Ep10: Touring Homes

Ep10: Touring Homes

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hey i'm Zeke and i'm Brian and you're  watching two guys talking home buying hey everybody welcome to today's episode of two  guys talking homeline we're glad that you're here   if you're not familiar with the show our purpose  is real simple we want to help as many renters as   possible to become homeowners and not just to buy  their first home but to help them go through the   home buying process and have fun with it and not  to be so stressed out a lot of people get stressed   when they buy a home especially their first home  and so we want you to go through the process   and enjoy it and have fun and really kind of  celebrate uh your accomplishments so we cover all   nine steps of the home buying process on our show  and we dig deep into different topics within each   of those nine steps and today what we're going  to specifically go into is touring homes which   is step four of the ninth steps to purchasing your  first home hey everyone i'm zeke i'm the social   media director here at showcase agency and i'm  also looking to purchase my first piece of real   estate this year i have a lot of questions and  i'm very excited to get started in this episode   so yeah yeah very cool and my name is brian i'm  the president and found a co-founder of showcase   agency we're a real estate and mortgage company so  that means we help people to buy homes sell homes   and to get home financing and i've co-founded  the company with my wife karen back in 2017   and karen's been a licensed realtor since 2001 and  i've been licensed as a loan officer since 2005   so together we have over 38 years of combined  experience so we're super experienced with this   especially first-time homebuyers and when zeke  was shooting our other videos where he's normally   behind the camera he had a lot of great questions  about first time buying that's when i found out   you know he was planning to buy his own home  first piece of real estate here soon and   we just thought it would be a lot of fun to  get in front of the camera with his questions   if you're a first-time homebuyer you might  be able to relate to some of these questions   and uh you know today what we're gonna really  dig deep into is uh step four touring homes   stick around to the end we are going to cover a  viewer question and we've got a couple of great   offers for you as well so hang around till the  end but let's go ahead and get started we're   talking about step number four in the process uh  you're touring homes and zeke what's the first   question you've got awesome how many homes should  i score okay so there's no set answer on that it's   you know you want to go see all the homes that  interest you that are available so that might be   two homes or three homes it  could be one house or whatever   some people end up making an offer on  the very very first house that they see   and sometimes they're a little nervous about that  because well sometimes they're nervous about not   going to see other houses so sometimes they'll go  look at two or three houses but they end up making   an offer on the first one so there's really no set  number to how many you should see and definitely   don't feel nervous about putting an offer in  on the very first one you see sometimes that's   the the one that's the right one for you awesome  thank you for that okay you're welcome moving on   to my next question is uh can i tour homes without  my agents so yes you can you can so when you're   so if you have an agent you really want to  let your agent know what you're up to if   you're planning to go like drop in some open  houses over the weekend or something so if if   there's some open houses and you're interested in  those open houses and your agent isn't available   to help you you know to go see them or you  don't want your agent to come with you because   you know you're not really sure like when you're  going to get there or that kind of stuff and you   want to be more flexible then just let your agent  know hey i'm going to drop in some open houses   and then that way they know what's going on if  there's not an open house then your only other   option if you're if your own agent isn't able to  take you to the house your option would be to call   other agents but that's really not uh advisable  because you're working with someone else so so   if it's an open house and you just want to drop  in the open house no problem but if you need to   get another agent to let you in then that's you  know uh typically frowned upon i understand yeah   and if you're out and if you're in contract with  your agent your buyer's agent if you're in a a   buyer's agency agreement where you're you've  got to work with them on whatever property you know you've actually got to clear things with  them uh uh if you try to go to another agent oh   wow yeah thanks for explaining that so well yeah  nah no worries thank you great question thank you   um my next question is how can i schedule  a home score okay so if you've got your own   agent so there's a couple of things going on you  you may be working with your own buyers agent   or you might be working like directly with  the listing agent so in the case of if you   have your own buyer's agent and there's a house  that you want to go see your agent is going to   schedule all of that for you they're going to  set up the time that you're going to meet there   at the house and they're going to have a way to  access things to get inside the house typically   the owners whoever lives there typically they've  left sometimes they're kind of hanging around but   most of the time they've left and so you've got  your time there so that would be how you would   schedule it through your own buyer's agent now  and they have access to any home that's on the   multiple listing service so you know they've  got access to just about you know everything   um if you're going through the listing agent so in  other words you don't have your own buyer's agent   then if you're going through the listing agent  you would have to contact each listing agent   individually to say hey you know i'm interested in  this specific house you're the listing agent would   you let me you know take a look at it awesome yeah  so it's going to depend on if you're working with   a buyer's agent or not and then if it's a for sale  by owner if it's a fsbo um you know you're just   there's no agents involved at all so you're just  dealing directly with the homeowner okay perfect   thank you so it's a little different their  way okay are kids allowed to go on home tours   they they are kids are allowed on home tours  um a lot of times people bring their kids along   uh sometimes they don't just whatever you know is  is uh preferred for you and um but yeah kids are   allowed thank you and then also is there a limit  to how many people i can bring on the home tour   no not really you know there's really no limit um  and if there's people if there are people involved   in you know you getting the loan and they want to  have some kind of say so over you know the house   like we see sometimes where you might have there  might be a parent that's providing a gift or a   parent that's co-signing and this is going to be  a home you know for the for the kid to live in and   you know they want to have some say-so about the  home because you know they're putting some money   in or they're putting their name on the loan or  whatever so if you've got other people that are   involved and they are going to be involved in  that decision it's best just to get them all   out there so don't be afraid of taking you know  everybody that you need to take you know and the   same thing goes even if the person isn't going on  the loan but maybe they're going to be paying you   know rent you know border income they're going to  be paying for a room and they've got to approve of   the place because they want to approve of the room  we see that sometimes where parents want the kids   to really you know like the rooms that they get so  the kids have a little bit of a say-so over things   so don't be afraid to you know take everybody out  to look at the homes because if if you go out on a   saturday and you see something that you love but  you've got to come back on a sunday or a monday   to bring everybody else you know the house  could be under contract by then you never   know so you always want to be in a position to  where you're able to act fast if you do want to   make an offer and to do that it's a good idea  to get everybody you know looking at the homes   that's gonna you know be involved thank you  yeah i would bring everyone yeah to me yeah and   even if the people if even if the person doesn't  have a say-so in it in in the house um the buyer   you know may just trust that person's  opinion you know it could be a close friend   it could be a family member or whatever and you  know maybe they just want somebody else along   uh to kind of give them another perspective  since they you know already trust this person   and sometimes they're working with the realtor  and they haven't known that realtor for very long   so there still could be some trust issues there  makes sense yeah perfect thank you yeah for that okay um how do i tour home when people are still  living there okay so when people are still living   in the house they will have an arrangement  with their realtor on how they want the house   to be shown so they'll have like specific times  that they're willing to make the home available   in times that they're not so they kind of so  sometimes people will be like you know monday   through friday i'm trying to get the kids off to  school i don't want to be dealing with anything   uh anybody coming into our house uh until  the kids are at school so sometimes you know   a person will say monday through friday no  showings until nine you know 9 a.m or later   some people might say oh we don't want any  showings after 6 p.m or after 8 p.m or whatever   so the seller is going to communicate that to  the listing agent and then the listing agent   is going to kind of you know uh coordinate all of  the schedule of the showings so that it fits into   the seller's schedule so and then typically the  seller is going to leave the house at the time   of the appointment so if you have an appointment  at one o'clock typically when you get there at   one you're going to meet your own buyer's agent  and then the buyer's agent has access to a key   to open the house and so now you know the  seller knows that somebody's going to be   there at one o'clock so they're not there so  typically a lot of times they've already left   and so when you get there the house is pretty  much just kind of vacant a lot of sellers nowadays   are putting up cameras so they can kind of see  what's going on people are kind of nervous about   people you know taking their stuff or looking  through their stuff which is understandable yeah   so you know so so you pretty much just go  through the house and you take a look around   and um if there's anything visible that you have  questions about like there might be a crack in the   stucco or there might be you know where maybe  you have a question about the ceiling uh where   there's a stain and you wonder if that was some  kind of you know leak from the roof so you can go   through and you can check out the house and and um  uh you know prepare any questions that you've got   and that kind of thing but that's basically how it  works you know they know when they're you're going   to be there and then they're out of the house and  they give you enough time to you know look around   and such usually you know you know usually like  30 minutes is enough time to see a house perfect   thank you for that yeah yeah yeah so that kind of  answers my next question but my next one was it   anyway let's hear it it was um what's the latest  time i can tour a home yeah and and that's again   as you figured out that's going to depend on the  seller some sellers are going to be like you know   we don't care we just want to get this place sold  the the sooner somebody sees it the better so   so sometimes people have a you know really wide  range of hours sometimes they're more particular   where they're like you know i don't want  anybody upsetting the kids i don't want anybody   dealing with us at in the morning we're trying to  get to school and to work and things like that so   it's going to be individual based on based on  the seller and you know what they're allowing   perfect thank you for that and i believe that's  uh was that your last question yes all right so   hang around guys we've got something else here um  since we're talking about step four of the nine   steps which is you know touring homes you're  basically finding homes that you want to see   normally you're finding them online zillow  realtor.com any of those kind of sites   or you might uh see some homes you're just driving  around you might see some new construction signs   where it says you know new homes in the 600s that  kind of thing you know you might be driving around   in a neighborhood that you've always wanted to  live in and all of a sudden you know you see a for   sale sign that went up so you know touring homes  is this step of the process is about finding homes   that you want to see and then going out there and  looking at them in person whether that be at an   open house or with your own realtor or however  you're you know you're going about doing this so   this is a time i wanted to point out a few things  um when you're talking to your realtor you know   there's a lot of back and forth at this point  with your agent if you're using a buyer's agent   and some of that back and forth might be about the  condition of the home or the type of home that you   want and so for example if you were looking for  a fixer upper specifically fixer upper is what   i want to talk about so if you were looking for  a fixer upper be sure that when you're you know   talking to your agent about fixer uppers that your  agent really understands what you're looking for   to some people fixer upper means you know  i'm gonna put up you know i'm gonna paint   uh that's a fixer-upper to some people  to other people they're good with like   ripping up the floors ripping up the kitchen  you know tearing out the bathrooms and replacing   all of that stuff some people are good with like  tearing down the wall and adding on to the house   those are all different levels of projects  in all different levels of fixer upper so   at this stage one of the things that you're doing  like i just mentioned is is you've got to find the   homes that you want to go see and then hopefully  you're going to look at homes that you know you'd   actually be interested in so make sure when  you're you know talking to your realtor at this   stage and you guys are just getting to know each  other that you're really clear about the kind of   home that you're looking for uh if you're using  language like fixer upper for example so that's   you know one thing i wanted to point out because  we do want to make this go smooth for you   and you know touring homes is a lot of fun uh but  it's just like every other step in this process   it's work you know and you've got an objective  you're not just going out there to tour homes   you're going out there to find the one that  you're going to secure you're going to get the   winning offer and you're going to close on that  house and live in that house for you know however   long so um so it's an important step so make sure  that when you're talking with your realtor you're   communicating about what it is that you really  really want um another thing that i wanted to   point out that makes this a smoother process is  um in some situations during the step number four   uh it may be necessary for you to reach out to  your loan officer like let's say for example   you're looking at a home and it has a homeowner's  association fee and you you know weren't   planning on buying a property with a homeowner's  association fee so how is that fee going to affect   how you qualify for the loan um you know and  that's one reason you might want to bring the loan   officer in when you see a specific home you tour a  home and it has a hoa you know you might reach out   to the loan officer to find out hey is this going  to cause any problem with my qualifying does that   make sense yes yeah and and and then another  thing too with the loan officer you know maybe   you were looking at single-family homes but  now you're considering a condo and you want   to find out if there's any change to the type of  program because some condominium complexes require   uh or some loan programs like fha require that  the condominium complex actually be approved   prior by the fha and and not all complexes are  also too if you switch from a single family home   to a condo and you're using a conventional loan  sometimes the interest rate is higher because   it's a condo so this those are reasons that  you might want to pull your loan officer in   um if you start looking at properties that are  a little bit different than what you have been   you know like quoted before with your uh home loan  quotes um this one we kind of talked about earlier   you know if you've got a lot of decision makers  people that are going to be involved in deciding   hey this is the house that we want to you know  make an offer on get them all along on the tour   if possible that was a great question thank  you yeah um and then like we said get everybody   on on the same page too about the type of home  you know sometimes you'll get everybody out there   you know looking at the houses but nobody  can agree on what type of house sometimes   you know these folks want an older home other half  of them want a newer home or some of them want   a bigger yard someone want a smaller yard so you  gotta at some point get everybody on the same page   that doesn't always happen right away so sometimes  we'll you know just show people a few homes   even though you know we know that you know  only half of them are interested in that   home because if we show enough homes usually two  or three eventually they'll kind of figure out   how to come to whatever compromise that they've  got to come to so that's another thing so give   it some time if you're if you can't all get  along just be sure you all go out there and   look at the houses together and eventually it'll  kind of work it work itself out that's usually the   way it goes and new construction we really didn't  talk about it on here but if you're going to tour   new construction it's a lot of fun there's  model homes so usually the builder might have   say maybe five or six or seven different models  usually more like you know four or five models   and the models are decorated really nice so  it's a lot of fun to go out there and see the   brand new homes and if you decide that you want  to purchase one of those they'll have an agent   that's on site that kind of writes up all of their  paperwork but you can also have your own agent   if you are going to go tour homes and you're  going to go look at new construction homes   be sure and if you have an agent be  sure you take your agent with you   because if you don't take your agent with you on  that first visit then they won't allow the agent   to represent you and get paid later wow yeah so  so that's new construction and if you guys want   to know where to find new construction  homes you can go to newhomesource.com or you can also go fill out the form that  we've got at showcasenewconstruction.com and that's for new construction homes hot list  since we're talking about you know touring homes   uh let's say that you're looking for homes  your realtor is looking for homes for you   you know you're on zillow all the time and you're  just not finding anything that fits in your home   buying criteria don't get frustrated just try  expanding your criteria a little bit you know   maybe going a little bit further out um maybe  going with you know like three bedrooms and an   office instead of four bedrooms um you know so  looking at different options maybe going you   know considering townhouses as well as single  family homes so when you widen your criteria   it will it's a good place to start if you're a  few weeks into this process and you haven't really   found any homes that you even want to go see so so  if you're kind of running dry on finding the homes   that you want to go see widen your uh criteria  that makes sense okay cool and then i would say   the last thing uh and then we'll tackle that  viewer question but the last thing uh i wanted   to point out in this step is if you are beginning  to encounter any problems at all with your buyer's   agent so the agent that's working for you if  you start to encounter any problems they're not   showing up for the appointments on time they're  always making excuses as to why they can't show   this house or that house or whatever or they don't  they start you know like not returning your calls   very promptly or not returning your text promptly  now is the time to confront any issues like that   because if you continue if you stick with this  agent and you get into escrow it's probably just   going to be like more of the same you know from  that agent there's no reason to really expect that   it's going to get better so you know you're either  going to need to you know confront that person   and come up with some kind of solution for them  to get back on track back in your good races   because remember you're the client you know um  they're they work for you not the other way around   so um you're either gonna have to you know  get things back on track with that agent   or you're gonna have to cut them loose and like  we talked about a little bit earlier if you're   in a buyer's agency agreement uh you'll have to  get out of that agreement as well so that's a lot   about touring homes step number four of the nine  steps to buy a house we want to cover a viewer   question but first let's cut away and check out a  couple of great offers that we have for you guys hey it's brian at showcase agency if you're  going to buy a home and you're thinking man   i'm taking out this giant loan and making this  huge commitment and i just want to go with my   best option then we've got two great offers for  you the first is the beginner's guide to first   first-time homebuy if you're going to buy your  first home it takes nine steps nine steps to go   from renting to owning this comprehensive  guide covers all nine steps in detail   you can download it for free at  showcasefreeguy.com the second offer is  

a discovery call with me or karen either of us can  answer every question you have about buying your   first home and we can direct you to additional  resources we're sure you'll find helpful there's   no pressure no sales pitch there's no obligation  or hassle you can sign up at showcasecall.com and just because it's another six  months or a year before you're ready   to buy that doesn't mean you shouldn't be  thinking about it now and planning ahead   pick up our free guide for first-time homebuyers  at showcasefreeguide.com and schedule a discovery   call so we can go over your plans and timeline  together we can answer all of your questions and   we'll send you links to additional resources  you'll find helpful go to showcasecall.com and we're back thank you guys hope you  guys enjoyed it and let's get right into   our viewer question all right so we close  soon we close soon what do i bring with me   on closing day awesome congratulations  it's an exciting time it's time to close   and by closing uh what we mean is you're  going to have a big stack of papers to sign   inc sign so this isn't an electronic signature  you actually are going to have old school   you know paper to sign and you're going  to meet with a notary and the notary is   a person that's going to make sure that you  are who you say you are so the thing to bring   to the closing is going to be two forms of id  because the notary is going to need to see two   forms of id to verify that you are who you are so  that's all you got to bring they should supply a   pen for you um be sure that you're ready to sign  and that your wrist is ready because you're going   to sign a lot of times but that's all you need is  just two forms of id awesome thank you for that   yeah absolutely so hope you guys uh enjoyed  this today we enjoyed shooting this for you   i hope you learned some things about touring  homes and if you're going to buy a house and   you've got questions we'd love to answer them  for you you can text or call us at 949-518-0742 and also too check out our free guide for  first-time homebuyers at showcasefreeguide.com  

awesome and if you guys have any questions just   go ahead and comment them down below and we'll  be sure to answer them in one of our videos and   also please subscribe to our channel hit the  like button hit the like button and turn on your   post notifications to see when we upload next  yeah perfect we'll see you next time take care

2022-05-20 14:12

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