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Yoga. Is supported and here today is my first on a blog and I, got something special for you guys, so, yeah. It's. Eight o'clock in the morning watch. Lights no need to look no. I light this. Trophy clockwise is, 1216, otherwise, a clock from anyways, we got something special for you guys I'm going for my boy Baron hey, man oh and tape. It you might know him as oh so. We're. Gonna do something special today, we're gonna go out have, some fun, we'll try to have some fun but let's see our goals in it but they finally came finally. Anyways. This go outside and say hello to them of. Course you. Know what's the point a weekend. I'm. Going outside. Yep. This weekend's my dad upstairs there. Yup. Alright. Let's. Get. Yo. Guys were back in the car right now we'll. MC. Buzzy buzzy. Buzzy. And you, don't that's, me that guy's relevant, there so Moran. Will, see we telling me good I'm, telling. Me, local. Breweries, good yeah a chip in a road trip event oh right trip road trip. You're. The youngest all, of us. You. Know I noticed. Miranda. She devised all this, I. Don't know, I'm he's, a tourist, I was the youngest on five or ten. Guys. Were here and our destination that was talking about the special destination, but, everyone's been waiting for. It's. Like, days, but, we don't have to get in today. Oh it's. That way see you have to go around bro, look. At the line. Yeah. It's. Kind of dangerous, anyways. Sorry. Sorry, sorry darling. All. Accessible entry, that way. So. We, are, trying to go inside right now of McDonald's, because it's. Been so long that we we have any McDonald's, part, of 3-4 months now well, I think Mike knows that the bunion is something. How'd. You feel do the. First time be alright. Big. Mac fries, chicken oh yes guys, we'll finally McDonald's, and. You. Know we're gonna do our foods after, so long hello there. It's. Fine. After. Five months there's. A long wait in line so we're gonna have, to wait in this line for, so long right now on board nothing, against. Inaudible, hi bro why, it's probably the work of growth. Gonna. Get our feet now be our feet now they, excited, oh that, was those a bit much. So. Our food is on its way. Yeah. All. Right. How'd. You guys have straws guys why put the littlest growth oh so. Thank. You. We. Love, back your nose so. Nice I would love to live you know that legacy huh, next America knows I'm. Even. There oh yeah, oh yeah bro get the call. Cheese. That, isn't boo nose. Jackie, rotten mmm. They. Direct the Ganga i spare. Them slow, -, marvelous food needs, to die. So. I can be the cases off. And, this is nice. Mmm. November. Put. Your chip singable yeah. Open that Big Mac, okay. A couple chips. These. Guys. See. A couple chips like this, no. Boys taste nice like this you. Put couple trips on that no. Wait, bro don't do that no that's. Right try boys nice. I did. They get to shoot no. Get it boy are you serious. Just. Looking and, they. Chemicals wrong. We. Shall not get some guys. And. Your chips huh, no, old, I lost you I lost. You. I think what. Number. Washed I'll get worse Oh Oh. Guys. I'm. Out in jeezum. Season. Engine. Sharing. This terrible. War. My heart. That's. Nice nice. Work is yet to the penis spine on below. Please. How. Fun that hasehas' the biggest coke cooler time he has an absolute bro. Large. Meal that's why you want to launch and your model you live in her large burger. Lodge general agents Lodge any. Chips. It. Will. Team. Up. Far. As tui Mao. Mao's nice powers nice for. Us to Ian, as, you can see Byron, what we do it the. Fingers Oh. Bara, would you want to say how's your my charisma, vowel, sexy. All. Right guys now whenever we came to the park so, away from Watford McDonnell's, we came would wait Alexandra Palace you. Know borrow your base you come next to me boy who's holding the camera hi bro all right come on hold alone yes k so. Guys. Here. It is oh. We. Came here last week and I, put my Instagram, 1 VJ of, a mongrel, district scary when hero. If. You wonder what will come back but. I get I. Do. Look this looks scary. Difficult. For sure you're bigger than us I. Something. There's kinda stuff to me this place is nice you know now, you can see yeah I'll have a picnic.

So. Many bugs door. Teego, first you open the way because I look scary. Oh. Yeah. He. Doesn't know. Good. Luck. Because. I love you. Guys. Don't forget thank. You very much. Take. Ticket eShop oh I. Come. Closer you come. Come closer vice we're gonna do. It. I. Make, sure names up much. You. Know guys. What's. Your privacy you may. Avenue Brahmin. But. The Lions you're quite nice you know come why, we can say for man. Why. Okay so far bro who's going to do something I know you know I'm just gonna. Find, a complex me to spy on the ground movie. Let's. Go party, let's go oh. You. Guys need to have neat, jokes I'm telling you if you don't have nature nature, boys a cool Nate O'Connor that all their talks is putting in truth I feel, nature. Walks but whatever walks it's quite nice especially. After. Mac donors every time or any a fast, food a real growth I walk. One tired I'm. Really tired right now oh. Come. To come tea tea tea would, you would you need to say to everyone. To. See, alright. Guys don't. Forget. To subscribe, yeah guys don't forget to. Subscribe. For. Me. Man. Kg-9. Ok. Ok. Ok no. So fast you didn't work out no I gained. 5kg doing. What suppose again jg9, that. For free kg. Alright, guys. We had our work now we're here upstairs of this awesome. Of the hill up the hill up the hill burns. Yeah he's kinda depressed cuz he willed lol now we lost another kg, and, say. Fix other the way to do this is too busy checking. The marking. Up. The hill okay. Now some little, picnic set you up shake, it bake. And. That's really there's, nothing else to do at the moment. Guys. As you can see in London there's. People like this. Hopeful. Music really loud in a park but it's fine in there we'll. Get benefit from this as well by listening to their music and, safe. Is looking at something we don't know. Still. Depressed. Like. In two minutes everyone can change one minute or. Sleeping. The next minute we wake up to a loud music oh it's fine. Yeah. Anyways. Yes. Guys were back we're, back and rolling now. Baron he is gonna drop me off for him because we'd, been out for like six. Seven hours now. I've. Got hardly anything productive. Instead. Of walking forests. Go McDonald's, having, a picnic we'll shake a leg. I'm. Doing random, socks but. At a fix behind me sleeping right now, it. Feels like it's full of like we went somewhere so for that proper falling and dreaming, because. We drained of energy, he. Just was a crush but, now. He. Wants to go home okay good yeah our life it's fine we'll, play burn I'll play with you tonight. Tonight's. Gonna be a good good, night tonight's, gonna, be a good good, night. Subscribe. To my channel guys cause house or die thank. You very much I'll see you when I'm home wait. For me yes I finally came home he's moving. The gardens, knowing, me right now anyways. I'm home, and I, never, sorry, that my blog finished. What's, amiss with my first full of not gonna lie, and hopefully, I see you my next one hopefully, you subscribed, already and.

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2020-06-07 21:35

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