Eating Food Inside a WATERFALL / 2500 Meters Above Sea Level / Chiang Mai Motorbike Tour

Eating Food Inside a WATERFALL / 2500 Meters Above Sea Level / Chiang Mai Motorbike Tour

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oh this place looks pretty lonely.. isn't it ideal place to enjoy lunch at 1 pm? peaceful beautiful mountainous river.. and somewhere there's supposed to be a waterfall.. and if I've got right information..

this place is free to enter so you don't need to buy a ticket even if you are a foreigner.. i was thinking that this is the waterfall.. but i've checked pictures.. google map of course.. i'm a modern kid - i know how to use internet.. so i've checked pictures and there is a higher bigger waterfall..

so this is just a mountainous stream.. so i need to to find a trail leading into the forest.. and then after some time maybe i will find the waterfall itself.. let's keep exploring! i'm coming through.. if you're going to Doi Inthanon national park and you are going to buy a ticket there.. then you don't need to buy a ticket here..

because one ticket cover all of the places around this national park i just didn't really get it - why i cannot buy Doi Inthanon national park ticket here.. and travel with this ticket everywhere.. because now i didn't pay anything.. they didn't give me anything..

no tickets.. so i'm just walking in without any ticket.. a bit weird to me but it's okay.. this is the system..

good for me.. after two minutes walk i found the waterfall.. you can hear it, right? and it's stunning .. it's really stunning..

and yeah it's a must visit place... are you ready? this is it! and yeah you cannot play in it, you cannot swim in it.. but it's just fantastic! it's huge really huge waterfall! yeah this is the place to get energy in the morning or in the afternoon.. even though it's harsh light.. yeah it's hot..

you feel so refreshing here near the waterfall.. and it's so loud wow! isn't it amazing? just look how huge it is.. oh this one is a bit slippery ..

you got to be really careful here.. but yeah it's pretty cool.. i love this place.. and because of the disease.. because of the new cases of the disease that has happened in chiang mai and chiang rai this place is just completely abandoned..

i don't see any other tourists here.. and that's the menu guys.. chicken grill..

som tam .. and fried rice with shrimp.. and sauce and sauce.. and priceless view..

oh i can i can look at it forever.. and flies of course.. because this is a natural setting.. fresh shrimps.. surprisingly they've got fresh shrimps here.. tasty food..

kind of touristy place.. touristy place without tourists.. but delicious food.. and i'm really sorry that i can't make you surprised..   and order something exceptional.. because here it's just like a chill camp style.. so yeah basic rice, basic somtam and chicken..

where is the chicken? it's cold.. it's cold.. delicious though but cold.. i don't care.. i'm hungry i don't care.. yeah nice food..

tasty.. very hungry man! okay i got to finish the meal as soon as possible ..  so we can continue exploring Doi Inthanon park together with you, right? just give me a second.. well, ladies and gentlemen..

the food was good.. the waterfall was amazing.. and let's try to find something else interesting to explore here..

on the way to Doi Inthanon national park.. okay guys 300 Baht for a ticket and 20 Baht for a bike.. however if i'll stay here overnight..

i mean if i'll find a place to stay, if i'll find a hotel or a bungalow.. or guesthouse.. and tomorrow we'll be exploring the park again..

i don't need to buy another ticket.. so this ticket is kind of unlimited.. until you stay in the zone of the national park..

so yeah perhaps tonight i will be staying here.. hey guys, another waterfall in our today's program..   and to my surprise i've parked my bike and i can see the waterfall from here.. from parking itself.. hold on for a second..

i'll get closer.. and i'll show it closer to you.. just hold on for a second please.. fitness fitness.. this is it..

it's very wet so enjoy while we can.. you probably can see the splashes of water here.. wow it's just like.... sauna! really cold sauna.. the air is full of water.. oh my god i need to to clean my lens..

i need to clean my lens welcome to Thailand.. i need to clean lens as soon as possible.. check out this guy.. there is a trail leading somewhere closer to the waterfall.. maybe that place is not that wet.. not that wet as a teenage girl at the first party in college..

let's see.. yeah i think it's a nice place to film from here.. why nobody else is coming here? you see everyone is getting wet at the bottom..

all of them are so wet.. however here you can simply enjoy the beauty of this powerful truly powerful waterfall.. yeah what do you think? i was amazed by the first waterfall but this one...

it's like three four five times bigger.. yeah just like 20 stories building probably..   wow pretty fantastic.. another waterfall - you can't play in it, you can't swim in it but.. just to get amazed with the nature.. with power of our planet earth .. wow just amazing..

what they are doing? what they are doing? people are excited to see a foreigner with a camera here.. amazing.. truly amazing place.. how many times did i say the word "amazing" in this video? 40 50 times? more is better.. more is better...

need to make a million photos.. million videos here.. yes ladies and gentlemen i think i've arrived.. and a bunch of other dudes traveling with yellow tuk-tuk.. taking pictures.. i just really need a break..

it's very cold and it's very hard to drive.. very steep road.. but i think i can make it.. i can try at least..

wow.. truly wow.. huge pagoda.. and there is another one.. where to start? fantastic.. 2 000 meters above the sea level..

so yeah it's pretty cold here.. especially considering it's almost 5 p.m.. yeah but still we got some time to explore this beautiful pagodas..

something truly fantastic.. fantastic pagodas especially in this landscape.. construction expenses for these two pagodas..   135 million Thai Baht.. and they built it for three years.. very fast..

stunning buildings and i think they will stand for centuries..   true heritage for the future generations.. something out of this world..

guys 2150 meters above sea level.. as you see we are entering the cloud zone.. it's very foggy here.. and even more cold..

it's 5.30 pm.. and still not that dark.. but very foggy.. there is Thai national observatory..

and they've got thermometer.. and thermometer is showing 8 degrees.. 8 degrees Celsius now.. the coldest place in Thailand..

feel horrible and exciting.. but freezing.. freezing to dea*h.. not to de*th of course - it's not Himalayas.. but i've never experienced something like this in Thailand.. 2565 meters above sea level ..

the highest spot in Thailand.. the highest and the coldest.. i have just realized that this is the east.. and sunset is on this side..

so here is the sunrise.. yeah and it's almost 6 p.m.. and i can't film there in front of observatory.. there is a guy with a gun.. they say no no no no no don't come closer...

did i fail? did i fail sunset at the highest spot in Thailand? that's the sunset over there.. i need to go back but it's a bit late... i'm late to see sunset because i didn't know where..  i have come back to the same place where i stopped before.. and at least i can enjoy the colors yeah..

fantastic colors of the sky.. and maybe tomorrow i can make another attempt.. or at least to see sunrise.. because everyone is coming here to see sunrise.. so this is it guys..

if you enjoyed the video, if you have enjoyed this adventure - then hit the like button, share this video with your friends.. subscribe to the channel if you aren't already.. write me a comment and i'll see you next video pretty soon.. as always not tomorrow but pretty soon..

bye bye!

2021-01-02 16:38

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