Employ + Empower: Paid Internships with the City of San Diego!
hello everyone and thank you so much for joining us uh for our employer spotlight on facebook live we are streaming right now live on the southwestern college uh student employment services page we're so glad to join to be here and that you can join us uh for those of you that are joining watching live or that we'll see this later you're truly truly in for an amazing treat today today we have an amazing local employer who all of us have heard of if you live within san diego county they've got an amazing program that's here for our students across not just southwestern college but across all community colleges across san diego and even more we're going to talk about that today but my name is victor brown i'm from student employment services department at southwestern college and what i do is i work with connecting students and help us not only to employment opportunities but we help with resumes cover letters interview techniques internships we help with both on and on campus off-campus employment as well as cooperative work experience education we help with job fairs events and just so much more and today as i said and as we've been promoting we have two amazing guests from the city of san diego yes the amazing employer the city of san diego and they're here to talk about the employ empower program that's hiring students and i'm going to stop sharing my screen so that i can introduce our individuals that are here thank you so much for being here we have dia anup who is a management intern with this program as well as tim coyne who are here to talk about this program that is open to our students that encompasses so many majors so many opportunities and we're going to jump right in dia thank you for being here tim we're glad to have you as we go forward is it okay if you just tell us a little bit about yourself tell us about um your name the department that you're with where you're uh and uh how you're working here at southwest i'm sorry not at southwestern at the city of san diego just tell us a little bit about yourself and your connection to the program so my name is diana noop i am a management intern with the city's hr department in particular i work with the volunteer internship and work readiness program and that particular sector of the hr department over oversees most of the mentorship and internship programs that the city offers and in particular it's supporting the employer plus empower internships awesome um cool uh thanks dean uh and thank you to victor and the team at southwestern college for inviting d.a and i to speak today we're real excited about discussing not only this internship opportunity but also uh answering any questions you might have about uh trying to obtain employment with the city of san diego we love working here and we're always always looking to you know to bring in new new teammates who want to join us so my name is tim coyne i'm a program manager in the engineering capital projects department um i'm not an engineer um so but i work with a ton of them and um you know i'm here to support dia and talk about um opportunities with within uh my department and then also you know whatever general information that we can share about um applying for work with the city so um we're excited to chat awesome and as well students as we talk you can go ahead and throw in any questions you have just drop them in the chat we will be collecting your questions so that we can ask our panelists the questions that you have related to the program so before we even go into that i just quickly just want to share the screen for students you might have already seen some of a little bit about the program on the website on the website it's san diego dot gov slash employee dash empower and as you can see there are many many different uh avenues and career fields that are covered within this internship program there's testimonials right on the website that you may have already viewed there they have a resources page as well as how you can apply for that but before we go any further ania and uh and tim can you tell us a little bit about the program for our students sure i think um yeah is the expert so i will defer to her to start event and then um if there's any specific detail about how the individual department's right because the city itself is a very big entity um you know we have i think 12 000 of us who work for the city we're spread across multiple departments um some are mayoral departments some are smaller known agencies um so so i can help fill in any gaps about the specifics of of how departments are doing the program but um but dia is the go-to person and the expert not to put too much pressure on you but so the employee and power program is a broader umbrella term for a number of internships that are being funded by the california for all grant that the city has been provided over which will be utilized over the next two years to provide internships for youth between the ages of 16 to 30 in particular they are looking to encourage youth to take up public service careers there are two major types of internships that we will be will be offering student interns this is a six month program and the interns will be paid around fifteen point seven five dollars an hour uh management interns is a one year long program and they get about sixteen point eight dollars an hour these internships include internships from all departments and they cover around 10 different industry sectors and as you've seen from the page where you can apply there are you're allowed to apply through an interest form for a particular industry sector and this means that when you've applied for that uh interest form when new opportunities from that industry sector are posted you will get an email from the city that is awesome and you actually covered uh my next question about some of the types of positions that are available and that covers a wide breath as tim even mentioned of the various fields are represented in the city of san diego uh tim thank you for dropping that 12 million employees wow twelve twelve thousand not twelve dollars two thousand twelve thousand employees so to think about that with the twelve thousand employees that's for them the city of san diego so that's all different types of departments we think about transportation public services government there's all these different fields that are related uh that that they are looking for interns in so many of the majors our students are interested in directly have a correlation with the position that's in the city of san diego now yeah and victor i could i mean so to give you an example like within our department engineering capital projects we're one of the larger departments we have about 800 employees um and we have every we obviously have a lot of engineers um but we we have we even have biologists we have park designers and landscape architects um we have people who work in hr we have people who pay bills we have people who manage finances um you know we we have a full we have a a person who helps move because the city has many locations we have we have a messenger who helps drive between the city locations during the day um to distribute things we have people who work on on marketing we have a full range of different you know job classifications that i know when i was speaking to one of our executive managers you know one of the things that she said to me was was that you know like we're always looking for you know for for people to apply for our positions that are interested just even in like regular business and administration there's always a need um you know and so it's with sometimes when people hear engineering they think oh i'm not an engineer this is not something i want to do but but but in order for the city to do that kind of stuff is it requires a lot of support and a lot of other other positions to get things done so i would really encourage any of the students who are participating today if you think you might even have the the remotest of interest then possibly working for the city um you know then then please take a look at the website and think about applying because odds are that there might be a position or opportunity that that does appeal to you and does enable you to use some of your skills and and that kind of stuff so i mean what do you what do you i mean would you do you agree with that definitely i mean uh when we have opportunities in library that cover um uh you know art they have art programs and crafts where you're supporting the community and um you know bringing to life uh creation right then you have programs with human resources that uh help with mentorship programs like something that i'm doing right then you have park and rec which has a variety of different opportunities uh then you have fire and rescue lifeguard programs so i i don't think your major will ever be an issue to prevent you from being employed with the city and i'm glad that you both mentioned that tim just you know a lot of students when they're looking for jobs outside of their major sometimes they'll go to you know jobs like amazon or or basic local jobs but they can actually get a job within their field or even think about um some of those smaller jobs that are in their field like you were mentioning you know drivers different different front desk stuff people that are needed to be a part of their field that they can get some hands-on experience they can add it to their resume they can learn about the companies and have connections and for those who don't know the city has great benefits as well so it's definitely an option to be thinking about and just for those who just popped in i see you got a little over 21 live right now um the the fields of interest that are covered uh and within the employ and power empower program there's a lot of fields but hospitality tourism recreation energy environment utilities arts media and entertainment transportation building and construction trades engineering and architecture information and technology communication technologies business and finance and public services so that's a wide wide breadth of opportunities that are available so i was wondering if you could tell us um what are the what are some of the requirements for this program so the employee and power requirements they have three requirements that all interns must meet they need to be between the ages of 16 to 30 they must be in an academic or training program and they should not have participated in americorps or california for all college program the these programs are focused on students studying or living in communities of concern so they get priority but that does not mean that those living outside of those communities don't get the same opportunity don't get similar opportunities and as a note the south western community college is considered uh called a an academic program in a community of concern so that's one box already tipped for you all right so if you're a southwestern college student you're already set that is awesome and you shared the requirements um can you tell us a little bit more about the hiring process for the program so the hiring process is actually something that's more specific in terms of uh it happens depending on the department so the choosing of interns and the interview process is something that each department gets to decide on however a couple of tips that i heard from somebody who was recently hiring one was that always attach a resume it's sometimes it's not compulsory but it's also the most basic way your employer gets to learn about you they have really no other source of information and so when they don't have that they can find it really hard to understand why you should be valued against a candidate who does have a resume wow that resume is so important and if you don't know what a resume is or you need help with your resume you can definitely contact us the student employment services send us a message and we'll be able to help you you can set up an appointment with this too but that is awesome tim was there anything that you want to add we will definitely like um you know with the with the resume so you know like it like make sure it's spell checked uh make sure you're using like consistent fonts you know because the the little things right are sometimes even if you like have and we talk a lot about wanting to have a very inclusive hiring process and and then bringing people with with um you know with with different life experiences and different backgrounds um you know but the first thing the way that we're going to meet you because we can't individually like get out and have a conversation with everyone the first impression you're going to make is going to be that initial paperwork that you submit for the application um and so that stuff is just so critical like like make sure it's clean make sure the spacing is good have someone else review it i i can say like you know i've been uh you know like i've been working a while now and i can say that there's been a couple of times where where you know i've thought like everything was perfect and i've asked you know a friend and a mentor to proofread my resume they've actually seen where where i've either had typos or where i've misaligned things and i wasn't noticing that um and so those are just the extra steps like you know i mean always always you know like like definitely do that kind of stuff and then um you know it's i would also say that um with the city application process um you know the way that the governed the way that local government hires is gonna be different from like a private company so i know for example like amazon or or target or even like smaller you know like locally owned companies can move much quicker in their hiring um our hiring has different rules like some of those come from like the organized labor some of those come from the state civil service commission some of those come from the city charter so it may take longer for you to receive a response when you do apply for this program or even if later on after you finish school if you want to apply for regular full-time employment with the city um that doesn't mean that we haven't received your application make sure in your email you're checking your spam folders uh make sure you're checking your inbox your email use use an email um that that is like your your name um you know don't use the silly like the fun nickname stuff and and things like like like that um but you know just make make sure you're doing that and and just you know be patient it's it's always okay if you haven't heard anything to send a follow-up email in a few weeks but the city process does take a little bit of time the way things typically work i think it's somewhat different with this internship program and hopefully dia can explain that is but for regular positions um the way it works is the individual department will have a vacancy so one of those like i said there's i don't know like 25 departments maybe um and they will post that vacancy and and the applications go to the city's personnel department they do the first screen to see if the materials submitted by that person indicate that they're qualified once they do that then then they send that list over to the department that actually is doing the hiring then that department goes through the list to determine who they would like to interview um so if you can imagine for personnel it takes them quite some time to go through all those applications because of the volume that they're getting and they also have to you know pay pay close attention to make sure that we're there following all the rules that are established um for for good reason um you know to make sure that we're doing things appropriately and that we're doing things um you know that that that follow the guidelines so um so it does take some time um but you know that's you know like i not any you know like reason to to get discouraged or anything and then um d i don't know is it the same for employing empower like what is the i know the individual departments will be posting their openings but i don't know what the if you want to talk about the application process itself so okay so uh when a particular internship is posted um so that's something that's posted on the um by at the hr department and uh all applicants can then be uh viewed by for that particular internship now once that supervisor goes through the list and decides who they're interested in interviewing and that process like i said again is something that the department focuses on uh so now what now what happens with this particular program is if you have filled out an interest form beforehand if you have applied for another internship before hand you would already have been checked for your eligibility for the california referral ground so and when the supervisor is looking at his looking at your application he already knows whether you have been whether you are eligible for the program or if you've not been checked yet so once they finish choosing students they will then send whoever has not been confirmed their eligibility those names will then be resent to hr and they will do that confirmation for the department uh and then those names will go to personnel and the process is pretty much the same as what we would generally see when hiring okay awesome and actually you covered some of there's uh we've got quite a few questions in chat and you covered um some of them so it sounds like uh with the departments it's almost like a rolling basis so as the departments need them they'll ask for an intern the individual the students will apply and then they'll go through the process so for example if there's like you know 20 departments that need them now and maybe five maybe a month from now they'll send that request out when when they're needed and then they continue to go one of our questions was uh our departments all the departments hiring interns uh all year round thank you for sharing that question in the chat so yeah so to a department whenever they have a position that they need to be that they feel needs to be filled or um an opportunity that they think for will be good for a student to learn uh they would they actually may first make a request to personnel uh saying that you know they would require they require an intern and personnel looks over that request and then if they feel like it's reasonable it's sent to a jar and asha posts that particular opportunity and this will happen throughout and so programs funded by the california for all grant will be posted continuously as and when opportunities arise for the next two years wow the next two years yeah that's awesome and so just a little like a little um like inside info for the for the students too is um so with the city our new fiscal year just started july 1st um so typically what happens the beginning of the new fiscal year is all the departments who did get new positions within the budget they they rushed to get those to personnel um and personnel has to do their thing so there's usually like a little bit of a backlog to start the fiscal year um and then i know so speaking from the way my department is working we're we're looking at anywhere from from 12 to 20 interns specifically for this program we're right now working on developing those positions but what we're anticipating doing is taking the summer to do that will we focus on getting the new budget funded the permanent positions like through the personnel process and organizing our higher on those and then beginning to post those positions like in um you know at the september like in in the fall so um again this is just to say for for the the students like like don't please don't be discouraged like like check back you know there's we've got a lot of money in this program um the the mayor the city council are behind it there's amazing people like dia and her team who are working on it and making sure that that the different city departments are you know holding up their their end of the bargain um so you know again don't be discouraged you know there is some you know there may not be always the time that you apply like a bunch of departments that have openings but but over time um what you will probably see over the next several months is more and more opening is coming online as the departments um develop their job descriptions and stuff and and one of the things that um i know d and her team have communicated that we've talked about within my department is we want this to be meaningful workout opportunity um and so to do that that takes time to make sure like we're being intentional and how we're designing these internships so that people can have the best possible experience that they can that then sets them up for future success either with the city or the different employer so so that's like the inside scoop on like what the you know what the uh how we're making the sausage in this particular particular case perfect and yeah actually i want to make sure that i drop this link uh that you sent us you actually have the form um that you gave me the link i'm going to drop it now the form that students can uh can complete so that they can go ahead and get ready for these opportunities i'm gonna drop it right now but can you tell them a little bit about that forum so we have ten different industries so the city's departments are divided into about 10 different industry sectors um as victor was talking about earlier um education uh education child development and family services sector the art art media and entertainment sector business and finance sector and and a number of more opportunities so if you feel like you're major fit to the particular sector or you have interest in working in a particular sector and you can apply and you can fill out the interest form for multiple sectors but what happens is that when you fill out an interest form uh first of all you're giving us the information that we need to use to determine whether you're eligible for the grant or not and that means that at any later point when you finished um when you've applied for a natural position uh most likely you would have already been checked for uh grant eligibility and so that's something that you're that you're to the employer knows when they're looking at your application which is definitely a plus uh the other thing is that so then there uh so now once you've filled up these uh this interest form um so the interest form is essentially a generic application right um and attaching your resume to an interest when you're uh filling up the interest form is definitely a good idea uh though when you're applying for an at your specific internship later on and if you have an updated internship please feel free to reattach right um yeah and the other thing about the interest form is that again when so when a department provides us with a particular internship they also provide us the industry sector they believe this internship covers and based on that industry sector we will send an email to all those people who have filled out the interest form saying that you know we have a new opportunity in this particular industry sector um please feel free to look at it if it's something that interests you know awesome and we've got quite a few questions so we're actually going to go into the q a but and i'm really glad you pointed out after filling out continue to check your emails because even if the position isn't available right now when it comes up you are on their list to contact you um so that's really good and here i'm just gonna go ahead and ask some of the questions so you you covered quite a few in there about hiring uh year round there's also do some departments have more demand than others do you usually see that at various time like some departments are looking have higher demand somebody was asking about uh specifically like the environment or the department but are there do you just see in general that some departments have higher demand than others um i think i would say that um it's more about it's definitely about a particular position so depending on the um range that a particular position offers it might have more demand than others okay but i do know that departments like park and rec and even i think um library they do tend to have a lot more opportunities just because they need as much support as possible okay thank you and also someone was asking about opportunities available in departments after internships are over um have you heard of or are you aware the if that's a possibility after the internship ends that there might be an opportunity available yes yeah so uh the purpose of this program is actually to uh be able to uh employ these interns full-time afterwards that if you fit in and if you're able to if it works out well you will be able to um get a full-time position with the uh city thank you the other thing that added that too is um is depending upon you know like where folks are at um you know obviously if they did apply for an internship and it was going well um you know the the city is is relatively continuously you know like like posting new opportunities right now i know um when i checked this morning like there's currently i think we have 88 open recruitments um i expect that number to go up over the next month or so as all those new fiscal year 2023 positions get up posted um and then they cover a range of departments again i think there was there were land surveying assistance there was golf course there was transportation like you know recreation leaders um so you know so the the internship will help will you know help give you exposure to what it means to to be involved in public service um and the pride that we all taking work working for the city of san diego um and then and then also the it has the special benefit of that you've been through the personnel process which if you're coming from outside can take a long time um so it makes it much easier to then jump from an internship to another opportunity because you've already been invited and done like all the all the other kind of paperwork sort of stuff that we're required to do to hire people right would you say that's your idea no it's definitely easier to go if you're moving from within the system just because a lot of your information that we ask is all right there awesome and students i just want to let you know we this is a little bit longer today than our usual employer spotlight because we have a lot of people asking questions so we will get to those questions um just wanted to uh make sure that everybody had the information we're gonna get continue to answer the rest of these questions uh one i think i'm just gonna share my screen before we go forward again we have dropped it in the chat where you can apply we will uh i'm gonna drop it one more time in the chat the form that you can fill out which is also the application to apply we just dropped it again make sure you fill that out this is the employee employer program we have people coming in so just we want to make sure that you do get this information before we continue to go in more questions with this as well with this uh as you mentioned with this uh employee employer program these are internships but they can if it's you make a good fit and the department has availability you can continue going into work afterwards uh thank you everyone for the awesome questions one of the questions was is there usually a a link on the internships uh how generally how long are these internships is it for a certain number of hours is it dependent upon each um each sector about how long is it usually how long are the internships usually so in terms of the total time period an intern is allowed to work uh as i was saying before student interns are six month opportunities and remains interns are one year opportunities uh but if you remember it but it's an important point to remember that uh you cannot work for more than a year in a particular position as an example okay another thing i think that you were also asking about hours that they work um as uh since you're all gonna we're all gonna be in school you can work 20 hours a week maximum uh exactly how many hours you end up working will depend on your department and your requirements find what their requirements for you are but the maximum is 20 hours a week when school is going on and you can work up to 40 hours a week during holidays wow and it's paid and it's in sectors that you want to work in goodness if i wasn't graduated already from college i'd want to jump on this program myself uh just some other quick questions um with uh with the with the sector someone had a question if you get into a sector that maybe isn't your first choice is there an opportunity to change the internship if one becomes available being uh employed with the city currently in an internship definitely does not prevent you from applying to other opportunities as they become available um it might be something you want to talk to your supervisor about once you've started uh and because sometimes what happens is they might become aware of an opportunity in an in a department or sector that you are interested in and you know having that referral uh is definitely a good thing okay awesome and then one of the other questions and uh tim you kind of touched on this someone was asking about the process uh for uh applying so for example uh someone was asking you know about sending their resume to the city of san diego that department currently they have to uh actually dia can you explain uh how they'll go about the process because they fill out the form now and then they'll have to actually apply through the city of san diego's process once they're notified correct or could you explain the process just a little more for them because for many people for many people they might just have just realized or been thinking about oh i send a resume to this job because they're asking but it's a little bit different with this city um so when you open up a particular internship opportunity on the website uh oh and something to note uh these opportunities are also uh posted on handshake so if that's something that you regularly use you'll see it there as well but again please don't apply through handshake uh handshake will the handshake internship posting will offer a link to an external application and that's definitely where you need to be applying so the website that um victor has provided in the chat is where you will apply for your internships so when you fill out your application and ask you basic questions like your name um your age some of your interests some it even might ask you your schedule you don't necessarily need to fill that out but if you have a schedule it's always nice for your supervisor to know beforehand uh what times you'd be available to work with them uh they will ask you um there's something called the internship eligibility section as part of your um application and those will ask you some questions that maybe you're uncomfortable with maybe not and you can always choose to decline to state when answering those questions uh but it's good to remember that these we are asking you these questions to see how best we can support you um your life experiences don't really will never disqualify you for an internship however they make may make you eligible for the grant and other support so and and it's important to remember that that's why we're asking these questions thank you so much for sharing that and uh for those of you uh dia mentioned something very important the jobs are also shared on handshake so many of you even if you're outside of southwestern college you can actually go ahead and apply for these opportunities within handshake as dia mentioned uh you will go in handshake and see the job but there's going to be a little button that says apply externally you want to make sure you click that button because then it will take you to the correct link to apply with the city of san diego so just because you clicked apply doesn't mean that you have directly applied i know we have some one-click applies in handshake but with the city of san diego jobs you want to make sure you click apply externally and then continue to fill out the city's application thank you so much for for saying that again i also dropped the link within the chat regarding uh where you can see the jobs for the city of san diego on handshake and again even before we leave i'm going to drop that link one more time where you can apply directly to the employee employer for those of you that are on handshake i mean those of you that are on facebook you can scroll up and actually see it as well but i do we we do have some more questions but i do want to be cognizant of dia and tim's time thank you for uh being able to share some of the uh someone asked so if they if they're looking in the internships and they see that this time at this time the sector that they're interested in is not available um is there a way is there a way that they'll be able to be kept up to date with the latest opportunities and dee i think you answered this earlier in the sense of once they fill out that form when those opportunities come up they will be notified correct uh the industry sector forms um and right above the industry sector forms on the website are the current opportunities and um below will be the forms for them just accident and those are actually the major questions in the chat is there any any you kind of gave a little tips uh regarding the application process someone asked are there any tips that you have for the interview process with the city of san diego or to let them know a little bit if there's a little bit different than maybe some of their regular interviews well i mean i i would say with any it's funny i was just uh reading something about this yesterday um is that with any interview right the way it's like any skill in life the way you get better at it is practicing um and i know it's hard to do because i've had to do it myself where i've had to ask like my partner or friend or mentor like hey can we sit down and do a practice interview and it feels very awkward um it just really does but i found that it's been been helpful um you know in the past so i i would say like like that's number one um you know is is definitely do do some some practice um you know i'll be candid i still i know the question is coming but every interview when i've got the question about tell us why you're qualified or tell us about your background experience i still struggle with that so for me personally what i do is i write that my response to that question out and how i'm gonna handle it um just to get all the ideas out and then still wanna get to the interview i suddenly like when i get that question i go like oh no what was i gonna say um but but but interviews like like so the um you know the the advice that i give and i also do mentoring for the university of buffalo where i went to undergrad and for the new school university of new york where i went to grad school and what i tell what i tell students at those sessions is that an interview is an unnatural process right so so you know there's nothing natural about it whether it's done remotely or done in person so um so the best way to deal with that is like to practice so you're you get comfortable with the awkwardness because trust me if you've never practiced if you never asked a friend or family member to like hey can we do a mock interview it's going to feel awkward um and going through that will be help when the real time comes um but then then also like like just you know like just relaxing and just you know do your best and don't beat yourself up after it um and i would also say like the follow-up email the thank you email um is still like a super nice touch um you know don't don't go bonkers in it but just use that as an opportunity to just you know say like you know i'm grateful i had the opportunity i learned a lot um i think i'd be a valued member to the team you know like i'd love to continue in the in the process um you know so those are the you know like the the big things that i tell when i you know and mentoring in other situations as well i mean what do you think so yeah i'm definitely in the so in the part of the process where interviews are going to be frequent in my near future um and a couple of other things that i have heard is that particularly with virtual interviews sometimes even practicing in front of a turned on zoom camera or in front of a mirror can be really helpful particularly if uh i i don't believe that you'll see this in the city um interviews that are um you might have zoom interviews but you won't have like recorded interviews where you have to record yourself and send it in i don't believe that says i haven't heard that being common in the city but when you do have those cases sometimes it can be really awkward talking to what feels like yourself right so practicing uh you know is definitely really helpful awesome these are some gems coming directly from people who work with the city of san diego everyone make sure you go back and listen to this recording again uh we're going to be closing out but i just want to ask is there anything else that you'd like to share about the employee and power program any last tips anything that you think students should be looking out for or just anything that uh that we haven't covered that you'd like to share regarding this opportunity for our students across not just the city but really the county as well um i would just say that you know like uh like apply like even if you're you're hesitant um definitely apply right and see see what happens and then um you know like when you know when either whether you feel like looking for for a full-time employment hour when the time does come in the future um you know like i you know i've been working in public service for 18 years now um you know i started working in a call center for a retirement system in new york city which which was very difficult work um but you know there's there's a lot of opportunity and and i hope that you know that that folks and and students will consider public service as being a way to you know to have a have a nice career like meet great people and be able to give back a little too so um and you know victor has my information if anyone ever wanted to have a chat or reach out like you know it's one of my favorite things to do so um by all means thank you tim wow um yeah um really some uh it's really similar to what uh victor said um they're probably gonna come opportunities that you think maybe you're not quite ready for or you're not really sure if um they're what you want but it never hurts to apply uh it's always nice to um have those choices before you make them um so yeah i think it's like i said i'm still somebody who's still in this process with you i'm also a sophomore in college uh sorry i just completed my sophomore year so i'm definitely uh right there with all of you um so yeah uh apply where you can and uh hope for the best right yes thank you so much again to dia and to tim we greatly greatly greatly appreciate it oh we are so grateful for you especially extending your time because our employer spotlight students are only 15 to 20 minutes tops but they decided to extend their time so that they could answer live questions from our students we already are getting the thank yous coming in but if you can throw some likes in uh just to show some love to dia and to tim for sharing the information and these great opportunities against students we want to let you know that if you have any questions you can continue to send us your questions send us an email they send us a message on facebook follow us on instagram twitter and facebook you're already on facebook but instagram and twitter swcses also on youtube this video will also be posted on youtube and it's going to stay on the page so you will be able to see it go ahead and if you have any contact questions as well maybe you don't have social media too much but you're seeing this from a computer you can always call us at any time as well i want to thank again dia and tim thank you thank you thank you for sharing this and for more information go ahead and send us a message at any time students we look forward to seeing you again on the employer spotlight for our next one that will be coming up shout out again to tn tim we're so grateful that you are sharing these awesome paid opportunities with our students and go ahead students again we're going to drop the link in the chat to where you can apply for these opportunities we just dropped it we look forward to seeing everybody again have questions send us a message dms we're here for you tim thank you for being available for our students if they have more questions dia thank you for your time and great information we look forward to seeing you again have a wonderful rest of your day everyone a great summer and we look forward to referring great quality candidates to your opportunities thank the city as well for us have a great day everyone thank you so much this is wonderful take care thank you goodbye everyone
2022-07-31 00:01