Driving to ANY country my subscribers vote! [Every vote = 20 meters]

Driving to ANY country my subscribers vote! [Every vote = 20 meters]

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so this is the entire story of how i win where my subscribers voted for me to go i set up a poll every day where everybody could vote me either south east north or west and i'd move 20 meters in that direction by the way that's about this much as i was vaccinated now and year finally began opening again after more than a year without travel i was truly excited to get out into the world the only problem was i wasn't really sure where to go i was certain though that the community around this channel would be able to choose a great adventure for me it worked like this i wrote a python script that would take the results of the poll in real time and then generate a map and put it on a stream so everybody could see the current results i also built an app for my phone that tracked my gps coordinates all the time so you could see how close i was yeah i know it looks terrible it's my first app ever luckily i also got morton to go with me at least for the first week since i need him back in his job after that we had no idea where we're going or what to expect but we're both very excited though i was a bit nervous to post the first poll and explanation video i left my basal planet in care of my girlfriend it was awesome to finally start and get out on the road the project seemed way more popular than i anticipated just on the first day more than 60 000 people voted and the results were very quickly heading south east so we drove towards the ferry to germany ah 40 minute ferry ride took us across the water from the ferry you could see the construction of the neofemont tunnel being built to connect denmark to germany we also had time to pretend we were riding motorcycles and just gaze out over the water not too far into germany we hit a big traffic jam on the autobahn staying still while our destination got further and further away felt a bit frustrating but luckily we had a good playlist with german music to pass the time at some point a polish youtuber named garth found my stream and set up his own stream he has 330 000 followers and he began asking them to vote to get us to drive to poland they even figured out by changing their votes that they could draw on the map so he organized an attempt to write bro where his followers were voting depending on the first letter in the name which forced me to change the code a bit here on the passenger side to avoid this again in the future i got to respect the effort and creativity from him and his army though anyway the results seemed very clear we were going to poland a bit before the german city of ostok we stopped briefly on a fancy restaurant to have some michelin star quality german food the famous buck wurst we were very lucky to get one of the last tables where we enjoyed this fine dining experience and then was back on the road driving through the northeastern section of germany we saw all the windmills with the red lights and the night they looked like something evil from a sci-fi movie but pretty cool though we were thrilled to cross into poland the very first thing we did was drive straight to the city of 13 where we found a hotel for the night the next morning i set up a small studio to record the first video update from the trip and then we went out to see the city and just walk around a little tip if you ever find yourself eating breakfast in this team don't ask the weight of a cup for your tea or they'll just laugh at you in 16 you just left the teapot to find it anyway we got going after breakfast the people voted which you go south so that's what we did we made a small detour though to see what is apparently the biggest jesus statue in the world yep it should be even bigger than the one in brazil please fact check me on this it even distributes free wifi after jesus we went back to the polish highway with a beautiful flat landscape so what's poss none past nine past name park stand past never passed past snap oh we actually never entered pastan at a parking space in front of a supermarket we bought some bananas and bread and cheese and watched the premiere of the second video in the series and the computer and the roof of the car it was awesome to start and get out on the road after the premiere we continued again we decided to spend the rest of the day in wattsworth which is a beautiful historical city with a cool young atmosphere the old town square is filled with narrow colorful houses and by my estimation here are probably more churches than people since it was a very warm day modern bothersome squared ice creams luckily in this city it's no problem if you get it on your hands since they built plenty of places to wash your hands for ice cream cooper reached out to me on my instagram so we went out to get some polish food in the form of iraqi and he brought his roommate veronica as they were both architects they took us around the city and showed us all the cool stuff cooper took us to the neon side gallery and agreed to explain it to the channel but while doing i just noted that a copyrighted music playing in the background so i'm terribly sorry but the audio can't be played i promise it was more interesting what he was saying though we also saw this large chair modern for scale if you ever have trouble with the polish parking system the kind polls will always help you i noticed a few attempts from different countries to get us to go there the czechs actually succeeded in putting our destination into the czech republic very briefly but the polls pulled it right back into poland for the past days the polish people have ganked up and forced us to go to the city of sosnovich so we did that it must be a very popular city since thousands of people voted for us to go there we were pretty excited about it it seems you need a passport to enter obviously a lot of people must want to live here since they built a lot of these big beautiful apartment buildings to house everybody this city features this little market where you can get some fresh green stuff or even a polish flag for your car by the way it looks pretty cool in the wind right you can also get some georgian food there but careful it's hot they also have the most sharp and pointy thermometer i have ever seen the camping wagons they are compact and they have this system for spraying water out to cool people down on hot days if you need a coffee there's this little cafe since people from all over poland wants to go there it's obviously well connected by trains to the rest of the country if your legs get tired there no problem some of the steps are actually even automated what a place if you are wishing that you could live there but thinking it's impossible i have great news for you there's actually a lot of apartments available for some reason to be fair a lot hit me up in my dm on instagram and call it poland's meme cd even people who lived there so some people might have sent us there as a joke but we really had a fun day anyway i can even see myself retiring here after youtube afterwards the vote headed south to slovakia so we got back on the road we were told we had to see the statue but we had never read a scene polygon lolite before so the meaning might have been a bit lost to us from the car windows the landscape looked amazing as we drove towards the mountains i would like to thank everybody who voted to take us through there as winter slovakia the vote had already ended up in hungary though we had heard that it was unfortunately impossible to enter hungary due to restrictions and then we would have to drive around it anyway after all the driving sometimes it's good to get out and stretch your legs the slovak landscape looked way too beautiful especially on the top of the mini bridges we drove over it was sort of a cat and mouse game and it felt really strange not knowing where we were going but it was also a lot of fun especially with all the support we received so thank you to everybody who participated we were pretty entertained by reading the memes about the trip in the spaghetti road subreddit we found a hotel in the slovak countryside where we stayed for the night we discussed whether or not this cat was the owner before we could keep going in the morning we learned that there should be an old castle from the 13th century which we wanted to hike up and see but when we got up there none of us had brought money for the entrance fee so we had to head back the guys dressed in medieval attire were nice though they were practicing their weeping skills in front of the castle we shot for some food and drinks in the supermarket and wanted to buy a small flag for the car but they only had this one i think it might be a bit too big we did some driving in slovakia and then took a small break in the shade so i could release the next video if anybody's wondering about the process whenever something looks fun or interesting we just pull up our camera and record a small clip then in the evening when we arrive i try to write a script and organize the footage before bedtime in the morning before we go anywhere i record myself speaking and finally i did the videos on the passenger seat before noon while we're driving so i apologize if the quality isn't amazing i have to cut a few corners to be able to make it there's quite a bit of work anyway it's fun we had learned that we could legally transit straight through hungary we wanted to stay a bit and a lot of people actually reached out on instagram and offered to show us around but unfortunately due to restrictions we're only allowed to transit the country in hungary you also need a vignette which you can get online and we found it pretty funny that if you're coming with a danish car you have to select greenland the vote was either taking us to serbia or croatia but it wasn't clear which one it was yet it was almost right in the middle the hungarian roads were empty in a good condition and with a great view but next time i'd like to see more of hungary than what we would see from our car windows this sun was shining all day and was quite hot while i was driving i had some fun by turning more than seat heating on whenever he was looking away they voted settled on croatia and after speedrunning hungary in just a few hours we crossed the border the creation roads in the east were even more empty and with a lot of farming landscape we again got a small flag which we mounted to the car before we found a place to stay in oshiek this city has this big stadium and the people we met so far were friendly at the hotel i noticed what a fashionable guy morton is with his t-shirt a quick plug it's available at spaghettiroad.com as we got going in the morning the pool said we should head west we didn't take the highways but opted for the more scenic routes though it was a lot more time consuming we got to view withiza if you ever go there's this big pink castle getting phone reception was pretty hard so we had some trouble uploading the video of the day we found a small cafe with wi-fi which turned out to be even worse but after a bit of struggle we got it out in the end and we could get back to driving the pool was taking us to the creation coast and it was going through bosnia and hezekovina it would actually be quite a bit faster to just stick to the croatian highways around it but we are not cheaters so we drove south to the bosnian border right before the border we stopped and got some chiwapi since a couple of crowds dm me and said we should try it crossing the border was fairly quick but there was a long queue to exit busty and his covenant so we were a bit nervous about how difficult it would be to get out again anyway we were in the subscriber republic in bosnia and his covenant we drove on an incredible road adjacent to a beautiful river which we had to stop and enjoy a few times later the terrain became a lot more mountainous as the road went through some sort of canyon we both realized that the road would take us past privity national park here's the very brief backstory if you didn't see my driving to china series so modern wanted to see this park and we were going there a few years ago very close to the park our car broke down but luckily a kind man little sleep in his backyard while our car was getting fixed after a few days we got the car back but we had to give up in seeing the park due to time so we actually never saw it anyway i see the spaghetti road separated and in the comments here that a lot of people are fighting to get us to pluvichi so a sincere and huge thank you before we could go to the park there was one thing we needed to do though first we had to find and thank our old host in bosnia who helped us as we found his house again he was sitting outside in his front garden we showed up completely unannounced after years but he recognized us immediately it was incredible to meet again he had actually already seen the driving to china series we were really happy to see him again we even had to facetime tai who had no idea so he could say hello as well we brought him a bottle of vodka which we got in poland and he gave us a couple of ice creams still a great guy after our visit we drove towards the border luckily there was only about half an hour of q some people noted that the stream had some issues so i was trying to fix it while we waited for the border checks we found a place on the creation side of the border and got some much needed sleep before we got going in the morning whoa desperate feature i'm sorry i don't think we have time and we drove right past it immediately that's of course just a joke there was no way we're not gonna go there the water was really blue and you had an amazing view there were quite a few people even though we tried to arrive early it felt awesome finally going there after all these years i recommend the place the destination from the pool went straight over the adriatic sea from croatia to italy since our account drives on land we plan to take a ferry but when we began researching it we couldn't find any ferries for the day impatient as we were we opted for just driving around it at first we thought we could make it in no time once we got to the creation highways we were making some serious distance we quickly crossed into slovenia and i asked here if anybody have some interesting facts about slovenia i didn't fact check anything myself so please do apparently they're the office of the oldest grip written in the slavic language they have the oldest vine that still produces grapes for some reason they have the most tractors per capita and they have europe's third shortest coastline it seems if you're neighboring croatia you shouldn't expect to get a lot of coastline i'd love to see morgan someday but in just about 30 minutes we were out again and into italy we are both very excited to be in italy i got to admit we actually felt the italian driving style was a bit harsher than what we had seen in the rest of the trip a lot of people said we should go to venice so we went as it was on the way anyway we actually had both been there before but this was probably the best time ever to visit since there was almost no tourists compared to normally this city is amazing i guess everybody knows it but the streets in venice are canals so you see these small condolas instead of cars the place is truly one of a kind we decided that our first meal in italy should be pizza there was the stock sitting on a balcony above us as we ate the pizza was pretty good but we noticed that the dog had certainly turned a lot smaller or maybe the owner just had two different dogs we headed down south to towards where the resulted pool was but it was getting a bit late so we found a hotel for the night where they really like ferraris apparently it seems that it takes a long time to drive around to see there might be a reason people are using the fairies after all a lot of people said we should go to san marino so we drove a couple of hours south towards reno here's a quick tip for anybody if you're ever doing a road trip where people can vote where you go and you need to upload a video to youtube then the italian malls have excellent wi-fi just for that anyway we made it to the country of san marino i think the people wanted to make it as difficult as possible to make pictures with their country sign since they put it up so high but that couldn't stop an experienced climber like me there was something special about finally being in this small country of just about thirty thousand people it's pretty cool that this formal place plays football against other countries and is represented in the u.n i heard somebody joke about competing in the eurovision is almost like jury duty with so few people living here we drew up the mountain and made use of the convenient cable car which gives you a great view while you take it up to the old fortress looking part of the city there was a christmas store a lot of tax-free stuff and then weapons apparently sang mourinho have the most relaxed gun laws in europe on the very top of the hill you can see this fortress it's pretty cool from there you can view the entire country of san marino and even fly into italy their flags so we had to buy one by the way she gave me some arena euros back in case you need to pray or just want to see a church there's a great one there there were some issues with the stream again but luckily sanguirino have the perfect spot to fix it while you can enjoy an ice cream there even though the country is small they have nature cultivated fields and yeah they just have space actually after our timing time in reno we drove towards bologna where i would drop mordon off since he had just bought a flight back it was pretty last minute that he even decided to go on the trip so unfortunately he couldn't get more time off from work he is honestly the best road trip companion i could imagine sitting in the car alone afterwards felt pretty weird the pool suddenly began heading north so it seemed like i wouldn't get to see monaco after all i stopped and did my first live q a ever on instagram at spaghetti road official it was really a lot of fun talking to everybody and yeah everybody was just so nice so i'll certainly do it again i found a small room in palmer where i would stay for the night while waiting i met pascal and we ended up talking during the night hello people is me pascal i'm here with my good friend keep supporting him follow him he's a good man thank you i love you from italy bye he is my first candidate for morton's replacement now there were a lot of q on the highway so i stood still for quite some time milan was on my way north west and as i had never been there before it'd be crazy not to stop federico reached out to me on instagram and offered to show me around we saw the milan cathedral which is largest in italy since the vatican is independent it's actually also the third biggest in the entire world federico was a great tour guide while we walked around the city he can probably explain stuff better than me that arch is a victory manual the seconds arch which is a gift that the people of milan gave to victory emanuel ii victor emanuel ii was the king of sardinia who unified it while there that is basically zoned by berlusconi the the whole thing and basically there's his uh library there but like the whole thing is owned by him he showed me the opera and these ruins since milan is world famous when it comes to fashion you see a lot of the high-end brands there though there was no store with the spaghettiroad.com

t-shirts for some reason federico had been very dedicated to voting us around and getting me here team west although yesterday i betrayed you or north since morton was gone and it's dangerous to operate your phone while driving i had to find a way to film from the car i bought this mechanical replacement for morten for just 16.95 so hopefully i can get some cool driving shots even though i'm alone now there's one thing i don't get about italy most people i spoke with were really nice and friendly but once i met people in traffic a lot seemed quite aggressive like everybody's in some sort of competition the only place on the trip where we experienced any traffic like this was in italy overall my conclusion is that italians outside of their cars are amazing people the boat was going through geneva and switzerland so i headed to the alpine part of italy it had a very different and calm atmosphere compared to what we'd seen before it was really beautiful with all the mountains in the background after driving through a lot of tunnels i made it to the final boss the mount blanc tunnel as soon as i got out of the french side it began raining heavily so i can conclude that france is probably a very rainy country i decided to stay here in germany so i'd be able to see mont blanc in the morning so far i've been trying to travel for as little money as possible but for dinner i found a bit of a fancy looking restaurant where i got a seat with a view right into the kitchen they gave me this very tall beer some incredible fried shrimp and a portion of beef tatar it was an amazing meal though with tunnel pass tickets for the lift my meal and hotel i'd probably spend more my first hour in france than i did in three days in poland luckily if i continue towards geneve switzerland is famous for being a cheap country right i'm not too much into football but when france was playing portugal in the european championship it'd be crazy not to see the machia in france can anybody guess which country got a goal here i woke up very excited since i was going to the mountains since it would be freezing up there i discreetly changed the long underwear in a parking lot i took a cable car up to see montblanc on the border of france in italy it's the highest mountain in europe outside of russia already in the lift on the way up there it looked amazing i felt pretty underequipped when i looked at the other people since they were with full climbing gear such as ropes and ice axes it looked incredible up there though a couple of clouds were covering the very top anyway i was quite happy with the clearness it's always cool to see snow in the summer though i thought france was supposed to be a warm country you can walk through this ice cave to get out to where the most climbers begin their path being at just below 4000 meters there's a lot less oxygen so i tried running up and down some stairs a couple of times and i felt i got much quicker exhausted there's something i just love about being in the mountains when i got down i grabbed a quick lunch before i headed for geneve the road took me through a lot of valleys with small towns it was a very nice drive as a danish guy it was hard not to notice that zavoir was using our flag as well i guess this is how a reigning guy would feel if he went to chat that day there were quite a bit of rain in france i crossed the border into switzerland where i'm not joking the weather pretty much got better immediately i went to see the old town in geneve which is really cozy the old-fashioned houses looked wonderful the rain has across the border and they caught up with me so i got a pancake close to their big cathedral but the lady didn't accept credit cards as i had already eaten the pancake i had to walk out in the rain to find an atm later i drove across the lake which looks quite pretty i saw a lot of flags this u.n seems to have a flag collection with even more countries than me i wanted to go in but it was closed for the day red cross headquarters is also in geneve oh i really liked the place people had begun voting me south again so i drove back into france the landscape was magnificent i kept filming a lot since every minute i'd look out and realize this looks great i stopped for the night and when i got up and began driving the next morning i noticed it felt a bit less fond than in the beginning so i pulled the car over got my phone up and began recording this clip so i think this is a good place to start the trip it's been an incredible amount of fun i really had a good time but if i don't stop somewhere i'll keep going forever and i think now it's been i think 10 days something like that right now i'm here in the south of france and it's not like i can just fly home i have to bring the car so there'll be at least a couple of days as well and i don't want to rush i've been rushing enough now i think thank you so much to anybody who participated everybody who voted everybody who made a comment made post on reddit especially thank you to everybody who reached out to me and and wanted to meet me it was incredible how many kind people wanted to show the areas and unfortunately i i didn't have enough time but thank you i think i will i will take the slope half now back through monaco and then through the alps i really like the mountains and then probably through germany there are a couple of places i don't get to see um some people are trying to get me to spain and some to gibraltar that's not too bad i'm actually going in a couple of weeks anyway i already have my ticket booked so that should be okay i don't get to see sus this time at least maybe someday in the future some people are trying to get me to ukraine to chernobyl but it's not too bad also i i went there a couple of years ago this is by the way my first time talking to the camera i have a selfie stick i'm very self-conscious about walking like this so i found a deserted road here in france on the way back i went through nim i just figured since i was already in the habit of filming stuff i'd show it here it's crazy how the roman littered all around the mediterranean with all their temples and amphitheaters somebody suggested i should make a t-shirt with all the countries went through just on a personal level i'd like to have one and maybe get one for modern as well i just made it available at spaghettiroad.com for limited time if anybody else is interested but there's no pressure at all about three hours later i got to monaco it's indeed a crazy place i was really thrilled to be there though my small car didn't really fit in with the other ones apparently money is just lying everywhere i just found five cents on the floor they are happy about their boats and from the hill it looks quite beautiful and then it's even smaller than i imagined after a bit of walking i crossed the entire country without even realizing it i was staying right on the border so if i would jump out my window i would end up in france before i could continue home the next morning i drove a bit up to have a better view then i continued into italy the same route that past milan and again back into switzerland where it was amazing driving between the mountains a suggestion from a lot of people i stopped and took a night in liechtenstein at this point it was nice not to have to record everything all the time so i only made this picture and for the next day when i continued i only have a couple of stories from my instagram so i think i might be in austria right now i'm not really sure i was crossing the border and there were a lot of swiss flags but not saying something about seoul in austria i was indeed suddenly north korea i think what happened was that liechtenstein is in a customs union with switzerland so that's maybe why there were some in switz flags when i crossed the border the next step was finding out how much it would cost to drive on the austrian highways if it was more than 30 euros i'd just head back the field by the way thank you to all the people who voted that my german is improving then on to the austrian highways wow what a country so far austria is worth all of the 10 years i paid to drive here it's it's incredible i have one small complaint though there's some sort of small fly or some kind of beetle or something that keeps biting me i think somebody should work on that but otherwise i'm very impressed by austria very happy to be here after a way too short time in austria i crossed into germany some people reached out and said i should see the church in room so i did that apparently it's the world's tallest it took quite a bit of time to drive through germany especially because i kept stopping all the time i decided to find a hotel before i'd continue back to denmark the next day it was a pretty fun experience getting back to copenhagen since there was a lot of partying in the streets due to european cup the basil had grown and was in good condition i found it a bit funny that after drawing through all the alps the first thing i did when i got back to denmark was to go skiing they built a ski slope on top of this big garbage burning facility in copenhagen yeah it smelled a bit weird and the skiing is really not the same anyway thank you so much to everybody who is a part of this maybe next time we'll be in the us anyway thank you you

2021-07-24 10:57

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