ENGSUB 隐藏在深山里的绝美徒步路线,湖北利川三阳关,一夫把关鬼神愁

ENGSUB 隐藏在深山里的绝美徒步路线,湖北利川三阳关,一夫把关鬼神愁

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I am now in Yumu Village, Enshi, Hubei I will continue traveling today This is a very important old house in the village It's called Liujitang The house is very stylish But it is not open It's a pity that I can't enter it to visit This Liujitang is divided into upper old house and lower old house Now what we see belongs to the old one Liujitang Its upper old house was built in late Ming Early Qing Dynasty It's older While the Liujitang was built in the ninth year of the Republic of China So it looks relatively new The upper part can be said to be a balcony The whole house uses a bucket structure That is to use the tenon structure In front of the house, there is a grain-sunning ground It's almost like a square Have you noticed that its door is crooked? The door of this house is originally straight. Let's take a look If you stand at this door, look over here Look to the front of the house Ahead, There is a big mountainbehind the treeblocking the front door So later, this door was turned slightly to this side You see, this is just the gap facing the mountain In this way, it won’t block the luck of the house owner Take a look at the top of this one. The door is forcibly twisted. The house is locked I can't go inside to visit This house is Xiang's old house We visited two Xiang's tombs yesterday This Liujitang, both its upper and lower old houses, are traditional courtyards It is Xiang's old house Yesterday we visited a few luxurious tombs Two of them belongs to the Xiang I believe the house owner should be their descendants After visiting at the house, let's continue along this road to the front The front is Sanyangguan It's about 2 kilometers from here Hello, do you live here Hey, this house is more than two hundred years old Oh, it's been more than two hundred years It's built during the Qing Dynasty This house owner is the tomb owner's first daugther (I didn’t understand what she was saying) The feng shui of that tomb Auntie allows me to come in and take a look Wow, there are a lot of old bacon hanging on Wow, there are a lot of white things on it I don't know if I can eat it Auntie, how can I get to Sanyangguan? Ah go down this road right Thank you auntie so good bye There are some garlic hanging on this old house, right? It doesn't seem to be So keep going to our destination today, Sanyangguan I just asked that aunt, she said it was an hour and a half trip But she didn't make it clear She also didn't understand what I asked Just told me it would talk for an hour and a half, but I don’t know what it stands for It would take an hour and a half to get there, or say it's the time I can go back and forth When I look at the map, it doesn’t seem to be that far There are usually tricycles on this road.

You see, there are three tires, one, two, three She even told me to go downhill When I came back, it was uphill all the way Soit is very possible to go back and forth for three hours Because I have to stop and take a rest I believe it's a good place for those who like to hike They would like it very much Now it's like walking in the tree-lined path There are cedar trees on both sides And they are all very high Uncle came here to fish in a tricycle Ah he's local Ah don't go either way Ah t means to go to the middle Oh Ah, follow the stone stairs directly Thank you so much Ah go to the middle ladder Thank you so much Thank you Ok ok This road is really made by a tricycle This uncle told me to go to the middle later Because there should be a three-way road ahead There is a cave-in in front of this Let's take a look After this mud collapses, there is a big rock underneath Don't go on the side, go inside Lichuan is still very sunny today But as long as it’s under the shade, it won’t feel hot This is a three-way road ahead Uncle told me to go to the middle But it’s different from what he described. He said the ladder is going down in the middle But this is not a ladder Look at the ladder on the far right Then the other side is obviously not the right way This is up the mountain It’s impossible to go to Sanyangguan if you go up the mountain But what about the instructions given by some friends on Yumuzhai? These two roads, and I am going to the left Then I'll go this way I saw someone in front of me Wait a minute, I can go over and ask Wow this is a dilapidated house You see the wall is cracked in the middle I yelled a few times there just now, no one agreed The owner should be out I just came here from here Then walk this way, there is a family Dilapidated house Now I'm going to the middle fork and turn a bend down here I can ask someone else when the time comes If you just came down directly from the ladder You can come here directly It seems I went wrong There is a family I want to go inside and ask I hope someone lives in this house Because when I came down just now I also saw that there was something on the roof But there may be no one lives in It looks like no one lives here for a long time It's indeed empty How long will it take to go down here It's almost half an hour. Seven or eight minutes Seven or eight minutes About 20 minutes It takes 20 minutes for us to climb up, but it shouldn’t take long to go down. Oh, it’s easy to go downhill, and it’s hard to climb Let me tell you that when you walk to the mountain gate, it is Sanyang Pass Oh that's it right there Oh, have you gone to the rock house? Didn’t go, right? Is there a sign there? It's a long way down there So far oh oh good ok Okay, I'll keep going down Thank you, you are welcome You have to go this way, okay Oh ok ok thank you ah you're welcome It’s about five or six minutes from this position to Sanyangguan But it will be tiring when come up Because all the way is uphill This road is generally a good one It's a more conventional hiking route This is the way down I saw that there are quite a lot of people coming to Yumuzhai these two days But not many people come to Sanyangguan Because it's remote You see, there are some old houses down there, but only the walls are left They are all made of stone Here I pass by a few houses that are not too old You see, this house has just been repaired, not old Doesn't anyone live anymore? It's empty It turned out to be a farmhouse here The two houses in front are also empty Standing here, you can see the Grand Canyon on both sides So my current position is equivalent to being in the middle of a mountainside There are houses below Most of the people who live here have moved out Someone comes back to clean up when he has time If the tourism is not well developed, these houses can only be left unused like this If the tourism is well done, people can open a restaurant or a small shop This road gets more narrow I can't go wrong, right? There are also some stone steps Wow, I saw a sign when I walked here 150 meters down Sanyang Pass It's not very far But look at the tomb behind Because there are probably 10 tombs from the Qing Dynasty in Yumu Village Look behind this tree Look over here This tombstone is at least 5 meters high. You can see the stone is a bit broken on both sides of the tomb Next to someone is also an earthen house There are also stone houses here These should be used for poultry raising cattle and sheep Take a look at these houses It's a little bit sunken in the middle There are a lot of cacti on it This cactus is still blooming, you see And this stone house has two floors Look at the wall on the second floor, it collapsed a bit I heard the sound of a crow calling Okay, keep going to Sanyangguan How about walking alone like this <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"></font> It's still not so good There are more than 100 meters left Wow, you see there is a new house behind here Let's take a look Do you think this house has been renovated People have not walkedon these stone steps for a long time You see it's covered with moss You still have to go slower Because these rocks with moss on them are still slippery Through a bamboo forest I found something very strange You see, it’s not fungus or Ganoderma lucidum Just normal fungus It's almost there It's time to come to the stairs You can only watch the cliffs from a distance Pay attention to slippery copycat road There seems to be a signal emitter below this look It makes a buzzing sound Let me see if the signal here has been strengthened If there is no hey, it may not be Since this is a hiking route If there is an emergency You see, there is an alarm point here But how do you call the police? Here is empty This alarm point should not be done well Wow Here it is, here it is This is Sanyangguan Wow Look at it this village gate It's really one man can hold out against ten thousand.

One man guards against all ghosts Once the gate is closed, no one can get in. This place is really easy to defend and hard to attack Where I am standing now It is equivalent to parallel to the top of the gate But you see, the distance between me and this station gate is actually very close This is enough to show how steep it is This gate is indeed very peculiar Mind your step Because the stairs here are still steep And some steps I can only go down sideways I'm sweating all over when I get here Take a look at the gate of the village Wow, it's really spectacular Wow it's so steep It's a cliff here Wow I'll go down a bit Wait a minute, you can see the entire Sanyangguan panorama Oneman can hold out against ten thousand. That's what it means I'm going all the way now Take a look at what's down here Wow, there are so many mosquitoes here take a look What a dangerous mountain here The two rocks above are just hanging in the air Wow, a lot of mosquitoes are buzzing in my ears It's very uncomfortable So keep going down Take a look at what's underneath Wow, I do feel that this ladder is hanging in the air Because it's out a little bit here Wow It was really not easy for them to go out once before And there are a lot of leaves on the stairs These leaves may cause skidding Fortunately, these steps are generally flat See how it hangs in the air Wow look Right I didn't guess wrong Wow, it's really hard for them to do this, you see This side is equivalent to the "Liang Ladder" on the other side Because The day before, I went to "Liang Ladder" But the "Liang Ladder" is purely made with beam The stone inserted on this stone wall serves as a step It is inserted with a thicker stone And then as this beam There will be more vertical stones on it It’s not enough, people need to lay one more level of stairs. Wow, this is really not easy Too hard to make it It was not easy to build this gate at that time In ancient times there was no machine, just did it by hand This was too difficult Wow, I also found here more thrilling It's at Sanyangguan Take a look at the side of these big characters here Wow, how to climb such a steep ladder, look at it Look from the bottom up It's like this, level by level This ladder was cut directly in the middle of the mountain Wow I saw some small holes beside here This holes should be the guardrail installed at that time For example, insert a piece of wood And then erect a vertical wood It can be used as a handrail Let me show you again Just go straight up along the stairs like this That is to say, in ancient times, they went up and down through such a ladder Instead of going through these ladders These ladders were built later That is to say, they were repaired in modern times In ancient times, if you want to get out of this village, you have to take such a ladder Every step is really thrilling and shocking Beside this ladder, there are three big characters Sanyangguan But these three characters were carved in modern times But it looks very old But in fact, the really old words are here Look Break this grass and you can see the three characters Sanyangguan You see, there are “San-Yuan-Ji-Di” In ancient times, they chose to live in such a place On all sides are cliffs and big rocks It's also helpless Because they are ethnic minorities, they belong to the Tujia nationality Before the Ming Dynasty was repatriated there was the chieftain system The tusi is the native emperor of a village, it is hereditary The chieftain and the chieftain, all year round, there were mutual battles They ompeted for territory This was a commonplace thing So they must find a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack So they came and lived here It’s safer to live here But it also had a price They had to climb a ladder like this once in and out of the mountain gate So if they needed to bring some supplies it was really troublesome People could only carry it on their back and climb up step by step It was quite difficult You can see more clearly by standing below It extends along this "Z"-shaped ladder step by step to the top Above this is the pass of Sanyangguan Okay, that's all for this video.

I'm Jun Gu, see you next time, bye

2021-10-19 01:31

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