 minutes before, the tide turns. So it's not that strong and it comes we have it tight against us just. Caused a little extra diesel but it's more comfortable. Some has a tinder a dinghy. Some has a helipad. And some has a helicopter. Yeah. Well if you have a helipad you might as well have a helicopter. I guess if you can afford it. Yeah. Otherwise you should have gotten a smaller. Boat. Bye bye to holland, thank you for watching. And we see you next time, in. France.

2020-07-26 08:15

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